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提出选择ERP软件时应避免的5大错误,助力甲方企业更好开展系统选型:1.不了解企业对ERP软件的真正需求;2.没有意识到企业业务需求的独特性;3.没有挑选最适合企业的ERP软件供应商;4.不重视ERP软件的安装实施;  相似文献   

大多数企业经过多年的发展和积累,已经存在大量的IT系统,例如邮件、ERP、财务、办公自动化、内外网站、数据库、物资管理等。这些系统7×24小时连续运转,已经成为企业日常业务工作的核心中枢。但是随着企业的业务发展、管理变革和应用层面的不断扩大。IT系统不能满足企业业务需求的问题凸显出来。  相似文献   

毛赟  ;徐宏炳 《微机发展》2008,(7):170-172
基于共享数据库的方案是现在高校进行数据集成普遍采用的模式。但随着全局业务的增多,这种方案不可避免地会遇到共享数据库性能瓶颈的问题。从有效利用业务数据库、降低共享数据库业务压力出发,在研究了已有的改进方案之后,对基于共享数据库方案的框架进行改进,提出了一个同时使用共享数据库模式和中介模式,能够进行负载均衡的新的数据集成框架模型。对模型的优劣性进行了分析。  相似文献   

“后ERP时代”,Oracte SCM帮助企业打造完整供应链管理 2009年12月18日,甲骨文举行“后ERP时代”媒体交流会。甲骨文认为,在“后ERP时代”,特别是经过金融风暴洗礼后,企业需要重新确定和调整发展方向和业务模式,IT建设更应该注重帮助企业建立完整的价值链,包括需求管理、产品设计和生产管理及供应链管理。  相似文献   

文崎 《数码世界》2003,2(7):28-29
企业秉承“通过信息共享,提升公司经营管理的效率,最终实现经济效益”的信条,进行着信息化的建设。纷纷上马了企业信息化标志性工程——ERP系统。由于激烈的竞争环境导致业务需求的快速变化,例ERP难于全面覆盖企业业务,借助其他应用系统提高ERP的适用性和灵活性就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

电话营销作为一种营销手段,在国外已经获得了广泛的应用并已经形成了一个巨大的产业.随着移动增值业务在我国的推广应用,移动增值业务电话营销系统的建设将会成为电信企业的新投资热点.根据浙江联通部分地市分公司对移动增值业务推广的实际需求,介绍移动增值业务电话营销系统实现的技术基础,以及系统的建设目标、总体结构和座席业务的实现.  相似文献   

以工程数据库管理系统EDBMS为基础,结合Web特点,论述了基于Web的工程数据库的SQL语言系统实现中的一些问题.同时,针对实际需求,提出了一种以逻辑分层为基础的系统开发模式--虚拟机模式,并利用此模式设计实现了基于Web的工程数据库管理系统EDBMS的SQL语言系统.由于采用可移动代码系统的集成方式和Java语言开发,因此该系统具有较大的灵活性、扩充性、可移植性和健壮性.  相似文献   

信息系统中的业务单据的开发是满足用户需求的一个重要的方面.本文分析和讨论了在cb6.0中利用网格控件MSFlexGrid和数据库访问方法开发业务单据的一些优缺点,并在总结多个企业信息系统项目开发经验的基础上,探讨了如何利用具有强大功能的第三方控件vaSpread来快速开发具有良好用户界面和操作方便的业务单据.  相似文献   

中小企业ERP软件系统框架的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息化是企业发展的必由之路,ERP软件的性能直接关系到企业信息化建设的成败,而中小企业具有多样个性化和不断发展变化的需求,使得ERP软件必须要有灵活的适应性和方便的扩展性,提出了开发中小企业ERP软件的系统框架,该框架由业务应用层、公用中间件、二次开发平台和底层支持平台4大部分组成,提出了通过业务单元及其"供-求"关系来集成整个系统,极大地提高了软件的生命力,基于该框架的中小企业ERP软件在电子制造行业的多个企业中得到了较好的应用.  相似文献   

一种面向应用扩展的树状数据库设计模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘洋  高连生  王斌 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(21):4074-4077,4080
对ERP软件中出现的应用系统难于改变及扩展的问题,提出了一种新的树状数据库设计模型,叙述了该模型的定义及设计原则。通过建立某企业产品信息系统数据库模型实例,对比ERP软件中传统数据库设计方法,分析了两种模型各自的优缺点,并最终彳手出该模型更加适用于应用复杂,业务规则多变,应用可能发生扩展的数据库系统。  相似文献   

Digitalization is encouraging an increasing number of firms to design their business models based on information technology (IT) for exploring business opportunities. This study examines the effect of the balance (imbalance) between IT exploration and exploitation on novelty-centered business model design (NBMD) and efficiency-centered business model design (EBMD). Using matched data from the IT-related executive and chief executive officer of 183 firms, this study finds that IT exploration is positively related to NBMD and EBMD and that IT exploitation is positively related to only EBMD. NBMD and EBMD are significantly related to firm performance. Polynomial regression and response surface analysis reveal that NBMD and EBMD first decline and then rise with the increase in the level of balance between IT exploration and exploitation. NBMD declines but EBMD rises with the increase in the level of imbalance between IT exploration and exploitation. This study contributes to the understanding on leveraging IT capability to influence the business model design and firm performance.  相似文献   

在企业间的流程协同过程中,为了使企业的业务规则管理更灵活,防止企业私有的业务规则暴露给其他企业,并有效地监控流程的执行过程,将业务规则库和Web服务有机地整合,构建状态驱动的可执行业务流程模型(SEBPM)。通过定义抽象业务流和扩展的业务规则,得出业务规则和过程流之间的耦合策略。给出一个SEBPM的具体应用实例。  相似文献   

