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植被冠层归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)由于不同土壤背景的混入干扰,导致利用NDVI信息对作物长势监测等应用的有效性降低。以安徽省来安县小麦农田为研究区,以2种土壤类型(水稻土和黄褐土)背景下拔节期冬小麦为研究对象,采用实测小麦冠层光谱及叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)数据,利用传统的照相法求算植被覆盖度,基于混合光谱理论,提出2种NDVI土壤背景影响去除模型(NDVIT),对模型进行对比验证。研究结果表明:2种模型均可去除一定的土壤背景影响;采用信噪比的分析方法定量研究2种模型抵抗土壤噪声影响的能力,分析发现NDVI1T提取植被信息抗土壤噪声能力更佳;2种土壤背景影响去除模型和NDVI的拟合关系良好,相关关系R~2均达到0.9以上。  相似文献   

生长于不同土壤类型背景条件下的相同长势小麦农田遥感像元尺度的归一化植被指数(NDVI)有很大差异,也一直困扰着利用NDVI进行小麦长势有效监测和精确评价。拟定小麦冠层光谱不变即小麦冠层NDVI为一常数条件下,选择反射率差异较大的我国9种典型土壤类型作为土壤背景,由小麦冠层和土壤背景的不同线性混合比模拟计算遥感像元尺度上的植被覆盖度,研究不同土壤类型背景对小麦农田NDVI信息的影响。研究结果表明:同一土壤类型背景条件下,随着植被覆盖度逐渐增加,小麦农田NDVI总体表现为增长的趋势,反之亦然;不同类型土壤背景对小麦农田NDVI造成很大差异,当植被覆盖度大于25%时,随着植被覆盖度的增加对小麦农田NDVI影响差异性逐渐减小;不同类型土壤背景也导致小麦农田NDVI对植被覆盖度的敏感性有明显差异,较低反射率土壤背景条件下的敏感性随着植被覆盖度增长呈现曲线下降的趋势,较高反射率土壤背景条件下敏感性随着植被覆盖度的增长而单调增加,为不同类型土壤背景的各小麦生长期遥感NDVI信息估算频次选择提供依据。  相似文献   

利用PROSPECT和SAIL模型模拟了不同叶绿素含量、不同LAI和不同观测天顶角下的植被冠层反射率,分析了NDVI随LAI、观测天顶角和叶绿素含量的变化规律。结果表明:叶绿素影响冠层反射率主要在可见光波段,冠层反射率随叶绿素含量的增加而下降;冠层反射率随观测天顶角的增加而增加,而LAI较高时,其受观测天顶角的影响较小。观测天顶角相同时,随叶绿素含量的增加NDVI呈上升趋势;叶绿素含量一定时,NDVI随LAI的增加而增加。LAI为1时,在不同叶绿素含量下,随观测天顶角的增加,NDVI呈先下降后上升的趋势,拐点在观测天顶角65°或70°处,而LAI为3、5和7时,NDVI呈现下降趋势。叶绿素含量较高时,NDVI受观测天顶角的影响较小。当LAI较大和叶绿素含量较低时,NDVI随观测天顶角的增加(>70°)下降较快。  相似文献   

在全球范围长时间序列LAI遥感产品反演算法中,植被冠层反射率模型仅使用少量叶片光谱特征代表全球植被全年的典型植被光谱特征,叶片光谱的不确定性导致LAI遥感产品存在一定的误差。目前全球已经构建了多个典型植被叶片波谱数据集,这些数据集包含多个植被物种、不同空间地域及多时相叶片光谱数据,为定量分析叶片光谱特征提供了数据支持。主要利用LOPEX’93、ANGERS’03、中国典型地物波谱数据库和野外实测的叶片光谱数据,以黄边参数、红边参数和叶片光谱指数作为分析指标,探讨不同植被物种、不同气候区和不同物候期的叶片光谱特征差异,及其对植被冠层反射率、LAI反演的影响,为发展考虑现实叶片光谱差异的LAI反演算法提供研究基础。结果表明:植被叶片光谱存在多样性,叶片光谱特征差异主要影响MODIS传感器近红外波段和绿波段反射率值,其中,绿波段反射率值对叶片光谱变化最为敏感;在LAI反演算法中,如果只考虑植被类型而不考虑物种叶片光谱差异,可能会给LAI反演带来大于3的误差。  相似文献   

