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Normalized totally positive (NTP) bases present good shape preserving properties when they are used in Computer Aided Geometric Design. Here we characterize all the NTP bases of a space and obtain a test to know if they exist. Furthermore, we construct the NTP basis with optimal shape preserving properties in the sense of (Goodman and Said, 1991), that is, the shape of the control polygon of a curve with respect to the optimal basis resembles with the highest fidelity the shape of the curve among all the control polygons of the same curve corresponding to NTP bases. In particular, this is the case of the B-spline basis in the space of polynomial splines. Further examples are given.  相似文献   

In reverse engineering, vast amounts of point data captured by certain types of scanners significantly increase the complexity and reduce the efficiency in downstream activities, such as surface modelling and manufacturing. Data reduction has therefore become an important issue. A new data reduction algorithm for surface points is developed to preserve the original shape using an error metric based on a Hausdorff distance of principal curvature vectors. The performance of the proposed method is illustrated by its application to a test surface and an industrial surface.  相似文献   

In a recent article, Ge et al. (1997) identify a special class of rational curves (Harmonic Rational Bézier (HRB) curves) that can be reparameterized in sinusoidal form. Here we show how this family of curves strongly relates to the class of p-Bézier curves, curves easily expressible as single-valued in polar coordinates. Although both subsets do not coincide, the reparameterization needed in both cases is exactly the same, and the weights of a HRB curve are those corresponding to the representation of a circular arc as a p-Bézier curve. We also prove that a HRB curve can be written as a combination of its control points and certain Bernstein-like trigonometric basis functions. These functions form a normalized totally positive B-basis (that is, the basis with optimal shape preserving properties) of the space of trigonometric polynomials {1, sint, cost, …. sinmt, cosmt} defined on an interval of length < π.  相似文献   

A rational spline based on function values only was constructed in the authors’ earlier works. This paper deals with the properties of the interpolation and the local control of the interpolant curves. The methods of value control, convex control and inflection-point control of the interpolation at a point are developed. Some numerical examples are given to illustrate these methods.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a simple factor-(3+ε), 0<ε<1, approximation algorithm, which runs in O(nlogn+n(1/ε)O(1/ε2)log(D3/εD2)) time, for the problem of labeling a set P of n distinct points with uniform circles. (D2 is the closest pair of P and D3 is the minimum diameter of all subsets of P with size three.) This problem is known to be NP-hard. Our bound improves the previous factor of 3.6+ε.  相似文献   

为了构造具有保形性的三次均匀B 样条扩展曲线,首先运用拟扩展切比雪夫空间的理论框架证明现有文献中的三次Bézier 曲线的扩展基,简称λ-Bézier 基,恰为相应空间的规范B 基。然后用λ -Bézier 基的线性组合来表示三次均匀B 样条曲线的扩展基,根据预设的曲线性质反推扩展基的性质,进而求出线性组合的系数。扩展基可表示成λ-Bézier 基与一个转换矩阵的乘积,证明了转换矩阵的全正性及扩展基的全正性。由扩展基定义了基于3 点分段的曲线,分析了曲线的性质,扩展基的全正性决定了曲线可以较好的模拟控制多边形的形态。简要介绍了由扩展基定义的基于16 点分片的曲面。  相似文献   

目的 为了使扩展的曲线曲面保留传统Bézier方法以及B样条方法良好性质的同时,具备保形性、形状可调性、高阶连续性以及广泛的应用性,本文在拟扩展切比雪夫空间利用开花的性质构造了一组最优规范全正基,并利用该基进行曲线曲面构造。方法 首先构造一组最优规范全正基,并给出该基生成的拟三次TC-Bézier曲线的割角算法;接着利用最优规范全正基的线性组合构造拟三次均匀TC-B样条基,根据曲线的性质假设拟三次均匀B样条基函数具有规范性和C2连续性,进而得到其表达式;然后证明拟三次均匀TC-B样条基具有全正性和高阶连续性;最后定义拟三次均匀TC-B样条曲线曲面,并证明曲线曲面的性质,给出曲线表示整圆和旋转曲面的表示方法,设计出球面和旋转曲面的直接生成方法。结果 实验表明,本文在拟扩展切比雪夫空间构造的具有全正性曲线曲面,不仅能够灵活地进行形状调整,而且具有高阶连续性、保形性。结论 本文在三角函数空间利用两个形状参数进行曲线曲面构造,大量的分析以及案例说明本文构造的曲线曲面不仅保留了传统的Bézier方法以及B样条方法的良好性质,而且具备保形性、形状可调性、高阶连续性以及广泛的应用性,适合用于曲线曲面设计。  相似文献   

针对传统的Active Shape Model(ASM)方法的缺陷与不足,提出了几点改进的方法。传统的ASM方法利用人脸检测提供的初始位置进行特征搜索;在改进算法中,利用了瞳孔定位的方法进行初始化,并采取了边缘约束,自适应步长等改进方法,有效地改善了ASM方法的性能。实验结果表明,改进的ASM方法在准确性和鲁棒性上有较大提高。  相似文献   

通过引入带三参数的Bernstein基函数,对四次Bezier曲线进行了多参数的扩展,得到了一种类四次Bezier曲线,讨论了曲线的基本性质以及与五次Bezier曲线之间的关系。通过对三参数的调节使曲线更具可调控性以及对圆锥曲线较好的逼近性。能够在不改变控制点的情况下,仅仅通过局部调节部分形状参数的值便能实现曲线间的G2拼接,从而更能满足实际应用的需要。最后给出了部分具体的实例。  相似文献   

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