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基于粒子群算法的改进SCOTEM模型测试数据生成方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
UML已经成为建模语言的事实标准,如何从UML模型生成测试用例为面向对象软件测试带来了新的挑战.为测试用例提供测试数据是其中的关键环节.ShaukatAli等人在UML基础上提出SCOTEM模型,但是该模型的测试数据需要人工生成.针对SCOTEM模型进行了改进使其适于灰盒测试,以OCL约束测试数据的生成和运行结果的验证,并提出了一种为基于粒子群算法的改进SCOTEM模型自动生成测试数据的方法.针对不同的覆盖标准,试验结果表明,该方法能够以更高的效率生成高质量的测试数据.  相似文献   

UML不仅支持面向对象的分析和设计,而且支持从需求分析开始的软件开发的整个过程,这为UML引入到面向软件测试中提供了可能.随着UML模型的广泛使用,基于UML模型的软件测试越来越受到人们的关注.通过系统设计阶段的UML模型生成测试用例,可充分利用已有的设计结果来减少软件测试的总成本,对于已使用UML的工业界有着重要的意...  相似文献   

UMLTGF:一个基于灰盒方法从UML活动图生成测试用例的工具   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
UML已经成为建模语言的事实标准,如何从UML分析设计模型生成测试用例也为面向对象软件测试带来了新的挑战.为了从UML设计模型中的活动图直接生成测试用例,给出了UML活动图的形式化定义和灰盒测试方法.该方法首先分析UML活动图上的所有执行路径(每条路径称为一个测试场景),然后根据测试场景中的节点和转换所代表的活动及其输入/输出变量、相关约束条件等生成测试用例.并根据该方法实现了一个自动生成测试用例的工具UMLTGF,它可以从Rational Rose的规约文件中提取活动图信息并生成相应的测试用例.该工具能够提高软件测试的效率,降低测试成本.  相似文献   

邓欢 《福建电脑》2009,25(3):109-110
随着UML在软件工程各个阶段的广泛使用,很多学者提出了基于UML的软件测试方法。本文提出了一种基于UML用例图和活动图的测试方法UBTM(UML-BasedTestMethod)。该方法结合UML的用例图和活动图。得出扩展有限状态机EFSM,再通过建立区域状态机的方法,转化为FSM,最后深度优先搜索FSM,利用成对组合覆盖测试用例生成技术生成测试用例。  相似文献   

测试用例的自动生成是软件测试研究的主要方向之一。针对现有的UML模型驱动测试方法在测试数据生成方面存在低效、无目的性、冗余等问题,提出了基于UML活动图模型驱动的划分测试用例自动生成方法。该方法将测试场景归为五种类型,并为每种类型规划了测试数据取值范围和选择方法。构建了基于该方法的原型工具软件,提供被测软件原模型和数据约束即可生成测试用例。实验结果表明,该方法能够在不降低测试覆盖率的情况下,能生成数量少、针对性强的测试用例集。  相似文献   

针对手机软件测试中测试用例数目较大且不易实现自动化这一难点,考虑利用正交试验法的代表性可以大量精简测试用例.结合正交试验法的一般过程和手机软件测试的特殊性,提出利用正交试验法生成手机软件测试用例的步骤,并将这一步骤应用到实际WMTF(Windows Mobile Test Framework)中.通过搭建WMTF中的AbstractionLayer,AreaLibrary,Tests项目来自动执行测试用例.结论证明正交试验法生成的测试用例不仅精简,而且具有高覆盖率、简单易行的特点,对于实际手机测试用例的生成方法具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

以移动终端软件测试为例,依据统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML),利用建模工具和UML模型图,给出了一种生成测试用例的方法。该方法能直观地创建自动化测试用例方案模型,尽可能多地生成测试用例场景,从而加大了测试用例的隐含故障覆盖率,并能为移动终端的自动化测试工具提供有效的配置参数。  相似文献   

