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一种半监督集成跨项目软件缺陷预测方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
何吉元  孟昭鹏  陈翔  王赞  樊向宇 《软件学报》2017,28(6):1455-1473
软件缺陷预测方法可以在项目的开发初期,通过预先识别出所有可能含有缺陷的软件模块来优化测试资源的分配。早期的缺陷预测研究大多集中于同项目缺陷预测,但同项目缺陷预测需要充足的历史数据,而在实际应用中可能需要预测的项目的历史数据较为稀缺,或这个项目是一个全新项目。因此跨项目缺陷预测问题成为当前软件缺陷预测领域内的一个研究热点,其研究挑战在于源项目与目标项目数据集间存在的分布差异性以及数据集内存在的类不平衡问题。受到基于搜索的软件工程思想的启发,论文提出了一种基于搜索的半监督集成跨项目软件缺陷预测方法S3EL。该方法首先通过调整训练集中各类数据的分布比例,构建出多个朴素贝叶斯基分类器,随后利用具有全局搜索能力的遗传算法,基于少量已标记目标实例对上述基分类器进行集成,并构建出最终的缺陷预测模型。在Promise数据集及AEEEM数据集上和多个经典的跨项目缺陷预测方法(Burak过滤法、Peters过滤法、TCA+、CODEP及HYDRA)进行了对比。以F1值作为评测指标,结果表明在大部分情况下,S3EL方法可以取得最好的预测性能。  相似文献   

陈曙  叶俊民  刘童 《软件学报》2020,31(2):266-281
软件缺陷预测旨在帮助软件开发人员在早期发现和定位软件部件可能存在的潜在缺陷,以达到优化测试资源分配和提高软件产品质量的目的.跨项目缺陷预测在已有项目的缺陷数据集上训练模型,去预测新的项目中的缺陷,但其效果往往不理想,其主要原因在于,采样自不同项目的样本数据集,其概率分布特性存在较大差异,由此对预测精度造成较大影响.针对此问题,提出一种监督型领域适配(domain adaptation)的跨项目软件缺陷预测方法.将实例加权的领域适配与机器学习的预测模型训练过程相结合,通过构造目标项目样本相关的权重,将其施加于充足的源项目样本中,以实例权重去影响预测模型的参数学习过程,将来自目标项目中缺陷数据集的分布特性适配到训练数据集中,从而实现缺陷数据样本的复用和跨项目软件缺陷预测.在10个大型开源软件项目上对该方法进行实证,从数据集、数据预处理、实验结果多个角度针对不同的实验设定策略进行分析;从数据、预测模型以及模型适配层面分析预测模型的过拟合问题.实验结果表明,该方法性能优于同类方法,显著优于基准性能,且能够接近和达到项目内缺陷预测的性能.  相似文献   

It is well-known that software defect prediction is one of the most important tasks for software quality improvement. The use of defect predictors allows test engineers to focus on defective modules. Thereby testing resources can be allocated effectively and the quality assurance costs can be reduced. For within-project defect prediction (WPDP), there should be sufficient data within a company to train any prediction model. Without such local data, cross-project defect prediction (CPDP) is feasible since it uses data collected from similar projects in other companies. Software defect datasets have the class imbalance problem increasing the difficulty for the learner to predict defects. In addition, the impact of imbalanced data on the real performance of models can be hidden by the performance measures chosen. We investigate if the class imbalance learning can be beneficial for CPDP. In our approach, the asymmetric misclassification cost and the similarity weights obtained from distributional characteristics are closely associated to guide the appropriate resampling mechanism. We performed the effect size A-statistics test to evaluate the magnitude of the improvement. For the statistical significant test, we used Wilcoxon rank-sum test. The experimental results show that our approach can provide higher prediction performance than both the existing CPDP technique and the existing class imbalance technique.  相似文献   

随着时软件缺陷重视程度的提高,人们提出了很多软件缺陷预测模型,但所有的模型都只停留在缺陷数预测的基础上,不能系统分析出导致预测结果的真正原因。而本文结合一个具体的软件缺陷预测模型。利用贝叶斯公式对导致结果发生的影响因素进行了分析。此方法不但能对现有开发项目的一些重要影响因素起到控制作用,还为今后的开发项目提供了一定的经验数据,预防同类错误的再次发生。  相似文献   

