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A Chinese handwriting database named HIT-MW is presented to facilitate the offline Chinese handwritten text recognition. Both the writers and the texts for handcopying are carefully sampled with a systematic scheme. To collect naturally written handwriting, forms are distributed by postal mail or middleman instead of face to face. The current version of HIT-MW includes 853 forms and 186,444 characters that are produced under an unconstrained condition without preprinted character boxes. The statistics show that the database has an excellent representation of the real handwriting. Many new applications concerning real handwriting recognition can be supported by the database.  相似文献   

In product design process, when dealing with technical problems or initiating a new design, R&D personnel would often turn to technical database to seek inspiration. The building of a database with such documents has not been systematically dealt with. In this paper, several issues on how to build up a product design database are investigated: input source, sampling scheme and quality control. A case study of building a database for robotic design is used to demonstrate the concept. It is an archive of more than 1500 relevant technical papers. A total of 16 graduates are employed as operators in the labeling process and subsequently the hypothesis tests are utilized to process the labeling results. To ensure this database quality, the labeling consistency of each operator and the understanding of each category are tested. With the use of statistical methods, this work proposes a feasible and practical way to create such a database for product design.  相似文献   

We propose an efficient approach, FSKNN, which employs fuzzy similarity measure (FSM) and k nearest neighbors (KNN), for multi-label text classification. One of the problems associated with KNN-like approaches is its demanding computational cost in finding the k nearest neighbors from all the training patterns. For FSKNN, FSM is used to group the training patterns into clusters. Then only the training documents in those clusters whose fuzzy similarities to the document exceed a predesignated threshold are considered in finding the k nearest neighbors for the document. An unseen document is labeled based on its k nearest neighbors using the maximum a posteriori estimate. Experimental results show that our proposed method can work more effectively than other methods.  相似文献   

Automatic text summarization is a field situated at the intersection of natural language processing and information retrieval. Its main objective is to automatically produce a condensed representative form of documents. This paper presents ArA*summarizer, an automatic system for Arabic single document summarization. The system is based on an unsupervised hybrid approach that combines statistical, cluster-based, and graph-based techniques. The main idea is to divide text into subtopics then select the most relevant sentences in the most relevant subtopics. The selection process is done by an A* algorithm executed on a graph representing the different lexical–semantic relationships between sentences. Experimentation is conducted on Essex Arabic summaries corpus and using recall-oriented understudy for gisting evaluation, automatic summarization engineering, merged model graphs, and n-gram graph powered evaluation via regression evaluation metrics. The evaluation results showed the good performance of our system compared with existing works.  相似文献   

During the rainy season the abundance of mosquitoes over the Ferlo region (Senegal) is linked to dynamic, vegetation cover and turbidity of temporary and relatively small ponds. The latter create a variable environment where mosquitoes can thrive and thus contribute to diffusion and transmission of diseases such as the Rift Valley Fever (RVF, with Aedes vexans arabiensis and Culex poicilipes mosquitoes) in the Ferlo. The small size and complex distribution of ponds require the use of high-spatial resolution satellite images for adequate detection. Here the use of SPOT-5 images (10 m-resolution) allows for detailed assessment of spatio-temporal evolution of ponds, through two new indices: i.e., the Normalized Difference Pond Index (NDPI), and the Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI). Small ponds less than 0.5 ha dominate whatever the time period. For example they represent nearly 65% of the total ponds during the peak of the rainy season, up to 90% at the end of the same season. Moreover, another product is proposed: the Zone Potentially Occupied by Mosquitoes (ZPOM). During the apex of the summer monsoon, it is found that RVF mosquitoes occupy 25% of the Ferlo region, while only 0.9% of the same area is covered by ponds. Overlapping areas occupied by grazing cattle and mosquitoes, enhance RVF virus transmission. The remotely sensed operational indices and products presented here are meant to better understand the mechanisms at stake and to contribute to the development of early warning systems in a changing climate and environment.  相似文献   

