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结合最大后验概率(MAP)估计的准确性和分层块匹配算法的快速性,研究了一种多参考帧运动估计算法,并提出了一种基于多帧运动估计的帧率提升(FRUC)系统方案。实验结果表明,基于该算法的内插帧无论从客观指标(时间复杂度、信噪比PSNR)还是主观质量(视觉效果)均优于现有常用方法,且算法复杂度较低,便于硬件实现。  相似文献   

传统的相机的畸变校正方法都需要人工干预不能直接计算,即需要事先放置特定的标定参照物或人工指定对应信息。文章提出了一种基于旋转运动视频序列的多帧对齐,可直接计算相机的径向畸变参数。给出了旋转运动参数模型和对齐多帧图像的优化函数以计算畸变参数,推导了目标函数的线性化公式,然后用阻尼最小二乘法优化计算径向畸变参数和旋转运动场参数。试验显示它对变形图像能给出很好的校正。  相似文献   

范志浩  徐平  范影乐  庞全 《计算机工程》2008,34(24):235-237
提出一种基于多分辨率的H.264多参考帧运动估计算法,通过引入多分辨率的思想,迅速得到第1个参考帧的运动矢量,利用该运动矢量和已建立的临时矢量映射表预测其余参考帧的运动矢量,无须对多参考帧中的每一帧都进行同等复杂度的运动搜索。在x264编码平台下的实验结果表明,该算法在保持H.264编码器编码性能的同时,可显著提高编码器的编码速度。  相似文献   

本文针对车牌识别系统在车牌图像质量不高时识别准确率较低的问题,提出了一种多帧图像综合算法,来更全面地利用车牌图像中所含有的有用信息,以达到提高车牌识别准确率的目的。首先利用图像配准算法对从视频图像中抽取的几帧图像进行配准,然后利用像素值取大算法进行综合,最后得到一幅综合后的车牌图像。实验表明,经过该算法综合后的车牌图像比原图像更接近真实的车牌图像,能够更好地适用于车牌识别,从而提高车牌识别的准确率。  相似文献   

由于可用信息不足,多帧图像超分辨率重建问题常常是一个不适定问题。为解这一问题,需要额外的图像先验知识。本文提出一个基于学习的多帧图像超分辨率重建算法,该方法从训练图像集中学习先验知识。实验表明本文方法要优于传统基于最大后验概率估计的超分辨率重建算法。  相似文献   

石迎波  吴成柯 《计算机工程》2008,34(10):218-220
提出一种应用于H.264中的多参考帧快速整像素运动估计算法,该算法通过有效地预测多参考帧中的搜索起始点和将菱形算法扩展到多参考帧情形,在很大程度上降低多参考帧运动搜索的计算量。试验结果表明,与H.264参考软件JM9.6中的快速算法UMHexagonS相比,该算法保持了较好的图像质量且码率几乎不变,运动估计时间平均减少约60%。  相似文献   

H.264中多参考帧预测技术的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一个低复杂度的快速多参考帧选择算法。模拟结果表明本算法在保持率失真性能的前提下可以大大减少多参考帧预测的计算复杂度。  相似文献   

基于H.264的多参考帧运动估计快速算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H.264/AVC中引入多参考帧运动补偿来提高视频编码性能,由此产生的多参考帧运动估计(MRF-ME)却带来了巨大的运算代价。为提高编码速度,降低计算复杂度,提出一种基于空间域相关性的运动估计算法——缩小的菱形算法(DDS)。先运用前向主矢量选择法不断修正预测运动矢量,再根据最佳参考帧位置的统计特性对不同参考帧使用不用模板进行搜索。实验结果表明,与H.264参考模型JM10.2相比,该算法保持了较好的图像质量且码率变化很小,运动搜索点数平均减少接近80%,并能有效地降低编码器复杂度。  相似文献   