PROSAIL模型的参数敏感性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了对植被参数反演以及模型优化提供一定的参考,采用扩展傅立叶幅度灵敏度检验法(EFAST)对PROSAIL模型的各输入参数进行全局敏感性定量化分析,筛选出对模型结果影响最大的参数。结果表明:在红光波段,总敏感指数大于0.1的参数依次为Cab,Ns,Hspot和LAI,其中Cab的总敏感性指数最大为0.489,是在红光波段范围对PROSAIL模型模拟结果影响最显著的参数。在近红外波段,总敏感指数大于0.1的参数依次为LAI\,Cm\,ALA\,Ns和Hspot,LAI是近红外波段区域对PROSAIL模型模拟结果影响最大的参数,其总敏感性指数高达0.512。  相似文献   

一种简单的估算植被覆盖度和恢复背景信息的方法   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
植被覆盖度是评估生态环境的一个重要参数,其对于全球环境变化和监测研究具有重要意义.如何从遥感资料估算植被覆盖度,并提高估算精度是建立全球或区域气候、生态模型的基础工作.该文从分析土壤、植被光谱信号的特点出发,根据植被覆盖度的定义,推导出计算植被覆盖度的方法,并进一步提出了计算植被覆盖度的三波段最大梯度差法.在此基础上,对部分植被覆盖下的土壤光谱实现重建.上述方法实现简单,适用范围广,并可有效分离植被、土壤的影响,因而有望替代常用的通过NDVI估算植被覆盖度的方法.  相似文献   

为了解决常规卫星遥感叶面积指数真实性检验方法存在的破坏样地植被、操作复杂、耗时费力,且难以用于对应大范围的植被采样等问题,该文以安徽省来安县为研究区,利用实测水稻冠层光谱结合GF1-WFV传感器进行光谱重采样并计算水稻NDVI,基于此进行LAI反演建模,通过光谱计算的LAI反演结果对GF-1星多光谱遥感水稻LAI的反演结果进行真实性检验,并结合野外LAI观测数据证明了该方法的有效性和可行性。研究表明,该方法操作简单,准确度高,大大减少了野外试验的工作量,为快速、准确获取大量真实性检验数据及定量化应用提供了有效的途径。  相似文献   

双层植被结构冠层光谱特性的理论模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用双层冠层反射率模型ACRM,模拟不同叶面积指数LAI、含水量Cw和结构参数N下,波长是820nm和1600nm冠层反射率的角度分布。结果说明,该模型能准确模拟出“热点”效应 |冠层反射率角度分布对LAI的敏感性小于LAI和Cw以及LAI和N的共同作用。其中LAI和Cw共同作用对波长1 600 nm反射率角度分布的影响非常显著,而LAI和N的共同作用在820 nm略微大于1 600 nm。另外,提取冠层含水量的土壤可调节水分指数SAWI受冠层结构的影响也较大。今后在模型选取中应该更好的考虑冠层结构影响。  相似文献   

无人机高光谱遥感是低成本、高精度获取精细尺度农作物生物物理参数和生物化学参数的新型手段,以此快速反演叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index,LAI)对作物长势评价、产量预测具有重要意义。以山东禹城市玉米为研究对象,利用PROSAIL辐射传输模型模拟玉米冠层反射率获取LAI特征响应波段结合相关性定量分析获取对LAI变化最为敏感的波段,并以此计算6种植被指数(Vegetation Index,VI),利用6种回归模型分别对单一特征波段和VI进行反演建模,以实测LAI评定模型精度。研究表明,光谱反射率中516、636、702、760和867 nm等波段对LAI变化最为敏感,以此建立的单一特征波段反演模型预测LAI精度R~2为0.44~0.58;RMSE为0.16~0.18,其中636 nm建立的模型(LAI=21.86exp(-29.47R636))相比其他反演模型预测精度较高(R~2=0.58,RMSE=0.16);6种植被指数与LAI高度相关,相关性系数R2为0.85~0.86,以此建立的反演模型相比单一特征波段反演模型精度有所提高,R~2为0.66~0.72,RMSE为0.12~0.14;其中mNDVI构建的LAI估算模型(LAI=exp(2.76~1.77/mNDVI))精度最高(R~2=0.72,RMSE=0.13)。无人机高光谱遥感是快速、无损监测农作物生长信息的有效手段,为指导精细化尺度作物管理提供依据。  相似文献   

南京冬季典型植被光谱特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用FieldSpec4便携式地物光谱仪和ASD积分球,于2014年7月和12月对研究区6种典型植被进行光谱数据采集与处理,分析植被冠层和落叶的光谱特征及其变化规律,同时分析坡度因素、测量方法对植被光谱反射率的影响。结果表明:不同季节常绿植被光谱存在差异,不同植被光谱反射率的季节变化也不同。冬季常绿植被具有相似的光谱特征,但是不同植被类型之间也存在明显的差异。冬季植被冠层光谱呈现出先降低后稳定的特点;植被落叶层光谱由于受叶片色素、含水量、土壤背景等因素的影响,在衰老腐化的过程中并未出现明显的规律性变化。一定坡度范围内,植被光谱反射率随坡度的增大而升高。不同的测量方法获取的植被光谱反射率不同,但是光谱变化规律相同。  相似文献   

