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VHDL-AMS is the Analog and Mixed-Signal Extensions to VHDL.The paper gives a brief overview of the added features to VHDL.A mixed-signal simulator has been developed based on VHDL-AMS.A new synchronization algorithm is adopted in the simulator.Using the new algorithm the analog kernel does not need to synchronize the digital kernel at each digital event time point.The effciency of the new synchronization algorthm is tested by examples.Simulation results show the newly developed algorithm can speed up the simulation.  相似文献   

This paper presents on optimized method for factoring multivariate polynomials over algebraic extension fields defined by an irreducible ascending set. The basic idea is to convert multivariate polynomials to univariate polynomials and algebraic extension fields to algebraic number fields by suitable integer substituteions.Then factorize the univariate polynomials over the algebraic number fields.Finally,construct mulativariate factors of the original polynomial by Hensel lemma and TRUEFACTOR test.Some examples with timing are included.  相似文献   

A Redundant Binary Algorithm for RSA   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
1IntroductionModularexponentiationwithlargeilltegers,MEmodN,isoneoftheimportantcompu-tationalproblems.AtypicalexampleofitsapplicationsisimplementingtheRSAcryptosys-teml1].OnemethodofcomputingMEmodNistheaPproachofrepeatingmodularsquar-ingandmultiplication[2].SinceitisbasedonthebinaryrepresentationofexponelltE,thealgorithmisreferredtoasbinaryalgorithm,whichcanbedescribedasfollows.LetE=en-1en-2...eobethebinaryrepresentationofexponentE,whereeiE{1,O},i=O,1,...3n-1.BinaryAlgorithm(forcomputi…  相似文献   

A Redundant Binary Algorithm for RSA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The normal form and modified normal form for binary redundant representation are defined.A redundant binary algorithm to compute modular exponentiation for very large integers is proposed.It is shown that the proposed algorithm requires the minimum number of basic operations(modular multiplications)among all possible binary redundant representations.  相似文献   

In this paper,a fast algorithm for polygon operations is introduced.The intersection validation testing method is described.  相似文献   

Programming and Computer Software - Among the applications enabled by expert systems, disease diagnosis is a particularly important one. Nowadays, diabetes is found to be a complex health issue in...  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm for extracting lines from hand drawings.It starts from contour pixel tracing,fits them into contour segments,and then extracts skeleton lines from the contour segments.The algorithm finds all contours in one scan of the input matrix without detecting and marking multiple pixels.In line extraction,the method Elastic Contour Segment Tracing is proposed which extracts lines by referring to the contour segments at both sides,overcoming noise and passing through blotted areas by fitting and extrapolation. Experiments on free hand mechanical drawings,sketches,letter/numerals,as well as Chinese characters are carried out and satisfactory results are achieved.  相似文献   

In this paper,a new covering algorithm called FCV1 is presented.FCV1 comprises two algorithms,one of which is able to fast search for a partial rule and exclude the large portion of neggative examples,the other algorithm incorporates the more optimized greedy set-covering algorithm,and runs on a small portion of training examples.Hence,the training process of FCV1 is much faster than that of AQ15.  相似文献   

A unified vector sorting algorithm(VSA) is proposed,which sorts N arbitrary numbers with c log2 N-bits on an SIMD multi-processor system (SMMP) with p=N^1 ε/u processors and a composite interconnected network in T=c/ε(4 log2 N-2 log2 u 10u) time,where c is an arbitrary positive constant.When ε is an arbitrary small positive constant and u=log2 N,it is an O(log N) algorithm and p=N^1 ε/log2 N;when ε=1/log N and u=2 log2 N,it is an optimal algorithm (p=N/log2 N,T=O(log^2 N),pT=O(N log N));where u=1,c=1 and ε=0.5 (a constant).  相似文献   

In this paper,we study the problem of calculating th minimum collision distance between two planar convex polygons when one of them moves to another along a given direction.First,several novel concepts and proprties are explored,then an optimal algorithm OPFIV with time complexity O(log n m)) is developed and its correctness and optimization are proved rigorously.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的最优判别向量集即统计不相关广义最优判别向量集 ,并给出了计算公式。用ORL人脸数据库进行人脸识别实验 ,结果表明该方法有较强的特征提取能力。  相似文献   

在正交约束条件下,求使Fisher准则判别函数式取极大值的向量,这样的最优判别向量就是F-S最优判别向量集。基于Fisher判别准则函数式,提出了一种无约束的最优判别矢量集,并给出了求解算法。另外,当训练样本矢量数小于样本矢量维数(即小样本问题),类内散布矩阵奇异,为了使它非奇异,采取对样本进行降维的措施,那维数至少要降到多少维才能确保它非奇异,给出了计算公式。实验结果表明鉴别矢量集有良好的分类能力。  相似文献   

