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一种面向动态软件体系结构的在线演化方法   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
余萍  马晓星  吕建  陶先平 《软件学报》2006,17(6):1360-1371
为适应计算环境和用户需求在系统运行期间的变化,满足软件系统进行动态演化的需求,提出面向动态软件体系结构的在线演化方法,设计并实现了一种运行时刻的软件体系结构元模型,将原先运行时刻不可见的体系结构设计信息具体化为显式的体系结构实体,并与系统实现及系统规约之间保持因果关联.元模型的演化可通过反射实现对运行系统的修改和对规约的更新,所有演化行为都在良定义的体系结构元模型的指导下规范地进行,保证了演化前后系统的一致性、完整性和演化的可追溯性.基于该方法开发了可视化支撑平台Artemis-ARC系统,支持构件和服务的设计、开发、集成及动态演化,并通过简单的应用实例展示了在线演化的效果.  相似文献   

运行时软件体系结构能够准确描述目标系统的真实状态和行为,对指导软件的维护和演化起着重要的作用。本文提出了一种发现运行时体系结构的方法,利用系统实现与体系结构风格之间的对应关系,定义了一种基于规则的转换映射;将收集到的底层系统事件解释成体系结构层面的操作,从而可获取运行时体系结构视图;通过一个即时通信系统实例说明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

马骞  俞春  马晓星  吕建 《计算机科学》2006,33(10):242-246
基于运行时体系结构的协同模型能够为面向服务的协同应用系统的动态演化提供有效的支持。但是在实现层面上,如何使软件体系结构从抽象的规约转化为运行时实际的对象实体,并成为系统演化行为的直接载体,是一个较为困难的技术挑战。针对这个问题,本文提出一种基于计算自省的实现途径,主要包括基于面向对象程序设计语言构造的体系结构层面的元表示和元协议、基于体系结构上下文中对象引用重解释构建的因果互连机制,以及基于该因果互连机制的应用系统的动态重配置。以上实现方式在自行开发的服务协同系统ARTEMIS-ARC时得以实施。  相似文献   

提出一种CORBA构件部署框架,扩展了CCM的容器运行时模型,能够在系统运行时动态地添加、删除和替换构件,而这些任务都是由构件部署框架自动完成的,对构件开发者透明,减轻了构件开发者的负担.  相似文献   

基于图文法的动态软件体系结构支撑环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马晓星  曹春  余萍  周宇 《软件学报》2008,19(8):1881-1892
使用类型化的属性图及其图文法来直观而形式地刻画软件体系结构和体系结构风格,用图转换来刻画动态体系结构的重配置行为.基于这种刻画,构建了一个动态软件体系结构支撑环境.该环境一方面,通过一个基于图文法的编辑器来支持体系结构图模型的可视化构造和操纵;另一方面,基于内置运行时体系结构技术实现了体系结构图模型在具体系统中的物理实施,并使得图模型上的图转换操作可以自动映射到实际系统的动态重配置上.再加上一系列的辅助设施,形成了一个较为完整的基于图文法的动态软件体系结构支撑环境.  相似文献   

自适应重配置软件系统的运行时监控方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐姗  李丽萍  谭文安 《计算机科学》2013,40(11):191-196
运行时监控技术作为实现自适应软件的一个重要研究内容,现已成为当前很多软件工程方法中用来提高软件产品可信性的一个重要设计原则。针对现有的很多软件监控方法常常将系统的监控逻辑与业务功能逻辑混杂在一起的问题,提出了一个需求模型驱动的、自适应重配置软件的运行时监控方法。以软件系统的目标模型及属性规约为基础,介绍了如何构建系统的监控模型、生成和编织监控代码,以及进行运行时诊断分析和自适应重配置调整。该方法通过采用独立于应用程序的外部单元来实现对运行时系统的监控、诊断和自适应重配置处理。这更利于系统的维护和管理,也更符合软件复用的思想。  相似文献   

基于构件技术的应用框架元模型的研究   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:44       下载免费PDF全文
从应用框架构造和组成的角度,使用UML(unified modeling language,统一建模语言)符号体系,提出了框架元模型,给出了框架内部组成元素的语义,特别是对扩展点的表示和实现机制进行了详细的讨论.最后以电信综合营业系统框架为例,给出了框架元模型的一个实例,并给出了应用框架的复用方法.  相似文献   