It is quite confusing to effectively monitor and precisely evaluate growing conditions of wheat by using normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI)which is based on pixel scale as they are significantly different when acquired by the same growth status wheat with different background of soil types.This paper selects 9 typical soil types in our country as background with the wheat canopy spectrum is fixed which means the NDVIc is a constant value to study the influence of different soil background types on NDVI of wheat and analyze the sensitivity of NDVI of wheat to the vegetation coverage simulated by diverse liner mixed ratio of wheat canopy and soil background.The results show that:(1)wheat NDVI of farmland increases along with the increase of vegetation coverage under the same of soil background type,and vice versa;(2)wheat NDVI of farmland vary greatly with different soil background types,and the difference decrease while the vegetation coverage exceed 25%;(3)NDVI sensitivity also shows a quite difference to vegetation coverage under the diverse soil background types.With the increase of vegetation coverage,NDVI sensitivity decreases with the lower\|reflectance soil background while it increases monotonously with the higher reflectance soil background.It provides the foundation for the times of calculating the remote sensing’s NDVI information of all wheat growing periods under different types of soil background.  相似文献   

森林冠层结构对太阳辐射能量有重要的影响,而双向反射率因子(BRF)在植被冠层反射研究中对冠层的生物物理特性起重要作用。本文在针叶树简化实验和落叶松模拟的基础上,分析了 BRF对落叶松及其环境参数的敏感性:叶面积指数(LAI)、太阳位置、地面背景和天空光比例。研究结果表明冠层的空间结构分布、地面背景的类型对BRF有很大的影响。  相似文献   

水稻冠层光谱特征及其与LAI的关系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
氮素营养是影响作物生长与产量的最主要限制因子之一。准确及时地监测或诊断出作物氮素营养状况,对提高氮素利用效率和作物管理水平、减少过度施氮造成的环境污染具有重要意义。本研究在不同施氮水平处理的水稻试验小区,对水稻整个生长期内冠层反射光谱进行了较系统、密集的测定,同时测定了几个重要生育期水稻的叶面积指数。研究结果表明:随着施氮量的增加,水稻冠层光谱在各生育期间呈现出一定的规律性,在近红外部分(710~1 220 nm),冠层光谱反射率随着施氮水平的提高而升高,而在可见光部分(460~680 nm),水稻冠层的光谱反射率反而逐渐降低。经冠层光谱差异显著性检验发现:水稻灌浆期以前,对施氮水平最为敏感的波段是绿光(560~610 nm)和近红外(710~760 nm)部分;转换为归一化植被指数(NDVI)以后,差异最显著的是(R760-R560)/(R760+R560)。不同氮肥处理的水稻LAI随时间变化曲线大致都呈抛物线型,中低水平施氮肥水稻LAI随时间的变化曲线比较平缓,而高水平施氮肥LAI曲线则变化比较剧烈。冠层光谱反射与叶面积的相关分析结果表明:在水稻抽穗前,叶面积与冠层光谱反射率相关性较差;而抽穗后,叶面积与冠层光谱有较高的相关性。  相似文献   


