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把夏令营上留下的精彩镜头做成动感十足的视频相册,其实不需要什么专用的影像工具,利用办公软件PowerPoint2010就可轻松搞定。最近学校组织了暑期夏令营活动,校长要求将夏令营期间拍摄的一些精彩镜头做成视频相册,发到学校网站宣传。  相似文献   

相片,将瞬间凝固;相册。将记忆永存。在信息爆炸的今天,传统相册早已无法承载那无数的记忆。此时。为何不将相片搬进海量的电脑硬盘呢?在0与1的世界里,千万张相片不仅更便于管理,而且还可以制成充满动感的视频相册。想知遵该如何操作吗?就请跟随我们一起DIY吧。[编者按]  相似文献   

暑期到了,出去游玩!回来再鼹家人做个绚丽的电子相册封面,哈哈。太完美了!本期我将传授“绚丽字体”大发,各位爱绚丽效果的电饭煲坐好听讲啦  相似文献   

56.com是我们大家所熟知的在线视频网站,在那里我们可以分享到到很多网友们奉献的精彩视频。但是您知道吗?你还可以在它的地盘上免费在线打造自己的酷炫相册视频呢。  相似文献   

视频摘要是对视频内容的一个简短的小结。本文介绍的视频摘要的基本概念、视频摘要的分类,并重点介绍了每一类视频摘要实现的关键技术。最后对目前的视频摘要技术作了小结,并展望了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

陈启崧  林锦贤 《福建电脑》2007,(3):75-76,66
视频监控系统广泛应用于生产生活中.对视频监控系统中视频录像历史记录的高效、精确的检索是该系统急需解决的问题之一.本文针对视频监控系统中视频文件的海量存储,提出基于MPEG-7标准的视频检索方案,在dotNet平台上设计了视频检索系统VideoSearch,并对VideoSearch视频检索系统各部分作了简要介绍.  相似文献   

偷菜王子 《电脑迷》2011,(14):68-68
暑假跑出去玩的同学,相信都一拍下了许多精彩纷呈的照片,如何将这些照片以精彩的方式传播到自己的微博、论坛上的好朋友也是件麻烦事。使用56相册视频网在线制作自己的视频相册是个不错的选择,用户不但可以通过56相册视频上传自己的照片,还可添加音乐与特效。  相似文献   

文章提出了一个基于内容的视频检索系统模型,该模型直接对压缩视频数据进行处理,可节约解压缩的时间,减少运算量,提高系统处理效率。文章对该模型的系统结构以及系统实现所需的一些关键技术进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Adaptive Video Fast Forward   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We derive a statistical graphical model of video scenes with multiple, possibly occluded objects that can be efficiently used for tasks related to video search, browsing and retrieval. The model is trained on query (target) clip selected by the user. Shot retrieval process is based on the likelihood of a video frame under generative model. Instead of using a combination of weighted Euclidean distances as a shot similarity measure, the likelihood model automatically separates and balances various causes of variability in video, including occlusion, appearance change and motion. Thus, we overcome tedious and complex user interventions required in previous studies. We use the model in the adaptive video forward application that adapts video playback speed to the likelihood of the data. The similarity measure of each candidate clip to the target clip defines the playback speed. Given a query, the video is played at a higher speed as long as video content has low likelihood, and when frames similar to the query clip start to come in, the video playback rate drops. Set of experiments o12n typical home videos demonstrate performance, easiness and utility of our application.Nemanja Petrovic received his Ph.D. from University of Illinois in 2004. He is currently the member of research staff at Siemens Corporate Research at Princeton, New Jersey. His professional interests are computer vision and machine learning. Dr. Petrovic has published 20 papers in the area of video understanding, data clustering and enhancement.Nebojsa Jojic received his Ph.D. from University of Illinois at 2001. His currently a researcher at Microsoft Research at Redmond, Washington. His professional interest include computer vision and machine learning. Dr. Jojic has published over 40 papers in the area of computer vision, bioinformatics and graphical models.Thomas Huang received his Sc.D. from MIT in 1963. He is William L. Everitt Distinguished Professor in the University of Illinois, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a full-time faculty member in the Beckman Institute Image Formation and Processing and Artificial Intelligence groups. Professor Huang has published over 600 papers in the area of computer vision, image compression and enhancement, pattern recognition, and multimodal signal processing. He is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chinese Academy of Science, and recipient of IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal.  相似文献   

