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刘宗凡:奥数现在已经成为过街老鼠,大家对信息学奥赛又如何看呢?罗新河:信息学奥赛为学生提供了一个学习、竞争和表现的平台。通过信息学奥赛,调动了广大青少年学习计算机的积极性,使更多的青少年能够在课外接触和学习计算机科学知识,  相似文献   

张乐成  迟津愉 《微机发展》2000,10(4):80-80,F003
奥数2000-小学数学水平测试软件,适用于小学三、四、五、六年级的数学学习、奥林匹克数学训练,模拟考试。本文介绍该软件的设计流程及、具体功能和使用环境。  相似文献   

一个好的课件不仅仅是要完成教学目标,而且要给人以美的享受。小学生模仿力、记忆力和可塑性强,具有许多成年人甚至中学生所不具备的优越条件,课件应该考虑到结合教学能充分调动小学生的学习兴趣,正如小学英语课程标准所说,旨在培养小学生学习英语的兴趣、积极的态度,建立起自信心,培养一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,使他们具有初步运用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,为进一步学习打下基础。  相似文献   

小学生人工智能课程学习需要系统化、阶梯化的方式进行。针对目前小学生人工智能课程学习中存在的问题,从提高学生学习目的性和提升实践能力出发,在小学生人工智能课程中引入案例式教学方式。本文提出的超级寻线挑战赛案例可以作为小学生人工智能课程低年级学习和训练内容。实践表明,案例式教学作为一种交互式的教学方法,增强了小学生在课程中的学习兴趣,提高了学生对人工智能课程的认知能力和解决问题的综合能力。将国际和国内面向小学生的人工智能竞赛的比赛课题分解,并转化为课程学习内容,形成训练体系,是一个可行的小学生人工智能课程的教学方案。  相似文献   

主持人:一刘宗凡广东省四会市四会中学矗宾:刘树明广东省深圳市第二实验学校陈鸥辉湖南省株洲市二中罗新河湖南省浏阳市田家炳实验中学刘宗凡:奥数现在已经成为过街老鼠,大家对信息学奥赛又如何看呢?罗新河:信息学奥赛为学生提供了一个学习、竞争和表现的平台。通过信息学奥赛,调动了广大青少年学习计算机的积极性,使更多的青少年能够在课外接触和学习计算机科学知识,提高他们的逻辑思维能力、解决实际问题的能力、协作能力和沟通能力。参加信息学奥赛更是为优秀的学生提供了相互交流和学习的机会。  相似文献   

“小学生是研究性学习的主人”,对学生进行研究性学习成果的评价,应该坚持以学生的评价为主体。教师的导评要促进学生的主动发展,使研究性学习评价成为激励学生不断探素的动力。  相似文献   

曾经在网上看到一则报道:我国参加历届世界奥数竞赛的金奖获得者,在经历若干年后并没有任何一位成为数学家或是在数学领域中有所成就。当他们回忆数学的学习过程时,脑海里出现的是枯燥、抽象、毫无实际价值的数学学习。这不禁让人发问:我们的数学怎么了?我们学习数学的价值体现在哪里?怎样的数学才是有价值的?  相似文献   

语文学习能力,是小学生完成语文学习活动所必需的各种学习方法、学习技巧及各种能力的总和。小学生是学习的主体,教师只有培养好学生的语文学习能力,才能引导学生主动学习语文,并且将课本上的语文知识转化为内在的语文核心素养。本文将就如何培养小学生语文学习能力展开探索,希望本文对各地的小学语文教师有所帮助。  相似文献   

王少梅 《网友世界》2013,(22):141-141
阅读是所有课程的基础,也是语文学习中最重要的课程。在小学语文课程教学中,老师应该真正做到以学生为主体,提高小学生阅读学习的主动性与实践性,使小学生喜欢语文阅读,从而达到提高小学生阅读实践能力的目的。本文首先分析了小学语文阅读教学实践性的内涵,然后提出了增强小学语文阅读实践性的措施。  相似文献   

