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In this paper, we present a steganographic method for embedding a color or a grayscale image in a true color image. Three types of secret images can be carried by the proposed method: hiding a color secret image, hiding a palette-based 256-color secret image, and hiding a grayscale image in a true color image. Secret data are protected by the conventional crypto system DES. We compare the image quality and hiding capacity of the proposed method with those of the scheme in Lin et al.’s scheme. According to the experimental results, the image quality of the proposed method is better than that of the Lin et al.’s scheme. In addition, annotation data can be hidden with the secret image in the host image. The hiding capacity of the proposed method is greater than that of other compared schemes. The experimental results show that the proposed method is a secure steganographic method that provides high hiding capacity and good image quality.  相似文献   

基于预测误差差值扩展的彩色图像无损数据隐藏   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
将Tian差值扩展技术应用于彩色图像中,提出一种利用预测误差差值进行扩展嵌入的彩色图像无损数据隐藏算法。传统的差值扩展和预测误差扩展嵌入技术最大的缺点是过分利用差值造成载体图像质量严重下降。针对这一问题,该方法利用色彩分量间的相关性减小差值,并将差值扩展量分散到两个色彩分量中,同时,对差值直方图平移技术进行改进,使得同等嵌入率下图像质量达到最佳。实验结果表明,与其他算法相比,本算法在嵌入率和图像质量方面都有明显提高。  相似文献   

目的 基于像素值排序(PVO)的数据隐藏算法因其高保真的优越性受到广泛重视,并不断得到改进。本文提出一种图像分区选择思想,以进一步充分利用图像的嵌入空间,改善PVO算法的嵌入性能,提高载秘图像的信噪比。方法 原始PVO算法通常采用预测差值“1”进行数据隐藏,对平滑像素组有较好的利用率和隐蔽性,而对毛躁像素组隐秘性能明显下降,算法性能与图像像素分布情况密切相关。本文在PVO算法基础上提出图像分区选择的思想,首先,将原始图像分为若干区域,然后按移位率从小到大的顺序依次选择图像区域;其次,在每个区域中选择合适的嵌入预测误差;最后,按顺序在被选区域利用该区域的最优嵌入差值完成信息嵌入。结果 假设将图像划分为8×8个区域,对本文算法与原始PVO算法进行比较,当嵌入量为1×104 bit时,Elaine图像的移位率由81.59%降为74.40%,载秘图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR)值由55.388 2提高为56.996 9,提高了1.608 7,采用其他图像并就不同嵌入量进行实验,各图像PSNR值均表现出不同程度的提高。其次,将图像分别划分为2×2、4×4、8×8、16×16个分区,当嵌入量为1×104 bit时,Lena图像PSNR由原始PVO的59.204 6逐渐增加至60.846 9,其他图像在不同嵌入量时PSNR均随着分区数的增加而有不同程度的提高。结论 本文提出的基于图像分区选择的改进PVO算法,可根据像素分布情况增加对嵌入空间的利用,在相同嵌入量情况下,改进后的算法能够获得更高的PSNR值;在一定分区数量条件范围内,分区数量与图像PSNR值表现出正相关性,随着分区数量的增加,图像PSNR值随之增加;本文方法在一定程度上改善了嵌入容量,弥补了因分区数量增加带来的辅助信息增加的问题。  相似文献   

熊志勇  王江晴 《计算机应用》2010,30(9):2408-2412
针对传统差值扩展存在过分修改像素值、须嵌入定位图等缺陷,提出了一种新的彩色图像可逆数据隐藏算法。首先利用色彩分量之间的相关性减小差值,并根据扩展方向和差值的符号,用较小的差值扩展量修改部分色彩分量的像素值,扩展方向由可能产生上溢和下溢的像素数量决定;其次采用单向像素值调整的方法避免像素值溢出,并用少量的调整信息代替定位图,嵌入容量大幅提高;最后改进差值直方图平移技术控制嵌入容量和图像失真。提取端根据临界像素值的顺序定位调整的像素位置,用调整信息恢复调整的像素值,在提取信息的同时可无损地恢复原始图像。实验结果表明,所提出的算法在大幅提高嵌入容量的同时,仍能保持较高的图像质量。  相似文献   

