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提出了一种基于均匀圆阵双基地MIMO雷达多目标多维角度估计的新算法。对阵列接收信号进行分析,表明其具有平行因子三线性模型特征,利用该模型低秩分解的唯一性条件,从分解得到的矩阵中联合估计出多维角度。该方法无需谱峰搜索,可实现参数的同时估计与配对,与基于旋转不变参数估计技术(Estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques,ESPRIT)思想的算法相比具有更高的估计精度,而且在小样本数下也能较好地工作。仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

通过研究多输入多输出(Multiple input and multiple out,MIMO)雷达的角度估计算法,针对色噪声环境下双基地MIMO雷达相干目标角度估计问题,基于双基地MIMO雷达的信号模型,利用MIMO雷达的接收数据,通过四阶累积量的计算消除了色噪声的影响,并证明得到的一组矢量包含所有目标的角度信息;然后利用得到的四阶累积量矢量构造出块Hankel矩阵,并证明该矩阵的秩等于目标总数,且不受信号相干性的影响,通过奇异值分解,结合ESPRIT算法实现了色噪声环境下对相干目标的角度估计.算法结合四阶累积量和MIMO雷达的估计性能,具有自动抑制加性高斯白噪声和色噪声的能力,实现了相干目标的有效估计和参数的自动配对,提高了抗噪能力,更利于在实际中应用.最后计算机仿真结果证实了算法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

张量补全算法及其在人脸识别中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
数据丢失问题通常可以归结为矩阵补全问题,而矩阵补全是继压缩感知理论之后的又一种重要的信号获取方法。在实际应用中,数据样例往往具有多线性性,即数据集可以表示成高阶张量。本文研究了张量补全问题及其在人脸识别中的应用。基于张量的低维Tucker分解,提出张量补全的迭代算法,并且证明在算法的迭代过程中,估计张量与其Tucker逼近张量的距离是单调递减的。实验结果表明张量补全算法在补全张量和人脸识别上的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

目的 视觉目标跟踪中,不同时刻的目标状态是利用在线学习的模板数据线性组合近似表示。由于跟踪中目标受到自身或场景中各种复杂干扰因素的影响,跟踪器的建模能力很大程度地依赖模板数据的概括性及其误差的估计精度。很多现有算法以向量形式表示样本信号,而改变其原始数据结构,使得样本数据各元素之间原有的自然关系受到严重破坏;此外,这种数据表述机制会提高数据的维度,而带来一定的计算复杂度和资源浪费。本文以多线性分析的角度更进一步深入研究视频跟踪中的数据表示及其建模机制,为其提供更加紧凑有效的解决方法。方法 本文跟踪框架中,候选样本及其重构信号以张量形式表示,从而保证其数据的原始结构。跟踪器输出候选样本外观状态时,以张量良好的多线性特性来组织跟踪系统的建模任务,利用张量核范数及L1范数正则化其目标函数的相关成分,在多任务状态学习假设下充分挖掘各候选样本外观表示任务的独立性及相互依赖关系。结果 用结构化张量表示的数据原型及其多任务观测模型能够较为有效地解决跟踪系统的数据表示及计算复杂度难题。同时,为候选样本外观模型的多任务联合学习提供更加简便有效的解决途径。这样,当跟踪器遇到破坏性较强的噪声干扰时,其张量核范数约束的误差估计机制在多任务联合学习框架下更加充分挖掘目标全面信息,使其更好地适应内在或外在因素所引起的视觉信息变化。在一些公认测试视频上的实验结果表明,本文算法在候选样本外观模型表示方面表现出更为鲁棒的性能。因而和一些优秀的同类算法相比,本文算法在各测试序列中跟踪到的目标图像块平均中心位置误差和平均重叠率分别达到4.2和0.82,体现出更好的跟踪精度。结论 大量实验验证本文算法的张量核范数回归模型及其误差估计机制能够构造出目标每一时刻状态更接近的最佳样本信号,在多任务学习框架下严格探测每一个候选样本的真实状态信息,从而较好地解决模型退化和跟踪漂移问题。  相似文献   

