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矢量场可视化是科学计算可视化的重要组成部分。提出了一种新的平面矢量场可视化方法,该方法利用局部区域内流线的近似平行性,将种子点的影响范围扩大,使一条流线能够覆盖与其平行的相邻的几条流线上的点,同时对流线之间进行调和,使流线间比较平滑。由于该方法一条流线上覆盖了更多的点,提高了计算速度,可达到交互可视化的要求。并将几种方法的结果图象进行了比较。  相似文献   

基于半规则纹理合成的流场可视化技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
直接利用半规则纹理本身蕴涵的方向信息对流场进行可视化.结果直观有效,而且适用的纹理范围广泛,丰富了流场可视化的手段,首先应用基于块的二维方向纹理合成方法生成第一帧图像,随着流体的流动,每一小块的4个顶点移动到新的位置,然后将原有的纹理映射到新的四边形上,同时计算出每个点的变形程度,如果某点变形过大,那么把该点标为无效点,重新合成,最后,一帧帧连续合成的纹理组成一个流场可视化的动画。  相似文献   

LIC纹理中可视矢量大小的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
线积分卷积 (LinearIntegralConvolution ,LIC)纹理很好地可视了 2D矢量场的方向信息 ,本文提出了两种在LIC纹理中同时可视矢量大小的方法 :多粒度LIC和图像混合。多粒度LIC利用纹理粒度可视矢量大小 ,采用变宽度的邻域平均 ,快速、方便地合成多粒度噪声 ,然后 ,利用滤波器长可变的FLIC快速计算。图像混合技术将LIC纹理和矢量大小的映射图像混合 ,同时可视大小和方向 ,讨论了多种矢量大小的映射方法和硬件支持的图像混合技术。对于实际的矢量场 ,上述两种方法取得了很好的可视效果。  相似文献   

为提高3D矢量场可视化效果,提出了一种基于微分滤波的流线增强方法。首先对三维纹理进行线性卷积运算,生成具有空间相关性的卷积纹理;其次对卷积纹理进行分数阶微分滤波,增强流线之间强度对比;最后采用纹理映射体绘制技术实现三维矢量场可视化,并通过设计体绘制的传输函数来显示矢量场的内部结构。实验结果表明,该方法有效地增强了流线间的对比,使绘制的流线更加平滑,同时也有效地消除了卷积数据过多引起的紊乱与相互遮挡。  相似文献   

徐庆  张军 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(11):3507-3511
针对现有流场可视化算法存在的矢量场运动指向二义性以及缺乏对矢量场速率区分等问题进行了研究,提出了一种基于多频稀疏噪声纹理的改进线积分卷积算法,用来提高流场可视化后的信息表达效果。该方法首先根据矢量场速率量级的大小划分频率不同的噪声群,并合成适用于该向量场的特定多频噪声纹理;然后使用斜坡卷积核根据向量场流线对噪声纹理进行卷积;最后生成一幅同时具有矢量场运动方向和运动速率信息的彩色图像。实验结果表明,该方法可以增强用户对流场流量大小和矢量场方向的感知效果,在大规模风场数据可视化的验证实验上取得了良好的可视化效果。  相似文献   

基于纹理映射与Phong光照模型的体绘制加速算法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高体绘制速度,提出了一种基于纹理映射、具有Phong光照效果的体绘制加速算法.该算法是根据Phong光照模型,利用一单位球面体来仿真相同光照绘制条件下的每一个体素的反射光强,首先形成一个以法线矢量为索引值的反射光强查寻表,再应用窗值变换的加速算法来计算体素的不透明度;然后采用纹理映射的方法将体素光强值与由不透明度组成的3D数据集从物体空间投射到观察空间,再沿视方向融合为3D图象.实验表明,这种3D旋转的明暗修正保证了体绘制中3D旋转几何变换的多视角观察的交互速度.由于该算法综合了体绘制软件算法数据处理与纹理映射硬件加速的优点,并用2D纹理映射与融合的方法实现了体数据的3D重建,因而不仅降低了对计算机硬件与软件环境的要求,而且在目前通用个人计算机上即可获得近似实时的交互绘制速度和良好的3D图象品质.据研究,该算法同样适用于3D纹理映射的体绘制方法.  相似文献   

基于三角块的曲面纹理合成   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
根据曲面网格上的切向矢量场,采用广度优先搜索策略从样本纹理空间中为每个三角面片映射纹理面片,直至完全覆盖整个网格.在搜索和映射过程中,首先使网格上相邻三角面片的纹理有最小的匹配误差;然后对相邻的三角面片纹理使用图的分割方法拼接纹理,得到曲面上连续的合成纹理;最后压缩存储合成的三角面片纹理.该算法适用于多种类型的样本纹理和任意的三角化曲面.  相似文献   

