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数据和计算密集混合元任务的网格调度算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网格计算技术是继Internet计算之后出现的新兴研究领域。网格系统由异构的资源组成,一个好的任务调度方法可以充分利用网格系统的处理能力,减少任务的完成时间。根据目前网格系统的使用模式,提出了符合实际的用户任务形式,即任务由数据传输和计算两部分组成,计算在获得所有输入之后开始执行。多个这样的独立任务组成元任务,作为调度程序的最小执行单位。在实际应用中,元任务应该由数据密集型和计算密集型任务混合组成。考虑到数据传输和计算的比例关系对元任务完成的影响,提出一种新的调度算法TCR,通过提高计算资源的利用率以及任务间的并行度,减少元任务的完成时间。详细介绍了该算法,并通过模拟结果的对比验证了该算法的良好性能。  相似文献   

虚拟计算环境中的多机群协同调度算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于虚拟计算环境的核心机理,提出由自主调度单元、域调度共同体、元调度执行体为核心的多机群协同系统框架.剖析多机群任务并发运行性能模型,设计了多机群协同调度算法框架,提出最大空闲节点优先、最小网络拥塞优先、最小异构因子优先与最小异构空闲节点优先4种启发式资源选择策略.实验验证了协同调度模型与算法在任务集完成时间与系统平均利用率的测度上的有效性.  相似文献   

针对云计算中现有调度算法为追求最短完成时间而不能很好兼顾负载平衡的问题,提出基于预先分类的Min-Min调度算法,该算法先利用能衡量资源计算和通信能力的属性信息对资源进行划分等级,再求出每个调度任务在资源中的最小执行时间,计算任务对应资源等级与最小执行时间的乘积,使用该乘积最小的任务-资源对进行调度.解决了原始Min-Min调度算法负载不均衡的问题,兼顾了执行时间最小和负载均衡.模拟的云仿真系统实验结果表明,该算法在平均任务响应时间、平均任务执行速度下降比和系统利用率等方面优于原始的Min-Min调度算法.  相似文献   

文章主要对元计算环境中任务调度进行了深入分析与研究。先概述了元计算系统对于科学领域的贡献,分析了元计算环境的特点;然后对元计算环境中的调度算法进行了分类说明,并对几种典型的调度算法行了具体的分析,评价了其特点与不足之处;最后分析了新兴的元计算环境—校园级元计算环境面临的挑战,借鉴各种调度算法,提出了与之相适应的任务调度策略,对其可行性进行了分析,并简要概括了其创新性。  相似文献   

姜姗  刘方爱 《微机发展》2006,16(12):86-88
资源调度是计算网格资源管理系统的主要内容之一。文中借鉴市场模型中的拍卖机制,通过用户代理、资源代理、拍卖师和资源的交互作用,设计并实现了一个基于多任务拍卖的网格资源调度原型系统,系统使用多拍卖师结构,提高了作业的吞吐率并且可以有效地防止拍卖过程中双方的欺骗行为,改进了网格资源的调度性能。同时,与传统算法相比,该算法能够有效地配置资源和满足用户的服务质量需求。  相似文献   

网格中资源之间存在着通信延迟,通过任务复制的冗余,可以减少任务之间的通信开销,缩短整个计算程序的计算时间。目前网格中的任务调度算法基本上是没有考虑任务复制的;而基于任务复制调度算法往往会产生过多的复制任务,增大系统开销,甚至有可能延迟计算时间。由于基于任务复制的任务调度是一个NP问题,因此本文提出了一种基于任务复制的网格资源调度算法,以减少调度长度为主要目标、减少任务复制量和资源占用量为次要目标。该算法在调度长度和任务复制数量以及占用资源数量方面都等于或优于其它算法。  相似文献   

云计算环境下资源调度系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在云计算环境下,对开放的网络大数据库信息系统中的数据进行优化调度,提高数据资源的利用效率和配置优化能力;传统的资源调度算法采用资源信息的自相关匹配方法进行资源调度,当数据传输信道中的干扰较大及资源信息流的先验数据缺乏时,资源调度的均衡性不好,准确配准度不高;提出一种基于云计算资源负载均衡控制和信道自适应均衡的资源调度算法,并进行调度系统的软件开发和设计;首先构建了云计算环境下开放网络大数据库信息资源流的时间序列分析模型,采用自适应级联滤波算法对拟合的资源信息流进行滤波降噪预处理,提取滤波输出的资源信息流的关联维特征,通过资源负载均衡控制和信道自适应均衡算法实现资源调度改进;仿真结果表明,采用资源调度算法进行资源调度系统的软件设计,提高了资源调度的信息配准能力和抗干扰能力,计算开销较小,技术指标具有优越性。  相似文献   