研究雷达跟踪目标性能优化问题,传统多假设算法计算量大、实时性较差,无法应用于实际雷达装备。为解决上述问题,提出一种结构化分枝的多假设目标跟踪算法,同时提出限制最大航迹数量、删除负分航迹、低等级航迹处理、滑动窗口多维分配法、多扫分配法及交互多模型多假设跟踪算法等一系列改进方法,并通过计算机仿真证明改进后的结构化分枝的多假设目标跟踪算法比传统多假设算法及联合概率数据互联算法计算量更小,精度更高,并对改善当前舰载雷达跟踪性能,提高对目标的跟踪能力具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

针对以北斗卫星导航信号为代表的亚纳秒级的低强度无线网络信号在定位中难以获取精确时间估计及角度估计,且易受环境噪声影响,使其定位精度不高等难题,提出了基于亚纳秒级的低强度无线网络信号接收谱参数估计方法;首先通过抽样方式,将发射信号抽样为多维独立子信号并独立建模,通过构造噪声空间与子信号空间在对应列向量正交化的基础上精确获取TOA估计;随后利用复数域映射,在获取TOA估计基础上采取比对方式精确地获取DOA估计;最后对所提参数估计方法进行了精度分析;测试数据显示:与PM算法、ESPRIT算法相比,所提技术在TOA及DOA估计上更为精确;同时在信号强度低且背景噪声干扰严重的情况下,所提方法仍可有效的维持参数估计精度;该技术能够有效减轻背景噪声对信号传输的影响,具有较强的实际部署意义。  相似文献   

多传感器数据融合是目前指控系统获取目标真实信息的重要途径.雷达作为一种重要的传感器,其对目标的观察精度分析是数据融合的重中之重,而对于观察同一目标的多雷达精度分析尤为重要.论文通过建立外推估算法精度估计模型和基于最小二乘的离散优化多雷达精度排序模型给出了多雷达对目标观察精度的排序分析.  相似文献   

提出了一种宽脉冲信号参数估计快速算法,利用抽取的方法来降低宽脉冲信号参数估计的计算量。首先,对宽脉冲正弦波信号进行抽取构造相参脉冲串,利用相参脉冲频率估计算法进行频率估计。其次,对于宽脉冲线性调频信号,对其做延时相关之后即可转化为宽脉冲正弦波信号,然后在上述抽取和相参处理方法的基础上即可得到宽脉冲线性调频信号参数估计值。性能分析和仿真结果表明,该算法在保证一定的参数估计精度前提下,大大降低了算法的计算量,有利于宽脉冲信号参数估计的实时处理。  相似文献   

在机动目标跟踪中,当系统状态向量为多维的情况下,单一观测量的滤波跟踪无法满足多维状态估计精度的要求。为此,提出一种基于粒子滤波融合多观测量的动态加权算法。该算法利用多个高度非线性观测量,并通过动态加权方法融合多个估计值,提高机动目标跟踪的精度。仿真实验验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

二维解析张量投票算法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对传统张量投票(Tensor voting)算法计算过程复杂、算法效率低的问题, 本文提出了一种二维解析张量投票算法.首先, 深入分析张量投票理论的基本思想, 分析传统张量投票算法的不足及其根源; 其次, 设计了一种二维解析棒张量投票新机制, 实现了二维解析棒张量投票的直接求取; 在此基础上, 利用二维解析棒张量投票不依赖参考坐标系的特性, 设计并求解了二维解析球张量投票表达式, 解决了长期困扰张量投票理论中球张量投票无法解析求解, 仅能通过迭代数值计算, 计算过程复杂、算法效率低、算法精度与算法效率存在矛盾的难题.最后, 通过仿真分析和对比实验验证了本文算法在精度和计算效率方面的性能均优于传统张量投票算法.  相似文献   