倪超  陈翔  刘望舒  顾庆  黄启国  李娜 《软件学报》2019,30(5):1308-1329
在实际软件开发中,需要进行缺陷预测的项目可能是一个新启动项目,或者这个项目的历史训练数据较为稀缺.一种解决方案是利用其他项目(即源项目)已搜集的训练数据来构建模型,并完成对当前项目(即目标项目)的预测.但不同项目的数据集间会存在较大的分布差异性.针对该问题,从特征迁移和实例迁移角度出发,提出了一种两阶段跨项目缺陷预测方法FeCTrA.具体来说,在特征迁移阶段,该方法借助聚类分析选出源项目与目标项目之间具有高分布相似度的特征;在实例迁移阶段,该方法基于TrAdaBoost方法,借助目标项目中的少量已标注实例,从源项目中选出与这些已标注实例分布相近的实例.为了验证FeCTrA方法的有效性,选择Relink数据集和AEEEM数据集作为评测对象,以F1作为评测指标.首先,FeCTrA方法的预测性能要优于仅考虑特征迁移阶段或实例迁移阶段的单阶段方法;其次,与经典的跨项目缺陷预测方法TCA+、Peters过滤法、Burak过滤法以及DCPDP法相比,FeCTrA方法的预测性能在Relink数据集上可以分别提升23%、7.2%、9.8%和38.2%,在AEEEM数据集上可以分别提升96.5%、108.5%、103.6%和107.9%;最后,分析了FeCTrA方法内的影响因素对预测性能的影响,从而为有效使用FeCTrA方法提供了指南.  相似文献   

软件缺陷预测是提高软件测试效率、保证软件可靠性的重要途径,已经成为目前实证软件工程领域的研究热点。在软件工程中,软件的开发过程或技术平台可能随时变化,特别是遇到新项目启动或旧项目重新开发时,基于目标项目数据的传统软件缺陷预测方法无法满足实践需求。基于迁移学习技术采用其他项目中已经标注的软件数据实现跨项目的缺陷预测,可以有效解决传统方法的不足,引起了国内外研究者的极大关注,并取得了一系列的研究成果。首先总结了跨项目软件缺陷预测中的关键问题。然后根据迁移学习的技术特点将现有方法分为基于软件属性特征迁移和软件模块实例迁移两大类,并分析比较了常见方法的特点和不足。最后探讨了跨项目软件缺陷预测未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

ContextSoftware defect prediction plays a crucial role in estimating the most defect-prone components of software, and a large number of studies have pursued improving prediction accuracy within a project or across projects. However, the rules for making an appropriate decision between within- and cross-project defect prediction when available historical data are insufficient remain unclear.ObjectiveThe objective of this work is to validate the feasibility of the predictor built with a simplified metric set for software defect prediction in different scenarios, and to investigate practical guidelines for the choice of training data, classifier and metric subset of a given project.MethodFirst, based on six typical classifiers, three types of predictors using the size of software metric set were constructed in three scenarios. Then, we validated the acceptable performance of the predictor based on Top-k metrics in terms of statistical methods. Finally, we attempted to minimize the Top-k metric subset by removing redundant metrics, and we tested the stability of such a minimum metric subset with one-way ANOVA tests.ResultsThe study has been conducted on 34 releases of 10 open-source projects available at the PROMISE repository. The findings indicate that the predictors built with either Top-k metrics or the minimum metric subset can provide an acceptable result compared with benchmark predictors. The guideline for choosing a suitable simplified metric set in different scenarios is presented in Table 12.ConclusionThe experimental results indicate that (1) the choice of training data for defect prediction should depend on the specific requirement of accuracy; (2) the predictor built with a simplified metric set works well and is very useful in case limited resources are supplied; (3) simple classifiers (e.g., Naïve Bayes) also tend to perform well when using a simplified metric set for defect prediction; and (4) in several cases, the minimum metric subset can be identified to facilitate the procedure of general defect prediction with acceptable loss of prediction precision in practice.  相似文献   

跨项目缺陷预测旨在解决传统的项目内缺陷预测的历史数据缺失,新项目初期缺乏训练数据等实际问题。然而,在跨项目缺陷预测中,不同项目之间以及实例之间的数据分布差异降低了其预测性能。针对这一问题,提出了基于分层数据筛选的跨项目缺陷预测方法。该方法将训练数据的筛选过程分为项目层筛选和实例层筛选,从源数据集中选出与目标项目数据分布最接近的候选项目集,在候选项目集中选出与目标项目中实例相似度较高的训练数据集,最后在训练数据集上训练朴素贝叶斯模型。在PROMISE数据集进行实验对比。结果表明,与项目内缺陷预测比较,提出的分层数据筛选方法优于项目内缺陷预测,并且有效降低了训练数据和目标项目数据之间的差异性。  相似文献   

