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In the control of flexible structures many methods are used to reduce residual vibration due to the excitation of flexible modes. Input shaping, a feed-forward method, typically convolves the input with a sequence of impulses that are independent of the system maneuver. While reducing the residual vibration, input shaping extends the duration of the maneuver command by the length of the input shaper. This paper explores the idea of adaptive input shaping which allows a fast input shaper to be used while providing robustness to parameter uncertainty by tuning the shaper to the flexible mode frequency. The adaptive input shaping method presented can adapt between maneuvers or during maneuvers. Analysis yields a large range of convergence that is verified by simulation and shows this method to be less complex than other adaptive approaches.  相似文献   

Input shaping is an efficient feedforward control technique which has motivated a great number of contributions in recent years. Such a technique generates command signals with which manoeuvre flexible structures without exciting their vibration modes. This paper presents a novel adaptive input shaper based on an algebraic non-asymptotic identification. The main characteristic of the algebraic identification in comparison with other identification methods is the short time needed to obtain the system parameters without defining initial conditions. Thus, the proposed adaptive control can update the input shaper during each manoeuvre when large uncertainties are present. Simulations illustrate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, perturbation-based extra-insensitive input shapers (PEI-ISs) are proposed to enhance the robustness of the input shaping technique. The extra-insensitive input shaper (EI-IS) has been known to be more robust than the so-called derivative input shapers such as ZVD, ZVDD, and ZVDDD shapers. However, the robustness of the known EI-IS is restricted by the symmetric property in the sensitivity curve. To address this, the PEI-IS is devised by multiplying a series of input shapers in the Laplace domain, of which the impulse times are slightly perturbed from those of the zero vibration (ZV) shaper. For a single-hump case, a closed-form solution to the PEI-IS is provided. For two- and three-hump cases, the approximate solutions are presented. The robustness is evaluated by simulations and assessed by means of the insensitivity. It will be shown that the proposed PEI-IS does improve the robustness and that it can be easily designed.  相似文献   

Input Shaping Technique (IST) and Time Delay Control (TDC), a robust feedback control law, were combined to achieve fast and precise point-to-point motion of a chip mounter. TDC was used as a feedback control to overcome disturbances and parameter variations, an IST was used to suppress the residual vibration induced in the closed loop system. TDC was designed first for the machine, and a discrete version of IST was designed on the basis of the closed-loop dynamics. In the design of TDC, a better set of gains was available thanks to the use of IST than TDC alone; in the design of IST, too, a better design was possible than IST alone. As the result of the concurrent design and synergy of the two methods, point-to-point motion could be achieved with no overshoot, the settling time of about 0.05 s and few steady-state errors to position commands of 1.5 mm. This result is far better than a conventional PID control or TDC alone could achieve, thereby showing the effectiveness of the concurrent design.  相似文献   

采摘机械臂在夹住柔性果茎后运输果实时,执行器末端的加减速运动使得果实在移动过程中产生摆动,易引发掉落,进而导致采摘失败.本文以单个西红柿作为负载,将果茎近似为柔性连杆.由于每一个果实的质量是不同的,因此,针对机械臂抓取可变柔性负载移动过程中的振动抑制问题,提出了自适应输入整形控制方法.当系统模型由于负载的不确定性发生变化后,传统的输入整形算法无法抑制柔性连杆移动过程中产生的振动.因此采用自适应输入整形算法,实时计算脉冲的幅值和时间.构造二次性能指标函数,通过对机械臂移动的加速度和负载的摆角实时数据进行迭代运算,达到零残余振动的目的.仿真实验结果表明,在变负载情况下,自适应输入整形算法有良好的末端振动抑制能力,获得满意的控制效果.  相似文献   