A reversible data hiding scheme using complementary embedding strategy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Obtaining good visual quality and high hiding capacity with reversible data hiding systems is a technically challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a simple reversible data hiding scheme that uses a complementary hiding strategy. The proposed method embeds one secret bit horizontally and vertically into one cover pixel of a grayscale cover image by decreasing odd-valued pixels and increasing even-valued pixels by one. Experimental results show that the hiding capacity measured by bit per pixel (bpp) of the proposed scheme is at least 1.21 bpp with a PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) value greater than 52 dB for all standard test images. Especially in the case of four-layer embedding, the PSNR value of the proposed method is still greater than 51 dB at a hiding capacity of about 5 bpp for all standard test images. In addition, the proposed method is quite simple because it primarily uses additions and subtractions. These results indicate that the proposed scheme is superior to many existing reversible data hiding schemes introduced in the literature.  相似文献   

为提高密文域可逆信息隐藏(reversible data hiding in encrypted images,RDH-EI)的嵌入容量,提出了一种基于自适应MSB(most significant bit)与差值预测的RDH-EI方案。首先将图像进行分块,然后进行块级加密和置乱以抵抗对于加密图像的分析。在嵌入数据阶段,对于自适应MSB预测的方法进行改进,将没有嵌入数据的块,利用部分块内像素之间差值很小的特点采用自适应差值预测的方法嵌入数据,以块中左上角像素为目标像素,用于预测其他像素从而腾出更多的嵌入空间。实验结果表明,所提方法具有可逆性和可分离性,并且在自适应MSB预测方法的基础上进一步提高了嵌入容量,对于512×512大小的灰度图像,平均嵌入容量提高了大约7 445 bit。  相似文献   

Recently, embedding a large amount of secret data into gray-level and color images with low distortion has become an important research issue in steganography. In this paper, we propose a data embedding scheme by using a well-known genetic algorithm, block truncation code and modification direction techniques to embed secret data into compression codes of color images to expand the variety of cover media. In the scheme, the common bitmap generation procedure of GA-AMBTC has been modified to speed up the hiding procedure. Two embedding strategies are proposed to hide secret data into the common bitmap and the quantization values in each block of the cover image. Experimental results confirm that the proposed scheme can provide high data capacity with acceptable image quality of the stego-images. Moreover, the compression ratio of the scheme is exactly the same as that of GA-AMBTC so that attackers cannot detect any trace of hidden data from the size of the modified compressed result.  相似文献   

目的 像素置换作为一种可逆信息隐藏方式具有良好的抗灰度直方图隐写分析能力,但嵌入容量偏小一直是其缺陷。针对这一问题,提出了一种基于像素置换的自适应可逆信息隐藏算法。方法 首先,与传统2×2像素块结构相比构造了尺寸更小的像素对结构,使得载体图像可以被更稠密地分割,为嵌入容量的提升提供了基数条件。其次,提出适用于该新像素结构的可嵌像素对(EPP)筛选条件,避免嵌入过程引起图像质量大幅下降。之后,根据EPP的灰度趋势差异对其进行自适应预编码,提高Huffman编码压缩比,进一步提升算法嵌入容量。最终,通过像素置换嵌入信息。结果 与2×2像素块结构的非自适应图像隐写算法相比,在同样保证灰度直方图稳定性的情况下该算法的PSNR提高了32%左右,嵌入容量提高了95%以上。其中自适应性对嵌入容量提升的贡献极大。结论 本文算法同时具有抗灰度直方图隐写分析能力与高嵌入容量性的可逆信息隐藏。算法构造了更高效的可嵌单位,并且针对不同载体图像的特点对其可嵌区域进行差异化编码。实验结果表明,本文算法在具有更好的不可见性的同时,嵌入容量得到大幅提升。  相似文献   

针对已有算法嵌入率低、算法过程复杂等问题,提出一种新的可逆数据隐藏算法。算法为了提高信息隐藏率,首先选取直方图中值点两侧的峰值进行数据嵌入。在多次嵌入之后,算法选择中值点位置嵌入所有峰值信息,由于中值点在嵌入后可以直接定位,因此可以实现可逆嵌入与恢复,从而不需要已有算法最低有效位的替换过程,减少了算法过程的复杂性。算法在两个图像集上进行性能测试,先与已有算法进行数据嵌入量比较,接着与MATLAB中3个对比度增强函数进行比较,用于评估算法的嵌入容量以及对比度增强后的图像质量。实验结果表明,所提算法在实现可逆数据隐藏和对比度增强的同时,嵌入容量有较大的提高。  相似文献   

