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黄孝文  张弛 《计算机应用》2010,30(5):1198-1201
将直觉模糊集理论引入信息安全领域,提出一种基于自适应直觉模糊推理的入侵检测方法。首先,分析现有入侵检测方法的特点与局限性,建立基于自适应神经—直觉模糊推理系统(ANIFIS)的Takagi-Sugeno型入侵检测模型。其次,设计系统的推理规则,确定各层输入输出的计算关系,以及系统输出结果的计算表达式。再次,设计网络学习算法,对网络结构进行调节以及对网络参数进行学习。最后,选择KDD CUP 99入侵检测数据集作为样本集,获得相应的检测结果,验证了方法的有效性和模型的正确性。  相似文献   

针对故障诊断中故障现象与故障原因之间复杂的不确定关系,利用直觉模糊集表达不确定性信息的优势和Petri网的图形处理问题的能力,给出了基于直觉模糊Petri网的双向模糊故障推理算法。该算法首先利用反向直觉模糊推理算法对模型进行约减,查找故障原因,再利用正向直觉模糊推理算法对模型进行计算,输出结果。该算法既可将故障信息化繁为简,降低推理过程的时间复杂度,还能够使故障诊断的确定性程度得到进一步提高。汽车发动机诊断案例表明了所给双向直觉模糊推理算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

故障诊断经常受到多种不确定性和模糊性因素的影响,针对不确定性的故障诊断问题,利用直觉模糊集较好的表达不确定性信息的优势和Petri网较好的并行处理以及图形处理问题的能力,构建了直觉模糊Petri网模型。由于将直觉模糊推理转化为矩阵运算的过程中有非隶属度参数的参与,因此推理结果可提供更多的信息。根据实际故障诊断中的模糊推理问题,给出了带有权值、阈值等参数条件下新的直觉模糊推理算法。通过获取和处理故障诊断中的不确定性和模糊性的知识,该算法将故障诊断过程转化为利用直觉模糊Petri网的直觉模糊推理过程。实际燃气轮机故障诊断模型案例表明了所给直觉模糊推理算法的有效性。  相似文献   


针对直觉模糊Petri 网(IFPN) 模型自学习能力差的缺陷, 将神经网络中的BP 误差反传算法引入IFPN 模型 的参数寻优过程, 提出一种基于此的参数优化方法. 该算法通过建立变迁点燃和直觉模糊推理的近似连续函数, 摆脱 了参数对经验的依赖, 更加符合实际系统的需求, 同时使得IFPN 具有较强的泛化能力和自适应功能, 推理结果更加 准确可信. 最后通过典型实例验证了该参数优化方法的有效性和优越性.


基于直觉模糊推理的威胁评估改进算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对实战系统中的威胁评估问题,提出一种基于直觉模糊推理的改进算法。设计系统状态变量的三角型隶属度和非隶属度函数,给出详细的计算步骤,将包含可信度的推理规则植入评估系统,当系统有输入时,即可进行威胁评估值的直觉模糊推理计算。实战数据仿真结果证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于直觉模糊Petri网的加权直觉模糊推理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用直觉模糊集合较好地表现不确定信息的能力和Petri网的并行处理能力,构建了直觉模糊Petri网模型。给出了输入权值、变迁阈值等多种约束条件下的直觉模糊推理算法。该算法将直觉模糊推理过程转化为矩阵的运算过程可充分利用直觉模糊Petri网的并行推理能力,有效地避免同一变迁不必要地重复激发从而节省推理时间。实例分析表明所给出的直觉模糊推理算法较已有算法更加合理并且高效。  相似文献   

首先设计直觉模糊集的真度λ截集方法,并结合该方法提出了基于直觉模糊集的模糊信息系统ISI;然后详细分析了ISI的系统模型和系统的对象可满足性,证明了ISI是其他信息系统的泛化;最后提出了ISI的形式化概念分析理论,并分析了ISI在知识发现和知识推理中的应用.理论验证和实例分析结果均表明了ISI系统模型在描述客观世界和支持模糊推理方面的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

直觉模糊推理的两个基本模型是Intuitionistic Fuzzy Modus Ponens(IFMP)和Intuitionistic Fuzzy Modus Tollens(IFMT)。首先利用经典模糊集之间的自然距离定义了直觉模糊集间的一种距离。其次,证明了基于Lukasiewicz直觉模糊蕴涵的IFMP和IFMT问题的三I方法关于该距离都具有连续性,并且分别给出了IFMP和IFMT问题的三I方法满足逼近性的充分条件。  相似文献   

针对不断变化的供应链系统内外部环境因素,围绕供应链系统可靠性诊断问题,将直觉模糊集引入模糊Petri网建模,用直觉模糊数表示库所状态、变迁阈值和变迁输出置信度,构建了基于直觉模糊Petri网的供应链可靠性诊断模型。对直觉模糊产生式规则按照变迁激发前后变迁和库所之间的与或关系,将供应链可靠性诊断模型模糊推理规则划分为四种类型,得到了变迁触发前和触发后的与或直觉模糊推理规则。同时提出了相应的模糊推理算法,并通过实例验证了模型和算法的有效性,能够及时发现供应链系统故障。  相似文献   

首先引入直觉模糊集下的模糊蕴涵算子运算方法,设计应用直觉模糊蕴涵算子的直觉模糊推理机模型的设计,阐述模型的运行机理,通过实例验证直觉模糊推理机模型的有效性和正确性.提出选择模糊蕴涵算子的贴近度法,在具体应用领域中可根据比较结果作具体选择.  相似文献   