元计算系统的一个可扩展层次型资源管理模型   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
资源管理是元计算系统中的关键问题,为了支持大规模元计算应用,必须有效地解决资源联合分配问题。提出了一种可扩展层次型资源管理模型,在充分利用已有的批处理调度系统的基础上,通过核心资源管理器与局域资源调度系统的交互,为异构资源提供统一的接口,为解决资源的联合分配问题,提出了基于站点的层次型管理机制,可将应用程序的资源请求分布在相对紧密的资源集合上,不仅减小了元计算应用程序的整体通信开销,而且计算提供了资源预约服务。  相似文献   

通过分析目前几种虚拟计算环境的现状、特点及适用范围,针对中小规模、异构零散的的计算需求,提出一种基于框架技术的虚拟计算环境的实现方法,并结合框架技术设计了分层服务模型.基于复杂多样的、性能差距明显的计算资源的调度问题,提出了一种基于对等模式的随机自适应调度算法.该算法提供对关联任务的调度,适合异构的、资源规模较大的环境,尤其是计算资源差异明显的异构计算环境.实现了基于框架技术的虚拟计算原型系统,并通过实验测试对比算法的调度性能,最后将计算环境应用于实际的地震资料处理中.  相似文献   

一种自适应的动态网格任务调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张秋余  柴进 《计算机应用》2006,26(10):2267-2269
GRACE网格资源框架是一个分布式、可计算的经济学体系框架,针对框架中分配网格资源问题,引入近视算法,提出了一种自适应的动态网格任务调度算法。该算法通过在调度过程中动态监测系统的负载平衡度,自适应地选择任务调度策略。经模拟试验证明,该调度算法提高了任务的调度成功率。  相似文献   

In a distributed heterogeneous computing system, the resources have different capabilities and tasks have different requirements. To maximize the performance of the system, it is essential to assign the resources to tasks (match) and order the execution of tasks on each resource (schedule) to exploit the heterogeneity of the resources and tasks. Dynamic mapping (defined as matching and scheduling) is performed when the arrival of tasks is not known a priori. In the heterogeneous environment considered in this study, tasks arrive randomly, tasks are independent (i.e., no inter-task communication), and tasks have priorities and multiple soft deadlines. The value of a task is calculated based on the priority of the task and the completion time of the task with respect to its deadlines. The goal of a dynamic mapping heuristic in this research is to maximize the value accrued of completed tasks in a given interval of time. This research proposes, evaluates, and compares eight dynamic mapping heuristics. Two static mapping schemes (all arrival information of tasks are known) are designed also for comparison. The performance of the best heuristics is 84% of a calculated upper bound for the scenarios considered.  相似文献   

面向对象的元计算系统的单一映象空间模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机网络技术的成熟,基于网络的高性能计算技术正趋向异构节点间的元计算技术方向发展。元计算系统的研究目标是:将地理上分布的、属于不同管理域的、运行不同软件的、异构的计算和存储资源以及昂贵的仪器设备通过高速网络连接起来,形成超级计算能力。支持元计算的、将异构计算节点连接起来、实现系统透明访问的技术,是元系统的研究重点。本文论述了一种基于树型结构的单一映象空间模型-SiSM,它屏蔽构节点的硬件边界,为用户提供统一的编程接口、透明访问的虚拟机器。  相似文献   

Efficient run-time mapping of tasks onto Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) is very challenging especially when new tasks of other applications are also required to be supported at run-time. In this paper, we present a number of communication-aware run-time mapping heuristics for the efficient mapping of multiple applications onto an MPSoC platform in which more than one task can be supported by each processing element (PE). The proposed mapping heuristics examine the available resources prior to recommending the adjacent communicating tasks on to the same PE. In addition, the proposed heuristics give priority to the tasks of an application in close proximity so as to further minimize the communication overhead. Our investigations show that the proposed heuristics are capable of alleviating Network-on-Chip (NoC) congestion bottlenecks when compared to existing alternatives. We map tasks of applications onto an 8 × 8 NoC-based MPSoC to show that our mapping heuristics consistently leads to reduction in the total execution time, energy consumption, average channel load and latency. In particular, we show that energy savings can be up to 44% and average channel load is improved by 10% for some cases.  相似文献   

We consider the design of bandwidth-demanding broadcasting applications using overlays in environments characterized by hosts with limited and asymmetric bandwidth, and significant heterogeneity in upload bandwidth. Such environments are critical to consider to extend the applicability of overlay multicast to mainstream Internet environments where insufficient bandwidth exists to support all hosts, but have not received adequate attention from the research community. We leverage the multitree framework and design heuristics to enable it to consider host contribution and operate in bandwidth-scarce environments. Our extensions seek to simultaneously achieve good utilization of system resources, performance to hosts commensurate to their contributions, and consistent performance. We have implemented the system and conducted an Internet evaluation on PlanetLab using real traces from previous operational deployments of an overlay broadcasting system. Our results indicate for these traces, our heuristics can improve the performance of high contributors by 10-240% and facilitate equitable bandwidth distribution among hosts with similar contributions.  相似文献   