在小学生的自主学习中,保障全体成员都要进行参与,强调自主学习的重要性。为保证体育教学的有效性,体育活动后应设置考核环节,小学生可以一起讨论运动过程中遇到的问题。结合生活实际,总结学生会遇到的常见问题,针对问题进行回答,养成及时总结和自主学习的好习惯。因此,本文就小学体育教育如何培养小学生的自主学习能力这一课题,展开了相关研究。  相似文献   

The implementation of a computer game for learning about geography by primary school students is the focus of this article. Researchers designed and developed a three-dimensional educational computer game. Twenty four students in fourth and fifth grades in a private school in Ankara, Turkey learnt about world continents and countries through this game for three weeks. The effects of the game environment on students’ achievement and motivation and related implementation issues were examined through both quantitative and qualitative methods. An analysis of pre and post achievement tests showed that students made significant learning gains by participating in the game-based learning environment. When comparing their motivations while learning in the game-based learning environment and in their traditional school environment, it was found that students demonstrated statistically significant higher intrinsic motivations and statistically significant lower extrinsic motivations learning in the game-based environment. In addition, they had decreased focus on getting grades and they were more independent while participating in the game-based activities. These positive effects on learning and motivation, and the positive attitudes of students and teachers suggest that computer games can be used as an ICT tool in formal learning environments to support students in effective geography learning.  相似文献   

《计算机应用》是中职学生必修的一门公共基础课,根据现阶段中职学生的特点和实际情况,通过“创、探、结、用、评”五步教学法,充分发挥学生在教学中的主体作用,在完成课程教学目标的同时,培养学生自主探索学习、相互协作解决问题、学以致用的意识,养成使用信息技术为学习、生活、工作服务的习惯。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a research project in which we transformed a primary (grade) 3 science curriculum for delivery via mobile technologies, and a teacher enacted the lessons over the 2009 academic year in a class in a primary school in Singapore. The students had a total of 21 weeks of the mobilized lessons in science, which were co‐designed by teachers and researchers by tapping into the affordances of mobile technologies for supporting inquiry learning in and outside of class. We examine the learning effectiveness of the enacted mobilized science curriculum. The results show that among the six mixed‐ability classes in primary (grade) 3 in the school, the experimental class performed better than other classes as measured by traditional assessments in the science subject. With mobilized lessons, students were found to learn science in personal, deep and engaging ways as well as developed positive attitudes towards mobile learning.  相似文献   

Three groups participated in a study on the added value of mobile technology for learning English as a second language for primary school students. The first group had classroom lessons in English about zoo animals and their characteristics. The second group took classroom lessons and worked with a mobile application on location in a public zoo. The third group received the same treatment as the second but, as an extension, was allowed to take the mobile application home for a fortnight. A pre- and a posttest were conducted to measure the individual change in mastery of a set of targeted English words. The results showed that the group which took the mobile phone home improved the most. However, when the additional learning time, spent apart from school, of this third group was controlled for, the superior performance of the group disappeared. The results indicate that students are motivated to use the application in their spare time and that this benefits their learning. The conclusion is that formal school learning can be augmented by learning in an informal context, away from school.  相似文献   

Computational thinking (CT) plays a vital role in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). However, whether students' learning attitude towards STEM is related to their CT skills remains unknown. Two studies were conducted to address this knowledge gap. In Study 1, we validated a newly developed STEM learning attitude scale among a sample of Chinese primary school students (N = 489). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis results revealed that the scale which consisted of three factors (mathematics, science and information technology) could sufficiently measure primary school students' STEM learning attitude in the current sample. In Study 2, we explored the association between students' STEM learning attitude and their CT skills. Evidence revealed that learning attitude towards STEM significantly predicted CT skills. We also found that girls had a more positive learning attitude towards STEM than boys, and the fourth grade might be the key period for the development of CT skills. Implications for promoting primary school students' STEM learning and CT skills were also discussed.  相似文献   