基于覆盖的直觉模糊粗糙集   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过直觉模糊覆盖概念将覆盖粗糙集模型进行推广,提出一种基于直觉模糊覆盖的直觉模糊粗糙集模型.首先,介绍了直觉模糊集、直觉模糊覆盖和直觉模糊逻辑算子等概念;然后,利用直觉模糊三角模和直觉模糊蕴涵,构建两对基于直觉模糊覆盖的下直觉模糊粗糙近似算子和上直觉模糊粗糙近似算子;最后,给出了这些算子的基本性质并研究了它们之间的对偶性.  相似文献   

On generalized intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In rough set theory, the lower and upper approximation operators defined by binary relations satisfy many interesting properties. Various generalizations of Pawlak’s rough approximations have been made in the literature over the years. This paper proposes a general framework for the study of relation-based intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators within which both constructive and axiomatic approaches are used. In the constructive approach, a pair of lower and upper intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators induced from an arbitrary intuitionistic fuzzy relation are defined. Basic properties of the intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are then examined. By introducing cut sets of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, classical representations of intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are presented. The connections between special intuitionistic fuzzy relations and intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are further established. Finally, an operator-oriented characterization of intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets is proposed, that is, intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are defined by axioms. Different axiom sets of lower and upper intuitionistic fuzzy set-theoretic operators guarantee the existence of different types of intuitionistic fuzzy relations which produce the same operators.  相似文献   

We describe in this paper a proposed new approach for fuzzy inference in intuitionistic fuzzy systems. The new approach combines the outputs of two traditional fuzzy systems to obtain the final conclusion of the intuitionistic fuzzy system. The new method provides an efficient way of calculating the output of an intuitionistic fuzzy system, and as consequence can be applied to real-world problems in many areas of application. We illustrate the new approach with a simple example to motivate the ideas behind this work. We also illustrate the new approach for fuzzy inference with a more complicated example of monitoring a non-linear dynamic plant.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general framework for the study of relation-based (I,T)-intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets by using constructive and axiomatic approaches. In the constructive approach, by employing an intuitionistic fuzzy implicator I and an intuitionistic fuzzy triangle norm T, lower and upper approximations of intuitionistic fuzzy sets with respect to an intuitionistic fuzzy approximation space are first defined. Properties of (I,T)-intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are examined. The connections between special types of intuitionistic fuzzy relations and properties of intuitionistic fuzzy approximation operators are established. In the axiomatic approach, an operator-oriented characterization of (I,T)-intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets is proposed. Different axiom sets characterizing the essential properties of intuitionistic fuzzy approximation operators associated with various intuitionistic fuzzy relations are explored.  相似文献   

基于IFTPN的不确定时间知识描述和推理方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有时序逻辑在对复杂不确定时间信息描述和推理方面的局限性,构造了直觉模糊时间Petri网模型(IFTPN)及其推理方法.该Petri网模型利用直觉模糊集合对模糊时延、模糊时间片进行描述,可以表达定义在离散论域或连续论域的各种不确定时间信息,并基于直觉模糊逻辑定义了模糊时间运算法则;同时,基于线性逻辑对该模型进行描述,定义了变迁之间的各种触发规则,并给出了推理方法.将该方法应用于C4ISR系统进行决策时延分析,表明了该模型及其推理方法是比较优越的.  相似文献   

基于直觉模糊粗糙集的属性约简   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对Jensen下近似定义的局限性,提出一种新的等价类形式的近似算子表示,并将其推广到直觉模糊环境.在此基础上,将相对正域、相对约简、相对核等粗糙集的知识约简概念推广到直觉模糊环境,提出一种直觉模糊信息系统的启发式属性约筒算法.实例计算表明.该方法比Jensen的属性约简方法更为合理有效.  相似文献   

Intuitionistic fuzzy recognizers and intuitionistic fuzzy finite automata are discussed. The notions of intuitionistic fuzzy recognizer, complete accessible intuitionistic fuzzy recognizer, intuitionistic fuzzy finite automata, deterministic intuitionistic fuzzy finite automata, and intuitionistic fuzzy language are introduced. It is shown that the languages recognized by intuitionistic fuzzy recognizer are regular, and the intuitionistic fuzzy languages recognized by the intuitionistic fuzzy finite automaton and the intuitionistic fuzzy languages recognized by deterministic intuitionistic fuzzy finite automaton are equivalent. This work is supported by National Science Foundation of China (Grant No.10571112), “TRAPOYT” of China and National 973 Foundation Research Program(Grant No.2002CB312200).  相似文献   

The primitive notions in rough set theory are lower and upper approximation operators defined by a fixed binary relation and satisfying many interesting properties. Many types of generalized rough set models have been proposed in the literature. This paper discusses the rough approximations of Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy sets in crisp and fuzzy approximation spaces in which both constructive and axiomatic approaches are used. In the constructive approach, concepts of rough intuitionistic fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets are defined, properties of rough intuitionistic fuzzy approximation operators and intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are examined. Different classes of rough intuitionistic fuzzy set algebras and intuitionistic fuzzy rough set algebras are obtained from different types of fuzzy relations. In the axiomatic approach, an operator-oriented characterization of rough sets is proposed, that is, rough intuitionistic fuzzy approximation operators and intuitionistic fuzzy rough approximation operators are defined by axioms. Different axiom sets of upper and lower intuitionistic fuzzy set-theoretic operators guarantee the existence of different types of crisp/fuzzy relations which produce the same operators.  相似文献   

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