The potential of Sentinel-2 (S2) data in mapping Leaf area index (LAI) of mangroves having heterogeneous species composition, variable canopy density, and complex backgrounds was studied. Out of the three available near-infrared bands in S2, band-8 of 10 m spatial resolution was found to be the most suitable one for deriving the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for mangroves. The LAI-NDVI relation did not accord apparently with the earlier reports and the underlying complex background effect was validated with Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer-Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG) hyperspectral data. It simulated spectral and spatial conditions of S2 by linear mixing of canopy and background that confirmed the effect of background contributions to the canopy reflectance decorrelating the NDVI from LAI. The compensation for diverse backgrounds was accomplished with optimum-scaled NDVI (scNDVIm) obtained from the mean of scaled NDVIs derived with different backgrounds in the mangroves. LAI was well correlated with composite NDVI (NDVIcom), derived empirically from the most appropriate NDVI (NDVIS2) and scNDVIm where ground observation controlled the threshold arbitration in extracting the range of scNDVIm. It was shown that an improved LAI estimate with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.69 and root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.02 could be obtained with NDVIcom. This method has the advantage of compensating the contaminations due to background reflectance. While the relation between LAI and NDVIcom was found to be consistent, the application of the same methodology in similar mangroves should be site-specific with ample ground observation. The fusion of NDVI and scNDVI obtained from S2 yields better LAI retrieval for mixed mangroves, such as that of Sundarban.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of ground-based canopy reflectance measurements to detect changes in physiology and structure of vegetation in response to experimental warming and drought treatment at six European shrublands located along a North-South climatic gradient. We measured canopy reflectance, effective green leaf area index (green LAIe) and chlorophyll fluorescence of dominant species. The treatment effects on green LAIe varied among sites. We calculated three reflectance indices: photochemical reflectance index PRI [531 nm; 570 nm], normalized difference vegetation index NDVI680 [780 nm; 680 nm] using red spectral region, and NDVI570 [780 nm; 570 nm] using the same green spectral region as PRI. All three reflectance indices were significantly related to green LAIe and were able to detect changes in shrubland vegetation among treatments. In general warming treatment increased PRI and drought treatment reduced NDVI values. The significant treatment effect on photochemical efficiency of plants detected with PRI could not be detected by fluorescence measurements. However, we found canopy level measured PRI to be very sensitive to soil reflectance properties especially in vegetation areas with low green LAIe. As both soil reflectance and LAI varied between northern and southern sites it is problematic to draw universal conclusions of climate-derived changes in all vegetation types based merely on PRI measurements. We propose that canopy level PRI measurements can be more useful in areas of dense vegetation and dark soils.  相似文献   

Fractional vegetation cover (FVC) is an important variable for describing the quality and changes of vegetation in terrestrial ecosystems. The simplest and most widely used model for the estimation of FVC is the dimidiate pixel model. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is commonly used as a vegetation index (VI) in this model. A range of VIs is possible alternative to the use of NDVI in the dimidiate pixel model. In this article, six VI-based dimidiate pixel models were compared using in situ measurements and canopy reflectances simulated by the PROSAIL model over nine different soil backgrounds. A comparison with in situ measurements showed that the Gutman–Ignatov method overestimated FVC, with a mean root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.14. The mean RMSE had an intermediate value of 0.08 in the Carlson–Ripley method and was further reduced to 0.05 in the method proposed by Baret et al. The use of both modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) and a mixture of NDVI and the ratio vegetation index (RVI) to replace NDVI in the Gutman–Ignatov model reduced the RMSE to 0.06. The mean RMSE in the difference vegetation index (DVI)-based model was 0.08. The simulated results indicated that soil backgrounds have significant effects on these VI-based models. The sensitivity of the first three models and the NDVI plus RVI-based model to soil backgrounds decreased with an increase in soil reflectance. In contrast, the DVI-based model is sensitive to soil backgrounds with high reflectances. MSAVI, which is less sensitive to soil backgrounds, represents a feasible alternative to the use of NDVI in the Gutman–Ignatov model.  相似文献   

A simulated canopy reflectance dataset for a total of six channels in visible, near-infrared (NIR) and shortwave-infrared (SWIR) region, corresponding to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) was generated using the PROSAIL (PROSPECT+SAIL) model and a range of Leaf Area Index (LAI), soil backgrounds, leaf chlorophyll, leaf inclination and viewing geometry inputs. This dataset was used to develop and evaluate approaches for LAI estimation, namely, standard two-band nonlinear empirical vegetation index (VI)–LAI formulation (using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index/simple ratio (NDVI/SR)) and a multi-band principal component inversion (PCI) approach. The analysis indicated that the multi-band PCI approach had a smaller rms error (RMSE=0.380) than the NDVI and SR approaches (RMSE=2.28, 0.88), for an independently generated test dataset.  相似文献   

The effects of soil moisture and leaf water content on canopy reflectance of MODIS shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands 5, 6, and 7 and water‐related indices are studied quantitatively using the coupled soil–leaf–canopy reflectance model. Canopy spectra simulations under various input conditions show that soil moisture has a large effect on each SWIR reflectance at low leaf area index (LAI) values, among which band 5 is the most sensitive to soil moisture variations, while band 7 responds strongest to dry soil conditions. Band 5 is also better suited to measure leaf water content change, since it obtains a higher variation when leaf water content changes from dry to wet. In general, each SWIR band responds to soil moisture and leaf water content differently. By using the normalized calculation between the water absorption‐sensitive band and insensitive band, the Normalized Difference Water Index shows the most capability to remove the soil background effect and enhance the sensitivity to leaf water content. These two moisture variables may be separated by combining multiple rather than one SWIR band with a near‐infrared band considering that each SWIR band has a different response to soil moisture and leaf water content.  相似文献   

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