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针对火箭发动机试验中某加热器振动信号的测量和处理问题,首先在加热器某测点上冗余配置了两种不同型号的加速度计,完成了其振动加速度信号的测量;之后,基于MATLAB编程方法实现了加热器振动加速度信号消除趋势项和平滑预处理,通过对两种预处理结果的比较分析,得到了最终合理的振动加速度信号;最后,将振动加速度信号进行了频域二次积分解析运算,得到了其振动位移量信号;试验结果验证了信号测量的可靠性和处理结果的有效性和准确性,从而为加热器振动状况的分析提供了全面、可靠、准确的数据依据。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于VC++用加速度传感器实时测量高压变电站主变压器振动位移信号的方法.首先将加速度谱进行频谱变换,计算每个频率分量对应的幅值,进而对这些幅值比较检测出振动信号频率,然后将所需幅值进行叠加运算,根据时域信号和频域信号能量对应关系即可求出简谐振动信号位移幅值和加速度幅值.验证试验结果表明该方法可行,实时性、精度可满足工程实践的需要.  相似文献   

崔少辉 《自动化仪表》1997,18(10):20-23
介绍了利用8098单片机进行加速度、速度和位移三个振动参数的测量原理和数据处理系统.重点叙述了利用8098实现的测量系统,并对其典型电路,如电压形成及程控放大电路、峰值检波电路等作了较详细的分析介绍.  相似文献   

本文检测系统由电荷放大器,带通滤波器和以8031为CPU的单片机系统组成,通过软件实现带通滤波器中心频率的选择,利用高速A/D转换器及数字波滤方法测量振动加速度的峰值,实现振动幅值的峰值,有效值和平均值显示,利用频率选择键和倍频健可以进行振动信号多次揩波的频率分析。  相似文献   

提出通过遥测加速度振动信号时域数值积分和最小二乘相结合的方法消除零漂对积分结果精度的影响,即采用最小二乘原则对加速度振动信号时域数值积分结果根据其包含的趋势项形式进行多项式拟合,获得修正参数,进一步对积分结果进行修正,获取遥测速度和位移振动信号的修正值。方法在仿真信号上进行了应用,修正结果和真实结果的误差较小,结果精度较高,说明方法的有效性,在此基础上将方法在遥测加速度振动信号的处理上进行了应用,鉴于方法模型的在仿真信号上的有效性,可以推断获取的遥测速度和位移振动信号的修正结果具有较高的置信度。  相似文献   

为能够有效测量直升机旋翼的振动特性,提出了一种基于三轴MEMS加速度传感器及无线传输技术的直升机旋翼振动测试方法并研制了相应的测试装置。测试系统主要包括三轴MEMS加速度传感器、A/D转换模块、无线传输模块以及PC上位机。无线传输模块将采集的加速度信号发送到振动测试接收电路,再通过串口通信发送到计算机上,计算机软件对加速度信号积分得到位移信号,并通过傅里叶变换得到旋翼振动的幅频特性曲线。在直升机模型上完成了振动测试实验,实验结果表明该方法能有效地对旋翼振动信号进行测试。  相似文献   

基于数字积分和LMS的振动加速度信号处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数字积分中的误差累积会引起波形的严重变形,在分析了误差传递规律的基础上,提出了基于最小二乘法的波形修正方案。用LMS分别对速度和位移信号进行一次拟合和二次拟合,求出积分后信号中的误差变化规律,然后进行波形修正得到正确的速度和位移信号。在我们自主开发的一套专门用于振动信号测量的便携式振动测量仪中,将该算法应用到加速度信号处理中,并取得了很好的效果,从而为准确判断设备的运行状态提供了可靠的数据来源。  相似文献   

高精度生产及检测设备对环境微振动有较高要求,基于振动速度幅值计算的微振动等级可对环境振动情况进行定量评估.由于振动速度传感器难以实现对低频微振动的直接测量,因此需要使用低频高灵敏度的振动加速度传感器测量加速度信号,通过积分算法间接实现对振动速度的测量.基于Tik-honov正则化的广义最小化求解振动速度方法采用向量乘法运算、多线程并行运算实现对振动速度的快速测量;通过调节广义化阶数和正则化因子实现对不同环境的测量,克服了现有积分算法针对不同测量环境的适应性和计算速度等方面的不足.经实验验证,在有效抑制低频噪声的情况下,能够最大化地保留低频信息,较好地再现振动信号的时域瞬时特性.  相似文献   

轿厢运动参数、振动舒适度、制动性能参数、异常振动频率、倾斜角等多个参数的现场检测对确保电梯安全稳定运行具有重要意义。传统模拟量输出型加速度传感器由于体积大、集成度低,较难实现电梯的多功能、多参数检测需求。基于微机电系统三轴加速度传感器和高性能单片机,开发了电梯多参数检测仪。该检测仪包括三轴加速度无线测量模块和智能终端应用程序。现场应用表明,该检测仪可实现电梯速度及加速度测量、轿厢振动舒适度测量、自动扶梯梯级和扶手带振动舒适度测量、电梯制动参数测量、异常振动源追溯等功能,可广泛应用于电梯安装、维保、检验、抽查、事故调查等测试场合。基于微机电系统加速度传感器的仪器设计思路可为类似机电类设备的安全检测提供有效参考。  相似文献   