Rather than detecting defects at an early stage to reduce their impact, defect prevention means that defects are prevented from occurring in advance. Causal analysis is a common approach to discover the causes of defects and take corrective actions. However, selecting defects to analyze among large amounts of reported defects is time consuming, and requires significant effort. To address this problem, this study proposes a defect prediction approach where the reported defects and performed actions are utilized to discover the patterns of actions which are likely to cause defects. The approach proposed in this study is adapted from the Action-Based Defect Prediction (ABDP), an approach uses the classification with decision tree technique to build a prediction model, and performs association rule mining on the records of actions and defects. An action is defined as a basic operation used to perform a software project, while a defect is defined as software flaws and can arise at any stage of the software process. The association rule mining finds the maximum rule set with specific minimum support and confidence and thus the discovered knowledge can be utilized to interpret the prediction models and software process behaviors. The discovered patterns then can be applied to predict the defects generated by the subsequent actions and take necessary corrective actions to avoid defects.The proposed defect prediction approach applies association rule mining to discover defect patterns, and multi-interval discretization to handle the continuous attributes of actions. The proposed approach is applied to a business project, giving excellent prediction results and revealing the efficiency of the proposed approach. The main benefit of using this approach is that the discovered defect patterns can be used to evaluate subsequent actions for in-process projects, and reduce variance of the reported data resulting from different projects. Additionally, the discovered patterns can be used in causal analysis to identify the causes of defects for software process improvement.  相似文献   

安全缺陷报告可以描述软件产品中的安全关键漏洞.为了消除软件产品的安全攻击风险,安全缺陷报告(security bug report, SBR)预测越来越受到研究人员的关注.但在实际软件开发场景中,需要进行软件安全漏洞预测的项目可能是来自新公司或属于新启动的项目,没有足够的已标记安全缺陷报告供在实践中构建此软件安全漏洞预测模型.一种简单的解决方案就是使用迁移模型,即利用其他项目已经标记过的数据来构建预测模型.受到该领域最近的两项研究工作的启发,以安全关键字过滤为思路提出一种融合知识图谱的跨项目安全缺陷报告预测方法KG-SBRP (knowledge graph of security bug report prediction).使用安全缺陷报告中的文本信息域结合CWE(common weakness enumeration)与CVE Details (common vulnerabilities and exposures)共同构建三元组规则实体,以三元组规则实体构建安全漏洞知识图谱,在图谱中结合实体及其关系识别安全缺陷报告.将数据分为训练集和测试集进行模型拟合和性能评估.所构建的模型...  相似文献   

Software defect prediction helps to optimize testing resources allocation by identifying defect-prone modules prior to testing. Most existing models build their prediction capability based on a set of historical data, presumably from the same or similar project settings as those under prediction. However, such historical data is not always available in practice. One potential way of predicting defects in projects without historical data is to learn predictors from data of other projects. This paper investigates defect predictions in the cross-project context focusing on the selection of training data. We conduct three large-scale experiments on 34 data sets obtained from 10 open source projects. Major conclusions from our experiments include: (1) in the best cases, training data from other projects can provide better prediction results than training data from the same project; (2) the prediction results obtained using training data from other projects meet our criteria for acceptance on the average level, defects in 18 out of 34 cases were predicted at a Recall greater than 70% and a Precision greater than 50%; (3) results of cross-project defect predictions are related with the distributional characteristics of data sets which are valuable for training data selection. We further propose an approach to automatically select suitable training data for projects without historical data. Prediction results provided by the training data selected by using our approach are comparable with those provided by training data from the same project.  相似文献   

We present an empirical assessment and improvement of the effort estimation model for corrective maintenance adopted in a major international software enterprise. Our study was composed of two phases. In the first phase we used multiple linear regression analysis to construct effort estimation models validated against real data collected from five corrective maintenance projects. The model previously adopted by the subject company used as predictors the size of the system being maintained and the number of maintenance tasks. While this model was not linear, we show that a linear model including the same variables achieved better performances. Also we show that greater improvements in the model performances can be achieved if the types of the different maintenance tasks is taken into account. In the second phase we performed a replicated assessment of the effort prediction models built in the previous phase on a new corrective maintenance project conducted by the subject company on a software system of the same type as the systems of the previous maintenance projects. The data available for the new project were finer grained, according to the indications devised in the first study. This allowed to improve the confidence in our previous empirical analysis by confirming most of the hypotheses made. The new data also provided other useful indications to better understand the maintenance process of the company in a quantitative way.  相似文献   