利用改进整数变换实现图像无损信息隐藏   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了在图像中实现无损信息隐藏,并提高数据嵌入容量和隐蔽性,给出一种基于改进整数变换的无损信息隐藏方法。首先对图像块采用改进算法进行整数变换,使得变换前后图像块引入失真较少,然后自适应选择整数变换后引入失真较小的可修改图像块进行整数变换,并嵌入较大数据量的机密信息,在公共信道进行传输后接收端能正确提取机密信息,并无损恢复原宿主图像。实验结果表明,该方法具有较大的数据嵌入容量和较好的隐蔽性,可用于医学图像中隐藏病历信息及遥感、军事图像的无损隐秘传输等领域。  相似文献   

目的 针对现有的加密域可逆信息隐藏算法在对位平面压缩时未能充分利用位平面间的相关性的问题,为了降低位平面的压缩率从而提高嵌入容量,提出一种减少相邻位平面间冗余度的加密域可逆信息隐藏算法。方法 算法将图像进行分块并将块的位置进行置乱,置乱并未改变位平面的块内像素的相关性,使得位平面的块同样利于压缩。将块置乱后的图像的高位平面与次高位进行异或操作后得到新的次高位平面,再用新的次高位异或比它低一位的位平面。依次对其余的低位平面进行同样的操作后得到新的低7个位平面,将它们与原始最高位相结合得到新的图像的8个位平面。使用BBE(binary-block embeding)算法对新的图像的位平面进行压缩为嵌入信息腾出空间。为了保证加密图像的安全性,对腾出空间后的图像进行异或加密。结果 对相邻位平面进行异或后使除了最高位平面外的低位平面更平滑,减少了不能使用BBE算法压缩的块及压缩的不好的块的个数,更有利于用BBE算法对图像进行压缩。提出的算法与现有的基于位平面压缩的算法相比得到了较高的嵌入率,对不同纹理的图像而言,嵌入的容量平均提高了0.4 bit/像素。结论 实验结果表明,提出的算法在保证安全性的同时可以腾出更多的空间来嵌入额外的信息,在实际生活中能根据需求灵活地嵌入信息。嵌入的信息能无损地提取,且图像能完全恢复。总的来说,提出的算法具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

Information hiding methods are currently exploited by many researchers for various applications. Proposing an efficient and feasible information hiding method is valuable. This paper presents a new reversible information hiding method for vector quantization (VQ)-compressed grayscale images by using joint neighboring coding (JNC) technique. The proposed method embeds secret data by using the difference values between the current VQ-compressed index and left or upper neighboring indices. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the best visual quality of reconstructed images compared with the two related works. In addition, the proposed method obtains as high embedding capacity as Lin and Chang's method, followed by Yang et al.'s method. As for execution speed, Yang et al.'s method is fastest, followed by the proposed method, and then Lin and Chang's method. With respect to bit rate, the proposed method has a little higher bit rate in comparison with the two related works.  相似文献   

可逆信息隐藏技术一方面能够对图像的原始性和完整性进行认证和保护,同时还能够确保无失真地恢复原始图像,近年来在公安、司法等领域受到越来越多的关注.基于可逆信息隐藏的认证方案需要同时满足可逆和认证两个方面的要求,在实际中具有较大挑战性,目前成功案例较少.在文献[1]中,Hong等人提出了一种新的基于可逆信息隐藏技术的认证方...  相似文献   

量子图像安全处理是一个新兴的研究领域,而量子图像数据隐藏是量子图像安全处理技术的一种,在不损害载体的情况下可用于保护量子图像的版权和认证量子图像是否完整。目前尚缺乏对量子图像可逆数据隐藏的详细技术研究。结合差值扩展技术,本文提出了一种量子图像可逆数据隐藏算法:1)选用NEQR量子图像表示法来表示图像;2)借鉴经典的差值扩展算法,在NEQR量子图像上对量子比特进行处理,可逆嵌入数据;3)设计了信息嵌入、信息提取和载体无损恢复的量子线路图,并进行了仿真。基于经典图像的实验结果表明,本文算法是可逆的,可用于将来对量子图像的认证和保护。  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel adaptive lossless data hiding scheme is presented that is capable of offering greater embedding capacity than the existing schemes. Unlike the fixed hiding capacity each block provides in most of the currently available lossless data hiding approaches, the proposed method utilizes a block-based lossless data embedding algorithm where the quantity of the hidden information each block bears is variable. To both reduce the image distortion and increase the hiding capacity, the payload of each block depends on its cover image complexity. Due to the fact that schemes with difference expansion tend to damage the image quality seriously in the edge areas, in the proposed scheme, smoother areas are chosen to conceal more secret bits. This way, a better balance can be reached between the embedding ratio and the stego-image quality. In addition, when recovered the cover image can came back to its old self to the last bit without any distortion at all. Experimental results, as this paper will show, have demonstrated that the proposed method is capable of hiding more secret data while maintaining imperceptible stego-image quality degradation.  相似文献   

