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基于邻近度的结构化P2P路由算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在P-Grid路由算法的基础上,采用邻近度路由技术,设计一种新的分布式结构化P2P路由算法,该算法对P-Grid的路由表构建和维护进行了改进,在路由表构造时,选择距离自己较近的节点作为邻居节点,以使overhv网络拓扑尽可能反映其在底层的物理网络拓扑,使得访问节点能够高效地找到在底层网络中距离自己最近的访问对象,减少定位延迟,最终提高构建在P2P overlay之上的应用的性能.  相似文献   

结构化P2P网络路由算法在网络层的性能评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于结构化P2P路由系统的马尔可夫链模型,以平均路径长度为指标,提出了结构化P2P网络路由算法在网络层面的性能量化评估方法。该方法解决了结构化P2P网络采用基于overlay层面的路由算法实现资源查找和定位导致的网络层路由性能无法估量的问题,能够准确表现结构化P2P网络overlay层面路由算法的实际网络性能,为结构化P2P网络路由算法的研究提供准确的性能评估机制。  相似文献   

基于PNS-PGrid的P2P路由算法的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前绝大多数的P2P网络系统都是以覆盖网络方式构建的。在覆盖网络中相邻的节点在底层网络中可能并不相邻甚至相隔很远,这样导致覆盖网络中两个节点间会有很大的路由延迟。只有节点路由表项的内容正确地反映节点之间在底层网络中的拓扑关系,才能最终减少应用层的路由延迟,提高网络应用的性能。文中介绍了几种结构化P2P路由机制:Chord,CAN,Plaxton,Tapestry,Pastry和PGrid;以及几种非结构化P2P路由机制:Napster,BitTorrent,Gnutella和FreeNet。重点分析了PGrid路由算法。针对PGrid路由算法的路由表维护的盲目性和优化周期长等缺点,提出了一种新的基于邻近度选择技术的路由表维护算法PNS—PGrid(proximity neighbor selection PGrid)。PNS—PGrid是在节点转发一个查询请求后,触发路由表维护任务,并对本次转发使用的路由表项进行优化,且优化周期根据路由表项是否达到或接近最优值而进行调整。PNS—PGrid算法中还加入了对未报告的节点失效和异常退出的处理机制来对路由表进行维护。最后在开源软件PGrid中实现了PNS—PGrid算法。测试表明,PNS—PGrid算法在较少的开销下使路由表项能动态地有针对性地进行调整,并且快速地达到最优值,最终减少路由延迟,提高网络性能。  相似文献   

结构化的P2P存储系统使用DHT技术将数据映射到相应的网络节点,从而进行数据的存放与查找[1][3].一些常数跳的路由算法可以取得理论上的两跳,甚至一跳的路由效率,但当网络节点达到一定规模后,庞大的路由表维护开销会极大地降低系统的存取效率和准确度,从而使得类似算法很难在实际中广泛应用.提出了基于路由和存储分开管理的常数跳P2P存储系统,与已有的一些系统相比,本系统在很大程度上降低了数据维护的开销,并且做到了很好的负载均衡性.  相似文献   

邻近度路由技术对P2P网络的路由性能影响很大.本文提出一种新的分布式结构化P2P路由算法FDPNS.FD-PNS路由算法采用邻近度路由技术,节点在转发一个查询请求后触发路由表的维护任务,有针对性地对本次转发使用的路由表项进行优化,以减小搜索和定位的路由延迟,提高系统的整体性能.  相似文献   

提出并建立一种负载感知的结构化P2P协议——LaChord,采用负载感知的被动式路由表维护机制和负载感知的路由算法,通过增加轻载节点的入度来增大轻载节点作为路由中继节点的概率,在保证查询性能的前提下使消息路由到轻载节点。实验表明,与没有采用负载感知的协议相比,采用负载感知的结构化P2P协议可使系统内节点负载达到更好的平衡,负载感知的算法有助于提高系统的扩展性能。  相似文献   

论文针对结构化P2P网络overlay层面路由计算导致网络层面路由性能较低的问题,提出一种基于重定向机制的路由优化算法。它通过重定向机制使节点逐渐收集同一子网内的节点信息,并将同一子网内的节点作为邻居,从而显著降低平均查询路径长度,而不加重网络负担。该方案能够极大地提高结构化P2P网络路由性能,从另一个角度解决overlay层面与网络层面的不匹配问题。  相似文献   

