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将纹理特征分析技术引入到多边形网格建模中,提出一种基于高程特征值进行曲面细分的算法以构建多分辨率虚拟建筑群模型。该算法给出一种三角边与纹理特征曲线相交的三角面分裂方法构造自适应细分三角网格。通过设计细分三角网格的二叉树数据结构和开发测试程序进行测试,表明该算法具有自适应网格速度快和保持几何特征较好的特点,可以满足在PC机上实现三维建筑群的大范围建模和实时交互显示要求。  相似文献   

董洪伟  石坚 《计算机工程》2007,33(21):229-231
提出了一种保特征的网格光顺算法,能够在快速地去除噪声的同时,保持网格模型的结构特征。该算法对网格中每个三角形的法矢进行光顺,同时求得顶点的法矢。根据当前点到邻接点的距离以及当前点的法矢与邻接点的法矢的夹角对顶点移动的方向进行调整,使顶点分布更加均匀。利用高斯函数求得光顺权值。实验结果证明,该算法能够有效地保持网格模型的结构特征,同时具有迭代次数少、体积收缩小、执行效率高的特点。  相似文献   

在逆向工程和计算机图形学中,由扫描得到的数据多存在噪声,为了对其进行光顺处理,提出一种基于加权最小二乘思想的保特征网格光顺算法.首先提出一个关于光顺后网格顶点或者法向的离散二次能量函数,该能量一方面满足光顺后的网格在除特征点外的地方处处光滑的同时,还满足光顺后网格与原噪声网格尽可能相似;然后对此能量函数关于每个顶点求偏导数并使其为0,得到一个线性方程组,求解该方程组得到光顺后的网格.实验结果表明,该算法是线性的,复杂度低,且无需人工交互就可以很好地保持网格的尖锐特征,还能避免发生收缩现象.  相似文献   

法向网格是一种新型的曲面多分辨率描述方式,其中每个层次都可以表示为其前一个粗糙层次的法向偏移.文中提出一种基于法向网格表示的隐式曲面多分辨率网格逼近算法.首先通过基于空间剖分技术的多边形化算法获得隐式曲面的粗糙逼近网格,并利用网格均衡化方法对粗糙网格进行优化,消除其中的狭长三角形;然后利用法向细分规则迭代地对网格中的三角面片进行细分,并利用区间算术技术沿法向方向对隐式曲面进行逼近.最终生成的隐式曲面分片线性逼近网格为法向网格.该逼近网格为隐式曲面提供了一种多分辨率表示,网格具有细分连通性,其数据量较传统的多边形化算法所生成的网格有大幅度的压缩.该算法可用于隐式曲面的多级绘制、累进传输及相关数字几何处理.  相似文献   

为了去除三角网格模型中的噪声,提出了一种基于均值漂移的特征保持的网格光顺算法。该方法在对模型中的三角形的法向量进行滤波的基础上鲁棒地计算了顶点的法向量,利用均值漂移方法自适应地聚类出顶点的邻域。结合顶点间几何特征的相似性,将改进后的双边滤波算子应用于顶点的位置更新,从而完成模型的光顺。实验结果证明了网格光顺算法的有效性。利用这种网格算法,可以达到光顺带噪声的三角网格模型的目的,并在光顺的同时,有效地保持了模型中原有的特征。  相似文献   

针对自由变形技术难以保持模型细节的问题,提出一种基于最小二乘网格的模型变形算法.通过顶点位置约束的全局拉普拉斯光顺分解出表示模型低频信号的最小二乘网格,并求出高频信号在该网格上的编码;通过用户交互,基于均值坐标对最小二乘网格进行自由变形;根据最小二乘网格各顶点处局部标架在变形时的几何变换求出变形后的高频编码,通过解码求出变形后的网格模型.实验结果表明,该算法简单、高效且便于用户交互,有效地保持了模型的几何细节.  相似文献   

