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早在学生时代,小菜就痴迷于抱着收音机定时收听中央台的小说连播,工作后却不得不忍痛割爱——没时间啊,连播的时候自己在工作,休息了,却早过了连播时间,真真郁闷死了。某天,小菜偶尔打开了中央人民广播电台的网站,意外发现,网站居然提供了小说连播的音频下载,想到自己新买的MP3,不由一阵窃喜。  相似文献   

当这次的期中语文检测卷发了下去时,只见班内的晨聪哭了,又见馨怡笑了。我看了看全班学生,然后和颜悦色地说:“晨聪,你应该哭一哭,馨怡,你应该笑笑。”我心里十分清楚他们为什么哭、为什么笑。这时,教室里鸦雀无声,五十多双小眼睛都齐刷刷地看着我,于是,我笑着对他们说:“态度决定一切!馨怡同学努力了,所以她成功了。”  相似文献   

初识博客,缘于“博客中国”。一次偶然的机会,上了“博客中国”,并且一时心血来潮,注册了一个用户名——“苏州布衣”,发表了一些以前写好的文章。不想过了大概半天时间,我的几篇文章被编辑推荐到了网站首页,作为精品提供给大家浏览,一时间点击不断,评论纷纷,激起了我的兴趣,就继续发了一些文章,以期与大家共同交流。这也许可以算是我与博客的第一次亲密接触。  相似文献   

分布式工业控制计算机局域网的研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了一种分级分布式工业控制计算机局域网,提出了标准转换器.实现了硬件联网;根据国际标准制定了此网的通信协议,设计了所有通讯软件,实现了软件联网,成功地完成了一台IBM-PC386与三台STDBUS工业控制机的联网,构成了实时性好,可靠性高,价格较低的二级分布式工业控制计算机局域网络,此网不仅适用于化工生产,而且也适用其它生产过程控制,具有广泛的推广价值。  相似文献   

王欣 《个人电脑》2008,14(6):30
昭阳商用笔记本产品线是博采众长的典型代表:在收购了ThinkPad之后,我们看到了昭阳K系列新品,其设计广泛吸取了ThinkPad的优势,并结合中国用户的需求,因此得到了不错的口碑;如今,在IdeaPad正式推出之后,昭阳又添了新丁,这就是K12。  相似文献   

POP熊的老爸酷爱钓鱼,加入了钓鱼俱乐部,经常和钓友自驾到附近的水库去钓鱼。上个周末,POP熊也跟着去钓了次鱼,还住了两天大帐篷,实在是太惬意了!既呼吸到了原生态的新鲜空气,又亲手钓到了不少的鱼,大饱口福。周末时间很宝贵,大家别老在家里闷着了,多出去玩吧!  相似文献   

卢小雷 《个人电脑》2013,19(1):20-21
从大容量墨仓式打印系统面世以来,正品耗材的单页成本被降至了一个非常低的水平,由此展开的打印成本之战也随之拉开了序幕,喷墨打印似平一下告别了以往安逸的田园生活,突然进入了战国时代,各大外设厂商都使出了浑身解数,通过各种形式来降低单页打印成本,我们看到了诸如超值墨盒套装、大容量墨盒组合,甚至直白的低价墨盒策略等等,一时间,经济适用型打印机俨然成为了市场瞩目的焦点,毕竟,在廉价打印市场培育期的裉节上。  相似文献   

克里斯汀是一名银行贷款负责人。一天,Ganush夫人来到银行,要求将还贷款的期限再延长一些,然而,银行已经给Ganush夫人延期过两次了,克里斯汀很为难,最后拒绝了Ganush的请求。Ganush觉得克里斯汀羞辱了她,将最毒的魔咒施在了克里斯汀身上,将她原本美满的生活变成了地狱……  相似文献   

絮语 《现代计算机》2009,(9):134-134
数码相机、博客、粉丝,无形之间改变了我们今天的生活和阅读方式。 数码相机,造就了无数的天才摄影师。不会摄影的,已经陶醉于自己的作品中;略通摄影的,已经堪称摄影师了。一级一级的晋升,头衔也就逐渐扩展,原本摄影记者,现在都摇身一变成了摄影家,不换个家字,似乎级数就显得低了一档。  相似文献   

网络隐患扫描器的设计与实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了网络的不安全性,从网络安全预防的角度分析了网络安全扫描器的工作原理,介绍了几种扫描技术,在该基础上,设计和实现了一个网络安全扫描器,并进行了详细的分析,归纳了该系统的应用特点,并指出了进一步需要做的工作。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology to design multivariable proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers based on decoupling control. The method is presented for general n × n processes. In the design procedure, an ideal decoupling control with integral action is designed to minimise interactions. It depends on the desired open-loop processes that are specified according to realisability conditions and desired closed-loop performance specifications. These realisability conditions are stated and three common cases to define the open-loop processes are studied and proposed. Then, controller elements are approximated to PID structure. From a practical point of view, the wind-up problem is also considered and a new anti-wind-up scheme for multivariable PID controller is proposed. Comparisons with other works demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology through the use of several simulation examples and an experimental lab process.  相似文献   

飞行器模型簇描述及鲁棒控制器设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
史忠科 《控制与决策》2004,19(8):911-914
通过分析飞行器运动方程,给出了分段线性化模型簇描述.为了得到一定飞行区域的鲁棒控制器,选取负实极点并采用对角占优势的方法对状态反馈矩阵进行设计.同时,提出了全飞行区域(飞行包线内)的多个子系统划分及鲁棒镇定控制的设计方法.为了抑制飞行器的建模误差,采用了输入补偿方法.与常规鲁棒控制设计方法相比较,该方法可以降低飞行控制器设计的复杂度.飞行控制器设计结果表明,该方法对不确定系统的分析和设计是有效的。  相似文献   

