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王华东  杨杰  李亚娟 《计算机应用》2014,34(9):2612-2616
研究这样一个问题:给定多序列、支持度阈值和间隔约束,从多序列中挖掘所有出现次数不小于支持度阈值的频繁序列模式,这里要求模式中任意两个相邻元素在序列中的出现都要满足用户自定义的间隔约束,并且模式在序列中的出现要满足one-off条件。在解决该问题上,已有算法M-OneOffMine在计算模式的支持度时,只考虑模式的每个字符在序列中的首次出现,导致计算的模式支持度远小于其真实支持度,以致许多频繁的模式没有被挖掘出来。为此,设计了一个有效的带有间隔约束的多序列模式挖掘算法--MMSP算法:首先,通过采用二维表保存模式的候选位置;然后,根据候选位置采用最左最优的思想选择匹配位置。通过生物DNA序列进行实验,多序列中元素序列数目不变而序列长度变化时,MMSP挖掘出的频繁模式总数是同类算法M-OneOffMine的3.23倍;在元素序列个数变化时,MMSP挖掘出的频繁模式个数平均是M-OneOffMine的4.11倍;这两种情况下MMSP都有更好的时间性能。在模式长度变化时,MMSP挖掘出的频繁模式个数分别平均是M-OneOffMine的2.21倍和MPP的5.24倍。同时还验证了M-OneOffMine挖掘到的模式是MMSP挖掘到的频繁的子集。实验结果表明,MMSP算法不仅可以挖掘到更多的频繁模式,而且时间花费更少,更适合于实际的应用。  相似文献   

间隙约束的序列模式挖掘是一种特殊形式的序列模式挖掘方法,该方法能够揭示一定间隔下的频繁出现(发生)的子序列。但当前间隙约束的序列模式挖掘方法只关注正序列模式的挖掘,忽略了事件中的缺失行为。为解决该问题,探索了周期间隙约束的负序列模式(Negative Sequential Pattern with Periodic Gap Constraints, NSPG)挖掘方法,该方法能够更灵活地反映元素与元素之间的关系。为高效求解NSPG挖掘问题,提出了NSPG-INtree(Incomplete Nettrees)算法,该算法主要包括两个步骤:候选模式生成和支持度计算。在候选模式生成方面,为了减少候选模式的数量,该算法采用模式连接策略;在支持度计算方面,为了提高模式支持度计算效率并减少空间消耗,该算法采用不完整网树结构计算模式支持度。实验结果表明,NSPG-INtree算法不仅具有较高的挖掘效率,而且能同时挖掘间隙约束的正序列模式和负序列模式。与其他间隙约束的序列模式挖掘算法相比,NSPG-INtree能够多发现209%~352%的模式;与不同策略的对比算法相比,NSPG-INtree能够缩...  相似文献   

对比模式挖掘是序列模式挖掘的一个重要分支,带有密度约束的对比模式有助于生物学家发现生物序列中的特殊因子的分布情况。为此,文中提出了MPDG (Mining distinguishing sequence Patterns based on Density and Gap constraint) 算法,该算法应用网树结构挖掘满足密度约束和间隙约束的对比模式,在仅需扫描一遍序列库的情况下,该算法可计算当前模式的所有超模式的支持度,从而提高挖掘效率。最后,在真实蛋白质数据集上进行实验,实验结果验证了MPDG算法的有效性。  相似文献   

在序列模式挖掘应用中,约束是非常重要的。本文提出了一种新的约束一偏序约束,允许事务之间的间隔可以是无穷大。但是,本文间隔约束中事务之间的间隔只能是整数,所以可以把偏序约束看成是间隔约束的扩展。针对这个问题,提出了一种新颖的算法SPM(Sequential Pattern Maintenance,简称SPM)算法来解决偏序约束,采用含蓄分割 割技术把不满足偏序约束的数据序列分割出去,充分利用已挖掘出来的信息来解决由于数据序列数目变小使得支持度值变小的复杂情况。实验表明,SPM算法能够快速可扩展
地挖掘出所有满足约束的频繁序列模式。  相似文献   

杨皓  段磊  胡斌  邓松  王文韬  秦攀 《软件学报》2015,26(11):2994-3009
对比序列模式能够表达序列数据集合间的差异,在商品推荐、用户行为分析和电力供应预测等领域有广泛的应用.已有的对比序列模式挖掘算法需要用户设定正例支持度阈值和负例支持度阈值.在不具备足够先验知识的情况下,用户难以设定恰当的支持度阈值,从而可能错失一些对比显著的模式.为此,提出了带间隔约束的top-k对比序列模式挖掘算法kDSP-Miner(top-k distinguishing sequential patterns with gap constraint miner).kDSP-Miner中用户只需设置期望发现的对比最显著的模式个数,从而避免了直接设置对比支持度阈值.相应地,挖掘算法更容易使用,并且结果更易于解释.同时,为了提高算法执行效率,设计了若干剪枝策略和启发策略.进一步设计了kDSP-Miner的多线程版本,以提高其对高维序列元素情况的处理能力.通过在真实世界数据集上的详实实验,验证了算法的有效性和执行效率.  相似文献   