一种新的多分辨率模型表示方法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
提出了一种简洁高效的多分辨率模型表示方法MRM,该方法能对网格简化或精化过程进行编码,并在此基础上实现了一个多分辨率造型与编辑系统。该系统能为给定的模型生成多分辨率表示,并支持对模型的分辨率进行编辑,统一地完成有选择地精化和简化操作。  相似文献   

针对目前缺少从特征分布的角度来研究多边形网格编辑的问题,提出一种基于特征均衡化的网格编辑算法.首先对网格域上的坐标值作均衡化处理,使网格特征重新分布,再通过求解稀疏线性方程组得到新的网格模型,达到编辑网格和增强特征的目的;然后结合网格顶点和三角形重心约束在保持基本形状的基础上对网格特征进行编辑;最后通过显式地编辑网格模型的特征分布来隐式地改变模型的形状和特征.实验结果表明,该算法从网格模型内在特性出发寻找模型的内在控制机制,隐式地将整体形状控制与细节特征控制结合起来,为网格编辑和特征优化提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

网格纹理平滑技术要求既能保持模型大尺度结构特征又能去除模型小尺度纹理.然而当模型小尺度纹理与噪声相差较大时,大多数网格光顺算法会将网格纹理识别为特征加以保持,而无法有效将其去除;现有的基于谱分析的网格光顺方法尽管能有效去除网格纹理,但又无法同时保持模型大尺度结构特征.为解决该问题,本文提出一种基于混合频谱信号编码的低通过滤网格纹理平滑算法.首先采用基于视觉感知的特征识别方法,准确区分模型大尺度与小尺度特征.然后,基于顶点特征尺度,采用差异性频谱信号编码的方式进行几何信息重建,最终实现在保持网格模型大尺度结构特征的同时有效去除小尺度纹理.算法解决了现有网格光顺方法在模型小尺度纹理特征与噪声有明显区别时,无法有效去除纹理的问题;并且也解决了现有基于谱分析的网格光顺方法无法在去除模型小尺度纹理的同时,又能保持模型大尺度特征的矛盾.实验结果验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

自由曲线局部光顺的分层能量算法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
将曲线的小波多分辨分析与能量法相结合,构造曲线的分层能量光顺算法,利用多分辨分析的数据压缩作用来提高能量法的效率,利用约束能量法来处理边界约束,实践证明该算法可以灵活高效地进行曲线局部光顺。  相似文献   

Volume Preservation of Multiresolution Meshes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Geometric constraints have proved to be efficient for enhancing the realism of shape animation. The present paper addresses the computation and the preservation of the volume enclosed by multiresolution meshes. A wavelet based representation allows the mesh to be handled at any level of resolution. The key contribution is the calculation of the volume as a trilinear form with respect to the multiresolution coefficients. Efficiency is reached thanks to the pre-processing of a sparse 3D data structure involving the transposition of the filters while represented as a lifting scheme. A versatile and interactive method for preserving the volume during a deformation process is then proposed. It is based on a quadratic minimization subject to a linearization of the volume constraint. A closed form of the solution is derived.  相似文献   

《Graphical Models》2002,64(2):61-77
In this paper we describe a method for creating sharp features and trim regions on multiresolution subdivision surfaces along a set of user-defined curves. Operations such as engraving, embossing, and trimming are important in many surface modeling applications. Their implementation, however, is nontrivial due to computational, topological, and smoothness constraints that the underlying surface has to satisfy. The novelty of our work lies in the ability to create sharp features anywhere on a surface and in the fact that the resulting representation remains within the multiresolution subdivision framework. Preserving the original representation has the advantage that other operations applicable to multiresolution subdivision surfaces can subsequently be applied to the edited model. We also introduce an extended set of subdivision rules for Catmull–Clark surfaces that allows the creation of creases along diagonals of control mesh faces.  相似文献   