目前国内仍有很多航空发动机试车台使用的是模拟振动测量仪,滤波和积分选择均需针对机型专门定制,灵活性不够,同时也不能分析振动频率,满足不了发动机振动分析的要求。选择合适的振动传感器、振动测量仪并采用合适的软件分析方法,迅速准确地测量发动机的振动值并分析振动频率是发动机厂、所对发动机整机台架试验的要求。在发动机整机振动测量选择了压电式加速度传感器并使用带有抗混滤波的差分放大器以消除频率混叠和共模干扰,编写了专门的振动分析软件,在振动分析软件处理中采用Butterworth滤波器和Flat Top窗函数。该方法能够满足发动机生产厂提出的通带平滑度≤±5%,阻带衰减大于-30dB/倍频程的滤波要求以及对振动测量精度≤±5%的要求。通过研究提出的航空发动机整机振动测量方法准确可靠,能够满足发动机厂、所对试车台架整机振动测量的要求。  相似文献   

支承舱是运载火箭与航天器之间的重要连接结构,支承舱的振动特性是力学环境设计需要考虑的因素之一.本文从振动环境控制的角度进行支承舱结构动力学分析,阐述了一种基于支承舱振动特性研究的改善航天器力学环境的方法.在有限元建模过程中,引入了材料级性能试验.计算并比较了不同材料支承舱结构对航天器振动环境的作用,比较了连接面形式对振动环境的影响.基于分析结果给出了进一步研究的建议.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to identify effective engineering methods for controlling handheld workpiece vibration during grinding processes. Prolonged and intensive exposures to such vibration can cause hand-arm vibration syndrome among workers performing workpiece grinding, but how to effectively control these exposures remains an important issue. This study developed a methodology for performing their analyses and evaluations based on a model of the entire grinding machine-workpiece-hand-arm system. The model can simulate the vibration responses of a workpiece held in the worker's hands and pressed against a grinding wheel in order to shape the workpiece in the major frequency range of concern (6.3–1600 Hz). The methodology was evaluated using available experimental data. The results suggest that the methodology is acceptable for these analyses and evaluations. The results also suggest that the workpiece vibration resulting from the machine vibration generally depends on two mechanisms or pathways: (1) the direct vibration transmission from the grinding machine; and (2) the indirect transmission that depends on both the machine vibration transmission to the workpiece and the interface excitation transformation to the workpiece vibration. The methodology was applied to explore and/or analyze various engineering methods for controlling workpiece vibrations. The modeling results suggest that while these intervention methods have different advantages and limitations, some of their combinations can effectively reduce the vibration exposures of grinding workers. These findings can be used as guidance for selecting and developing more effective technologies to control handheld workpiece vibration exposures.  相似文献   

围绕管道流固耦合振动建模理论与方法、流致振动与控制、涡激振动抑制等研究主题,本专刊介绍了流固耦合动力学与控制领域的一些研究成果.  相似文献   

研究了中立型时滞动力吸振器抑制扭转系统的振动问题.针对一类强迫扭转振动系统,采用动力系统的稳定性理论分析了动力吸振器与扭转振动系统的稳定性问题,以时滞为参数,分别得到了动力吸振器与扭转振动系统的稳定区域,并研究时滞变化时动力吸振器对于主振动系统振动的吸收效果,通过与时滞动力吸振器对比,得到了更大的吸振器和减振系统时滞稳定工作区域,通过数值模拟验证了结论的正确性.  相似文献   