强继朋  谢飞  高隽  胡学钢  吴信东 《自动化学报》2014,40(11):2499-2511
基因序列中,许多病毒并不是简单的直接复制自己,而是相邻字符间插入或者删除序列片段,如何从序列数据中检索这些病毒具有重要的研究价值.提出了一个更普遍的问题,带任意长度通配符的模式匹配问题(Pattern matching with arbitrary-length wildcards,PMAW),这里模式中不仅可以有多个通配符约束,而且每个通配符的约束可以是两个整数,也可以从整数到无穷大.给定序列S和带通配符的模式P,目标是从S中检索P的所有出现和每一次出现的匹配位置,并且要求任意两次出现不能共享序列中同一位置.为了有效地解决该问题,设计了两个基于位并行的匹配算法MOTW (Method of ocurrence then window)算法和MWTO (Method of window then ocurrence)算法.同时,MWTO算法进行细微改动就可以满足全局长度约束.实验结果既验证了算法求解问题的正确性,又验证了比相关的模式匹配算法具有更好的时间性能.  相似文献   

面向入侵检测的数据挖掘是目前国际上网络安全和数据库、信息决策领域的最前沿的研究方向之一。入侵检测中进行序列模式挖掘时,由于频繁网络模式和频繁系统活动模式只能在网络或操作系统的单个审计数据流中获得,因而传统从事件流数据中获取单序列模式的算法,以及从不同多数据序列中获取多个序列模式的算法都不再适用。本文研究了入侵数据的特性,提出了网络入侵检测中序列模式挖掘框架和实时序列模式挖掘模型,并设计了一种新的面向入侵检测.基于轴属性、参考属性、相关支持度的序列模式挖掘算法SPM—ID(Sequential Patterns Mining for Intrusion Detection)。最后在KDD Cup99数据集的基础上实现算法及分析算法的性能。  相似文献   

间隙约束序列模式挖掘作为序列模式挖掘的一个重要分支,可以发现模式在序列中的重复出现。然而,当前研究主要针对单项序列进行挖掘,并且序列中每一项都被认为具有相同意义。为解决该问题,提出一次性弱间隙序列模式挖掘(OWP)算法,该算法由准备阶段、支持度计算和候选模式生成3个步骤组成。在准备阶段,建立倒排索引,并对不频繁的项进行剪枝;在支持度计算方面,利用倒排索引结构记录出现位置,避免对原始数据集的重复扫描;在候选模式生成方面,采用模式连接策略,减少冗余候选模式的生成。在项集序列和单项序列共6个真实数据集上的实验结果表明,OWP算法相比OWP-p、Ows-OWP和OWP-e算法在运行时间上分别提升了2.653、1.348、3.592倍,在内存消耗上分别减少了3.51%、0.07%、5%,说明OWP算法可以更高效地挖掘出用户感兴趣的模式。此外,OWP算法在以D1数据集为基础的6倍大小的数据集上的运行时间比D1数据集增长了3.763倍,内存消耗增长了2.310倍,运行时间和内存消耗的增加倍数均小于数据集大小的增加倍数,说明OWP算法具有良好的可扩展性。  相似文献   

提出一种新的闭合序列模式挖掘算法,该算法利用位置数据保存数据项的序列信息,并提出两种修剪方法:逆向超模式和相同位置数据。为了确保格存储的正确性和简洁性,另外还针对一些特殊情况做处理。试验结果表明,在中大型数据库和小支持度的情况下,该算法比CloSpan算法[8]更有效。  相似文献   

针对环境约束的不确定轨迹数据的频繁路径问题,设计了一种适应于严格时间约束条件下基于环境约束的位置不确定的移动概率序列挖掘算法(UETFP-PrefixSpan),算法通过设置类标号把不同环境下的不确定轨迹数据区分开,利用概率支持度对频繁项集进行了重新定义,通过减少某些特定序列模式生成过程的扫描,来减少投影数据库的规模及扫描投影数据库的时间,提高算法效率。测试实验结果表明,改进后的UETFP-PrefixSpan算法挖掘结果更符合现实情况,算法执行效率更高。  相似文献   