业务流程模型是企业、政府等组织建模的核心.针对目前业务流程执行的线性性、模型的柔性、智能性不足,和角色缺乏动态性和主动性的弊端,在分析了RN(角色网络)模型的基础上,模型中引入了多Agent,并用这些Agent之间的交流协作来描述业务流程;提出了RN理论支持的多Agent协同业务流程模型,使得执行者Agent成为模型的...  相似文献   

OMG(Object Management Group,对象管理组织)提出的模型驱动架构(MDA,Model Driven Architecture)是解决不同中间件平台之间的集成以及技术升级所引起的问题的软件开发方法。MDA的基本思想是将系统的模型作为软件开发过程的核心制品,并且将模型区分为描述系统业务功能的平台独立模型(PIM,Platform Independent Model)和描述系统在特定技术平台上实现细节的平台相关模型(PSM,Platform Specific Model)。模型转换是MDA开发的核心内客。MDA的开发效率依赖于良好的支撑工具,特别是支持模型转换的工具的涌现。本文介绍一种对业务过程建模并将模型转换成程序代码的设计恩想和实现方法。开发者可以用该工具对企业的业务过程建模。这个工具能将建立的模型自动转换成J2EE平台上的程序代码。  相似文献   

ContextBusiness process models provide a natural way to describe real-world processes to be supported by software-intensive systems. These models can be used to analyze processes in the system-as-is and describe potential improvements for the system-to-be. But, how well does a given business process model satisfy its business goals? How can different perspectives be integrated in order to describe an inter-organizational process?ObjectiveThe aim of the present paper is to link the local and the global perspectives of the inter-organizational business process defined in BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation) to KAOS goal models (Keep All Objectives Satisfied). We maintain a separation of concerns between the intentional level captured by the goal model and the organizational level captured by the process model. The paper presents the concept of intentional fragment (a set of flow elements of the process with a common purpose) and assess its usefulness.MethodWe conducted empirical experiments where the proposed concepts – here the intentional fragments – are validated by users. Our method relies on an iterative improvement process led by users feedback.ResultsWe find that the concept of intentional fragment is useful for (1) analyzing the business process model (2) reasoning about the relations between the goal model and the business process model and (3) identifying new goals. In a previous work we focused on BPMN 2.0 collaboration models (local view). This paper extends the previous work by integrating the global view given by choreography models in the approach.ConclusionWe conclude that the notion of intentional fragment is a useful mean to relate business process models and goal models while dealing with their different nature (activity oriented vs goal oriented). Intentional fragments can also be used to analyze the process model and to infer new goals in an iterative manner.  相似文献   

业务规则管理是实现企业灵活多变的业务控制和客户服务的理想方案。本文介绍了业务规则管理系统的基本思想,并面向业务分析人员设计了一种受限中文业务规则语言,实现了一个轻型业务规则管理系统。  相似文献   

In the B2Bi (Business to Business Integration) scenario, Business Process Management is essential for enterprises wanting to integrate internal existing processes with trading partners’ process in a manageable manner. ebXML, RosettaNet, and Web Services are among the emerging standards that will play a key role in the automation of B2Bi from the business and technology perspectives. However, the question arises of how these techniques can be engineered together to realize the B2Bi. A Web Services-compliant eXFlow solution aims to provide such an environment. This work describes this solution in detail and further examines the concepts behind this solution by using a typical B2Bi application scenario in Logistics.  相似文献   

Business processes have become important resources, both for an enterprise's performance and to enable it to maintain its competitiveness. The languages used for business process representation have, in recent years, been improved and new notations have appeared. However, despite the wide acceptance of the importance of business process security, to date the business analyst perspective in relation to security has hardly been dealt with. Moreover, security requirements cannot be represented in modern business process modeling notations.In this paper, we present an extension of UML 2.0 activity diagrams which will allow security requirements to be specified in business processes. Our proposal, denominated as BPSec (Business Process Security), is Model Driven Architecture compliant since it is possible to obtain a set of UML artifacts (Platform Independent Model-PIM) used in software development from a Secure Business Process model specification (Computation Independent Model-CIM). We also present the application of our approach to an example based on a typical health care institution, in which our M-BPSec method is employed as a framework for the use of our UML extension.  相似文献   

“过程”新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“过程”本是计算机界早期的话题.关于“过程”的研究热潮早已成为过去,很长时间已很少有人谈及“过程”.然而,工作流和业务过程管理系统(BPMS)的出现使“过程”再次成为研究的热点.业务过程管理系统被认为是继工作流技术之后实现业务过程的创建、集成、复用的下一代技术.它在过程的描述、实现方法上用Process把业务流中的控制流、数据流和参与者统一起来.Petri Net是一种很好的描述过程管理的模型,它能够较好地描述系统执行过程中的并行、竞争和同步等特性.本文论述了建立过程模型中遇到的一些新问题,并介绍了一种基于Petri Net扩展后形成的信牌驱动式业务过程模型,和用于解决业务管理中诸多问题的方法和相关研究工作.  相似文献   

Although in the era of third generation (3G) mobile networks technical hurdles are minor, the continuing failure of mobile payments (m-payments) withstands the endorsement by customers and service providers. A major reason is the uncommonly high interdependency of technical, human and market factors which have to be regarded and orchestrated cohesively to solve the problem. In this paper, we apply Business Model Ontology in order to develop an m-payment business model framework based on the results of a precedent multi case study analysis of 27 m-payment procedures. The framework is depicted with a system of morphological boxes and the interrelations between the associated characteristics. Representing any m-payment business model along with its market setting and influencing decisions as instantiations, the resulting framework enables researchers and practitioners for comprehensive analysis of existing and future models and provides a helpful tool for m-payment business model engineering.
Dietmar G. WiedemannEmail:

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