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This paper identifies requirements for an engineering design information management system. Future CAD systems must support a wide range of activities — such as definition, manipulation and analyses of complex product information models. These models represent not only conventional data associated with current CAD applications, but also design information characterizing the correlations between the requirements, functions, behaviors and physical form of the product. Such functionality is important for both the individual designer and the design organization, as the need to manage information as a corporate asset is becoming a critical component of business strategy. This paper explores these needs using two design studies. The first study illustrates some major concepts relative to non-routine design activities, while the second study focuses on the routine design activities relative to organization interactions. These studies were used to elicit high level requirements which serve as the basis for the development of prototype software systems. These prototypes are briefly introduced here.  相似文献   

Bottlenecks inhibit the performance of companies. Up to now, bottleneck management research has concentrated on manufacturing processes, while neglecting product design and engineering processes. This research fills this gap through developing and testing of a new bottleneck management concept for product design and engineering processes. The new concept is developed using a system theory modelling approach and comprises of four bottleneck management counter measures. Two propositions were developed to test the concept through an event-discrete simulation model. The simulation is grounded on empirical data from three design-driven companies and tests the impact of the four bottleneck management counter measures on the performance of product design and engineering processes. The findings from the simulation confirm the applicability of the newly developed bottleneck concept to improve the performance of product design and engineering processes. In doing so, this research study expands bottleneck management for the first time from manufacturing to product design and engineering processes.  相似文献   

The shape of the impactor with the maximum depth of penetration (DOP) for a given impact velocity is found using a numerical procedure for solving a corresponding non-classical variational problem. It is shown that the optimum shape in a general case is close to a blunt cone. The variation of the optimal shape of the impactor and the dependence of the DOP vs. the initial (impact) velocity and friction coefficient is studied. The analysis is performed also for optimal conical impactors.  相似文献   

The evolution of computer science and technology has brought new opportunities for multidisciplinary designers and engineers to collaborate with each other in a concurrent and coordinated manner. The development of computational agents with unified data structures and software protocols contributes to the establishment of a new way of working in collaborative design, which is increasingly becoming an international practice. In this paper, based on the analysis of the dynamic nature of collaborative design process, a new framework for collaborative design is described. This framework adopts an agent-based approach and relocates designers, managers, systems, and the supporting agents in a unified knowledge representation scheme for product design. In order to model the constantly evolving design process and the rationales resulted from design collaboration, a Collaborative Product Data Model (CPDM) and a constraint-based Collaborative Design Process Model (CDPM) are proposed to facilitate the management and coordination of the collaborative design process as well as design knowledge management. A prototype system of the proposed framework is implemented and its feasibility is evaluated using a real design scenario whose objective is designing a set of dining table and chairs.  相似文献   

基于Internet/Intranet的分布式产品数据管理系统模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合网络应用特点及面向对象技术,提出一个以模块为核心来组织、管理、发布信息的分布式产品数据管理系统模型DPDM(Distributed Product Data Management),分析了其体系结构。  相似文献   

统计工作是实现企业信息化的根本,随着对统计工作要求的提高,统计技术革新面临重大挑战。以统一数据平台为核心,针对统计过程中无法满足客户需求的问题进行变革。建立了将商业智能功能与数据统计功能整合为一的智能统计分析系统,该系统具有统一数据存储、规范指标管理的效果,可以通过本系统的用户界面对企业业务完成报表统计、数据查询、应用分析等操作。该系统已成功投入使用,服务于统计工作,减轻工作压力、提高工作效率和质量,验证了本研究成果的有效性。  相似文献   

工程项目施工监理信息系统是工程项目施工监理现代化的必然趋势。在分析目前工程项目施工监理的实际基础上,提出了系统设计思想、软硬件开发环境、系统功能的设计方法。其实现将对工程建设项目监理的质量、工期、投资控制等起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

模具设计案例知识管理系统的研究与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合模具设计的特点以及PDM系统在管理产品生命周期方面的功能,设计了模具设计案例知识的存储框架并在Smar Team系统中加以实现.为实现案例知识的快速搜索匹配,采用基于案例推理(Case-based Reasoning,CBR)技术开发了案例知识的搜索匹配系统,采用向导式的模具案例模糊查询功能,快速确定出查找范围,供设计人员参考.  相似文献   

当前,开发以数据库为核心的集成化CAD系统已迫在眉睫。本文简单回顾了工程数据库的发展背景,然后介绍一个适用于IC-CAD系统的设计库管理系统ICDMS,着重讨论了对该系统的一些改进。经测试,改进以后的ICDMS的功能有明显的增强和改善。  相似文献   

目前管理系统已经成为国有企业实现条理化管理和现代化运营的特定模式,对于日常管理工作任务和领导决策都能起到良好的规范作用,并且有力地提高了企业的运营效率,满足灵活信息的制备绩效目标。结合某地煤炭开采企业实际运营情况进行延展性分析,采取结构化生命周期模式进行辅助性开发。  相似文献   

介绍数字信息管理自由报表设计打印系统的设计与实现,该系统借助于成熟的应用软件设计技术和软件开发平台,为用户提供一个报表二次开发平台。该平台可同时提供独立运行和动态链接库两种应用模式,实现了数据库数据字典维护、视图维护、报表模板维护、常规表格和自由报表设计等功能。该系统既可以嵌入数字信息管理系统中,也可以作为独立系统,对充分发挥数字信息管理系统功能,提升系统能力具有重要作用。  相似文献   

该文主要讲述了有关企业信息化管理系统的基本概念,以及相对于传统的管理方式的优越性,还讲述了一些信息化管理系统所用到的开发技术以及系统开发和功能划分方面的内容,中间穿插中冶东方工程技术有限公司的实际案例,介绍信息化管理系统的实际应用。  相似文献   

为了解决在仓库物资管理工作中存在的问题,通过建立物资管理信息系统使物资管理工作更加规范化、程序化,研究出仓库物资管理信息系统,提高了其处理工作的速度和准确性,也便于动态查询,提高决策水平。  相似文献   

为了解决在仓库物资管理工作中存在的问题,通过建立物资管理信息系统使物资管理工作更加规范化、程序化,研究出仓库物资管理信息系统,提高了其处理工作的速度和准确性,也便于动态查询,提高决策水平。  相似文献   

由于电子银行管理信息系统采集的数据保密性要求较高,提出的安全要求就相对较高,故对其安全设计就非常重要。从系统安全风险分析、安全要求、安全策略、设计原则、安全手段等5个方面来分析并设计了电子银行管理信息系统的安全方案。  相似文献   

运用系统工程与工程经济学的理论与方法 ,结合信息系统开发项目的实践 ,对汽车服务业信息系统进行了详细的系统分析和优化设计 ,给出了系统的模型与结构 ,开发了一个实用的汽车服务业信息系统。  相似文献   

本文首先按照计划内、计划外的分类分析了高校中实践教学的基本形式,其次对于实践教学管理中涉及的用户及其工作流程进行分析,在此基础上确定了实践教学管理系统的功能,主要包括计划制定、成绩录入、统计查询,并针对系统的数据库结构、模块结构进行了设计,并指出了系统实现过程中需要考虑的一些细节问题。  相似文献   

长庆油田信息分析数据库系统利用ORACLE数据库,GIS(地理信息系统)技术对原有的油田信息进行储存,图形化管理,并借助数学分析方法对生产信息进行分析,得出规律,用以协助今后工作决策的制定。通过信息分析系统的开发,使油田信息管理更科学、便捷。  相似文献   

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