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The research of this thesis focuses on the analysis of polynomial classes and their practical exploitation for solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) with finite domains. In particular, I worked on bridging the gap between theoretical works and practical results in constraint solvers. Specifically, the goal of this thesis is to find explanation for the effectiveness of solvers, and also to show that studied tractable classes are not artificial since several real-problems among the ones used in the CSP 2008 Competition belong to them.Our work is organized into three main parts. In the first part, we proposed several types of microstructures for CSPs of arbitrary arity which are based on some knwon binary encoding of non-binary CSPs like, dual encoding, hidden-variable transformation and mixed (or double) encoding. These theoretical tools are designed to facilitate the study of tractable classes, sets of CSP instances which can be solved in polytime, when the constraints are non-binary. After that, we propose a new tractable classes of CSPs whose the highlighting should allow on the one hand to explain the effectiveness of solvers of the state of the art namely FC, MAC, RFL and on the second hand to provide the opportunities for easy integration in these solvers. These would include the definition of new tractable classes without using of an ad hoc algorithms as in the traditional case. These new tractable classes are related to the number of maximal cliques in the microstructure of binary or non-binary CSP. In the last part, we focus on the presence of instances belonging to polynomial classes in classical benchmarks used by the CP community. We study in particular the Broken-Triangle Property (BTP) and its extension DBTP to CSP of arbitrary arity. Next, we prove that BTP can also be used to reduce the size of the search space by merging pairs of values on which no broken triangle exists. Finally, we introduce a formal framework, called transformation, and we develop the concept of hidden tractable class that we exploit from an experimental point of view.  相似文献   

Spatial reasoning with rectangular cardinal relations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Qualitative spatial representation and reasoning plays a important role in various spatial applications. In this paper we introduce a new formalism, we name RCD calculus, for qualitative spatial reasoning with cardinal direction relations between regions of the plane approximated by rectangles. We believe this calculus leads to an attractive balance between efficiency, simplicity and expressive power, which makes it adequate for spatial applications. We define a constraint algebra and we identify a convex tractable subalgebra allowing efficient reasoning with definite and imprecise knowledge about spatial configurations specified by qualitative constraint networks. For such tractable fragment, we propose several polynomial algorithms based on constraint satisfaction to solve the consistency and minimality problems. Some of them rely on a translation of qualitative networks of the RCD calculus to qualitative networks of the Interval or Rectangle Algebra, and back. We show that the consistency problem for convex networks can also be solved inside the RCD calculus, by applying a suitable adaptation of the path-consistency algorithm. However, path consistency can not be applied to obtain the minimal network, contrary to what happens in the convex fragment of the Rectangle Algebra. Finally, we partially analyze the complexity of the consistency problem when adding non-convex relations, showing that it becomes NP-complete in the cases considered. This analysis may contribute to find a maximal tractable subclass of the RCD calculus and of the Rectangle Algebra, which remains an open problem.  相似文献   

D. A. Cohen 《Constraints》2004,9(3):219-229
A constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) instance has a set of variables, each of which can take values in some domain. It also has a set of constraints, each of which restricts the variables in its scope to take values limited by its constraint relation.The language of a constraint satisfaction problem instance is the set of different constraint relations used in its specification. For a given set of relations over some domain we define the problem CSP () to the set of CSP instances whose language is contained in .The decision problem for a set of CSP instances is, given an instance in the class, to decide whether a solution exists. The search problem is to find such a solution. Here we address the connection between the tractability of the decision and search problems. We prove that given a constraint language over a finite domain for which the decision problem for CSP () is tractable, the search problem is always tractable.We define a surjective language over a finite domain in a standard way. We also show that we can determine in polynomial time whether an instance over a surjective language with a tractable decision problem has fewer than k solutions, and that we can generate all of its solutions with polynomial delay.  相似文献   