在无线Ad Hoc网络上的视频传输要比在其他网络的视频传输更富于挑战性。由于无线Ad Hoc网络中的节点可以用任意方式动态地连接到一起,通过给定的网孔状的拓扑,在网络传输的源端节点和终端节点之间建立起不止一条的多路径是完全可能的。为在多路径传输中结合多条流的编码方式,开发了一种基于率歪曲优化的算法,进而把一条未加工的视频流分成多条流。实验证明,该算法在最大化多路径传输的效率方面是非常有效的。  相似文献   

视频摘要是海量视频浏览的重要手段,现有的方法一般生成短帧视频或多帧序列图像以概括原视频,但它们都受限于原有时间序列,难以高效地表达信息.为此,提出了一种视频海报的自动生成方法来制作更为精练的视频摘要.如何提取视频中的关键画面与如何实现海报自动排版是其中的2个核心问题.对现有的视频关键帧提取方法进行扩展,采用综合视觉关注度模型,提出了基于视觉重要性的关键帧排序算法;在现有排版规则基础上,增加了版面位置对视觉心理感知的影响,设计出位置重要性驱动的视频海报自动排版算法.实验结果证明了文中算法的有效性.  相似文献   

The explosive growth of audiovisual information in the last few years has made the development of advanced video modeling and management tools an urgent task. In this research, we investigate the use of stratification approach to model the contextual information of video contents as multi-layered strata. By judiciously choosing the right level and types of strata, we are able to automate a major part of the strata extraction process. Using the strata as the basis, we have developed advanced functionalities to support the flexible retrieval and content-based browsing of video. A prototype has been developed to support the whole process of video management, from strata extraction, to indexing, retrieval and browsing. The prototype is tested in the domain of news video and the system has been found to be effective.  相似文献   

基于“实体-描述-效用”模型的视频摘要技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了克服现有视频摘要技术难于适应新的应用环境的问题,本文提出了基于“实体-描述-效用”模型视频摘要技术。该模型利用实体生成描述,然后由描述得到效用函数,最后在效用函数的基础上获取摘要。本文还利用这一模型对新闻视频摘要进行了测试,取得了较好的实验结果。  相似文献   

一个基于运动的视频检索系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了一种基于运动在空间 时间域上体现的运动特征的设计方案 ,主要涉及两个模块 ,即 :运动检测模块 (Detec tionModule)和任何检索系统都必需的匹配模块 (MatchingModule)。初步试验表明 ,检测的结果基本和我们的直觉相符合。  相似文献   

视频摘要是对视频内容进行浓缩的一项技术,对于快速了解视频内容至关重要。如何对视频摘要的效果进行评价,是值得研究的一个问题。论文基于层次分析法构建了视频摘要评价模型,将视频摘要质量作为最终评价目标,以内容合理性和结构合理性作为准则,以内容完整性、特殊重要性、整体流畅性等作为测度层,从而建立了视频摘要评价指标体系。最后,通过对随机生成、基于特写人脸的摘要生成以及融合视音频特征的摘要生成三种算法对所提评价方法进行了实验验证,表明该方法能够有效反映出视频摘要的质量。  相似文献   

Video server needs a storage system with large bandwidth in order to provide concurrently more users with the real time retrieval requests for video streams. So, the storage system generally has the structure of disk array, which consists of multiple disks. When the storage system serves multiple video stream requests, it's bottlenecks come from the seeking delay caused by the random movement of disk head and from unbalanced disk access due to disk load unbalance among multiple disks.This paper presents a novel placement and retrieval policy. The new policy retrieves the requested data through sequential movement of disk heads and maintaining disk load balance so that it can diminish the bottlenecks on retrieving and can provide the concurrent real time retrieval services for more users simultaneously. In addition, the novel policy reduces the startup latency for the requests. The correctness of the novel placement and retrieval policy is analyzed with theoretical views. Performance analysis of the novel placement and retrieval policy is provided with simulations.  相似文献   

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