多参考帧和分数运动补偿技术虽然提高了视频编码性能,但同时也使编码器的内存消耗和计算复杂度成倍地增加.其主要原因是多参考帧技术令会运动估计重复地应用在每个参考帧上.通过分析这两种技术对编码性能贡献的相关性,提出了一种联合优化的快速算法.首先,根据不同参考帧之间的合成运动向量,选择空间上最接近的候选参考帧.然后,通过二维多项式模型预测最优分数残插值,决定采用分数运动估计的参考帧.实验结果表明,该方法在不损失任何率失真性能的情况下,可以把计算的复杂度减少为原来的1/3.  相似文献   

复合帧运动模糊图像复原方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
孟庆浩  周荣彪 《计算机工程》2006,32(13):187-189
对复合帧图像运动模糊的复原问题进行了较为系统的研究。利用块匹配算法估计场间的位移矢量,即模糊范围和模糊方向以消除边缘“阶梯效应”;采用维纳滤波方法对场内的运动模糊图像进行了复原;经对一个CCD照相机以不同的相对运动速度在不同的距离对一个门牌号摄取的模糊图像进行复原,证明该文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

摄像机的运动信息是视像内容检索中的一种重要特征。文中介绍了两种基于全局运动的摄像机运动检测方案。首先提取视像中的运动特征作为原始数据,然后分别使用了迭代最小二乘法和支持向量机分类的方法进行摄像机运动的检测,通过对试验结果的对比,前一种方案可更有效地完成摄像机运动类型的判断。  相似文献   

摄像机的运动信息是视像内容检索中的一种重要特征。文中介绍了两种基于全局运动的摄像机运动检测方案。首先提取视像中的运动特征作为原始数据,然后分别使用了迭代最小二乘法和支持向量机分类的方法进行摄像机运动的检测,通过对试验结果的对比,前一种方案可更有效地完成摄像机运动类型的判断。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a global method for estimating the motion of a camera which films a static scene. Our approach is direct, fast and robust, and deals with adjacent frames of a sequence. It is based on a quadratic approximation of the deformation between two images, in the case of a scene with constant depth in the camera coordinate system. This condition is very restrictive but we show that, provided translation and depth inverse variations are small enough, the error on optical flow involved by the approximation of depths by a constant is small. In this context, we propose a new model of camera motion which allows to separate the image deformation in a similarity and a “purely” projective application, due to change of optical axis direction. This model leads to a quadratic approximation of image deformation that we estimate with an M-estimator; we can immediately deduce camera motion parameters. Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
G. KoepflerEmail:

A Multi-Frame Structure-from-Motion Algorithm under Perspective Projection   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
We present a fast, robust algorithm for multi-frame structure from motion from point features which works for general motion and large perspective effects. The algorithm is for point features but easily extends to a direct method based on image intensities. Experiments on synthetic and real sequences show that the algorithm gives results nearly as accurate as the maximum likelihood estimate in a couple of seconds on an IRIS 10000. The results are significantly better than those of an optimal two-image estimate. When the camera projection is close to scaled orthographic, the accuracy is comparable to that of the Tomasi/Kanade algorithm, and the algorithms are comparably fast. The algorithm incorporates a quantitative theoretical analysis of the bas-relief ambiguity and exemplifies how such an analysis can be exploited to improve reconstruction. Also, we demonstrate a structure-from-motion algorithm for partially calibrated cameras, with unknown focal length varying from image to image. Unlike the projective approach, this algorithm fully exploits the partial knowledge of the calibration. It is given by a simple modification of our algorithm for calibrated sequences and is insensitive to errors in calibrating the camera center. Theoretically, we show that unknown focal-length variations strengthen the effects of the bas-relief ambiguity. This paper includes extensive experimental studies of two-frame reconstruction and the Tomasi/Kanade approach in comparison to our algorithm. We find that two-frame algorithms are surprisingly robust and accurate, despite some problems with local minima. We demonstrate experimentally that a nearly optimal two-frame reconstruction can be computed quickly, by a minimization in the motion parameters alone. Lastly, we show that a well known problem with the Tomasi/Kanade algorithm is often not a significant one.  相似文献   

