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基于ActiveX技术的图纸标题栏信息自动提取   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
剖析了ActiveX Automation技术和ArtoCAD R14新提供的Autonmation编程接口,在此基础上介绍了基于ActiveX Automtion技术从AutoCAD的DWG文件中自动提取标题栏和明细栏管理信息的方法,并给出了关键技术的源程序.在此技术上开发出的软件包在实践中得到了较好的应用.  相似文献   

随着AutoCAD工程图纸的广泛应用,如何能快速地操作标题栏及组织其信息,已经成为目前迫切需要解决的问题.利用VBA组件设计的人机交互界面,通过调用程序自动生成具有属性的标题栏,实现标题栏区域内信息的自动提取,并将提取的信息存储到Oracle数据库,这样不仅提高了制图效率,同时也达到了对图纸标题栏信息的有效组织.  相似文献   

分析了工程图形件中标题栏的结构特征,提出了用特征识别的方法处理自由表格结构数据,使结构数据规范化。图形结构数据的自动化搜索和规范化,使得标题信息智能提取成为可能。  相似文献   

通过dBASE和AutoCAD之间的数据传输,实现了在西文AutoCAD中自动绘制图样的标题栏和明细栏。其中过程文件TEXT,能实现中西文混合字符串的垂直绘制以及自动调整高度,宽度,对齐等功能,具有一定的通用性。  相似文献   

工程图纸存档与通信系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工程图纸的统一管理和集成制造、协同设计的发展,以及图纸网络传输的需要,要求有一种集成的图纸存档和通信系统(DACS)。文中提出DACS的概念,并对DACS设计中的几个关键问题,如数据库应用构架设计、点阵图与矢量图的统一封装、图纸与文档的配合、图纸录入的效果进行了分析,同时,还给出了一个上具体的DACS系统的结构。  相似文献   

或许是现在网上急功近利的人太多的缘故,近来很多网站和论坛纷纷在首页源代码中做了手脚,使得网友的IE浏览器的标题被莫名其妙地篡改成那些可恶的网站名字。 其实,这些信息的更改都是系统注册表被更改的结果,受到更改的注册表项目有2个:一个在“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”,而另外一个在“HKEY_CURRENT_USER”中。 而其下面的键值都是一样的:“Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title”。 在系统默认状态下,由应用程序本身来提供标题栏的信息,但是可以在此增加内容,而一些恶意的网站就是利用了这一个…  相似文献   

针对精确、规则、无冗余性的矢量工程图纸,研究与实验了一种水印嵌入与识别算法,同时注入两类水印信息即隐藏扩展信息和基于长度影子震荡的空间域水印信息,实验取得了预想的结果,在保持矢量工程图纸适当精度和图面信息基本完整的情况下,水印具有良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

郑思婷  杨烜会  王周敬 《福建电脑》2011,27(2):24-25,37
以国内C2C行业最具代表性的交易平台--淘宝网为例,设计了针对网络店铺的信息自动提取流程,并利用Python语言实现了对网络店铺信息的自动采集和结构化输出.  相似文献   

高分辨率遥感影像上交通枢纽信息的自动提取方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种在高分辨率遥感影像上自动提取交通枢纽,即重要道路交汇口的有效方法。方法的基本过程如下:利用高斯马尔可夫随机场纹理模型与支撑向量机进行图像分类得到道路块,通过细化得到道路轴线并登记宽度信息,然后通过启发式规则进行轴线连接得到道路网。而后在路网基础上,自动提取高宽度道路轴线之间的交点作为交通枢纽。通过实验证明了方法的有效性。研究可广泛应用于城乡交通基础设施规划、物流规划、军事作战分析等领域。  相似文献   

基于模板的Web信息自动提取方法*   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了解决传统Web信息提取过程中准确率和效率相矛盾的问题,提出了一种基于模板与机器自动识别相结合的Web信息自动提取方法。该方法先利用一组启发式规则自动识别HTML文本中不同属性信息之间的分隔符,再把它们配置到模板中,然后根据模板分析相同类型的网页,最后以话题线索的方式存储。实验结果表明,与传统的Web信息提取方法相比,本方法能够处理多种结构类型的网页,同时能够在很大程度上提高准确率、召回率和效率;并且可以在不需要修改算法的情况下根据用户需求动态提取相关信息,满足各方面研究的需要。  相似文献   

The extraction of line-structured data from engineering drawings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this research is to allow automatic conversion of an engineering drawing into a form similar to that produced by a computer-aided draughting system. Progress towards generating a representation of the drawing as a set of line segments and interpreted characters is described, within an overall strategy for planning the sampling of the image and the application of analysis algorithms. Examples of results so far achieved on a real drawing are shown.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of curved solids from engineering drawings   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper presents a new approach for reconstructing solids with planar, quadric and toroidal surfaces from three-view engineering drawings. By applying geometric theory to 3-D reconstruction, our method is able to remove restrictions placed on the axes of curved surfaces by existing methods. The main feature of our algorithm is that it combines the geometric properties of conics with affine properties to recover a wider range of 3-D edges. First, the algorithm determines the type of each 3-D candidate conic edge based on its projections in three orthographic views, and then generates that candidate edge using the conjugate diameter method. This step produces a wire-frame model that contains all candidate vertices and candidate edges. Next, a maximum turning angle method is developed to find all the candidate faces in the wire-frame model. Finally, a general and efficient searching technique is proposed for finding valid solids from the candidate faces; the technique greatly reduces the searching space and the backtracking incidents. Several examples are given to demonstrate the efficiency and capability of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