随着近几年3维扫描和图形建模技术的快速发展,3维模型的数据量不断增大,其在存储、显示及传输上都面临巨大的挑战,因此,必须构造模型的简化表示。通过对当前网格模型动态简化算法的分析,提出了一种网格简化算法来构造拓扑可变的网格模型累进表示,在此基础上,通过对简化后的模型数据进行再组织,为简化模型建立了一种紧凑、灵活的动态多分辨率结构,并相应地给出了基于视点的动态简化算法。理论分析和实验结果表明,新方法能够随着视点参数的变化动态生成适当细节的简化模型,简化结果好,简化后的模型不仅能够较好地保留原模型的基本几何形状,而且能够较好地保留原始模型的颜色等属性特征,具有存储量小、适用范围广和自适应性强等特点。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new efficient topology estimation algorithm to construct a multiresolution polygonal mesh from measured three-dimensional (3-D) range data. The topology estimation problem is defined under the constraints of cognition, compactness, and regularity, and the algorithm is designed to be applied to either a cloud of points or a dense mesh. The proposed algorithm initially segments the range data into a finite number of Voronoi patches using the K-means clustering algorithm. Each patch is then approximated by an appropriate polygonal and eventually a triangular mesh model. In order to improve the equiangularity of the mesh, we employ a dynamic mesh model, in which the mesh finds its equilibrium state adaptively, according to the equiangularity constraint. Experimental results demonstrate that satisfactory equiangular triangular mesh models can be constructed rapidly at various resolutions, while yielding tolerable modeling error.  相似文献   

To apply wavelet transformation to CAD surface model composed of multiple surface patches, an algorithm called wavelet signal separation to preserve geometric constraints during wavelet transformation is proposed. The algorithm divides the B-spline control points into those associated and those unassociated with the geometric constraints. Through preserving the signal information associated with the constraint control points, the geometric constraints can be automatically preserved after wavelet transformation. This paper also briefly investigates two types of the detail feature propagation technique in wavelet-based multiresolution CAD system. One is detail feature motion. The other is detail feature repetition. Finally, a comprehensive example is presented to illustrate the effects of the combination of those techniques.  相似文献   

构造了图像的三角网格模型.基于三角网格模型的多分辨分解,提出了一个新的图像压 缩方法.通过图像的三角网格模型的多分辨分解、压缩与重构,实现了图像的多分辨解、压缩与重 构.构造了一个在小波图像压缩中未曾使用过的小波滤波器组,该小波滤波器组算法具有O(n)运 行时间.实验表明,该方法能获得较好的图像压缩性能.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an efficient (topology preserving) multiresolution meshing framework for interactive level-of-detail (LOD) generation and rendering of large triangle meshes. More specifically, the presented approach, called FastMesh, provides view-dependent LOD generation and real-time mesh simplification that minimizes visual artifacts. Multiresolution triangle mesh representations are an important tool for reducing triangle mesh complexity in interactive rendering environments. Ideally, for interactive visualization, a triangle mesh is simplified to the maximal tolerated visible error and, thus, mesh simplification is view-dependent. This paper introduces an efficient hierarchical multiresolution triangulation framework based on a half-edge triangle mesh data structure and presents optimized implementations of several view-dependent or visual mesh simplification heuristics within that framework. Despite being optimized for performance, these error heuristics provide conservative error bounds. The presented framework is highly efficient both in space and time cost and needs only a fraction of the time required for rendering to perform the error calculations and dynamic mesh updates.  相似文献   

Multiresolution Isosurface Extraction with Adaptive Skeleton Climbing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An isosurface extraction algorithm which can directly generate multiresolution isosurfaces from volume data is introduced. It generates low resolution isosurfaces, with 4 to 25 times fewer triangles than that generated by marching cubes algorithm, in comparable running times. By climbing from vertices (0-skeleton) to edges (1-skeleton) to faces (2-skeleton), the algorithm constructs boxes which adapt to the geometry of the true isosurface. Unlike previous adaptive marching cubes algorithms, the algorithm does not suffer from the gap-filling problem. Although the triangles in the meshes may not be optimally reduced, it is much faster than postprocessing triangle reduction algorithms. Hence the coarse meshes it produces can be used as the initial starts for the mesh optimization, if mesh optimality is the main concern.  相似文献   

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