Prediction-based reversible data hiding   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For some applications such as satellite and medical images, reversible data hiding is the best solution to provide copyright protection or authentication. Being reversible, the decoder can extract the hidden data and recover the original image without distortion. In this paper, a reversible data hiding scheme based on prediction error expansion is proposed. The predictive value is computed by using various predictors. The secret data is embedded in the cover image by exploiting the expansion of the difference between a pixel and its predictive value. Experimental results show that our method is capable of providing a great embedding capacity without making noticeable distortion. In addition, the proposed scheme is also applicable to various predictors.  相似文献   

面向索引图的大容量信息隐藏方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
嵌入容量是衡量信息隐藏方法的重要指标之一。为了提高嵌入容量,提出一种面向矢量量化索引图邻块编码的信息隐藏改进算法,利用当前块的四邻块的空间相对位置关系和邻块与当前块索引差值的数值范围进行信息隐藏。实验结果表明,改进后的算法能够显著提高嵌入容量,在比特率仅增加5.13%13.10%的情况下可将嵌入容量提高到Chang方法容量的2.113.16倍,嵌入效率由原来平均0.10提高到了0.26。  相似文献   

Most of the proposed methods of reversible data hiding based on difference expansion require location maps to recover cover images. Although the location map can be compressed by a lossless compression algorithm, this lowers embedding capacity and increases computational cost during the procedures of embedding and extracting. The study presents an adaptive reversible data scheme based on the prediction of difference expansion. Since each cover pixel generally resembles its surrounding pixels, most of the difference values between the cover pixels and their corresponding predictive pixels are small; therefore, the proposed scheme gains from embedding capacity by taking full advantage of the large quantities of smaller difference values where secret data can be embedded. The proposed scheme offers several advantages, namely, (1) the location map is no more required, (2) the embedding capacity can be adjusted depending on the practical applications, and (3) the high embedding capacity with minimal visual distortion can be achieved. Moreover, the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme yields high embedding capacity by comparing the related schemes that are proposed recently.  相似文献   

兼顾加密JPEG图像的隐藏容量和安全性,提出一种JPEG比特流加密域可逆数据隐藏新方法。该算法设计了一种块间置乱与块内加密相结合的JPEG比特流加密方法,不仅实现对图像块的伪随机置乱,还实现了熵编码块的霍夫曼编码和扩展位的全加密,降低信息泄露可能性的同时,提高了算法抵抗唯密文攻击的能力。同时,该算法生成的加密JPEG比特流与JPEG解码标准兼容,解码得到的加密图像类似随机噪声且与原始图像大小相同,所有图像块熵编码都可以用来隐藏附加信息,有效解决了隐藏容量与安全性之间的矛盾。对比分析了算法的安全性、文件大小和隐藏容量等性能。实验仿真结果表明本文算法能有效抵抗唯密文攻击,隐藏容量是现有最新同类算法的4倍以上。  相似文献   

目的 JPEG(joint photographic experts group)作为一种广泛使用的图像格式,对其进行可逆信息隐藏有实际应用价值。大多数以JPEG图像为载体的可逆信息隐藏方案会导致图像质量降低和文件膨胀。由于在JPEG比特流中,并没有使用较多的变长编码(variable-length code, VLC),因此以未使用的VLC替换已使用的VLC可以实现秘密信息的无损嵌入,但这类方法的嵌入容量有限,且会导致文件膨胀。为了实现更大的嵌入容量并更好地控制文件膨胀,本文提出了新的全体VLC映射方案。方法 首先,重排序原始比特流中的行程长度/幅值大小(run/size value, RSV),获得去除编码冗余的载体;然后,引入中间VLC的概念,根据VLC频数分布,确定使文件膨胀大小相对于嵌入载荷最小的最优中间VLC映射模型;接着,通过计算模拟嵌入下的文件膨胀大小,确定构建最优中间VLC映射所需的嵌入VLC和中间VLC集合;最后,根据最优中间VLC映射关系修改定义哈夫曼表和JPEG比特流实现秘密信息的嵌入。结果 实验在USC-SIPI数据库上与基于DCT(discrete cosi...  相似文献   

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