Index set: A practical indexing scheme for object database systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efficient indexing in a class hierarchy is essential for the achievement of high performance in query evaluation for object database management systems. In this paper, we present a practical indexing scheme, index set, which provides good index configuration for any real database environment. The proposed scheme considers the distribution of key values, as well as query patterns such as query weight on each class. The index set can easily be applied to any database system, since it uses the well-known B+-tree structure. We develop a cost model and, through experiments, demonstrate the performance of the proposed scheme over various class hierarchies.  相似文献   

A linguistic data summary of a given data set is desirable and human consistent for any personnel department. To extract complex linguistic data summaries, the LOWA operator is used from fuzzy logic and some numerical examples are also provided in this paper. To obtain a complex linguistic data summary with a higher truth degree, genetic algorithms are applied to optimize the number and membership functions of linguistic terms and to select a part of truth degrees for aggregations, in which linguistic terms are represented by the 2-tuple linguistic representation model.  相似文献   

Remote detection of the Trichodesmium spp. cyanobacteria blooms on the west Florida shelf (WFS) has been problematic due to optical complexity caused by sediment resuspension, coastal runoff, and bottom interference. By combining MODIS data measured by the ocean bands and land bands, an approach was developed to identify surface mats of Trichodesmium on the WFS. The approach first identifies possible bloom patches in MODIS FAI (floating algae index) 250 m resolution imagery derived from the Rayleigh-corrected reflectance at 667, 859, and 1240 nm. Then, spectral analysis examines the unique reflectance characteristics of Trichodesmium at 469, 488, 531, 551, and 555 nm due to specific optical properties (absorption, backscattering, and fluorescence) of the unusual pigments in Trichodesmium. These spectral characteristics (i.e., high-low-high-low-high reflectance at 469-488-531-551-555 nm, respectively) differentiate Trichodesmium mats unambiguously from other features observed in the FAI imagery, such as Sargassum spp. Tests in other coastal locations show that the approach is robust and applicable to other optically complex waters. Results shown here can help study Trichodesmium bloom dynamics (e.g., initiation and bloom formation) and may also help design future sensors to better detect and quantify Trichodesmium, an important N2 fixer in the global oceans.  相似文献   

This study takes advantage of a regionally specific algorithm and the characteristics of Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) in order to deliver more accurate, detailed chlorophyll a (chla) maps of optically complex coastal waters during an upwelling cycle. MERIS full resolution chla concentrations and in situ data were obtained on the Galician (NW Spain) shelf and in three adjacent rias (embayments), sites of extensive mussel culture that experience frequent harmful algal events. Regionally focused algorithms (Regional neural network for rias Baixas or NNRB) for the retrieval of chla in the Galician rias optically complex waters were tested in comparison to sea-truth data. The one that showed the best performance was applied to a series of six MERIS (FR) images during a summer upwelling cycle to test its performance. The best performance parameters were given for the NN trained with high-quality data using the most abundant cluster found in the rias after the application of fuzzy c-mean clustering techniques (FCM). July 2008 was characterized by three periods of different meteorological and oceanographic states. The main changes in chla concentration and distribution were clearly captured in the images. After a period of strong upwelling favorable winds a high biomass algal event was recorded in the study area. However, MERIS missed the high chlorophyll upwelled water that was detected below surface in the ria de Vigo by the chla profiles, proving the necessity of in situ observations. Relatively high biomass “patches” were mapped in detail inside the rias. There was a significant variation in the timing and the extent of the maximum chla areas. The maps confirmed that the complex spatial structure of the phytoplankton distribution in the rias Baixas is affected by the surface currents and winds on the adjacent continental shelf. This study showed that a regionally specific algorithm for an ocean color sensor with the characteristics of MERIS in combination with in situ data can be of great help in chla monitoring, detection and study of high biomass algal events in an area affected by coastal upwelling such as the rias Baixas.  相似文献   