为增强嵌入式软件的复用性、可移植性,缩短开发周期,通过研究现有的主流构件运行支撑技术,提出了一种面向嵌入式领域的运行支撑体系结构。为实现灵活、开放的嵌入式应用平台,本文首先建立了构件化的嵌入式运行支撑框架模型,然后结合PDA手机领域重点分析了开放式HLA结构和虚拟OS平台等关键技术,最后利用伪代码示例探讨了该领域中应用平台的定制与扩展方法。  相似文献   

动态ERP系统的研究与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中介绍了动态ERP系统的特点,提出了用组件和框架复用的方法分层次开发新一代ERP系统的体系结构模型。在建立业务组件,基本功能组件,分布式组件的基础上采用设计模式建立具有独立功能的粒度更大的可复用成分:框架,从而完成系统的构建。  相似文献   

陈星  兰兴土  李隘鹏  郭文忠  黄罡 《软件学报》2017,28(7):1881-1897
随着云计算技术的普及,涌现出众多不同用途、不同类型的云计算平台.为了满足遗产系统整合和动态资源扩展等需求,常常需要构造混合云来统一管理不同云平台中的计算和存储资源.然而,不同云平台的管理接口和管理机制存在差异,使得开发混合云管理系统难度大、复杂度高.本文提出一种基于运行时模型的混合云管理方法:首先,在云平台管理接口基础上,构造单一云平台的运行时模型;其次,根据云平台领域知识,提出一种云平台软件体系结构的统一模型;最后,通过模型转换,实现云平台统一模型到运行时模型的映射.于是,管理程序可以建立在云平台统一模型的基础上,降低了混合云管理系统开发的难度和复杂度.本文还实现了基于运行时模型的CloudStack和亚马逊EC2混合云管理系统,并对方法的可行性和有效性进行了验证.  相似文献   

Runtime software architectures (RSA) are architecture-level, dynamic representations of running software systems, which help monitor and adapt the systems at a high abstraction level. The key issue to support RSA is to maintain the causal connection between the architecture and the system, ensuring that the architecture represents the current system, and the modifications on the architecture cause proper system changes. The main challenge here is the abstraction gap between the architecture and the system. In this paper, we investigate the synchronization mechanism between architecture configurations and system states for maintaining the causal connections. We identify four required properties for such synchronization, and provide a generic solution satisfying these properties. Specifically, we utilize bidirectional transformation to bridge the abstraction gap between architecture and system, and design an algorithm based on it, which addresses issues such as conflicts between architecture and system changes, and exceptions of system manipulations. We provide a generative tool-set that helps developers implement this approach on a wide class of systems. We have successfully applied our approach on JOnAS JEE system to support it with C2-styled runtime software architecture, as well as some other cases between practical systems and typical architecture models.  相似文献   

Architecture-based runtime management (ARM) is a promising approach for Internetware systems. The key enablement of ARM is runtime architecture infrastructure(RAI) that maintains the causal connection between runtime systems and architectural mod-els. An RAI is uneasy to implement and, more importantly, specific to the given system and model. In this paper, we propose a model-driven approach for automated generation of RAI implementation. Developers only need to define three MOF models for their preferred archi-tecture model and the target system (these models are reusable independently for di?erent pairs of the model and system), and one QVT transformation for the causal connection. Our Eclipse-based toolset, called SM@RT, will automatically generate the RAI implementation code without any modification on the source code of the target system, and automatically and properly deploy the generated RAI into the distributed systems. This approach is exper-imented on several runtime systems and architectural models, including ABC architectural models on Eclipse GUI and Android, C2 architectural models on JOnAS, Rainbow C/S style on PLASTIC and UML models on POJO.  相似文献   

Runtime verification involves monitoring the system at runtime to check for conformance of the execution trace to user defined safety properties. Typically, run-time verifiers do not assume a system model and hence cannot predict violations until they occur. This limits the practical applicability of runtime verification. Steering is the process of predicting the occurrence of violations and preventing them by controlling system execution. Steerers can achieve this using a limited knowledge of the system model even in situations where it is infeasible to store the entire model. In this paper, we explore a control-theoretic view of steering for discrete event systems. We introduce an architecture for steering and also describe different steering paradigms.  相似文献   