By integrating human intelligence and enabling geometric modeling and knowledge based systems technologies, a realistic and plausible solution for two critical activities in a legacy data conversion cycle of engineering drawings (LDC): vector drawing editing and high level symbol interpretation was investigated. A prototype system called LEDCONS was implemented to illustrate the concepts and demonstrate the feasibility of the architecture and methodologies proposed. In this paper, the concepts and methods used by LEDCONS to perform syntactic level drawing interpretations are presented. The LEDCONS system modules at this level are designed based on the strategy that drawing interpretation could be embedded within the process of human editing in an interactive fashion. Two fundamental approaches, the automatic search-and-match approach and the manual select-and-recognize approach, used for recognizing drawing constructs at this level are proposed. With syntactically related drawing constructs, such as text blocks, hatch patterns, dimension sets, FCF/datum constructs, and geometry entities are extracted. Hence, the reusability and reliability of the drawing data can be significantly increased.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss how to reconstruct 3D models from multi-view engineering draws by employing human engineers’ approaches. Human's ‘divide and conquer’ interpretation strategy in visual cognition is simulated, and successfully carried out on the basis of spatial division of 3D object space. At first, a volume-oriented method is utilized to decompose the 3D object space in a set of 3D ‘cell-boxes’ whose three-view bounding rectangles will isolate its related sub-projections from input projections views, and in every cell-box a cell primitive is implied. Then, a 3D model of each cell primitive is ‘locally’ generated from its ‘sub-projection’ views by wire-frame oriented algorithms. The final interpretation result of the overall projection-views is a ‘Union’ of these cell primitives. To deal with the ambiguity, a visual reasoning engine is implemented on the basis of principles from Gestalt psychology. It will be activated to pick out the most reasonable interpretation, when ambiguities are generated during the reconstruction process. The section views are also incorporated in getting rid of the ambiguity. Moreover, we design a natural and convenient interaction way to encourage the user to be involved in the process while interpreting complex projections. The key steps of this human-like reconstruction approach are presented in detail.  相似文献   

采用相关反馈技术提高检索效率已成为工程图纸检索方面的重要研究内容之一,现有的相关检索模型需要人工的多次参与,针对这个不足,本文提出一个基于反馈日志的检索模型:首对工程图纸检索中的反馈日志进行分析,找出工程图纸之间的潜在关联关系,建立关联规则库。然后将传统的基于关键字的检索和基于内容匹配的检索两种方法结合起来,最后结合相关算法建立检索模型。实验表明该检索模型可以减少人工参与检索的次数,并保证有较高的查准率。  相似文献   

Sparse-pixel recognition of primitives in engineering drawings   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recognition of primitives in technical drawings is the first stage in their higher level interpretation. It calls for processing of voluminous scanned raster files. This is a difficult task if each pixel must be addressed at least once, as required by Hough transform or thinning-based methods. This work presents a set of algorithms that recognize drawing primitives by examining the raster file sparsely. Bars (straight line segments), arcs, and arrowheads are identified by the orthogonal zig-zag, perpendicular Bisector tracing, and self-supervised arrowhead recognition algorithms, respectively. The common feature of these algorithms is that rather than applying massive pixel addressing, they recognize the sought primitives by screening a carefully selected sample of the image and focusing attention on identified key areas. The sparse-pixel-based algorithms yield high quality recognition, as demonstrated on a sample of engineering drawings.  相似文献   

对工程图识别与理解研究现状进行深入和系统的综述。工程图识别与理解 的核心在于利用知识表示、图形匹配、符号识别、几何推理、语义提取等技术,自动获取工 程图中各种显式描述(如几何图元、工程符号、工程对象等)及隐式信息(如设计语义等)。 分别对工程图矢量化、工程符号识别及工程对象识别进行了系统分析。在此基础上对工程图 识别性能评测、基准库等进行总结。最后对现有研究的难点及进一步研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

An interactive example-driven approach to graphics recognition in engineering drawings is proposed. The scenario is that the user first interactively provides an example of a graphic object; the system instantly learns its graphical knowledge and uses the acquired knowledge to recognize the same type of graphic objects. The proposed approach represents the graphical knowledge of an object in terms of its structural components and their syntactical relationships. We summarize four types of geometric constraints for knowledge representation, based on which we develop an algorithm for knowledge acquisition. Another algorithm for graphics recognition using the acquired graphical knowledge is also proposed, which is actually a sequential examination of these constraints. In the algorithm, we first guess the next component’s attributes (e.g., size, position and orientation) by reasoning from an earlier found component and the constraint between them, and then search for this hypothetical component in the drawing. If all of the hypothetical components are found, a graphic object of this type is recognized. For improving the system’s recognition accuracy, we develop a user feedback scheme, which can update the graphical knowledge from both positive (missing) and negative (mis-recognized) examples provided by the user for subsequent recognition. Experiments have shown that our proposed approach is both efficient and effective for recognizing various types of graphic objects in engineering drawings. This paper is an extension of our papers published in ICDAR2003 and GREC2003.  相似文献   

具有自动误差补偿功能的智能磁航向系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研制了一种具有三种误差补偿方法的智能磁航向系统(智能电子磁罗盘)。传统的给定基准法具有满意的补偿效果,但试验复杂。对水平情况,椭圆假设法把误差的形成过程假设为从圆到椭圆的变化过程;而对任意姿态的情况,椭球面假设则把该过程假设为从圆球面到椭球面的变化过程。其逆过程就是误差补偿过程。后两种方法试验非常方便,不需要高准确度的设备。试验结果表明,这两种方法可实现自动误差补偿和自动校准,补偿效果满意,成本低。还设计了一个包含上述三种方法的虚拟仪表用于计算误差补偿系数。用EEPROM永久保存这些系数,消除了类似电位计的可动部件。该系统体积小、成本低、可靠性高,可用于小型飞机、车辆、船舰等运载工具。  相似文献   

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