This study compares the prevalence of symptoms of Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) and musculoskeletal symptoms in the neck and the upper limbs, between professional drivers of terrain vehicles and a referent group. 769 male professional drivers of forest machines, snowmobiles, snowgroomers and reindeer herders and 296 randomly selected male referents completed a questionnaire about symptoms of HAVS and musculoskeletal symptoms in the neck and the upper limbs. They also gave information about their lifetime exposure duration driving terrain vehicles and their nicotine use. Prevalence odds ratios (POR) were determined and adjusted for age and nicotine use. Results show that there is a relation between exposure to driving terrain vehicles and some of the symptoms of HAVS (POR: 1.2–6.1). Increased odds of musculoskeletal symptoms in neck, shoulders and wrists were also found (POR 1.2–6.4), and it seemed to be related to the cumulative exposure time.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to enhance the understanding of the vibration transmission in the hand-arm system in three orthogonal directions (X, Y, and Z). For the first time, the transmitted vibrations distributed on the entire hand-arm system exposed in the three orthogonal directions via a 3-D vibration test system were measured using a 3-D laser vibrometer. Seven adult male subjects participated in the experiment. This study confirms that the vibration transmissibility generally decreased with the increase in distance from the hand and it varied with the vibration direction. Specifically, to the upper arm and shoulder, only moderate vibration transmission was measured in the test frequency range (16 to 500 Hz), and virtually no transmission was measured in the frequency range higher than 50 Hz. The resonance vibration on the forearm was primarily in the range of 16–30 Hz with the peak amplitude of approximately 1.5 times of the input vibration amplitude. The major resonance on the dorsal surfaces of the hand and wrist occurred at around 30–40 Hz and, in the Y direction, with peak amplitude of more than 2.5 times of the input amplitude. At higher than 50 Hz, vibration transmission was effectively limited to the hand and fingers. A major finger resonance was observed at around 100 Hz in the X and Y directions and around 200 Hz in the Z direction. In the fingers, the resonance magnitude in the Z direction was generally the lowest, and the resonance magnitude in the Y direction was generally the highest with the resonance amplitude of 3 times the input vibration, which was similar to the transmissibility at the wrist and hand dorsum. The implications of the results are discussed.Relevance to industryProlonged, intensive exposure to hand-transmitted vibration could result in hand-arm vibration syndrome. While the syndrome's precise mechanisms remain unclear, the characterization of the vibration transmissibility of the system in the three orthogonal dimensions performed in this study can help understand the syndrome and help develop improved frequency weightings for assessing the risk of the exposure for developing various components of the syndrome.  相似文献   

为测试某型飞机振动传感器性能,采用背靠背比较法振动测试方法,基于苏试振动台(VT-500)、功率放大器(LA-800)、单轴向电荷输出型加速度标准传感器(Ymc222A25)、电荷放大器(Ymc8102T)、普源信号发生器(DG1032Z)以及研华PCI工控机与A/D板卡(PCI-1716L),搭建振动传感器试验器振动测试平台,以DG1032Z输出作为振动激励信号源,基于VC ++6.0开发出信号发生器远程控制与板卡信号采集软件,对试验器的功能进行试验验证,结果表明其有效性.所研制的试验器可实现振动信号源的产生与标准/被测信号的校准,从而为某型飞机振动传感器的测试与修理提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

This study conducted two series of experiments to investigate the relationships between hand coupling force and biodynamic responses of the hand–arm system. In the first experiment, the vibration transmissibility on the system was measured as a continuous function of grip force while the hand was subjected to discrete sinusoidal excitations. In the second experiment, the biodynamic responses of the system subjected to a broadband random vibration were measured under five levels of grip forces and a combination of grip and push forces. This study found that the transmissibility at each given frequency increased with the increase in the grip force before reaching a maximum level. The transmissibility then tended to plateau or decrease when the grip force was further increased. This threshold force increased with an increase in the vibration frequency. These relationships remained the same for both types of vibrations. The implications of the experimental results are discussed.

Practitioner Summary: Shocks and vibrations transmitted to the hand–arm system may cause injuries and disorders of the system. How to take hand coupling force into account in the risk assessment of vibration exposure remains an important issue for further studies. This study is designed and conducted to help resolve this issue.  相似文献   

Train passengers often read newspapers while traveling. Vibration is one of the key factors that may occasionally inhibit this activity. An experimental study was, therefore, conducted to investigate the extent of interference perceived in reading task by seated subjects in two postures under random vibration. 30 healthy male subjects were exposed to vibration magnitudes of 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 m/s2 in mono, dual and multi axis in the low frequency range 1–20 Hz. The task required subjects to read a given paragraph of Hindi national newspaper, in two seated postures (lap posture with backrest support and table posture with leaning over the table). The reading performance was evaluated by both degradation in performance in terms of time required to complete the task and subjective rating using Borg CR10 scale. Both the methods of reading performance evaluation exhibit progressive increase with an increase in vibration magnitude for both the subject postures in all the direction of vibration and are found to be higher in lateral and vertical direction among mono axes. The effects of multi axis vibration on perceived difficulty have been found to be similar to dual axes vibration and greater than mono axes vibration; however degradation in reading performance in multi axis vibration was also found to be similar to that for lateral direction. A comparison of the effect of postures by both evaluation methods revealed that the reading performance was adversely affected for table posture in all direction of vibration, however for lap posture, only the X-axis vibration effect was more severe.

Relevance to industry

Available ride comfort standards for vehicles do not include the effects of vibrations on passenger activities. Assessment of activity discomfort would be useful for vehicle design optimization to facilitate activity comfort.  相似文献   

非经典阻尼系统的精确解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种求解非经典阻尼系统的通用的解析方法,分别给出了多自由度非比例阻尼系统的自由振动和强迫振动的实数解的表达式.自由振动归结为求解一个线性代数方程组,把系统分为亚临界阻尼情况、退化阻尼情况和部分退化阻尼情况分别进行了讨论.对于强迫振动,研究了系统的稳态解和瞬态解,求解过程也归结为求解代数方程组.在几个算例中,把得到的精确解和数值计算结果进行了比较,两者吻合得很好.该方法为非比例阻尼系统的求解提供了一条有效的途径.  相似文献   

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