针对无结构化P2P环境下P2P泛洪搜索的盲目性和高资源消耗性,提出一个基于路由学习的非结构化P2P搜索算法,建立两个索引表,存储三类节点信息,通过学习关联节点的信息,建立路由表,并定时与路由表内节点交换信息,减少搜索时间,降低搜索开销。理论和仿真实验证明该算法能有效地提高搜索速度,降低搜索开销。  相似文献   

一种基于物理网络拓扑的高效Chord模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在结构化P2P系统中,建立逻辑overlay时没有考虑底层物理网络拓扑结构,其路由机制主要是根据节点逻辑上的相邻性进行设计,导致物理网络邻近节点的延迟较大。该文在Chord 基础上提出一种P-Chord系统模型,利用物理网络的拓扑结构,在节点路由表中增加了邻居表,实验证明P-Chord在路由延迟和覆盖网络的跳数上相比Chord都有较好的改善。  相似文献   

结构化P2P网络上可靠的基于内容路由协议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汪锦岭  金蓓弘  李京 《软件学报》2006,17(5):1107-1114
在结构化P2P网络上构建基于内容的发布/订阅系统,可以很好地支持大规模、高度动态的分布式应用.然而,现有的基于内容的路由协议在P2P网络上只能提供弱的可靠性保证.根据结构化P2P网络的路由协议的特点,设计了一种新型的基于内容的路由协议--基于编码区间的路由(identifier range based routing,简称IRBR)协议.IRBR协议具有良好的容错性,只要事件的发布者与订阅者之间在P2P网络中是可达的,则订阅者一定能够收到它所订阅的事件,且只收到一次.同时,该协议也比现有的协议具有更高的事件路由效率.在Pastry上开发了一个原型系统,模拟实验表明了该协议的效率和容错性.  相似文献   

基于分组随机广播的单跳DHT算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
对等网的节点定位与路由是当前研究的热点,在网络扰动率不高的情况下,可在每个节点维护全局路由表以实现单跳查询。该文提出一个基于分组随机广播的单跳DHT算法——GRBM。通过合并节点的加入与退出事件消息,使用一个新颖的消息传播机制,将事件以较低的代价通知到系统的所有节点。与当前单跳DHT算法相比,GRBM算法在保证较高查询效率的同时,降低了节点网络带宽代价,具有很高的实用价值。  相似文献   

基于P2P的自组织网络路由算法研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统的P2P采用泛洪的信息传输方式,网络带宽开销耗费较大,而结构化P2P覆盖网又难以在开销和效率方面做到较好的权衡。根据网络的动态性,有效地建立起一个可分层的树型自治系统,详细描述了该系统的构建目标和体系结构,并基于P2P计算模式动态构建该模型,给出相应的路由发现和更新算法。在理论及仿真实验的基础上对该路由模型的性能进行了验证。结果表明,该网络是一种可运行于任何环境,不受限于系统规模大小、节点能力强弱、节点出入频率,可通过动态调节保证路由效率的广域分布式系统。  相似文献   

机会路由过程中分发矩阵的计算量太大,随着网络规模的增大,分发矩阵的计算严重影响路由性能。针对该问题,提出基于动态地址的机会路由算法。该算法将分发矩阵的计算量从整个网络降低到一跳邻居节点之间,根据反映网络节点相对物理位置的动态地址,简化分发矩阵的计算。在大规模网络中,该路由算法的平均跳数减少了5%~10%,吞吐量提高了7%~26%。  相似文献   

构建和维持一个高带宽路由结构是P2P流媒体中的一个重要问题。针对节点频繁地加入和退出覆盖会话的现状,本文设计了基于链路可用带宽的负载均衡路由算法LBR,利用已知的物理拓扑知识,在多条路由路径中选择一条对网络可用带宽影响最小的路由路径,得到轻负载的覆盖边。该算法能够动态维护高带宽的多播树,平衡覆盖会话中节点间的负载和链路间的流量。仿真实验表明,在动态环境下算法能够缓解路由上的拥塞问题,达到负载均衡的效果。  相似文献   

针对数据网格的需求,将系统中的节点根据管理域以及网络邻近特性进行组织,同时,根据管理的需求以及节点自身的处理能力,将其组织成为一个分层同构的体系结构.加入系统中的节点粒度可以任意调整,而粗粒度的节点内部对于系统中其他节点是透明的,提高了系统的灵活性,并提高了系统的可扩展性与可管理性.系统中的节点之间根据不同的数据访问规则构成一个多层次、跨管理域的分布式合作缓存,从而降低了主干网带宽的压力.  相似文献   

