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车载惯导里程仪组合导航系统安装误差标定研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
研究了捷联惯导、GPS、里程仪和气压高度计构成的组合导航系统中惯导安装误差角对里程仪航位推算精度的影响;提出了以GPS输出作为辅助信息对惯导安装误差进行标定的方法;设计了以里程仪航位推算误差传播方程为系统方程,以里程仪航位推算结果和GSP位置输出之差为量测,通过卡尔曼滤波估计惯导安装误差的标定方法;仿真结果表明,该方法对惯导安装误差的标定精度能达到角秒级。在调试过程中采用该方法标定补偿后的系统实际跑车实验航位推算精度达到5m+行程的0.15%,表明补偿后残余的惯导安装误差影响已经可以忽略。  相似文献   

针对线、面特征匹配的激光雷达测距与地图构建算法(Lightweight and Ground-Optimized Lidar Odometry And Mapping,LeGO-LOAM)在自动导引运输车(Automated Guided Vehicle,AGV)室内室外实时建图与定位时,易出现激光里程计累积误差大和旋转估计不准确等问题,本工作采用惯性测量单元(Inertial Measurement Unit,IMU)与激光雷达紧耦合的LeGO-LOAM算法,通过IMU为激光雷达提供的初始位姿信息,构建IMU与激光雷达联合误差函数,实现位姿共同迭代优化.其中,对于室外结构化信息较少时,在点对点的迭代最近点算法(Iterative Closest Point,ICP)较高定位精度的基础上,结合LeGO-LOAM算法和ICP算法互补性,进一步提出基于IMU与激光雷达紧耦合的混合匹配算法:当环境中结构信息较多时,激光里程计采用LeGO-LOAM算法,而当环境中结构化信息较少时采用ICP算法.实验结果表明,基于IMU与激光雷达紧耦合的混合匹配算法可有效降低激光里程计相对位姿误差和累积误差,提高AGV小车定位精度以消除部分地图重影.  相似文献   

针对移动机器人定位系统中单一传感器定位精度低与环境地图的重要性问题, 提出了一种基于多传感器融合的移动机器人定位方法. 首先, 在未知环境下, 分别利用单一里程计, 扩展卡尔曼滤波(extended Kalman filter,EKF)算法融合里程计、惯性测量单元(inertial measurement unit, ...  相似文献   

《Applied Soft Computing》2008,8(1):722-733
The Kalman filter (KF) has been implemented as the primary integration scheme of the global positioning system (GPS) and inertial navigation systems (INS) for many land vehicle navigation and positioning applications. However, it has been reported that KF-based techniques have certain limitations, which reflect on the position error accumulation during GPS signal outages. Therefore, this article exploits the idea of incorporating artificial neural networks to develop an alternative INS/GPS integration scheme, the intelligent navigator, for next generation land vehicle navigation and positioning applications. Real land vehicle test results demonstrated the capability of using stored navigation knowledge to provide real-time reliable positioning information for stand-alone INS-based navigation for up to 20 min with errors less than 16 m (as compared to 2.6 km in the case of the KF). For relatively short GPS outages, the KF was superior to the intelligent navigator for up to 30 s outages. In contrast, the intelligent navigator was superior to the KF when the length of GPS outages was extended to 90 s. The average improvement of the intelligent navigator reached 60% in the latter scenario. The results presented in this article strongly indicate the potential of including the intelligent navigator as the core algorithm for INS/GPS integrated land vehicle navigation systems.  相似文献   

针对环境亮度变化导致V-SLAM视觉里程计定位精度不准确的问题,提出一种基于改进ORB算法的视觉里程计定位方法。使用自适应阈值ORB算法提取特征点,提高特征提取的稳定性,通过FLANN进行粗匹配并采用PROSAC算法进行误匹配剔除,同时利用ICP方法进行图像配准求解位姿,使用光束法平差对轨迹图进行优化,采用TUM标准数据集和移动机器人验证算法的有效性。实验结果表明,该方法在大部分情况下定位精度优于其它算法,满足移动机器人的实际定位需求。  相似文献   

