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王振  魏玲 《计算机科学》2018,45(1):73-78
单边区间集概念的提出为不完备形式背景的数据分析奠定了理论基础,也为研究其属性约简提供了思路。首先给出了不完备形式背景上的4种约简,即保持单边区间集概念格结构不变的约简、保持并(交)不可约元外延不变的约简与保持对象单边区间集概念外延不变的约简,并研究了它们的关系,最后给出了基于差别矩阵与差别函数计算约简的方法。  相似文献   

概念格的属性约简是概念格理论研究的核心问题之一。从不可约元的角度定义一种irr-型属性协调集,提出了一种概念格的属性约简方法,分别对协调和不协调两种决策形式背景下的概念格进行分析,得到了属性约简的判别方法,并且用具体的例子进行了说明。经过属性约简,概念格的计算变得更为简便。  相似文献   

通过引入交式可约元概念,文中提出了一种形式背景属性约简的新方法.基于此方法,获得了形式背景属性约简个数计算的精确公式,改进了原有的约简个数估计.在此基础上,给出了概念格的生成算法及其图示.最后,针对协调决策形式背景,通过实例给出了新的属性约简方法.  相似文献   

基于模糊形式背景,文中研究模糊-经典概念的矩阵表示及属性约简的矩阵方法.首先,从矩阵视角提出模糊-经典概念的外延和内涵的矩阵表示,进一步给出属性粒矩阵的概念.为了得到模糊-经典概念格的最小生成组,研究交不可约元的矩阵判定定理.再在保持交不可约元外延不变的约简框架下,通过矩阵刻画属性子集之间的相似性,给出属性内外重要性的度量,提出模糊-经典概念格属性约简的矩阵方法.最后,通过数值实验验证文中方法的有效性.  相似文献   

概念格的属性约简与属性特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
主要研究了基于不可约元的概念格的属性约简以及属性约简集的构造。首先给出了概念格中不可约元的判定方法。基于交不可约元,提出了一种概念格的属性约简方法。分析了对概念格的属性约简起不同作用的属性特征,并分别得到了不同类型属性的充分必要条件。最后,利用属性特征讨论了属性约简集的构造。  相似文献   

定义交可约等价类的概念,研究基于交可等价类的概念格属性约简及其算法,并由此得到不同类型属性的特征.使用链表表示形式背景的逻辑结构并根据外延对象个数大小建立索引快速判断交运算对属性约简的有效性.根据属性对交运算的不同作用找出所有不必要属性,最终得到概念格的属性约简.  相似文献   

概念格的属性约简是知识处理的重要研究问题之一。提出了一种面向对象概念格的属性约简方法。首先介绍了求面向对象概念格中并不可约元的方法,进而给出了面向对象概念格的并不可约元的外延集与面向对象概念格的协调集和约简集之间的关系,在此基础上,给出面向对象概念格的属性特征、并不可约元的外延集、属性等价类三者间的关系,最后利用这三者间的关系给出了面向对象概念格的约简集的构造。  相似文献   

从拓扑的角度研究形式背景的属性约简问题。对于非决策形式背景,提出基于集合交集的属性约简的新的定义,并得出了交协调集的判定定理,证明了交协调集与概念格协调集是等价的;最后,讨论了带有决策的形式背景的属性约简问题。  相似文献   

李鸿儒  魏平 《计算机科学》2006,33(6):175-178
形式概念分析是数据挖掘与知识获取的一种有效的数学工具。概念格作为形式概念分析的一个核心内容,刻画了对象和属性之间的内在联系。基于概念格中外延、内涵闭系统中不可约元的性质,本文研究了概念格理论中的属性分类问题,给出了一种属性特征的识别方法。这种方法不仅揭示了交不可约元与属性特征的关系,同时为知识约简提供了一种新的途径。  相似文献   

提出了背景置信度图像和背景标示图像的概念,给出了一种基于背景重建和象素最小距离(M DBP)的自动视频对象分割方法。首先运用基于背景置信度图像和背景标示图像的背景重建技术从视频序列的多帧图像中重建出可靠的背景图像,然后运用差背景法分割视频对象(VO),同时再利用象素最小距离(M D BP)和总体象素最小距离(W M DBP)准则对分割出的视频对象图像进行处理,克服由于背景的微小变化而引起的前景对象的错误检测。试验结果表明该文给出方法能够较好地重建背景,对于背景静止的视频能够得到更好的分割结果。  相似文献   

HNC语境框架及其语境歧义消解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
缪建明  张全 《计算机工程》2007,33(15):10-12
词语在交际环境中往往有不同于单独出现时的语义,会造成一定的语境语义歧义。HNC理论从交互引擎的角度来考虑计算机如何处理语境语义歧义现象,形成了不同于其他语义网络的消歧办法。该文基于HNC语境理论的整体思路,阐述了计算机在语境框架下如何进行语境歧义消解,服务于提高自然语言处理的准确率。示例说明了该方法是可行且可实现的。  相似文献   