Sequential Pattern Mining in Multi-Databases via Multiple Alignment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To efficiently find global patterns from a multi-database, information in each local database must first be mined and summarized at the local level. Then only the summarized information is forwarded to the global mining process. However, conventional sequential pattern mining methods based on support cannot summarize the local information and is ineffective for global pattern mining from multiple data sources. In this paper, we present an alternative local mining approach for finding sequential patterns in the local databases of a multi-database. We propose the theme of approximate sequential pattern mining roughly defined as identifying patterns approximately shared by many sequences. Approximate sequential patterns can effectively summerize and represent the local databases by identifying the underlying trends in the data. We present a novel algorithm, ApproxMAP, to mine approximate sequential patterns, called consensus patterns, from large sequence databases in two steps. First, sequences are clustered by similarity. Then, consensus patterns are mined directly from each cluster through multiple alignment. We conduct an extensive and systematic performance study over synthetic and real data. The results demonstrate that ApproxMAP is effective and scalable in mining large sequences databases with long patterns. Hence, ApproxMAP can efficiently summarize a local database and reduce the cost for global mining. Furthremore, we present an elegant and uniform model to identify both high vote sequential patterns and exceptional sequential patterns from the collection of these consensus patterns from each local databases.  相似文献   

An active research topic in data mining is the discovery of sequential patterns, which finds all frequent subsequences in a sequence database. The generalized sequential pattern (GSP) algorithm was proposed to solve the mining of sequential patterns with time constraints, such as time gaps and sliding time windows. Recent studies indicate that the pattern-growth methodology could speed up sequence mining. However, the capabilities to mine sequential patterns with time constraints were previously available only within the Apriori framework. Therefore, we propose the DELISP (delimited sequential pattern) approach to provide the capabilities within the pattern-growth methodology. DELISP features in reducing the size of projected databases by bounded and windowed projection techniques. Bounded projection keeps only time-gap valid subsequences and windowed projection saves nonredundant subsequences satisfying the sliding time-window constraint. Furthermore, the delimited growth technique directly generates constraint-satisfactory patterns and speeds up the pattern growing process. The comprehensive experiments conducted show that DELISP has good scalability and outperforms the well-known GSP algorithm in the discovery of sequential patterns with time constraints.  相似文献   

In this paper, given a set of sequence databases across multiple domains, we aim at mining multi-domain sequential patterns, where a multi-domain sequential pattern is a sequence of events whose occurrence time is within a pre-defined time window. We first propose algorithm Naive in which multiple sequence databases are joined as one sequence database for utilizing traditional sequential pattern mining algorithms (e.g., PrefixSpan). Due to the nature of join operations, algorithm Naive is costly and is developed for comparison purposes. Thus, we propose two algorithms without any join operations for mining multi-domain sequential patterns. Explicitly, algorithm IndividualMine derives sequential patterns in each domain and then iteratively combines sequential patterns among sequence databases of multiple domains to derive candidate multi-domain sequential patterns. However, not all sequential patterns mined in the sequence database of each domain are able to form multi-domain sequential patterns. To avoid the mining cost incurred in algorithm IndividualMine, algorithm PropagatedMine is developed. Algorithm PropagatedMine first performs one sequential pattern mining from one sequence database. In light of sequential patterns mined, algorithm PropagatedMine propagates sequential patterns mined to other sequence databases. Furthermore, sequential patterns mined are represented as a lattice structure for further reducing the number of sequential patterns to be propagated. In addition, we develop some mechanisms to allow some empty sets in multi-domain sequential patterns. Performance of the proposed algorithms is comparatively analyzed and sensitivity analysis is conducted. Experimental results show that by exploring propagation and lattice structures, algorithm PropagatedMine outperforms algorithm IndividualMine in terms of efficiency (i.e., the execution time).  相似文献   

Sequential pattern mining has been studied extensively in the data mining community. Most previous studies require the specification of a min_support threshold for mining a complete set of sequential patterns satisfying the threshold. However, in practice, it is difficult for users to provide an appropriate min_support threshold. To overcome this difficulty, we propose an alternative mining task: mining top-k frequent closed sequential patterns of length no less than min_, where k is the desired number of closed sequential patterns to be mined and min_ is the minimal length of each pattern. We mine the set of closed patterns because it is a compact representation of the complete set of frequent patterns. An efficient algorithm, called TSP, is developed for mining such patterns without min_support. Starting at (absolute) min_support=1, the algorithm makes use of the length constraint and the properties of top-k closed sequential patterns to perform dynamic support raising and projected database pruning. Our extensive performance study shows that TSP has high performance. In most cases, it outperforms the efficient closed sequential pattern-mining algorithm, CloSpan, even when the latter is running with the best tuned min_support threshold. Thus, we conclude that, for sequential pattern mining, mining top-k frequent closed sequential patterns without min_support is more preferable than the traditional min_support-based mining.  相似文献   