通过研究多输入多输出(Multiple input and multiple out, MIMO)雷达的角度估计算法,基于收发共址的十字阵MIMO雷达系统,将四元数理论应用到 MIMO雷达角度中,提出了一种新的参数估计算法。通过构造四元数模型,结合增广矩阵束( Matrix enhancement and matrix pencil, MEMP)方法构造增广矩阵,并证明该矩阵的秩 等于目标总数,且不受目标相干性的影响,结合ESPRIT算法实现了对MIMO相干目标的角度估 计。算法无需谱峰搜索,能够实现参数的自动配对,同时降低了运算复杂度。仿真实验进一 步验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Compared to large-scale MIMO radar, coprime MIMO radar can achieve approximate estimation performance with reduced antenna number. In this paper, joint direction of arrival (DOA) estimation and array calibration for coprime multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar is considered, and an iterative method for the estimations of DOA and array gain-phase errors is proposed. Based on the received data structure of coprime MIMO radar, trilinear decomposition is firstly adopted to obtain the estimations of transmit and receive direction matrices, which are perturbated by the gain-phase errors. Through equation transformation, the un-perturbated direction matrices and gain-phase errors can be iteratively updated based on Least squares (LS). Finally, the unique DOA estimation is determined from the intersection of transmit and receive direction matrices. The proposed algorithm achieves better DOA estimation and array calibration performance than other methods including estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT)-like algorithm, multiple signal classification (MUSIC)-like algorithm and joint angle and array gain-phase error estimation (JAAGE) method, and it performs close to the method with ideal arrays. Multiple simulation results verify the algorithmic effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

为了实现移动目标的自动角度跟踪,提出了一种基于面阵的多目标角度跟踪算法.通过估计相邻时间段的协方差矩阵,求解方程组得到目标角度更新信息;同时引入了校正过程,降低了累积误差,提高了跟踪精度.该算法不需要更新信号子空间,相邻时段估计的角度是自动关联的,省去了数据关联过程,降低了运算量;不同于一维角度跟踪算法,该算法可以同时跟踪移动目标的方位角和俯仰角.仿真结果表明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

Spatial signature estimation is a problem encountered in several applications in signal processing such as mobile communications, sonar, radar, astronomy and seismology. In this paper, we propose higher-order tensor methods to solve the blind spatial signature estimation problem using planar arrays. By assuming that sources' powers vary between successive time blocks, we recast the spatial and spatiotemporal covariance models for the received data as third-order PARATUCK2 and fourth-order Tucker4 tensor decompositions, respectively. Firstly, by exploiting the multilinear algebraic structure of the proposed tensor models, new iterative algorithms are formulated to blindly estimate the spatial signatures. Secondly, in order to achieve a better spatial resolution, we propose an expanded form of spatial smoothing that returns extra spatial dimensions in comparison with the traditional approaches. Additionally, by exploiting the higher-order structure of the resulting expanded tensor model, a multilinear noise reduction preprocessing step is proposed via higher-order singular value decomposition. We show that the increase on the tensor order provides a more efficient denoising, and consequently a better performance compared to existing spatial smoothing techniques. Finally, a solution based on a multi-stage Khatri–Rao factorization procedure is incorporated as the final stage of our proposed estimators. Our results demonstrate that the proposed tensor methods yield more accurate spatial signature estimates than competing approaches while operating in a challenging scenario where the source covariance structure is unknown and arbitrary (non-diagonal), which is actually the case when sample covariances are computed from a limited number of snapshots.  相似文献   

Frequency diverse array (FDA) offers potential applications for joint range and angle estimation, but ambiguous estimates may be generated due to its range-angle coupling and time-variant beampattern. This problem can be addressed by jointly utilizing FDA and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar, but only multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm was considered in the FDA literature. In order to avoid high computational complexity in the MUSIC algorithm due to the required 2-D peak searching, in this paper, we propose a two-stage estimating signal parameters via rotation invariance technique (ESPRIT) algorithm for FDA-MIMO radar to estimate both range and angle of targets, along with the proposed pairing method for unambiguous estimates. Moreover, closed-form expressions of the mean squared error (MSE) and Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for angle and range estimations are also derived. All proposed methods and derivations are verified by both theoretical analysis and numerical results, which show the superiority of FDA-MIMO radar over conventional phased-array radar and MIMO radar in target localization.  相似文献   