基于UML状态图的类测试用例自动生成方法   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
UML作为面向对象软件开发的事实上的标准建模语言,近年来得到了广泛的应用,基于UML的测试也成为面向对象软件测试的研究热点。该文把基于扩展的有限状态机EFSM的唯一输入输出UIO测试用例自动生成方法和UML的类的状态图相结合,提出了一种基于UML状态图的类的测试用例自动生成方法。  相似文献   

基于UML的CPN模型在软件测试中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘烁  陈俊杰 《计算机工程》2008,34(3):119-121
UML在被工业界广泛接受的同时也成为学术界遵循的一种标准建模语言。许多面向对象软件测试的研究都围绕UML模型开展。但UML模型属于半形式化模型,往往无法自动生成测试用例。将UML模型与Petri网相结合,能够弥补其数学支持的不足。文章给出了基于UML的CPN模型的测试框架和一个从UML模型构造CPN模型的算法,并根据该方法给出了自动化支持工具U2CPN的类图结构。  相似文献   

随着软件测试自动化的要求,以及UML在面向对象软件开发领域中的广泛应用,基于UML的面向对象软件测试正日益受到关注。集成测试是面向对象软件测试的一个重要阶段,在基于UML协作图生成面向对象软件的集成测试用例的过程中,一个重要内容是测试序列的生成。针对集成测试序列数量容易膨胀的现象,根据UML协作图的特点,应用过程间受限控制流图(IR-CFG)描述协作图的消息间逻辑控制关系。给出了由RationalRose开发的规格说明文件生成IRCFG的算法,并介绍了IRCFG的几种覆盖准则与基于IRCFG生成测试序列的方法。  相似文献   

在当今社会随着经济和科学技术的发展,UML也逐渐应用于诸多领域,其中最常用的是建立软件系统的模型。同时伴随着UML的推广,对于在其基础之上的测试用例生成发法的研究也逐渐得到了人们的关注。本文通过介绍UML的发展及具体相关内容,来探讨基于UML测试用例生成法的研究。  相似文献   

This paper describes the Mondex case study with UML class diagrams and restricting OCL constraints. The constraints have been formulated either as OCL class invariants or as OCL pre- and postconditions. The proposed two models include UML class diagrams and OCL constraints which have been checked by the UML and OCL tool USE (UML-based Specification Environment). USE allows validation of a model by testing it with scenarios. The Mondex case study has been validated by positive and negative test cases. The test cases allow the validity of the various constraints to be traced and checked. Validation results are presented as textual protocols or as UML sequence diagrams where starting, intermediate, and resulting system states are represented by UML object diagrams. UML sequence diagrams, UML object diagrams, and textual protocols are shown with varying degrees of detail for the attributes, constraints, and executed commands. J. C. P. Woodcock  相似文献   

统一建模语言提供了研制和开发面向对象软件集成化开发环境的理论基础,指出UML本质上是一套文档符号,提出UML增减原则:是否有利于自动文档生成;是否有利于自动程序生成。提出一个“开环”的集成化开发平台的构造框架。最后,基于上述设计思想和结合软件项目实际情况,开发出一个集成化CASE平台,平台具有数据库文档自动生成、界面自动生成、代码自动生成和构件重用等功能。  相似文献   

UML and UML-based development methods have become de facto standards in industry, and there are many claims for the positive effects of modelling object-oriented systems using methods based on UML. However, there is no reported empirical evaluation of UML-based development in large, industrial projects. This paper reports a case study in ABB, a global company with 120,000 employees, conducted to identify immediate benefits as well as difficulties and their causes when introducing UML-based development in large projects. ABB decided to use UML-based development in the company’s system development projects as part of an effort to enable certification according to the IEC 61508 safety standard. A UML-based development method was first applied in a large, international project with 230 system developers, testers and managers. The goal of the project was to build a new version of a safety-critical process control system. Most of the software was embedded. The project members were mostly newcomers to the use of UML. Interviews with 16 system developers and project managers at their sites in Sweden and Norway were conducted to identify the extent to which the introduction of UML-based development had improved their development process. The interviewees had experienced improvements with traceability from requirements to code, design of the code, and development of test cases as well as in communication and documentation. These results thus support claims in the literature regarding improvements that may be obtained through the use of UML. However, the results also show that the positive effects of UML-based development were reduced due to (1) legacy code that it was not feasible to reverse engineer into UML, (2) the distribution of requirements to development teams based on physical units and not on functionality, (3) training that was not particularly adapted to this project and considered too expensive to give to project members not directly involved in development with UML, and (4) a choice of modelling tools with functionality that was not in accordance with the needs of the project. The results from this study should be useful in enabling other UML adopters to have more realistic expectations and a better basis for making project management decisions.
Hanne Kristin ThorsenEmail:

We present an ongoing research project aimed at developing a framework for component-based testing, in which we re-use and suitably combine some existing tools: the system architecture and the components are specified by the UML, and specifically the recently proposed UML Components methodology; the test cases are derived by applying the Cow_Suite, an environment for UML-based testing, previously conceived for the integration testing of OO systems; and the tests are codified and executed within the CDT, a framework under development, allowing for the decoupling between the abstract specification of tests, which is made against an architectural model, and their concrete execution, which needs to take into account the component implementations.  相似文献   

UML-based methodologies take more and more space in the software development domain. In addition, the need to validate applications as early as possible in the development cycle is now mandatory to satisfy cost and time-to-market constraints. In this context, this paper describes, first, how to bridge the gap between semiformal UML models and a formal technology ensuring test case generation. Second, the formal tool used to automatically generate test sequences, named AGATHA, is described in minute detail. Finally, this approach is illustrated throughout by a toy example of an elevator system.  相似文献   

基于UML的电子商务在线销售系统分析与设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着面向对象技术的不断发展,利用面向对象思想进行系统建模,已成为当前软件项目开发的主流。本文针对运用UML进行信息系统建模的过程以及模型的选择进行研究,并结合UML系统建模的优势,以电子商务在线购物系统为例,给出基于UML的信息系统建模的完整实现过程。  相似文献   

PKUMoDEL:模型驱动的开发和语言家族支持环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OMG发布的UML语言家族和MDA架构促进了模型驱动软件开发的思想成为现实.建模语言版本升级或者面向不同领域的语言家族新增成员的不断出现,要求模型驱动开发环境除了使得模型成为软件开发生命周期中的主体之外,还应该具有元模型的定义和操纵能力.模型驱动的开发和语言家族支持环境PKUMoDEL是基于MOF的元建模环境和基于UML2.0的建模环境的集成体,很好地解决了诸如元模型的定义、扩展和评估、建模工具的自适应和演化、不同类型工具之间的集成、模型复用、从模型到运行环境的直接映射和部署等问题.  相似文献   

One of the key issues in software development, like in all engineering problems, is to ensure that the product delivered meets its specification. Verification and validation are well-established techniques for ensuring the quality of a product within the overall software development lifecycle. With models being expressed in the Unified Modeling Language, the application of verification and validation is complicated. Firstly, concerning verification, a UML model is typically not the input language of a verification tool. Secondly, with regards to validation, a UML model is also not directly executable.In this paper, we show how verification and validation can be achieved for UML models. Within our approach, graph transformation techniques are applied for automated translation of UML models into a language understood by a verification tool or directly into an implementation. By the use of such semantic-preserving transformations, both verification and validation can be lifted up to the model level, allowing for a seamless integration of verification and validation into a UML-based development process.  相似文献   

基于UML的软件测试用例自动生成技术研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
测试用例自动生成是软件自动化测试的基础与关键。随着UML的广泛应用,基于UML模型的测试用例自动生成技术日益受到关注。本文提出了通过对UML Sequence Diagram进行形式化分析产生测试场景的技术,定义了相应的测试覆盖准则,分析了测试数据的生成。并探讨了将测试工具和建模工具相结合的具体实现方法。  相似文献   

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