对于目前常用的定位系统(例如GPS),在存在遮挡条件或者在室内执行任务时,往往会出现定位不准,无法识别区域位置等问题,这使得机器人在移动过程中无法正确地进行判断,很可能无法移动至目的地。针对移动机器人在未知环境下的定位不准,无法识别区域位置等问题,设计了一个ROS系统的激光SLAM视觉智能勘察小车,通过结合激光SLAM与深度摄像头,提升小车的数据采集能力,并结合ROS系统的图形化模拟环境,对智能小车的位置进行估计并构建地图,实现了小车的自主定位和导航。经测试,在室内或遮蔽环境下相比采用传统雷达SLAM或视觉SLAM具有更高的定位精度,并且反应快,可以进行实时地图构建,解决了在遮挡条件或者在室内执行任务时出现的问题,使得机器人在地图构建之后能够准确进行判断前往目的地。  相似文献   

We are witnessing the clash of two industries and the remaking of in-car market order, as the world of digital knowledge recently made a significant move toward the automotive industry. Mobile operating system providers are battling between each other to take over the in-vehicle entertainment and information systems, while car makers either line up behind their technology or try to keep control over the in-car experience. What is at stake is the map content and location-based services, two key enabling technologies of self-driving cars and future automotive safety systems. These content-based augmented geographic information systems (GIS) as well as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) require an accurate, robust, and reliable estimation of road scene attributes. Accurate localization of the vehicle is a challenging and critical task that natural GPS or classical filter (EKF) cannot reach. This paper proposes a new approach allowing us to give a first answer to the issue of accurate lateral positioning. The proposed approach is based on the fusion of 4 types of data: a GPS, a set of INS/odometer sensors, a road marking detection, and an accurate road marking map. The lateral road markings detection is done with the processing of two lateral cameras and provides an assessment of the lateral distance between the vehicle and the road borders. These information coupled with an accurate digital map of the road markings provide an efficient and reliable way to dramatically improve the localization obtained from only classical way (GPS/INS/Odometer). Moreover, the use of the road marking detection can be done only when the confidence is sufficiently high (punctual use). In fact, the vision processing and the map data can be used punctually only in order to update the classical localization algorithm. The temporary lack of vision data does not affect the quality of lateral positioning. In order to evaluate and validate this approach, a real test scenario was performed on Satory’s test track with real embedded sensors. It shows that the lateral estimation of the ego-vehicle positioning is performed with a sub-decimeter accuracy, high enough to be used in autonomous lane keeping, and land-based mobile mapping.  相似文献   

设计了一种电动物流车远程监控系统.该系统综合运用全球卫星定位系统(GPS)、公共移动通讯网(GPRS)、互联网(Intemet)和地理信息系统(GIS)等技术,对运行车辆状态和位置进行实时监控.系统的主控制器采用XC2267单片机,对GPS定位模块接收的车辆位置信息和CAN总线采集的车辆实时运行数据进行处理,然后通过GPRS网络将数据发送到中心服务器上,客户端或者充电站可向数据中心请求发送数据并在界面上显示.  相似文献   

Vision-Based Odometry and SLAM for Medium and High Altitude Flying UAVs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes vision-based techniques for localizing an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) by means of an on-board camera. Only natural landmarks provided by a feature tracking algorithm will be considered, without the help of visual beacons or landmarks with known positions. First, it is described a monocular visual odometer which could be used as a backup system when the accuracy of GPS is reduced to critical levels. Homography-based techniques are used to compute the UAV relative translation and rotation by means of the images gathered by an onboard camera. The analysis of the problem takes into account the stochastic nature of the estimation and practical implementation issues. The visual odometer is then integrated into a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) scheme in order to reduce the impact of cumulative errors in odometry-based position estimation approaches. Novel prediction and landmark initialization for SLAM in UAVs are presented. The paper is supported by an extensive experimental work where the proposed algorithms have been tested and validated using real UAVs.  相似文献   

GSM-R场强监测系统中地图匹配算法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过对影响车载导航系统定位精度的各种GPS数据误差的分析,提出了在GSM-R(Global System for Mobile Communica-tions Railway,铁路专用移动通信系统)场强监测系统中采用基于匹配相似度的地图匹配算法,该算法以GPS定位数据、精确的电子地图及相关路段的历史数据为基础,通过匹配过程确定车辆在电子地图上的最大可能位置,从而弥补了传统匹配算法计算量大以及匹配不准确的不足;最后,在模拟平台上进行了一系列测试,测试结果表明,该算法中的车辆定位和地图匹配精度明显提高,约达到95%。  相似文献   

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