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We present a prototype application for coordinating distributed agreements in multi-parties negotiations, where participants can dynamically join ongoing negotiations and where participants know only those parties they have interacted with. Our prototype is tailored to Ad-Hoc network scenarios involving the assignment of tasks for a rescue team operating over disaster areas. Our application is based on asynchronous communication and it exploits the d2pc protocol for committing or aborting a negotiation. Parties have been developed both in Jocaml+Perl and Polyphonic C. The implementation of the commit protocol allows components of both types to participate within the same negotiation.  相似文献   

随机测试(RT)已被用于在基于模型的测试中自动生成满足一定模型覆盖准则的测试用例集合.然而,完全随机的测试用例产生方法可能会导致大量冗余的测试用例.因此,在研究基于UML(Unified Modeling Language)活动图产生测试用例的基础上,提出了一种基于分类树的随机测试用例产生方法(CT-RT),运用分类树分析已运行测试用例的输入域,从而指导产生新的测试用例,并通过实验案例说明了对于UML活动图中的简单路径覆盖.该方法较之完全随机的方法大大减少了冗余测试用例的数量.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on our earlier work, we introduce test model architecture for model-based testing through a GUI. The model architecture consists of three tiers. The tiers separate important concerns in GUI testing: navigation in the GUI using keywords, high-level concepts expressed as action words, and test-control related issues defined as control words. For test control, we define a novel coverage language to express coverage objectives. Furthermore, we introduce our refined vision for the associated tool platform enabling system level testing in the Symbian environment. The architecture includes a commercial GUI testing tool that we have extended with components enabling the use of test models.  相似文献   

基于事件流图的用户界面测试优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
路斯瑶  胡飞 《测控技术》2010,29(5):72-76
针对目前用户图形界面(GUI)自动化测试对于代码和开发语言的依赖,以及捕捉/回放工具中存在的手工依赖和对测试用例测试覆盖率缺乏系统管理的问题,基于事件流图理论,提出了不依赖于代码静态分析的GUI自动化测试方法。在没有程序代码的前提下,利用WinRunner工具通过鼠标动作获得GUI组件,利用自行开发的工具自动分析GUI窗口层次,定义事件属性和测试用例生成规则,自动生成了完备测试用例集,并通过实例验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于用户操作的事件流模型构建方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着GUI的应用越来越广泛,GUI软件的功能性测试变得越来越重要,它是确保整个系统安全性、可用性和鲁棒性的重要因素。虽然测试人员对GUI软件的自动测试技术研究比较多,但基于模型的自动化技术却很少能用于实践中,关键原因是研究人员提出的模型在应用方面具有其局限性,更重要的是,构造模型是一个非常困难的过程。在手动测试不可或缺的情况下,提出了通过录制用户操作来构建事件流模型的方法,方法实现模型简单准确,通过模型可以生成大量有效的测试用例,提高测试GUI软件功能的充分性。  相似文献   

针对单一UML模型测试不充分的问题,结合UML2.0交互概览图的特点开展测试方法研究,提出一种测试线索自动生成的方法。首先,给出UML类图、顺序图、交互概览图(OID)的形式化定义;通过提取交互概览图的流程信息和对象交互信息分别构造节点控制流图(NCFG)和消息序列图(MSD);将从MSD提取的消息路径嵌入到NCFG中,构造可测试交互概览图模型;最后采用两两覆盖准则生成测试线索。实验验证了该方法自动生成的测试线索在保证测试充分性的前提下可避免组合爆炸。  相似文献   

对逻辑覆盖软件测试准则的公理化评估   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
刘玲  缪淮扣 《软件学报》2004,15(9):1301-1310
由于形式规格说明采用一种精确、一致、容易被机器自动处理的符号系统来描述软件需求,因而形式规格说明为测试用例的自动生成和软件功能的验证提供了基础.在基于形式规格说明的测试过程中逻辑覆盖测试准则是一组常用的测试准则,如何选择和使用其中的每个测试准则是应用这组测试准则时面临的主要问题.因此分析和比较这组测试准则中每个测试准则的性质将为测试工程师选择测试准则提供指导和帮助.对测试充分性准则的公理化评估是一种比较测试准则的方式,这种方式将对理想的测试准则的直觉需求定义为一组公理,然后通过检查测试准则是否满足该组公理来分析和比较相应的测试准则.描述了一组理想的逻辑覆盖测试准则应该具有的性质和用来确定一个测试充分性准则是否完全的生成算法.这组性质被形式化地定义为一组公理.利用这种形式化的定义,用定理的形式精确地给出了这些性质之间的关系.最后通过这组公理系统来评估现有的逻辑覆盖测试准则.评估的结果为测试人员在实际过程中选择逻辑覆盖测试准则提供了指导.  相似文献   

A state-based approach to integration testing based on UML models   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Correct functioning of object-oriented software depends upon the successful integration of classes. While individual classes may function correctly, several new faults can arise when these classes are integrated together. In this paper, we present a technique to enhance testing of interactions among modal classes. The technique combines UML collaboration diagrams and statecharts to automatically generate an intermediate test model, called SCOTEM (State COllaboration TEst Model). The SCOTEM is then used to generate valid test paths. We also define various coverage criteria to generate test paths from the SCOTEM model. In order to assess our technique, we have developed a tool and applied it to a case study to investigate its fault detection capability. The results show that the proposed technique effectively detects all the seeded integration faults when complying with the most demanding adequacy criterion and still achieves reasonably good results for less expensive adequacy criteria.  相似文献   

Context:The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has become the de facto standard for software modeling. UML models are often used to visualize, understand, and communicate the structure and behavior of a system. UML activity diagrams (ADs) are often used to elaborate and visualize individual use cases. Due to their higher level of abstraction and process-oriented perspective, UML ADs are also highly suitable for model-based test generation. In the last two decades, different researchers have used UML ADs for test generation. Despite the growing use of UML ADs for model-based testing, there are currently no comprehensive and unbiased studies on the topic.Objective:To present a comprehensive and unbiased overview of the state-of-the-art on model-based testing using UML ADs.Method:We review and structure the current body of knowledge on model-based testing using UML ADs by performing a systematic mapping study using well-known guidelines. We pose nine research questions, outline our selection criteria, and develop a classification scheme.Results:The results comprise 41 primary studies analyzed against nine research questions. We also highlight the current trends and research gaps in model-based testing using UML ADs and discuss some shortcomings for researchers and practitioners working in this area. The results show that the existing approaches on model-based testing using UML ADs tend to rely on intermediate formats and formalisms for model verification and test generation, employ a multitude of graph-based coverage criteria, and use graph search algorithms.Conclusion:We present a comprehensive overview of the existing approaches on model-based testing using UML ADs. We conclude that (1) UML ADs are not being used for non-functional testing, (2) only a few approaches have been validated against realistic, industrial case studies, (3) most approaches target very restricted application domains, and (4) there is currently a clear lack of holistic approaches for model-based testing using UML ADs.  相似文献   

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