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In this paper we apply a previously developed model of texture segmentation using multiple spatially and spectrally localized filters, known as Gabor filters, to the analysis of textures composed of elementary image features known as textons. It is found that for regularly- or irregularly-spaced texton patterns, the segmentation approach works well, in the sense that it is in accordance with visual segmentation. Differences in texton spacing, size, orientation, and phase are all found to lead to successful segmentations.  相似文献   

Unsupervised texture segmentation using Gabor filters   总被引:88,自引:0,他引:88  
This paper presents a texture segmentation algorithm inspired by the multi-channel filtering theory for visual information processing in the early stages of human visual system. The channels are characterized by a bank of Gabor filters that nearly uniformly covers the spatial-frequency domain, and a systematic filter selection scheme is proposed, which is based on reconstruction of the input image from the filtered images. Texture features are obtained by subjecting each (selected) filtered image to a nonlinear transformation and computing a measure of “energy” in a window around each pixel. A square-error clustering algorithm is then used to integrate the feature images and produce a segmentation. A simple procedure to incorporate spatial information in the clustering process is proposed. A relative index is used to estimate the “true” number of texture categories.  相似文献   

提出一种的简单快速的多通道Gabor滤波技术对彩色纹理进行分割。首先,通过DRBFT和IDRBFT对彩色纹理的进行多通道Gabor滤波,再运用PCA对滤波得到的特征向量进行降维,对降维后的特征向量进行k-mean聚类,最后再对聚类后的区域用mean shift进行平滑,通过对平滑后的区域进行边缘检测就可以得到不同纹理的边界。最后给出几种分割算法的实验结果比较,表明该算法对于分割彩色纹理还是非常有效的。  相似文献   

This paper proposed a new method based on spatial filter banks and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for invariant texture classification. The method used a multi-resolution analysis method like DWT and applied the proposed filter bank on different resolutions. Then, a simple fusion of features on different resolutions was used for invariant texture analysis. A comprehensive study was done to examine the effectiveness of the proposed method. Different datasets with different properties were used in this paper such as Brodatz, Outex, and KTH-TIPS for the evaluation. Local binary pattern (LBP) methods have been one of the powerful methods in recent years for invariant texture classification. A comparative study was performed with some state-of-the-art LBP methods. This comparison indicated promising results for the proposed approach as compared with the LBP methods.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Biometric authentication can establish a person’s identity from their exclusive features. In general, biometric authentication can vulnerable to spoofing...  相似文献   

A theory regarding the information processing strategies in human vision motivates the development of a texture feature space. The feature space is used in texture classification and segmentation problems. A statistic for determining the number of different textures in the image is developed and demonstrated.  相似文献   

Gabor wavelet transform is one of the most effective texture feature extraction techniques and has resulted in many successful practical applications. However, real-time applications cannot benefit from this technique because of the high computational cost arising from the large number of small-sized convolutions which require over 10 min to process an image of 256 × 256 pixels on a dual core CPU. As the computation in Gabor filtering is parallelizable, it is possible and beneficial to accelerate the feature extraction process using GPU. Conventionally, this can be achieved simply by accelerating the 2D convolution directly, or by expediting the CPU-efficient FFT-based 2D convolution. Indeed, the latter approach, when implemented with small-sized Gabor filters, cannot fully exploit the parallel computation power of GPU due to the architecture of graphics hardware. This paper proposes a novel approach tailored for GPU acceleration of the texture feature extraction algorithm by using separable 1D Gabor filters to approximate the non-separable Gabor filter kernels. Experimental results show that the approach improves the timing performance significantly with minimal error introduced. The method is specifically designed and optimized for computing unified device architecture and is able to achieve a speed of 16 fps on modest graphics hardware for an image of 2562 pixels and a filter kernel of 322 pixels. It is potentially applicable for real-time applications in areas such as motion tracking and medical image analysis.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In aims to ensure images authentication, this paper proposes a blind spatial domain-based image watermarking using texture analysis and association rules mining....  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel approach for rotation-invariant texture image retrieval by using set of dual-tree rotated complex wavelet filter (DT-RCWF) and DT complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) jointly, which obtains texture features in 12 different directions. Two-dimensional RCWFs are nonseparable and oriented, which improves characterization of oriented textures. Robust and efficient isotropic rotationally invariant features are extracted from DT-RCWF and DT-CWT decomposed subbands. This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of this new set of features on four different sets of rotated and nonrotated databases. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method improves retrieval accuracy from 83.17% to 93.71% on a small size (208 images) nonrotated database D1, from 82.71% to 90.86% on a small size (208 images) rotated database D2, from 72.18% to 76.09% on a medium-size (640 images) rotated database D3, and from 64.17% to 78.93% on a large size (1856 images) rotated database D4, compared with the discrete wavelet transform-based approach. New method also retains comparable levels of computational complexity.  相似文献   

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