As an emerging software paradigm, Internetware is proposed to handle openness, dynamism of software systems in the context of Internet, which implies that such software systems typically have runtime variability that can be improved dynamically to handle various or even unexpected changes of requirements and open environment. Though many progresses of Internetware software technologies have been made to support the adaptation, evolution, context-awareness, etc. of Internetware, how to construct Internetware systems with the ability to improve their runtime variability is still a great challenge in the literature of software engineering. In this paper, we propose software architecture and mechanisms for Internetware systems to support the improvement of their runtime variability by combining software variability and autonomic computing techniques. The Internetware system is organized as three levels that are consist of variable autonomic elements and Internetware entities, and architecture of these software entities is defined and discussed respectively. Moreover, we put forward a series of runtime mechanisms based on these levels, including module selection, intermediator and horizontal management, to realize operations upon the variation points and variants in software architectures and thus achieve the improvement of runtime variability. We develop a sample of Personal Data Resource Network to depict the requirements and scenario of improving runtime variability, and further study the case based on our proposed approach to show its effectiveness and applicability.  相似文献   

王珍  叶俊民  陈曙  辜剑  金聪 《计算机科学》2014,41(11):146-151,174
随着计算机软件广泛应用于各类安全关键系统以及软件日趋复杂,软件可靠性变得越来越重要。作为一种广泛使用于各种平台的软件解决方案,运行时监控是提高软件可靠性的最灵活的解决方案之一。但随着运行时监控技术以及软件技术的发展,人们希望通过运行时监控技术来验证系统的动态属性,从而提出参数化性质的运行时监控技术。由于其在面向对象系统中的适用性,参数化性质的运行时监控已经受到了越来越多的关注。综述了参数化运行时监控的研究进展,提出了参数化运行时监控的问题定义,介绍了这一领域的主要研究内容:参数化运行时监控方法、减少参数化监控开销的技术、多属性规约的参数化运行时监控。  相似文献   

This paper describes CAFES, an extensible, open-source framework supporting several tasks related to high-level modeling and design of applications employing complex intrachip communication infrastructures. CAFES comprises several built-in models, including application, communication architecture, energy consumption and timing models. It also includes a set of generic and specific algorithms and additional supporting tools, which jointly with the cited models allow the designer to describe and evaluate applications requirements and constraints on specified communication architectures. Several examples of the use of CAFES underline the usefulness of the framework. Some of these are approached in this paper: (i) a realistic application captured at high-level that has its computation time estimated after mapping at the clock cycle level; (ii) a multi-application system that is automatically mapped to a large intrachip network with related tasks occupying contiguous areas in the chip layout; (iii) a set of mapping algorithms explored to define trade-offs between run time and energy savings for small to large intrachip communication architectures.  相似文献   

Models@ run.time   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Blair  G. Bencomo  N. France  R.B. 《Computer》2009,42(10):22-27
Runtime adaptation mechanisms that leverage software models extend the applicability of model-driven engineering techniques to the runtime environment. Contemporary mission-critical software systems are often expected to safely adapt to changes in their execution environment. Given the critical roles these systems play, it is often inconvenient to take them offline to adapt their functionality. Consequently, these systems are required, when feasible, to adapt their behavior at runtime with little or no human intervention. A promising approach to managing complexity in runtime environments is to develop adaptation mechanisms that leverage software models, referred to as models@run. time. Work on models@run.time seeks to extend the applicability of models produced in model-driven engineering (MDE) approaches to the runtime environment. Models@run. time is a causally connected self-representation of the associated system that emphasizes the structure, behavior, or goals of the system from a problem space perspective.  相似文献   

陈星  张伟  黄罡  李隘鹏  郭文忠  陈国龙 《软件学报》2014,25(8):1696-1712
无线传感网是物联网的核心,主要解决物联网中的信息感知问题,通过散布在特定区域的成千上万的传感器节点,采集环境中各种信息并连接到互联网上.然而,传感设备所采集到的数据是实时的、数量庞大且无良好结构的,要将采集到的数据映射到应用系统的问题域空间,就不得不编写大量的映射代码.为了快速定制和开发物联网系统,提出一种基于运行时模型的无线传感网管理方法:首先,在传感设备管理接口基础上构造运行时模型,并维护运行时模型与采集到信息的数据同步;其次,基于运行时模型,对不同传感设备采集到的数据进行定制、抽取和合并,实现通过组合模型对场景中不同的传感设备进行统一管理;最后,通过模型转换,实现组合模型到应用场景模型的映射,从而能够面向应用场景进行物联网系统的开发.还实现了基于运行时模型的智慧社区原型系统,并对方法的可行性和有效性进行了验证.  相似文献   

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