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提出一种新的混合的图像分割方法,利用模糊C均值聚类与支持向量机两种方法相结合。此方法首先将图像的空间分布信息作为支持向量机的特征分量,再用模糊C均值聚类获得的分类结果作为支持向量机所需的初始训练样本,并对图像的所有像素点进行分类,同一类中的像素点形成一个分割区域,以此获得图像分割。实验表明,此将模糊C均值与支持向量机结合的新方法获得的图像分割效果较好,在一定程度上解决了支持向量机特征维数过大所导致的维数灾难问题。  相似文献   

一种改进的基于粒子群优化的SVM训练算法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
支持向量机的训练需要求解一个带约束的二次规划问题,但在数据规模很大的情况下,经典的训练算法将会变得非常困难。提出了一种改进的基于粒子群的优化算法,用于替代支持向量机中现有的训练算法。在改进后的粒子群优化算法中,粒子不仅向自身最优和全局最优学习,还以一定的概率向其他部分粒子的均值学习。同时,还引进了自适应变异算子,以降低未成熟收敛的概率。实验表明,提出的改进训练算法相对改进前的算法在性能上有显著提高。  相似文献   

增量式支持向量机学习算法是一种重要的在线学习方法。传统的单增量支持向量机学习算法使用一个数据样本更新支持向量机模型。在增加或删除的数据样本点较多时,这种模型更新模式耗时巨大,具体原因是每个被插入或删除的样本都要进行一次模型参数更新的判断。该文提出一种基于参数规划的多重增量式的支持向量机优化训练算法,使用该训练算法,多重的支持向量机的训练时间大为减少。在合成数据集及真实测试数据集上的实验结果显示,该文提出的方法可以大大降低多重支持向量机训练算法的计算复杂度并提高分类器的精度。  相似文献   

陈俏  曹根牛  陈柳 《微机发展》2010,(1):250-252,F0003
支持向量机是基于统计学习理论的新一代机器学习技术,其非线性回归预测性能优越于传统统计方法。提出了一种大气污染物浓度预测模型,该方法将支持向量机应用于大气污染物浓度预测,首先对各类影响因子进行分析并进行建模预测;而后利用主成分分析的方法对输入因子降维,从而形成支持向量机的训练样本集;在此基础上建立了基于RBF核函数支持向量回归法的大气污染预模型。大气污染预测实例表明,该方法具有泛化能力强、预测精度高、训练速度快、稳定性好、便于建模等优点,有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Gender recognition has been playing a very important role in various applications such as human–computer interaction, surveillance, and security. Nonlinear support vector machines (SVMs) were investigated for the identification of gender using the Face Recognition Technology (FERET) image face database. It was shown that SVM classifiers outperform the traditional pattern classifiers (linear, quadratic, Fisher linear discriminant, and nearest neighbour). In this context, this paper aims to improve the SVM classification accuracy in the gender classification system and propose new models for a better performance. We have evaluated different SVM learning algorithms; the SVM‐radial basis function with a 5% outlier fraction outperformed other SVM classifiers. We have examined the effectiveness of different feature selection methods. AdaBoost performs better than the other feature selection methods in selecting the most discriminating features. We have proposed two classification methods that focus on training subsets of images among the training images. Method 1 combines the outcome of different classifiers based on different image subsets, whereas method 2 is based on clustering the training data and building a classifier for each cluster. Experimental results showed that both methods have increased the classification accuracy.  相似文献   

Normal support vector machine (SVM) is not suitable for classification of large data sets because of high training complexity. Convex hull can simplify the SVM training. However, the classification accuracy becomes lower when there exist inseparable points. This paper introduces a novel method for SVM classification, called convex–concave hull SVM (CCH-SVM). After grid processing, the convex hull is used to find extreme points. Then, we use Jarvis march method to determine the concave (non-convex) hull for the inseparable points. Finally, the vertices of the convex–concave hull are applied for SVM training. The proposed CCH-SVM classifier has distinctive advantages on dealing with large data sets. We apply the proposed method on several benchmark problems. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach has good classification accuracy while the training is significantly faster than other SVM classifiers. Compared with the other convex hull SVM methods, the classification accuracy is higher.  相似文献   

支持向量机是重要的机器学习方法之一,已成功解决了许多实际的分类问题。围绕如何提高支持向量机的分类精度与训练效率,以分类过程为主线,主要综述了在训练支持向量机之前不同的特征选取方法与学习策略。在此基础上,比较了不同的特征选取方法SFS,IWSS,IWSSr以及BARS的分类精度,分析了主动学习策略与支持向量机融合后获得的分类器在测试集上的分类精度与正确率/召回率平衡点两个性能指标。实验结果表明,包装方法与过滤方法相结合的特征选取方法能有效提高支持向量机的分类精度和减少训练样本量;在标签数据较少的情况下,主动学习能达到更好的分类精度,而为了达到相同的分类精度,被动学习需要的样本数量必须要达到主动学习的6倍。  相似文献   

Various prototype reduction schemes have been reported in the literature. Foremost among these are the prototypes for nearest neighbor (PNN), the vector quantization (VQ), and the support vector machines (SVM) methods. In this paper, we shall show that these schemes can be enhanced by the introduction of a post-processing phase that is related, but not identical to, the LVQ3 process. Although the post-processing with LVQ3 has been reported for the SOM and the basic VQ methods, in this paper, we shall show that an analogous philosophy can be used in conjunction with the SVM and PNN rules. Our essential modification to LVQ3 first entails a partitioning of the respective training sets into two sets called the Placement set and the Optimizing set, which are instrumental in determining the LVQ3 parameters. Such a partitioning is novel to the literature. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed enhancement yields the best reported prototype condensation scheme to-date for both artificial data sets, and for samples involving real-life data sets.  相似文献   

介绍了支持向量机,报告了支持向量机增量学习算法的研究现状,分析了支持向量集在加入新样本后支持向量和非支持向量的转化情况.针对淘汰机制效率不高的问题,提出了一种改进的SVM增量学习淘汰算法--二次淘汰算法.该算法经过两次有效的淘汰,对分类无用的样本进行舍弃,使得新的增量训练在淘汰后的有效数据集进行,而无需在复杂难处理的整个训练数据集中进行,从而显著减少了后继训练时间.理论分析和实验结果表明,该算法能在保证分类精度的同时有效地提高训练速度.  相似文献   

支持向量机利用接近边界的少数向量来构造一个最优分类面。但是若两分类问题中的样本呈现非平衡分布时,即两类样本数目相差很大时,分类能力就会有所下降。提出分别使用重复数量少的一类样本、选择数量多的类样本以及引入类惩罚因子的三个方法来改善分类能力。实验表明,三种方法对不同类型数据集合,一定程度上都改善了支持向量的分类能力。  相似文献   

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