刘琴 《自动化应用》2012,(6):32-33,35
结合生产实际,对粗轧控制系统进行综合设计。介绍粗轧控制系统的结构,以及粗轧核心APC控制、粗轧RAWC控制和带钢SSC控制的控制思想并给出相应控制算法。  相似文献   

In this paper, a completely event-based two-degree-of-freedom proportional-integral controller is presented. The architecture of the controller is based on event-based decoupled solutions for the set-point following and the load disturbance rejection tasks. For the first task, the solution is a design procedure that, by considering a first-order-plus-dead-time model of the process and a predesigned open-loop control action, produces an event-based feedforward controller that provides the required process variable transition with just two events. The second task is solved by applying two separate event-based proportional and integral control actions. Because the two tasks are initially solved independently, two solutions for coupling them are described. Illustrative examples of the performance of the controller are included as well as experimental results.  相似文献   

六自由度并联机器人分散鲁棒非线性控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对六自由度并联机器人动力学特点,提出了一种新型分散鲁棒非线性控制方法.与传统PD控制策略和已有分散鲁棒非线性控制方法相比,由于控制律中增加了广义误差的小数幂项,改进后的方法除保持原方法的优点外,还具有较强的终端收敛能力,能够保证跟踪误差以更快的速度全局一致收敛到一个更小的剩余集.通过选择合适的控制器参数,可使剩余集趋于0.运用Lyapunov方法分析了系统稳定性,给出了系统稳定性条件.最后,仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

The author analytically proves that the simplest fuzzy controllers using different inference methods are different nonlinear proportional-integral (PI) controllers with proportional-gains and integral-gains changing with inputs of the controllers. The inference methods involved are Mamdani's minimum inference method, Larsen's product inference method, the drastic product inference method and the bounded product inference method. Configuration of the fuzzy controllers is minimal, which includes two input fuzzy sets, three output fuzzy sets, four control rules, Zadeh fuzzy logic AND, Lukasiewicz fuzzy logic OR and a center of gravity defuzzification algorithm. After analytically investigating properties of the nonlinear PI controllers, the author reveals that the bounded product inference method is inappropriate for the control purpose while the other three inference methods are appropriate. Dynamic and static control behaviors of the fuzzy controllers with the appropriate inference methods are analytically compared with each other, and are also compared with those of the linear PI controller. Finally, it is analytically proven that the fuzzy control systems have the same local stability at the equilibrium point as the corresponding linear PI control system does.  相似文献   

A distributed controller is developed that yields cooperative containment control of a network of autonomous dynamical systems. The networked agents are modeled with uncertain nonlinear Euler–Lagrange dynamics affected by an unknown time‐varying exogenous disturbance. The developed continuous controller is robust to input disturbances and uncertain dynamics such that asymptotic convergence of the follower agents' states to the dynamic convex hull formed by the leaders' time‐varying states is achieved. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed controller. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We study decentralized stabilization of discrete‐time linear time invariant (LTI) systems subject to actuator saturation using LTI controllers. The requirement of stabilization under both saturation constraints and decentralization imposes obvious necessary conditions on the open‐loop plant, namely that its eigenvalues are in the closed unit disc and further that the eigenvalues on the unit circle are not decentralized fixed modes. The key contribution of this work is to provide a broad sufficient condition for decentralized stabilization under saturation. Specifically, we show through an iterative argument that the stabilization is possible: whenever (1) the open‐loop eigenvalues are in the closed unit disc; (2) the eigenvalues on the unit circle are not decentralized fixed modes; and (3) these eigenvalues on the unit circle have algebraic multiplicity of 1. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

发动机电子控制系统是高性能、高可靠性发动机开发的核心研究内容,是保证发动机动力性、经济性和排放性的重要因素之一.针对车用汽油发动机,本文首先分析了典型的车用汽油发动机电子控制系统结构,然后围绕电子节气门控制系统、燃油喷射控制系统、点火控制系统、空燃比控制系统、怠速控制系统、涡轮增压控制系统、爆震检测与控制系统以及汽油机先进燃烧模式控制这8项关键问题展开论述,并着重介绍了近年来国内外的研究内容和研究成果.最后对车用汽油发动机电子控制系统的发展前景和发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Various recursive parameter estimation algorithms and controller design procedures can be combined to build up parameter-adaptive control algorithms. Two parameter estimation methods and six control algorithms have been selected, taking into account good convergence properties and small computational expense and regarding the conditions for closed-loop identification. The resulting 12 parameter-adaptive control algorithms are compared and tested with a process computer in on-line operation with analog simulated stable and unstable processes for stochastic disturbances and step changes of the reference signal. The results are very promising. In many cases a good control performance is achieved. As a priori knowledge only the sampling time, the process model order and time delay and in some cases a weighting factor for the process input signal are required. Some parameter-adaptive control algorithms with good properties are applied to digital adaptive control of an air heater. Conclusions are given for the selection of parameter-adaptive control algorithms, depending on the type of process and its disturbances.The adaptive control algorithms may be applied for adaptive control of constant and time variant, linear and weakly non-linear stable and unstable processes with process computers or micro computers or for self-tuning of control algorithms or tuning of conventional analog PID controllers, if external disturbances act on the loop.  相似文献   

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