Dynamic mapping (matching and scheduling) heuristics for a class of independent tasks using heterogeneous distributed computing systems are studied. Two types of mapping heuristics are considered, immediate mode and batch mode heuristics. Three new heuristics, one for batch mode and two for immediate mode, are introduced as part of this research. Simulation studies are performed to compare these heuristics with some existing ones. In total five immediate mode heuristics and three batch mode heuristics are examined. The immediate mode dynamic heuristics consider, to varying degrees and in different ways, task affinity for different machines and machine ready times. The batch mode dynamic heuristics consider these factors, as well as aging of tasks waiting to execute. The simulation results reveal that the choice of which dynamic mapping heuristic to use in a given heterogeneous environment depends on parameters such as (a) the structure of the heterogeneity among tasks and machines and (b) the arrival rate of the tasks.  相似文献   

针对卫星数传调度问题,提出了基于任务-资源关联结点的新型解构造图模型,人工蚁群通过任务边和资源弧分阶段进行任务调度序列和资源分配序列构造,设计了任务调度和资源分配启发式信息,以增强蚁群在伪随机状态转移过程中的搜索能力。通过局部信息素更新防止算法陷入局部最优,利用全局信息素更新的信息素正反馈机制使算法逐渐收敛到全局最优。仿真结果表明,新型解构造图反映了任务与资源之间的密切联系,分阶段状态转移策略和启发式信息的利用有助于增强算法的寻优能力,算法正确可行,并具有良好的收敛性、鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Heterogeneous computing (HC) is the coordinated use of different types of machines, and networks to process a diverse workload in a manner that will maximize the combined performance and/or cost effectiveness of the system. Heuristics for allocating resources in an HC system are based on some optimization criterion. A common optimization criterion is to minimize the completion time of the machine that finishes last (makespan). In this study, we consider an iterative approach that repeatedly runs a mapping heuristic to minimize the makespan of the considered machines and tasks. For each successive iteration, the makespan machine of the previous iteration and the tasks assigned to it are removed from the set of considered machines and tasks. This study focuses on understanding the different mathematical characteristics of resource allocation heuristics that cause them to behave differently when combined with this iterative approach. This paper has three main contributions. The first contribution is the study of an iterative technique used in conjunction with resource allocation heuristics. The second contribution is the definition and mathematical characterization of “iteration invariant” heuristics. The third contribution is to determine the characteristics of a heuristic that will cause the mapping to change across iterations.  相似文献   

An ad hoc grid is a wireless heterogeneous computing environment without a fixed infrastructure. This study considers wireless devices that have different capabilities, have limited battery capacity, support dynamic voltage scaling, and are expected to be used for eight hours at a time and then recharged. To maximize the performance of the system, it is essential to assign resources to tasks (match) and order the execution of tasks on each resource (schedule) in a manner that exploits the heterogeneity of the resources and tasks while considering the energy constraints of the devices. In the single-hop ad hoc grid heterogeneous environment considered in this study, tasks arrive unpredictably, are independent (i.e., no precedent constraints for tasks), and have priorities and deadlines. The problem is to map (match and schedule) tasks onto devices such that the number of highest priority tasks completed by their deadlines during eight hours is maximized while efficiently utilizing the overall system energy. A model for dynamically mapping tasks onto wireless devices is introduced. Seven dynamic mapping heuristics for this environment are designed and compared to each other and to a mathematical bound.  相似文献   

网格系统中存在着大量动态、异构的资源,有效的利用这些资源可以达到提高图像三雏重构的速度的目的.设计了图像三维重建系统的资源调度结构,基于该结构提出了改进启发式调度算法,并对算法的执行过程和并行任务集的存储方法进行论述.最后,利用GridSim对调度算法进行仿真测试.仿真测试结果表明,在图像三维重建系统中,改进启发式调度算法比传统的Min-Min算法具有更高的执行效率.  相似文献   

Large and dynamic computational Grids, generally known as wide-area Grids, are characterized by a large availability, heterogene- ity on computational resources, and high vari- ability on their status during the time. Such Grid infrastructures require appropriate schedule mechanisms in order to satisfy the application performance requirements (QoS). In this paper we propose a launch-time heuristics to schedule component-based parallel applications on such kind of Grid. The goal of the proposed heuristics is threefold: to meet the minimal task computation- al requirement, to maximize the throughput between communicating tasks, and to evaluate on-the-fly the resource availability to minimize the aging effect on the resources state. We evaluate the proposed heuristics by simulations applying it to a suite of task graphs and Grid platforms randomly generated. Moreover, a further test was conducted to schedule a real application on a real Grid. Experimental results shown that the proposed solution can be a viable one.  相似文献   

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