The rapid increase of available DNA, protein, and other biological sequences has made the problem of discovering meaningful patterns from sequences an important task for Bioinformatics research. Among all types of patterns defined in the literature, the most challenging one is to find repeating patterns with gap constraints. In this article, we identify a new research problem for mining approximate repeating patterns (ARPs) with gap constraints, where the appearance of a pattern is subject to an approximate match, which is very common in biological sequences. To solve the problem, we propose an ArpGap (ARP mining with Gap constraints) algorithm with three major components for ARP mining: (1) a data‐driven pattern generation approach to avoid generating unnecessary candidates for validation; (2) a back‐tracking pattern search process to discover approximate occurrences of a pattern under user specified gap constraints; and (3) an Apriori‐like deterministic pruning approach to progressively prune patterns and cease the search process if necessary. Experimental results on synthetic and real‐world protein sequences assert that ArpGap is efficient in terms of memory consumption and computational cost. The results further suggest that the proposed method is practical for discovering approximate patterns for protein sequences where the sequence length is usually several hundreds to one thousand and the pattern length is relatively short.  相似文献   

Mining minimal distinguishing subsequence patterns with gap constraints   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
Discovering contrasts between collections of data is an important task in data mining. In this paper, we introduce a new type of contrast pattern, called a Minimal Distinguishing Subsequence (MDS). An MDS is a minimal subsequence that occurs frequently in one class of sequences and infrequently in sequences of another class. It is a natural way of representing strong and succinct contrast information between two sequential datasets and can be useful in applications such as protein comparison, document comparison and building sequential classification models. Mining MDS patterns is a challenging task and is significantly different from mining contrasts between relational/transactional data. One particularly important type of constraint that can be integrated into the mining process is the gap constraint. We present an efficient algorithm called ConSGapMiner (Contrast Sequences with Gap Miner), to mine all MDSs satisfying a minimum and maximum gap constraint, plus a maximum length constraint. It employs highly efficient bitset and boolean operations, for powerful gap-based pruning within a prefix growth framework. A performance evaluation with both sparse and dense datasets, demonstrates the scalability of ConSGapMiner and shows its ability to mine patterns from high dimensional datasets at low supports.  相似文献   

武优西  刘茜  闫文杰  郭磊  吴信东 《软件学报》2021,32(11):3331-3350
无重叠条件序列模式挖掘是一种间隙约束序列模式挖掘方法,与同类挖掘方法相比,该方法更容易发现有价值的频繁模式,其核心问题是计算给定模式在序列中的支持度或出现数,进而判定该模式的频繁性.而计算模式支持度问题实质是无重叠条件模式匹配.当前研究采用迭代搜索无重叠出现,然后剪枝无用结点的方式计算模式的支持度,其计算时间复杂度为O (m×m×n×W),其中,mnW分别为模式长度、序列长度及最大间隙.为了进一步提高无重叠条件模式匹配计算速度,从而有效地降低无重叠条件序列模式挖掘时间,提出了一种高效的算法,该算法将模式匹配问题转换为一棵网树,然后从网树的最小树根结点出发,采用回溯策略迭代搜索最左孩子方式计算无重叠最小出现,在网树上剪枝该出现后,无需进一步查找并剪枝无效结点即可实现问题的求解.理论证明了该算法的完备性,并将该算法的时间复杂度降低为O (m×n×W).在此基础上,继续指明该问题还存在另外3种相似的求解策略,分别是从最左叶子出发迭代查找最左双亲方式、从最右树根出发迭代查找最右孩子方式和从最右叶子出发迭代查找最右双亲方式.实验结果验证了该算法的性能,特别是在序列模式挖掘中,应用该方法的挖掘算法可以降低挖掘时间.  相似文献   

针对带时间约束的序列模式,提出了一种改进的挖掘算法TSPM,克服了传统的序列模式挖掘方法时空开销大,结果数量巨大且缺少针对性的缺陷.算法引入图结构表示频繁2序列,仅需扫描一次数据库,即可将与挖掘任务相关的信息映射到图中,图结构的表示使得挖掘过程可以充分利用项目之间的次序关系,提高了频繁序列的生成效率.另外算法利用序列的位置信息计算支持度,降低了处理时间约束的复杂性,避免了反复测试序列包含的过程.实验证明,该算法较传统的序列模式发现算法在时间和空间性能上具有优越性。  相似文献   

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