The basic starting point of this paper is that context constitutes most of the user interface when doing VR-related experiments, but even so one bases performance measures on only a few active tasks. Thus, in order to meaningfully compare results obtained in vastly different experiments one needs to somehow subtract the contribution to observables that are due to the context. For the case where one is investigating whether changes in one observable causes changes in another, a method, context calibration, is proposed that does just that. This method is expected to, to a large extent, factor out the part of one's results that are due to factors that are not explicitly considered when evaluating the experiment, factors that the experimenter might not even suspect influences the experiment. A procedure for systematically investigating the theoretical assumptions underlying context calibration is also discussed as is an initial experiment adhering to the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The paper gives an overview of a recently started research project addressing the question: Can context be exploited to add value to IT-services? Beyond today's way-finding services based on GPS and maps, we believe there is a new class of context-aware pervasive services making good use of a broad range of context information (e.g. identity, time of day, temperature, history as well as relative location of friends and belongings). Last but not least we believe one can find ways of adding value to IT-services by using disembodied conversational agents based on voice, sounds and visual signals integrated into the environment, instead of being guided by explicit directions shown on a display. The project aims at giving both new fundamental insight about the theory behind IT-services, their architecture and user interfaces and at building a number of prototypes demonstrating innovative context-aware pervasive IT-services.  相似文献   

Extracting Hidden Context   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Concept drift due to hidden changes in context complicates learning in many domains including financial prediction, medical diagnosis, and communication network performance. Existing machine learning approaches to this problem use an incremental learning, on-line paradigm. Batch, off-line learners tend to be ineffective in domains with hidden changes in context as they assume that the training set is homogeneous. An off-line, meta-learning approach for the identification of hidden context is presented. The new approach uses an existing batch learner and the process of contextual clustering to identify stable hidden contexts and the associated context specific, locally stable concepts. The approach is broadly applicable to the extraction of context reflected in time and spatial attributes. Several algorithms for the approach are presented and evaluated. A successful application of the approach to a complex flight simulator control task is also presented.  相似文献   

We propose a novel framework for automatic discovering and learning of behavioural context for video-based complex behaviour recognition and anomaly detection. Our work differs from most previous efforts on learning visual context in that our model learns multi-scale spatio-temporal rather than static context. Specifically three types of behavioural context are investigated: behaviour spatial context, behaviour correlation context, and behaviour temporal context. To that end, the proposed framework consists of an activity-based semantic scene segmentation model for learning behaviour spatial context, and a cascaded probabilistic topic model for learning both behaviour correlation context and behaviour temporal context at multiple scales. These behaviour context models are deployed for recognising non-exaggerated multi-object interactive and co-existence behaviours in public spaces. In particular, we develop a method for detecting subtle behavioural anomalies against the learned context. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated by extensive experiments carried out using data captured from complex and crowded outdoor scenes.  相似文献   

Wearables are often described with a focus on providing the user with wearable information access and communication means. The contextual information retrieval aspect is, however, an essential feature of such systems, as in, for example, the Remembrance Agent [1] where manually entered search-terms are used for presenting relevant situational information, or as in different location-based systems [2]. In this position paper we outline a general framework of contextually aware wearable systems, and suggest how such mechanisms, collecting massive traces of the user context, may lead to several other interesting uses in what we will call context trace technology.  相似文献   

Personalization and Context Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Supporting the individual user in his working, learning, or information access is one of the main goals of user modeling. Personal or group user models make it possible to represent and use information about preferences, knowledge, abilities, emotional states, and many other characteristics of a user to adapt the user experience and support. Nowadays, the disappearing computer enables the user to access her information from a variety of personal and public displays and devices. To support a new generation of contextualized and personalized information and services, this paper addresses the problem of context management. Context management is a new approach to the design of context-aware systems in ubiquitous computing that combines personalization and contextualization. The presented framework for context management integrates user modeling and context modeling, which can benefit from each other and give rise to more valid models for personalized and contextualized information delivery. The paper will introduce a base framework and tools for designing context-aware applications and decompose the underlying framework into its foundational components. As two illustrative application cases, the paper discusses implementations of an intelligent advertisement board and an audio-augmented museum environment.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of how natural language generation technology can contribute to less intrusive wearable devices. Based on the investigation of how humans adapt the form of their utterances to the context of their hearer, we propose a strategy to relate (physical) context to the automated generation of natural language utterances. First we emphasise that different dimensions of context need to be taken into account and illustrate this with examples of lexical choice. Then we elaborate a strategy for determining sentence structure and prosody annotation based on the context relating to focus of attention. Our approach sets up an experimental basis in the context of an advice-giving wearable device (parrot).  相似文献   

Understanding and Using Context   总被引:49,自引:6,他引:43  
Context is a poorly used source of information in our computing environments. As a result, we have an impoverished understanding of what context is and how it can be used. In this paper, we provide an operational definition of context and discuss the different ways in which context can be used by context-aware applications. We also present the Context Toolkit, an architecture that supports the building of these context-aware applications. We discuss the features and abstractions in the toolkit that make the task of building applications easier. Finally, we introduce a new abstraction, a situation which we believe will provide additional support to application designers.  相似文献   

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