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计算机网络和电子商务的不断发展,网上购物渐渐成为人们主要的购物渠道之一。主要介绍网上购物系统的设计,采用ASP技术方式实现网上购物系统,介绍了网上购物系统的主要购物流程、概要设计、架构和关键代码。  相似文献   

个人网上购物已不是什么新鲜事了。在享受现代科技带来的时尚之余,网上购物的背景流程却颇为神秘。那就让我们做一次订单之旅吧,来更多地了解购物流程。  相似文献   

网上购物系统能在网上建立一个虚拟的购物平台,改变了传统的购物流程,使购物轻松、快捷、安全、方便。本论文设计的网上购物系统采用了基于JAVA和JSP技术的总体设计方案;实现了几个主要模块的算法,探讨了设计中的关键技术。  相似文献   

基于数据库连接池的DAO模式在J2EE应用系统中的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林晓宇  张晖  林敏 《福建电脑》2005,(7):102-103
本文采用J2EE技术设计了物流企业电子商务的在线购物和配送管理系统,文中简单介绍了该系统的逻辑结构、功能结构和数据流程,详细描述了在线购物模块中的数据库连接池及DAO的实现方法,并给出了核心流程代码。  相似文献   

如今网络购物已经成为人们生活的一种方式。在我们普通消费者看来,网上购物非常简单,在网上下单,等待包裹送到自己手上,然后签收接受,这是一个很简单的购物流程。网络购物带来的优势消费体验之一便是简单快捷。  相似文献   

赖红辉 《现代计算机》2008,(1):149-151,160
利用Internet电子商务新技术.采用ASP和ADO开发网络数据库连接、基于B/S模式的购物网站.简细介绍该购物网站设计过程所涉及的流程和技术.  相似文献   

该文分析网上购物系统的背景及发展状况,根据客户需求设计购物流程,确定前台和后台设计的功能模块,详细讲述了数据库的设计,给出购物车编码设计并进行测试,采用PHP+MYSQL+Apache开发技术,设计并完成网上购物平台的构建。  相似文献   

借助女性消费者巨大的购买力,电子商务网站得以更好的生存和发展。然而,女性消费者特殊的购物身份和需求也对电子商务网站提出了更高的要求。仅仅是低价折扣已经不足以吸引消费者长久关注,独特的购物体验和方便快捷的购物流程已成为当下女性更强烈的购物需求,也成为电子商务网站决胜的关键。  相似文献   

目前大多数的购物网站均呈现千篇一律的方式,无法像现实超市那样给消费者提供一种购物环境,实现文化、心理上的满足和享受.为了弥补以上缺陷,我们考虑将目前最先进的视景仿真技术和信息管理技术融合在一起。基于OSG技术构建3D商业环境及视景漫游、完成基于3D图形界面的购物操作流程.  相似文献   

基于J2EE的网上购物配送管理系统设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用J2EE技术设计了物流企业电子商务的在线购物和配送管理系统。文中详细介绍了系统的逻辑及功能结构、在线购物模块和登录注册模块的流程及其J2EE设计方法、采用MVC模式设计控制模块的方法,并给出了核心流程代码。文中也简单介绍了配送管理模块采用的CW算法。  相似文献   

王玉花 《微机发展》2006,16(1):170-172
由于科技的发展,信息量的剧烈膨胀,企业要想适应信息社会迅猛发展的浪潮,就必须借助于Internet构建新的运营模式,网上购物已经成为很多企业要采用的新模式。同时J2EE平台的产品几乎能够在任何操作系统和硬件配置上运行,因此文中设计了一个基于J2EE架构的网上购物系统。根据J2EE架构的多层应用程序方案和网上购物系统的特点,系统采用以Web为中心的应用程序方案。该系统可以提高企业的整体运营速度,给企业带来巨大的财富。  相似文献   

近年来,随着互联网的发展,出现了网上购物这种全新的购物方式。网上购物已经成为年轻人购物的主要方式。但网上的商品琳琅满目,如何挑选物美价廉的商品成为需要解决的问题,由此设计了一个基于Python爬虫的优惠券型导购系统。将淘宝、天猫、京东三大电商网站作为数据源,使用Python的requests、selenium等模块结合IP代理反反爬虫技术将商品信息与优惠券信息爬取下来,对信息进行数据清洗并存入mongo DB数据库中,由后台服务器程序整理数据,并在基于HTML5的安卓端APP展示出来供用户查看与选择。该系统简单高效,可以改善用户的购物体验,具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