Generalized linear discriminant analysis has been successfully used as a dimensionality reduction technique in many classification tasks. An analytical method for finding the optimal set of generalized discriminant vectors is proposed in this paper. Compared with other methods, the proposed method has the advantage of requiring less computational time and achieving higher recognition rates. The results of experiments conducted on the Olivetti Research Lab facial database show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

在基于核的广义鉴别特征模型的基础上,提出了一种新的核广义鉴别特征抽取方法。利用空间变换的有关理论,使得变换后的核总体散布矩阵满足非奇异性;同时通过核共轭特征抽取方法,抽取满足核共轭正交条件的特征向量,使抽取的特征满足统计不相关性。在ORL人脸库上的实验表明了所提方法的有效性,达到了比核鉴别分析等方法更好的识别效果。  相似文献   

一种新的图像特征抽取方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对最佳鉴别矢量的求解方法进行了研究,根据矩阵的分块理论和优化理论,在一定的条件下,从理论上得到类间散布矩阵和总体散布矩阵的一种简洁表示方法,提出了求解最佳鉴别矢量的一种新算法,该算法的优点是计算量明显减少。ORL人脸数据库的数值实验,验证了上述论断的正确性。实验结果表明,虽然识别率与分块维数之间存在非线性关系,但可以通过选择适当的分块维数来获得较高的识别率。类间散布矩阵和总体散布矩阵的一种简洁表示方法适合于一切使用Fisher鉴别准则的模式识别问题。  相似文献   

最佳鉴别平面作为一种重要的特征抽取方法,在人脸特征降维中具有重要的影响。然而,传统的最佳鉴别平面是基于Fisher准则的,只能用于有监督模式。为此,提出了一种将最佳鉴别平面扩展到无监督模式下的方法,其基本思想是以投影空间中模糊类间离散度和模糊类内离散度的比值最大为优化目标,计算出无监督模式下最佳鉴别矢量及模糊离散度矩阵,进而获得一种新的基于无监督最佳鉴别平面的特征抽取方法。较之同属于无监督特征抽取的主成分分析,该方法更容易获得有利于分类的特征。对CMU-PIE人脸数据库进行实验,结果表明,在样本类别信息缺失的情况下,该方法尽管无法具有与有监督模式下的最佳鉴别平面特征抽取方法同样的性能,但当不同类之间差异较大时,将优于主成分分析方法。  相似文献   

基于扰动方法的广义最佳鉴别矢量集求解的一种迭代算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对广义最佳鉴别矢量的求解方法进行研究,根据矩阵的扰动理论,改进了郭提出的求解广义最佳鉴别矢量的一种迭代算法,提出了求解广义最佳鉴别矢量的一种新的迭代算法,本文算法的一个突出优点是随着类别数目的增加,计算时间反而缩短;而老算法随着类别数目的增加计算时间随着增加,不仅如此,新算法的识别率不劣于老算法,在ORL人脸数据库的数值实验,验证了上述论断的正确性。  相似文献   

求解广义最佳鉴别矢量集的一种迭代算法及人脸识别   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
郭跃飞  杨静宇 《计算机学报》2000,23(11):1189-1195
广义最佳鉴别矢量集是Foley-Sammon最佳鉴别矢量集的一种推广,它与Foley-Sammon最佳鉴别矢量集的不同之处在于广义最佳鉴别矢量集从整体上考虑投影集的可分性,即样本在广义最佳鉴别矢量上的投影集从整体上具有最佳的可分性。该文给出了广义最佳鉴别矢量的定义,对求解广义最佳鉴别矢量集的已有算法从理论上作了分析,指出了其中的不足之处,给出了一种迭代算法,从理论上证明了迭代结果收敛于精确解,并对其误差作了分析。最后,将此方法用于人脸识别,结果显示,新方法比已有的方法更有效。  相似文献   

The algorithm and the theorem of uncorrelated optimal discriminant vectors (UODV) were proposed by Jin. In this paper, we present new improvements to Jin's method, which include an improved approach for the original algorithm and a generalized theorem for UODV. Experimental results prove that our approach is superior to the original in the recognition rate.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的图像投影鉴别分析方法。首先,与Liu投影鉴别分析方法相比,具有能够消除投影特征分量之间相关性的优点。其次,该方法从整体上考虑投影集的可分性。即样本在图像最佳鉴别矢量上的投影集从整体上具有最佳的可分性。另外,所提出的方法是直接基于图像矩阵的,与以往的基于图像向量的鉴别方法相比,它的突出优点是大大地提高了特征抽取的速度。最后,在0RL标准人脸库上的试验结果表明,所提出的图像投影鉴剐分析方法较Liu的方法在识别性能上有了较大幅度的提高,在普通的分类器下达到95%识别率。该识别率明显优于颇有影响的Fisher-faces方法,其特征抽取的速度提高了近19。68倍。  相似文献   

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