Software metrics rarely follow a normal distribution. Therefore, software metrics are usually transformed prior to building a defect prediction model. To the best of our knowledge, the impact that the transformation has on cross-project defect prediction models has not been thoroughly explored. A cross-project model is built from one project and applied on another project. In this study, we investigate if cross-project defect prediction is affected by applying different transformations (i.e., log and rank transformations, as well as the Box-Cox transformation). The Box-Cox transformation subsumes log and other power transformations (e.g., square root), but has not been studied in the defect prediction literature. We propose an approach, namely Multiple Transformations (MT), to utilize multiple transformations for cross-project defect prediction. We further propose an enhanced approach MT+ to use the parameter of the Box-Cox transformation to determine the most appropriate training project for each target project. Our experiments are conducted upon three publicly available data sets (i.e., AEEEM, ReLink, and PROMISE). Comparing to the random forest model built solely using the log transformation, our MT+ approach improves the F-measure by 7, 59 and 43% for the three data sets, respectively. As a summary, our major contributions are three-fold: 1) conduct an empirical study on the impact that data transformation has on cross-project defect prediction models; 2) propose an approach to utilize the various information retained by applying different transformation methods; and 3) propose an unsupervised approach to select the most appropriate training project for each target project.  相似文献   

ContextBuilding defect prediction models in large organizations has many challenges due to limited resources and tight schedules in the software development lifecycle. It is not easy to collect data, utilize any type of algorithm and build a permanent model at once. We have conducted a study in a large telecommunications company in Turkey to employ a software measurement program and to predict pre-release defects. Based on our prior publication, we have shared our experience in terms of the project steps (i.e. challenges and opportunities). We have further introduced new techniques that improve our earlier results.ObjectiveIn our previous work, we have built similar predictors using data representative for US software development. Our task here was to check if those predictors were specific solely to US organizations or to a broader class of software.MethodWe have presented our approach and results in the form of an experience report. Specifically, we have made use of different techniques for improving the information content of the software data and the performance of a Naïve Bayes classifier in the prediction model that is locally tuned for the company. We have increased the information content of the software data by using module dependency data and improved the performance by adjusting the hyper-parameter (decision threshold) of the Naïve Bayes classifier. We have reported and discussed our results in terms of defect detection rates and false alarms. We also carried out a cost–benefit analysis to show that our approach can be efficiently put into practice.ResultsOur general result is that general defect predictors, which exist across a wide range of software (in both US and Turkish organizations), are present. Our specific results indicate that concerning the organization subject to this study, the use of version history information along with code metrics decreased false alarms by 22%, the use of dependencies between modules further reduced false alarms by 8%, and the decision threshold optimization for the Naïve Bayes classifier using code metrics and version history information further improved false alarms by 30% in comparison to a prediction using only code metrics and a default decision threshold.ConclusionImplementing statistical techniques and machine learning on a real life scenario is a difficult yet possible task. Using simple statistical and algorithmic techniques produces an average detection rate of 88%. Although using dependency data improves our results, it is difficult to collect and analyze such data in general. Therefore, we would recommend optimizing the hyper-parameter of the proposed technique, Naïve Bayes, to calibrate the defect prediction model rather than employing more complex classifiers. We also recommend that researchers who explore statistical and algorithmic methods for defect prediction should spend less time on their algorithms and more time on studying the pragmatic considerations of large organizations.  相似文献   

Defects discovered during the testing phase in software projects need to be removed before the software is shipped to the customers. The removal of defects can constitute a significant amount of effort in a project and project managers are faced with a decision whether to continue development or shift some resources to cope with defect removal. The goal of this research is to improve the practice of project management by providing a method for predicting the number of defects reported into the defect database in the project. In this paper we present a method for predicting the number of defects reported into the defect database in a large software project on a weekly basis. The method is based on using project progress data, in particular the information about the test progress, to predict defect inflow in the next three coming weeks. The results show that the prediction accuracy of our models is up to 72% (mean magnitude of relative error for predictions of 1 week in advance is 28%) when used in ongoing large software projects. The method is intended to support project managers in more accurate adjusting resources in the project, since they are notified in advance about the potentially large effort needed to correct defects.  相似文献   