为了解当前数字视频稳像中相机运动估计技术的发展现状、存在问题和发展前景,对其进行了研究。通过对相关文献的归纳和分析,将新兴数字视频稳像中相机运动估计技术分为3D运动估计、传感器辅助运动估计以及新兴2D运动估计,并分别讨论了各种运动估计技术的研究现状、研究成果、不足和挑战。最后,结合技术和市场因素对数字视频稳像中相机运动估计技术的发展前景进行了展望。研究表明,当前数字视频稳像中相机运动估计技术在实时应用和估计精度上都有待改善。  相似文献   

通过给摄像机平移、旋转与变焦等运动建模,并把运动模型与基于象素点亮度变化的方法相结合来估计 摄像机运动参数。用得到的运动参数可以把视频构造成一幅全景图,全景图可广泛应用于视频压缩与检索。实验表 明,该方法可成功地应用于视频会议系统中的视频压缩与视频检索。  相似文献   

通过给摄像机平移、旋转与变焦等运动建模,并把运动模型与基于象素点亮度变化的方法相结合来估计摄像机运动参数。用得到的运动参数可以把视频构造成一幅全景图,全景图可广泛应用于视频压缩与检索。实验表明,该方法可成功地应用于视频会议系统中的视频压缩与视频检索。  相似文献   

In this paper we show how to carry out an automatic alignment of a pan-tilt camera platform with its natural coordinate frame, using only images obtained from the cameras during controlled motion of the unit. An active camera in aligned orientation represents the zero position for each axis, and allows axis odometry to be referred to a fixed reference frame; such referral is otherwise only possible using mechanical means, such as end-stops, which cannot take account of the unknown relationship between the camera coordinate frame and its mounting. The algorithms presented involve the calculation of two-view transformations (homographies or epipolar geometry) between pairs of images related by controlled rotation about individual head axes. From these relationships, which can be calculated linearly or optimised iteratively, an invariant line to the motion can be extracted which represents an aligned viewing direction. We present methods for general and degenerate motion (translating or non-translating), and general and degenerate scenes (non-planar and planar, but otherwise unknown), which do not require knowledge of the camera calibration, and are resistant to lens distortion non-linearity.Detailed experimentation in simulation, and in real scenes, demonstrate the speed, accuracy, and robustness of the methods, with the advantages of applicability to a wide range circumstances and no need to involve calibration objects or complex motions. Accuracy of within half a degree can be achieved with a single motion, and we also show how to improve on this by incorporating images from further motions, using a natural extension of the basic algorithm.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for the estimation of 3D-motion directly from two images using the Radon transform. The feasibility of any camera motion is computed by integrating over all feature pairs that satisfy the epipolar constraint. This integration is equivalent to taking the inner product of a similarity function on feature pairs with a Dirac function embedding the epipolar constraint. The maxima in this five dimensional motion space will correspond to compatible rigid motions. The main novelty is in the realization that the Radon transform is a filtering operator: If we assume that the similarity and Dirac functions are defined on spheres and the epipolar constraint is a group action of rotations on spheres, then the Radon transform is a correlation integral. We propose a new algorithm to compute this integral from the spherical Fourier transform of the similarity and Dirac functions. Generating the similarity function now becomes a preprocessing step which reduces the complexity of the Radon computation by a factor equal to the number of feature pairs processed. The strength of the algorithm is in avoiding a commitment to correspondences, thus being robust to erroneous feature detection, outliers, and multiple motions. The authors are grateful for support through the following grants: NSF-IIS-0083209, NSF-IIS-0121293, NSF-EIA-0324977, NSF-CNS-0423891, NSF-IIS-0431070, and ARO/MURI DAAD19-02-1-0383. The author is grateful for the generous support of the ARO MURI program (DAAD-19-02-1-0383) while at U. C. Berkeley.  相似文献   

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