覆盖网服务质量(QoS)路由是覆盖网研究的关键问题,在多QoS约束均衡和网络资源优化的基础上,提出一种多QoS约束均衡的路由算法。该算法考虑包括节点和链路在内的多种QoS约束因素,使用层次分析、参数归一等方法解决多个QoS参数权值分配问题。同时根据覆盖网络特点采用资源均衡的方法,对链路带宽及节点计算能力2种QoS参数资源进行均衡。利用随机拓扑实验对时间、代价、资源利用率等性能指标进行验证,并与同类算法进行比较,结果表明,该算法所选择的路径在各项QoS指标都满足的情况下,能较好地均衡网络资源。  相似文献   

Wireless sensor and actor networks (WSAN) have become increasingly popular in recent years. The combined operation between sensor nodes and actors results in a major advantage compared to pure sensor networks extending the range of possible applications. One of the emerging applications is the Amazon scenario in which stationary actors are deployed at accessible points in a thick forest structure and sensor nodes are thrown in a river flowing through the forest to gather observations from unreachable areas. This unprecedented and unique setting exposes two important challenges: (a) the dynamics of the river forms a continuously varying topology of sensor nodes requiring a highly adaptive network organization and (b) the inherent features of sensor and actor nodes, combined with rapid changes in the link structure of the network requiring efficient bandwidth utilization and data transmission.In this paper, we address these challenges by introducing SOFROP, a self-organizing and fair routing protocol for WSANs. Through extensive simulations, we point out two highlights of SOFROP: the efficient lightweight routing that is optimized for fairness and the locally acting adaptive overlay network formation.  相似文献   

rdquoApplication-level multicast is a promising alternative to IP multicast due to its independence from the IP routing infrastructure and its flexibility in constructing the delivery trees. The existing overlay multicast systems either support a single data source or have high maintenance overhead when multiple sources are allowed. They are inefficient for applications that require any-source multicast with varied host capacities and dynamic membership. This paper proposes ACOM, an any-source capacity-constrained overlay multicast system, consisting of three distributed multicast algorithms on top of a non-DHT overlay network with simple structures (random overlay with a non-DHT ring) that are easy to manage as nodes join and depart. The nodes have different capacities, and they can support different numbers of direct children during a multicast session. No explicit multicast trees are maintained on top of the overlay. The distributed execution of the algorithms naturally defines an implicit, roughly balanced, capacity-constrained multicast tree for each source node. We prove that the system can deliver a multicast message from any source to all nodes in expected O(logc n) hops, which is asymptotically optimal, where c is the average node capacity and n is the number of members in a multicast group.  相似文献   

With innovations in the Internet, it is becoming increasingly relied upon. In the last decade, research on peer-to-peer (P2P) technology has become even more popular. As more people use P2P systems, the scalability and flexibility of the systems must be considered. In this study, an arrangement graph is used to form a P2P overlay, the Arrangement-Graph Overlay (AGO), to reduce system overhead and bind routing hops. The proposed AGO utilizes the properties of the arrangement graph, i.e., that each node has a unique ID and IDs between adjacent nodes differ by only one digit, to form the overlay network and develop a routing algorithm. The routing hops of the proposed AGO system can be bound within a certain number because of the diameter of the arrangement graph. Experimental results show that the proposed AGO system can greatly reduce system overhead and perform routing in a constant number of hops, even in a large-scale network environment. The experimental results also show that the AGO system consumes less bandwidth, which is an important consideration in P2P systems.  相似文献   

The Internet is a complex structure arising from the interconnection of numerous autonomous systems (AS), each exercising its own administrative policies to reflect the commercial agreements behind the interconnection. However, routing in service overlay networks is quite capable of violating these policies to its advantage. To prevent these violations, we see an impending drive in the current Internet to detect and filter overlay traffic. In this paper, we first present results from a case study overlay network, constructed on top of PlanetLab, that helps us gain insights into the frequency and characteristics of the different inter-domain policy violations. Further, we investigate the impact of two types of overlay traffic filtering that aim to prevent these routing policy violations: blind filtering and policy-aware filtering. We show that such filtering can be detrimental to the performance of overlay routing. We next consider two approaches that allow the overlay network to realize the full advantage of overlay routing in this context. In the first approach, overlay nodes are added so that good overlay paths do not represent inter-domain policy violations. In the second approach, the overlay acquires permits from certain ASes that allow certain policy violations to occur. We develop a single cost-sharing framework that allows the incorporation of both approaches into a single strategy. We formulate and solve an optimization problem that aims to determine how the overlay network should allocate a given budget between paying for additional overlay nodes and paying for permits (transit and exit) to ASes. We illustrate the use of this approach on our case study overlay network and evaluate its performance under varying network characteristics.  相似文献   

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