Query processing has been studied extensively in traditional database systems. However, few existing methods can be directly applied to wireless sensor database systems (WSDSs) due to their characteristics, such as decentralized nature, limited computational power, imperfect information recorded, and energy scarcity in individual sensor nodes. This paper proposes a quality-guaranteed and energy-efficient (QGEE) algorithm. QGEE utilizes in-network query processing method to task WSDSs through declarative queries, and confidence interval strategy to determine the accuracy of query answers. In QGEE, the correlation between a query and a node is calculated by vector space model (VSM), and a query correlation indicator (QCI) is designed to quantify the priority of becoming active for individual nodes. Given a query, the QGEE algorithm will adaptively form an optimal query plan in terms of energy efficiency and quality awareness. This approach can reduce disturbance from measurements with extreme error and minimize energy consumption, while providing satisfying service for various applications. Simulation results demonstrate that QGEE can reduce resource usage by about 50% and frame loss rate by about 20%. Moreover, the confidence of query answers is always higher than, or equal to, the users’ pre-specified precision.  相似文献   

Many fundamental ecosystem properties and dynamics are determined by plant water stress, particularly in dryland ecosystems where water is usually limiting. Indeed, under severe drought, plant water stress and associated insect infestations can produce landscape-scale mortality. Despite the fundamental importance of plant water stress in determining properties and dynamics at ecosystem and landscape scales, approaches for remotely sensing plant water stress are largely lacking, particularly for conifers. We evaluated the remotely sensed detection of foliar drought stress in two conifer species, Pinus edulis and Juniperus monosperma, which are co-dominants of extensive-juniper woodlands in North America, the first of which experienced extensive mortality in association with a recent drought. Needle spectra were made on these species in the field using an integrating sphere and portable spectrometer. Two indices of foliar water condition, plant water content (% of dry mass) and plant water potential, were compared to five spectral analyses: continuum removal of the 970 and 1200 nm water absorption features, the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and the red edge wavelength position. For P. edulis, plant water content was significantly correlated with four of the five indices: NDVI (R2=0.71) and NDWI (R2=0.68) which exhibited stronger relationships than 970 nm continuum removal (R2=0.57) or red edge position (R2=0.45). All five indices were significantly correlated with P. edulis water content when trees undergoing mortality were included in analyses (R2=0.60-0.93). Although the correlations were weaker than for plant water content, plant water potential was significantly correlated with NDWI (R2=0.49), 970 nm (R2=0.44), NDVI (R2=0.35), and red edge (R2=0.34); again all five indices had significant relationships when trees undergoing mortality were included (R2=0.51-0.86). The relationships were weaker for J. monosperma: water content was significantly related to 970 nm (R2=0.50) and 1200 nm (R2=0.37) continuums and NDVI (R2=0.33), while water potential was related only to 1200 nm (R2=0.40). Our results demonstrate a critical link between plant physiological characteristics tied to water stress and associated spectral signatures for two extensive co-occurring conifer species.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of near-surface hydrological conditions within northern peatlands has the potential to provide important large-scale hydrological information regarding ecological and carbon-balance processes occurring within such systems. This article details how field knowledge of the spectral properties of Sphagnum spp., airborne remote sensing data and a range of image analysis approaches, may be combined to provide a suitable proxy for near-surface wetness. Co-incident field and airborne remote sensing data were acquired in May and September 2002 over an important UK raised bog (Cors Fochno). A combination of laboratory-tested NIR and SWIR water-based and biophysical spectral reflectance indices were applied to field and airborne reflectance spectra of Sphagnum pulchrum to elucidate changes in near-surface moisture conditions. Field results showed significant correlations between water-based indices (moisture stress index (MSI) and floating water band indices (fWBI980 and fWBI1200))) and measures of both near-surface volumetric moisture content (VMC) and water-table position. Spectral indices formulated from the NIR (fWBI980 and fWBI1200) proved to be the most useful for indicating near-surface wetness across the widest range of moisture conditions because of their ability to penetrate deeper into the Sphagnum canopy. Correlations between a biophysical index based upon chlorophyll content and both hydrological measures were not significant, possibly due to relatively high levels of surface wetness at the field site in both May and September. S. pulchrum lawns were successfully located and mapped from airborne imagery using the mixed tuned match filtering (MTMF) algorithm. Importantly, MSI derived from airborne data was significantly correlated with both field moisture and the water-table position. Relationships between measures of near-surface wetness and the MSI for naturally heterogeneous canopies were, however, found to be weaker for airborne imagery than for associated field data. This is likely to be a result of the formulation of the MSI itself and the possible preferential detection of “wetter” pixels within the imagery. This effectively reduced the ability of MSI to detect subtle changes in near-surface wetness under high moisture conditions, but would not impede the use of the index under drier conditions. Results from the field data suggest that indices formulated from the NIR may be more suitable for detailed estimations of near-surface and surface wetness at the landscape-scale although reliable hyperspectral data are required to test fully the performance of such indices. The relative merits of using such an approach to determine near-surface hydrological conditions across entire peatland complexes are also discussed.  相似文献   