针对目前网上购物的需求,提出并设计了在线销售系统。根据面向对象UML建模思路,使用Rational Rose对系统进行了建模,详细分析和设计了系统的用例图、静态结构模型、动态结构模型以及物理模型。通过在线销售系统的开发,体现了应用UML在面向对象的程序设计中的必要性和科学性。  相似文献   

Different from past online shopping research which focuses on exploring the cognitive and attitudinal aspects of online consumption behaviors, this study focuses on examining how online shopping motivation and product type affect the searching and spending behavior in an online website. In particular, the interactive effect between online shopping motivation and product type are explored in the study. A 2 × 2 between-subjects factorial experiment with two shopping motivations (i.e., goal-oriented and experiential) and two product types (i.e., hedonic and utilitarian product) was conducted. In addition to the main effects of online shopping motivation and product type, the results show that there is an interactive effect between online shopping motivation and product type on budget control. Participants conducted the loosest budget control when purchasing hedonic products in a goal-oriented online shopping trip because the shopping motivation provides a good justification for online shoppers to purchase hedonic goods without guilt or regret.  相似文献   

随着电子商务的发展,网上购物日益盛行,本文主要介绍了网上购物的一些基本知识,分析了网上购物的一些利与弊,并再此基础上介绍了如何保证网上购物的安全性问题.  相似文献   

随着电子商务的发展,网上购物日益盛行,本文主要介绍了网上购物的一些基本知识,分析了网上购物的一些利与弊,并再此基础上介绍了如何保证网上购物的安全性问题。  相似文献   

In this study, we further develop the information systems continuance model in the context of online shopping, using a contingency theory that accounts for the roles of online shopping habit and online shopping experience. Specifically, we argue and empirically demonstrate that although conceptually distinct, online shopping habit and online shopping experience have similar effects on repurchase intention. They both have positive mediated effects through satisfaction and moderate the relationship between satisfaction and online repurchase intention. The results of a survey study involving 122 online customers provide strong support for our research model. We also identify after-sale service, transaction efficiency, security, convenience, and cost savings as important online shopping usefulness drivers. Theoretical and practical implications include establishing a contingency theory to more fully explain online customer retention as well as guidelines for development of customer relationship management initiatives.  相似文献   

近年来,随着互联网与经济的不断发展,以及电子商务环境的不断改善,新型购物模式——网络购物得到快速增长。但发展是把双刃剑,方便快捷的同时各类安全隐患也日益突出。本文将以网购当中威胁个人信息的渠道以及网络购物个人信息受侵的主要形式为基础,分析出提高网购安全的主要措施及手段,优化当前网购环境,促进经济和谐发展。  相似文献   

Growth in online marketing has been unprecedented, and mainstream shopping is shifting from traditional stores to online shopping channels. However, many aspects of online consumer behavior remain unaddressed. In particular, the effects of gender differences in visual attention on shopping attitudes are a great challenge in online retailers’ attempts to understand consumers’ cognitive processing and strategies. This study was designed to investigate the effects of gender on visual attention to online shopping information and its influence on attitudes about the products displayed. Using an eye-tracking approach, the results identified significant gender differences in visual attention to online shopping information and shopping attitudes about the products presented. Female participants attended visually to most of the online shopping information areas to a greater degree than did males, and their attitudes about products were influenced to some degree by visual attention to the consumer opinion areas. Although males’ visual attention was lower than females’, their shopping attitudes were influenced extensively by visual attention to product information and consumer opinion areas.  相似文献   

While attitude and gender are important factors that affect online shopping behavior, toward online shopping attitude remains a poor understood construct. Moreover, very few studies, if any, have explicitly addressed gender differences in online shopping attitude. Using attitude as a multidimensional concept to include cognitive, affective, and behavioral components, the present study examines gender differences across the three attitudinal components. The results of empirical testing demonstrate three distinct components of online shopping attitude and significant gender differences in all three attitudinal components. The results also show that the largest gender difference is in the cognitive attitude, indicating that females value the utility of online shopping less than their male counterparts do.  相似文献   

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