The study of broken-triangles is becoming increasingly ambitious, by both solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) in polynomial time and reducing search space size through either value merging or variable elimination. Considerable progress has been made in extending this important concept, such as dual broken-triangle and weakly broken-triangle, in order to maximize the number of captured tractable CSP instances and/or the number of merged values. Specifically, m-wBTP allows us to merge more values than BTP. DBTP, ??-BTP, k-BTP, WBTP and m-wBTP permit us to capture more tractable instances than BTP. However, except BTP, none of these extensions allows variable elimination while preserving satisfiability. Moreover, k-BTP and m-wBTP define bigger tractable classes around BTP but both of them generally need a high level of consistency. Here, we introduce a new weaker form of BTP, called m-fBTP for flexible broken-triangle property, which will represent a compromise between most of these previous tractable properties based on BTP. m-fBTP allows us on the one hand to eliminate more variables than BTP while preserving satisfiability and on the other to define a new bigger tractable class for which arc consistency is a decision procedure. Likewise, m-fBTP permits to merge more values than BTP but fewer than m-wBTP. The binary CSP instances satisfying m-fBTP are solved by algorithms of the state-of-the-art like MAC and RFL in polynomial time. An open question is whether it is possible to compute, in polynomial time, the existence of some variable ordering for which a given instance satisfies m-fBTP.  相似文献   

A wide range of problems can be modelled as constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), that is, a set of constraints that must be satisfied simultaneously. Constraints can either be represented extensionally, by explicitly listing allowed combinations of values, or implicitly, by special-purpose algorithms provided by a solver. Such implicitly represented constraints, known as global constraints, are widely used; indeed, they are one of the key reasons for the success of constraint programming in solving real-world problems. In recent years, a variety of restrictions on the structure of CSP instances have been shown to yield tractable classes of CSPs. However, most such restrictions fail to guarantee tractability for CSPs with global constraints. We therefore study the applicability of structural restrictions to instances with such constraints. We show that when the number of solutions to a CSP instance is bounded in key parts of the problem, structural restrictions can be used to derive new tractable classes. Furthermore, we show that this result extends to combinations of instances drawn from known tractable classes, as well as to CSP instances where constraints assign costs to satisfying assignments.  相似文献   

高健  陈荣  李辉 《软件学报》2019,30(12):3590-3604
量词约束满足问题是人工智能和自动推理领域的一个重要问题.寻找多项式时间易解子类,是研究此类问题计算复杂性的关键.通过分析二元量词约束满足问题中的约束关系特征,以及量词前缀中的全称量词排列的顺序,提出了针对全称量词变量子结构的易解性质的分析方法.通过该方法,扩展了已知的基于Broken-Triangle Property的多项式时间易解子类,提出了一个更一般化的量词约束满足问题的混合易解子类.讨论了易解子类在问题结构分析中的一个应用,即通过易解子类确定量词约束满足问题的隐蔽变量集合,并通过实验分析不同易解子类所确定的集合大小.实验改造了基于回溯算法的求解器,在回溯过程中加入了易解子类的识别算法,并采用随机约束满足问题的生成模型作为测试基准.通过对比实验,验证了提出的多项式时间易解子类可以识别出更小的隐蔽变量集合,因此,新提出的易解子类在确定隐蔽变量集合方面更具优势.最后阐述了其他已有的混合易解子类也可以通过类似方法进行扩展,从而得到更多的一般化的理论结果.  相似文献   

We classify the computational complexity of all constraint satisfaction problems where the constraint language is preserved by all permutations of the domain. A constraint language is preserved by all permutations of the domain if and only if all the relations in the language can be defined by boolean combinations of the equality relation. We call the corresponding constraint languages equality constraint languages. For the classification result we apply the universal-algebraic approach to infinite-valued constraint satisfaction, and show that an equality constraint language is tractable if it admits a constant unary polymorphism or an injective binary polymorphism, and is NP-complete otherwise. We also discuss how to determine algorithmically whether a given constraint language is tractable.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider constraint satisfaction problems where the set of constraint relations is fixed. Feder and Vardi (1998) identified three families of constraint satisfaction problems containing all known polynomially solvable problems. We introduce a new class of problems called para-primal problems, incomparable with the families identified by Feder and Vardi (1998) and we prove that any constraint problem in this class is decidable in polynomial time. As an application of this result we prove a complete classification for the complexity of constraint satisfaction problems under the assumption that the basis contains all the permutation relations. In the proofs, we make an intensive use of algebraic results from clone theory about the structure of para-primal and homogeneous algebras. AMS subject classification 08A70  相似文献   

The general intractability of the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) has motivated the study of the complexity of restricted cases of this problem. Thus far, the literature has primarily considered the formulation of the CSP where constraint relations are given explicitly. We initiate the systematic study of CSP complexity with succinctly specified constraint relations.  相似文献   

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