A neural network is developed to operationally estimate biophysical variables over land surfaces from the observations of the ENVISAT-MERIS instrument: the leaf area index (LAI), the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR), the fraction of vegetation cover (fCover), and the canopy chlorophyll content (LAI×Cab). The neural network requires as input the geometry of observation and the top of canopy reflectances, corrected from the atmospheric effects, in eleven spectral bands. It is trained on a reflectance database made of radiative transfer model simulations. The principles underlying the generation of the database and the design of the network are first presented. The estimated variables are then compared to other existing products, LAI- and fAPAR-MODIS and MGVI-MERIS, and validated against ground measurements performed in the framework of the VALERI project. Results show remarkable consistency of the temporal dynamics between the several products with however some differences in the range of variation. When compared to actual VALERI ground measurements, the proposed algorithm shows the best performances for LAI (RMSE = 0.47) and fAPAR (RMSE = 0.09).  相似文献   

In video database systems, one of the most important methods for discriminating the videos is by using the objects and the perception of spatial and temporal relations that exist between objects in the desired videos. In this paper, we propose a new spatio-temporal knowledge representation called 3D C-string. The knowledge structure of 3D C-string, extended from the 2D C+-string, uses the projections of objects to represent spatial and temporal relations between the objects in a video. Moreover, it can keep track of the motions and size changes of the objects in a video. The string generation and video reconstruction algorithms for the 3D C-string representation of video objects are also developed. By introducing the concept of the template objects and nearest former objects, the string generated by the string generation algorithm is unique for a given video and the video reconstructed from a given 3D C-string is unique too. This approach can provide us an easy and efficient way to retrieve, visualize and manipulate video objects in video database systems. Finally, some experiments are performed to show the performance of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

The p-median problem is perhaps one of the most well-known location–allocation models in the location science literature. It was originally defined by Hakimi in 1964 and 1965 and involves the location of p facilities on a network in such a manner that the total weighted distance of serving all demand is minimized. This problem has since been the subject of considerable research involving the development of specialized solution approaches as well as the development of many different types of extended model formats. One element of past research that has remained almost constant is the original ReVelle–Swain formulation [ReVelle CS, Swain R. Central facilities location. Geographical Analysis 1970;2:30–42]. With few exceptions as detailed in the paper, virtually no new formulations have been proposed for general use in solving the classic p-median problem. This paper proposes a new model formulation for the p-median problem that contains both exact and approximate features. This new p-median formulation is called Both Exact and Approximate Model Representation (BEAMR). We show that BEAMR can result in a substantially smaller integer-linear formulation for a given application of the p-median problem and can be used to solve for either an exact optimum or a bounded, close to optimal solution. We also present a methodological framework in which the BEAMR model can be used. Computational results for problems found in the OR_library of Beasley [A note on solving large p-median problems. European Journal of Operational Research 1985;21:270–3] indicate that BEAMR not only extends the application frontier for the p-median problem using general-purpose software, but for many problems represents an efficient, competitive solution approach.  相似文献   

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