Software defect prediction has been regarded as one of the crucial tasks to improve software quality by effectively allocating valuable resources to fault-prone modules. It is necessary to have a sufficient set of historical data for building a predictor. Without a set of sufficient historical data within a company, cross-project defect prediction (CPDP) can be employed where data from other companies are used to build predictors. In such cases, a transfer learning technique, which extracts common knowledge from source projects and transfers it to a target project, can be used to enhance the prediction performance. There exists the class imbalance problem, which causes difficulties for the learner to predict defects. The main impacts of imbalanced data under cross-project settings have not been investigated in depth. We propose a transfer cost-sensitive boosting method that considers both knowledge transfer and class imbalance for CPDP when given a small amount of labeled target data. The proposed approach performs boosting that assigns weights to the training instances with consideration of both distributional characteristics and the class imbalance. Through comparative experiments with the transfer learning and the class imbalance learning techniques, we show that the proposed model provides significantly higher defect detection accuracy while retaining better overall performance. As a result, a combination of transfer learning and class imbalance learning is highly effective for improving the prediction performance under cross-project settings. The proposed approach will help to design an effective prediction model for CPDP. The improved defect prediction performance could help to direct software quality assurance activities and reduce costs. Consequently, the quality of software can be managed effectively.  相似文献   

Cross-project defect prediction (CPDP) uses the labeled data from external source software projects to compensate the shortage of useful data in the target project, in order to build a meaningful classification model. However, the distribution gap between software features extracted from the source and the target projects may be too large to make the mixed data useful for training. In this paper, we propose a cluster-based novel method FeSCH (Feature Selection Using Clusters of Hybrid-Data) to alleviate the distribution differences by feature selection. FeSCH includes two phases. The feature clustering phase clusters features using a density-based clustering method, and the feature selection phase selects features from each cluster using a ranking strategy. For CPDP, we design three different heuristic ranking strategies in the second phase. To investigate the prediction performance of FeSCH, we design experiments based on real-world software projects, and study the effects of design options in FeSCH (such as ranking strategy, feature selection ratio, and classifiers). The experimental results prove the effectiveness of FeSCH. Firstly, compared with the state-of-the-art baseline methods, FeSCH achieves better performance and its performance is less affected by the classifiers used. Secondly, FeSCH enhances the performance by effectively selecting features across feature categories, and provides guidelines for selecting useful features for defect prediction.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2005,42(1):115-125
Understanding software project risk can help in reducing the incidence of failure. Building on prior work, software project risk was conceptualized along six dimensions. A questionnaire was built and 507 software project managers were surveyed. A cluster analysis was then performed to identify aspects of low, medium, and high risk projects. An examination of risk dimensions across the levels revealed that even low risk projects have a high level of complexity risk. For high risk projects, the risks associated with requirements, planning and control, and the organization become more obvious. The influence of project scope, sourcing practices, and strategic orientation on project risk dimensions was also examined. Results suggested that project scope affects all dimensions of risk, whereas sourcing practices and strategic orientation had a more limited impact. A conceptual model of project risk and performance was presented.  相似文献   

跨项目缺陷预测(cross-project defect prediction, CPDP)已经成为软件工程数据挖掘领域的一个重要研究方向,它利用其他项目的缺陷代码来建立预测模型,解决了模型构建过程中的数据不足问题.然而源项目和目标项目的代码文件之间存在着数据分布的差异,导致跨项目预测效果不佳.基于生成式对抗网络(generative adversarial network,GAN)中的对抗学习思想,在鉴别器的作用下,通过改变目标项目特征的分布,使其接近于源项目特征的分布,从而提升跨项目缺陷预测的性能.具体来说,提出的抽象连续生成式对抗网络(abstract continuous generative adversarial network, AC-GAN)方法包括数据处理和模型构建两个阶段:(1)首先将源项目和目标项目的代码转换为抽象语法树(abstract syntax tree,AST)的形式,然后以深度优先方式遍历抽象语法树得出节点序列,再使用连续词袋模型(continuous bag-of-words model,CBOW)生成词向量,依据词向量表将节点序列转化为数值向量;(...  相似文献   

Up-to-date preservation of project knowledge like developer communication and design documents is essential for the successful evolution of software systems. Ideally, all knowledge should be preserved, but since projects only have limited resources, and software systems continuously grow in scope and complexity, one needs to prioritize the subsystems and development periods for which knowledge preservation is more urgent. For example, core subsystems on which the majority of other subsystems build are obviously prime candidates for preservation, yet if these subsystems change continuously, picking a development period to start knowledge preservation and to maintain knowledge for over time become very hard. This paper exploits the time dependence between code changes to automatically determine for which subsystems and development periods of a software project knowledge preservation would be most valuable. A case study on two large open source projects (PostgreSQL and FreeBSD) shows that the most valuable subsystems to preserve knowledge for are large core subsystems. However, the majority of these subsystems (1) are continuously foundational, i.e., ideally for each development period knowledge should be preserved, and (2) experience substantial changes, i.e., preserving knowledge requires substantial effort.  相似文献   

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