Critical user interface design features of computer-assisted instruction programs in mathematics for students with learning disabilities and corresponding implementation guidelines were identified in this study. Based on the identified features and guidelines, a multimedia computer-assisted instruction program, ‘Math Explorer’, which delivers addition and subtraction word problem-solving instruction for students with learning disabilities at the early elementary level, was designed and developed. Lastly, usability testing was conducted to assess whether Math Explorer was well-designed in terms of the interface for students with learning disabilities. Given the results of the usability testing, this study corroborated the fact that the critical user interface design features and guidelines in mathematics computer-assisted instruction programs would be essential for facilitating the mathematical learning of students with learning disabilities. Implications for practice and future research were discussed.  相似文献   

Virtual schooling was first employed in the mid-1990s and has become a common method of distance education used in K-12 jurisdictions. The most accepted definition of a virtual school is an entity approved by a state or governing body that offers courses through distance delivery – most commonly using the Internet. While virtual schools can be classified in different ways, the three common methods of delivery are by independent, asynchronous or synchronous means. Presently, the vast majority of virtual school students tended to be a select group of academically capable, motivated, independent learners. The benefits associated with virtual schooling are expanding educational access, providing high-quality learning opportunities, improving student outcomes and skills, allowing for educational choice, and achieving administrative efficiency. However, the research to support these conjectures is limited at best. The challenges associated with virtual schooling include the conclusion that the only students typically successful in online learning environments are those who have independent orientations towards learning, highly motivated by intrinsic sources, and have strong time management, literacy, and technology skills. These characteristics are typically associated with adult learners. This stems from the fact that research into and practice of distance education has typically been targeted to adult learners. The problem with this focus is that adults learn differently than younger learners. Researchers are calling for more research into the factors that account for K-12 student success in distance education and virtual school environments and more design research approaches than traditional comparisons of student achievement in traditional and virtual schools.  相似文献   

The paper reports on the outcomes of a study that utilized a graphical tool, Digalo, to stimulate argumentative interactions in both school and informal learning settings. Digalo was developed in a European study to explore argumentation in a range of learning environments. The focus here is on the potential for using Digalo in promoting argumentative interactions of students in primary science, first, in a school‐based context of students investigating and learning about electricity, and second, in a hands‐on science discovery centre where students are interacting with different scientific phenomena. Data sources included observations of students using Digalo in the two contexts and the resultant Digalo maps. Analysis of observations focused on students' engagement and interactions, and of Digalo maps in terms of the process and content of argumentation. A previously developed level system was used to evaluate the process of argumentation. The study has revealed some limitations of Digalo as a teaching resource, but has provided insights into ways in which students build their knowledge with the help of Digalo as they interact with each other and with scientific phenomena.  相似文献   

Colleges offering 2-year diplomas to high-school graduates were among the forefront leaders in online learning however studies illustrating appropriate course construction for such student populations are scarce. Pharmacy Math (MATH16532) is a core course for students enrolled in the Practical Nursing (PN) and Pharmacy Technician (PT) programs at Sheridan Institute. PT and PN students enrolled in MATH16532 during their first term were surveyed to determine student attitudes and skills gained from participating in an online course. Students were then followed up during their second term studies to determine transferability of skills gained. Initially, students did not exhibit a positive attitude towards the online version of Math16532. Participation in the online version of MATH16532 however allowed students to enhance their written ability and critical appraisal skills, gain time management skills, and become independent learners. PT and PN students preferred an orientation session at the beginning of the course and a well organized, easy-to-navigate course. Even though considered as predominantly digital native students, both student groups remained anxious throughout the course regarding the online delivery and preferred a hybrid mode of delivery. Despite the initial resistance to an online math course, students indicated that they would retake the course again in an online format towards the end of the course and there appeared to be a trend to enrol in another online course. Several recommendations regarding the design and construct of online courses in a 2-year college program are provided to facilitate acceptance of online learning for students enrolled in such programs.  相似文献   

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