There is always a compromise between unambiguous wide-swath imaging and high cross-range resolution owing to the constraint of minimum antenna area for conventional single-channel spaceborne synthetic aperture radar(SAR)imaging.To overcome the inherent systemic limitation,multi-channel SAR imaging has been developed.Nevertheless,this still suffers from various problems such as high system complexity.To simplify the system structure,a novel algorithm for high resolution multi-ship ScanSAR imaging based on sparse representation is proposed in this paper,where the SAR imaging model is established via maximum a posterior estimation by utilizing the sparsity prior of multi-ship targets.In the scheme,a wide swath is generated in the ScanSAR mode by continuously switching the radar footprint between subswaths.Meanwhile,high crossrange resolution is realized from sparse subapertures by exploiting the sparsity feature of multi-ship imaging.In particular,the SAR observation operator is constructed approximately as the inverse of conventional SAR imaging and then high resolution SAR imaging including range cell migration compensation is achieved by solving the optimization.Compared with multi-channel SAR imaging,the system complexity is effectively reduced in the ScanSAR mode.In addition,enhancement of the cross-range resolution is realized by incorporating the sparsity prior with sparse subapertures.As a result,the amount of data is effectively reduced.Experiments based on measured data have been carried out to confirm the effectiveness and validity of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Bistatic MIMO radar systems gather several advantages such as increased resilience to electronic countermeasures, unknown receiver location, higher identifiability of targets and direct application of several high resolution adaptive techniques. In this paper, we propose a tensor-based method for joint direction of departure (DoD) and direction of arrival (DoA) estimation in bistatic MIMO radar systems. By assuming that the transmit array is divided into two maximally overlapping subarrays, we initially model the cross-covariance matrix of the matched filters outputs as a Nested-PARAFAC decomposition of a fourth-order covariance tensor. Then, exploiting the structure of this decomposition, we first propose a two stage algorithm for joint DoD and DoA estimation of multiple targets based on double alternating least squares (DALS). In addition, for scenarios in which the number of receive antennas exceeds the number of targets, we propose a closed-form solution to the second stage of the proposed method based on the least squares Khatri-Rao factorization (LS-KRF) concept. Simulation results show that the proposed method offers a highly-accurate localization of multiple targets in real-world scenarios where the antenna elements at the transmit and receive arrays have positioning errors as well as less complexity compared to competing state-of-the-art tensor-based solutions.  相似文献   

针对三元组数据内在关联性复杂的特点,提出了基于平行因子分解(PARAFAC)的协同聚类推荐算法。该算法利用PARAFAC算法对张量进行分解,挖掘多维数据实体之间的相关联系和潜在主题。首先,利用PARAFAC分解算法对三元组张量数据进行聚类;然后,基于协同聚类算法提出了三种不同方案的推荐模型,并通过实验对三种方案进行了比较,得到了最优的推荐模型;最后,将提出的协同聚类模型与基于高阶奇异值分解(HOSVD)的推荐模型进行比较。在last.fm数据集上,PARAFAC协同聚类算法比HOSVD张量分解算法在召回率和精确度上平均提高了9.8个百分点和3.7个百分点,在delicious数据集上平均提高了11.6个百分点和3.9个百分点。实验结果表明所提算法能更有效地挖掘出张量中的潜在信息和内在联系,实现高准确率和高召回率的推荐。  相似文献   

雷达和红外作为目标跟踪常用的两种探测手段,各有其优缺点,利用雷达高精度的距离测量和红外高精度的角度测量,通过信息融合技术充分实现二者的优势互补,并结合交互式多模型(IMM)跟踪思想,给出对目标位置的精确估计;设计基于雷达/红外多传感器跟踪平台的自适应融合跟踪算法,实现根据目标不同运动特性进行跟踪模型灵活、合理切换的自适应目标跟踪,改善对目标的综合识别,达到更好的跟踪效果;选取当前工程实践中广泛应用的目标运动模型,设计基于VC++环境的目标跟踪仿真系统软件,并利用MFC界面制作技术创建可视化目标跟踪仿真软件平台,对跟踪算法性能进行验证。  相似文献   

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