Input shaping technique is widely used in reducing or eliminating residual vibration of flexible structures. It is easy to implement and achieve the exact elimination of the residual vibration if the dynamics of the system are known accurately. However, it is not very robust to parameter uncertainties and external disturbances. In this paper, a closed‐loop input shaping method is developed for reducing or eliminating residual vibration of flexible structure systems with parameter uncertainties and external disturbances. The algorithm is based on input shaping control and discrete‐time sliding mode control. It is shown that the proposed scheme guarantees closed‐loop system stability, and yields good performance and robustness in the presence of parameter uncertainties and external disturbances as well. The selection of switching surface and the existence of sliding mode are two important issues, which have been addressed. The knowledge of upper bound of uncertainties is not required. Furthermore, it is shown that increasing the robustness to parameter uncertainties does not lengthen the duration of the impulse sequence. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed closed‐loop input shaping control scheme. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了满足实际生产需求, 在工业中常使用两台或者多台起重机协作完成大型运输任务. 双桅杆式起重机负载能力强, 工作姿态灵活, 在大型建筑工地上得到了广泛应用. 然而, 现有控制方法大多针对动力学特性相对简单的双桥式起重机, 而对耦合性更强、动力学特性更复杂的双桅杆式起重机关注不足. 为解决此类系统的控制难题,本文通过分析系统的几何约束与动力学模型, 得到状态变量及其高阶导数之间的关系, 从而实现双桅杆式起重机非线性动力学模型的合理变换. 随后, 本文准确分析了吊臂俯仰角与负载姿态角之间的关系, 通过计算得到双桅杆式起重机的时变振荡周期, 设计了一种极不灵敏型输入整形器. 最后, 实验结果验证了所提时变输入整形控制方法能够实现起重机的准确定位及良好的消摆效果  相似文献   

This paper describes a neural network state observer-based adaptive saturation compensation control for a class of time-varying delayed nonlinear systems with input constraints. An advantage of the presented study lies in that the state estimation problem for a class of uncertain systems with time-varying state delays and input saturation nonlinearities is handled by using the NNs learning process strategy, novel type Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and the adaptive memoryless neural network observer. Furthermore, by utilizing the property of the function tan h2(?/?)/?, NNs compensation technique and backstepping method, an adaptive output feedback controller is constructed which not only efficiently avoids the problem of controller singularity and input saturation, but also can achieve the output tracking. And the proposed approach is obtained free of any restrictive assumptions on the delayed states and Lispchitz condition for the unknown nonlinear functions. The semiglobal uniform ultimate boundedness of all signals of the closed-loop systems and the convergence of tracking error to a small neighborhood are all rigorously proven based on the NN-basis function property, Lyapunov method and sliding model theory. Finally, two examples are simulated to confirm the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The recently proposed saturated adaptive robust controller is integrated with desired trajectory compensation to achieve global stability with much improved tracking performance. The algorithm is tested on a linear motor drive system which has limited control effort and is subject to parametric uncertainties, unmodeled nonlinearities, and external disturbances. Global stability is achieved by employing back-stepping design with bounded (virtual) control input in each step. A guaranteed transient performance and final tracking accuracy is achieved by incorporating the well-developed adaptive robust controller with effective parameter identifier. Signal noise that affects the adaptation function is alleviated by replacing the noisy velocity signal with the cleaner position feedback. Furthermore, asymptotic output tracking can be achieved when only parametric uncertainties are present.  相似文献   

A performance oriented multi-loop approach to the adaptive robust tracking control of one-degree-of-freedom mechanical systems with input saturation, state constraints, parametric uncertainties and input disturbances is presented. The control system contains three loops. In the outer loop, constrained optimization algorithms are developed to generate a replanned trajectory on-line at a low sampling rate so that the converging speed of the overall system response to the desired target is maximized while not causing input saturation and the violation of state constraints. In the inner loop, a constrained adaptive robust control (ARC) law is synthesized and implemented at high sampling rate to achieve the required robust tracking performances with respect to the replanned trajectory even with various types of uncertainties and input saturation. In the middle loop, a set-membership identification (SMI) algorithm is implemented to obtain a tighter estimate of the upper bound of the inertia so that more aggressive replanned trajectory could be used to further improve the overall system response speed. Interaction of the three loops is explicitly characterized by a set of inequalities that the design variables of each loop have to satisfy. It is theoretically shown that the resulting closed-loop system can track feasible desired trajectories with a guaranteed converging time and steady-state tracking accuracy without violating the state constraints. Experiments have been carried out on a linear motor driven industrial positioning system to compare the proposed multi-loop constrained ARC algorithm with some of the traditional control algorithms. Comparative experimental results obtained confirm the superior performance of the proposed algorithm over existing ones.  相似文献   

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