运用局部纹理映射加速曲面纹理合成   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
基于样图的纹理合成方法能够在网格曲面上合成高质量纹理,但合成速度有待进一步提高,对此提出一种运用局部纹理映射加速曲面纹理合成的算法.首先以三角形法向量、切向矢量与纹理尺度为约束,将三角网格曲面分割为一系列映射区与合成区;然后用基于块的平面纹理合成方法生成大面积样图,用调和映射方法对映射区进行纹理映射;最后采用基于三角块的合成方法生成合成区纹理.实验结果表明,该算法对一般的随机性纹理与半结构性纹理具有很高的合成质量,能够控制纹理方向与尺度的变化.由于大部分三角形的纹理通过局部纹理映射得到,仅需要合成少数三角形的纹理,纹理合成过程得到大幅度地加速.  相似文献   

纹理合成是真实感图形绘制中重要的技术.对由三角网格组成的曲面模型,提出了一种基于表面三角块矢量场的纹理合成方法.首先用矢量加平滑方法来计算曲面上每个三角块上的纹理方向矢量,并根据这些纹理方向来合成纹理;然后在样本纹理空间按扫描线顺序搜索样本纹理空间,找出最匹配的纹理坐标;算法用队列作为存取结构,并且结果保存在队列中,达...  相似文献   

线积分卷积(LIC)算法展现的纹理反映了整个矢量场的方向结构,但却不能展现矢量场的强度大小。针对此问题提出基于非线性渐变式颜色映射的LIC改进算法,将矢量场强度与白噪声结合作为LIC的输入纹理,运用FastLIC思想并划分纹理区域同步执行LIC运算来提高算法效率;再将矢量场强度作非线性变换,根据渐变式颜色映射方案使用OpenCV处理引擎并行实现矢量场强度的颜色映射; 最后由LIC得到的灰度纹理和颜色映射结果确定合成系数并构造累计函数增强两者结果,再进行线性合成运算得到最终的可视化效果。在对全球海洋流场和风场两种典型的矢量场进行可视化以及与其他算法对比实验表明,改进算法得到的可视化效果纹理清晰,较好地展示出矢量场的方向和强度,能够更准确地反映矢量场的全方位信息和局部变化情况。  相似文献   

流线形风格化图像生成算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流线形风格化图像是印象派风格的典型代表,其艺术特点是通过流线条表现狂野与活泼的流动感,又通过色彩的层叠感表现时空的凝滞性.提出一种流线形风格化图像绘制算法,通过提取目标图像的结构矢量场,利用欧拉弹性模型进行光顺化得到流线场;通过结合凹凸映射的多源光照渲染和色彩扰动得到色彩层叠感强的纹理图;然后利用线积分卷积方法对流线场和纹理图进行合成,并利用样本梵高图像进行颜色传输得到最终的绘制结果.实验结果表明该算法自动化程度高,绘制结果具有较好的流线流动感和色彩层叠感.  相似文献   

在纹理合成过程中利用向量场作为指导,生成反映向量场大小和方向变化的合成结果.采用块纹理合成的流程,在对向量场合成块均匀划分的基础上,通过进一步的自适应分割,将向量场划分成为不同大小和不同形状的最终合成块,使之与向量场的变化趋势相吻合.对向量变化过于剧烈的区域,则采用点合成的方式进行纹理合成,以保证合成效果的平滑.实验表明,文中的方法可以实现快速而高质量的向量场可视化.  相似文献   

基于纹理的高质量的曲面流场可视化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种流线增强的纹理算法,可实时生成高质量的纹理表征曲面矢量场.通过对卷积纹理在垂直矢量方向上进行一维高通滤波,增加流线间的强度对比,提高了图像质量,使得曲面矢量场易于观察.该算法基于图像空间,并且具有很好的时间空间相关性,利用当前图形卡的可编程性和并行运算能力,可以在微机上达到实时绘制的性能.  相似文献   

针对三维透视投影视图中对三维物体表面纹理直接进行喷绘,以获得复杂纹理图这一计算机图形交互技术这一新问题,研究了一种将纹理图的象素位置信息转换成彩色信息,然后利用纹理映射将纹理坐标连同该点上的颜色值一起传递到与屏幕象素对应的可见点上的方法,其中颜色值依该点处的入射光线方向和表面法向被进一步转换为光强值,而纹理坐标则被解码后还原成与该可见点对应的纹理坐标,被存入信息缓冲器中,供以后使用,通过解码,可根据屏幕点直接得到纹理象素点的坐标,经过算法优化,实现了对三维物体表面纹理的实时喷绘;同时阐述了在三维图象生成技术中使用附加纹理信息的应用实例以及相关定义。  相似文献   

Visualization of vector fields using seed LIC and volume rendering   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Line integral convolution (LIC) is a powerful texture-based technique for visualizing vector fields. Due to the high computational expense of generating 3D textures and the difficulties of effectively displaying the result, LIC has most commonly been used to depict vector fields in 2D or over a surface in 3D. We propose new methods for more effective volume visualization of three-dimensional vector fields using LIC: 1) we present a fast method for computing volume LIC textures that exploits the sparsity of the input texture. 2) We propose the use of a shading technique, called limb darkening, to reveal the depth relations among the field lines. The shading effect is obtained simply by using appropriate transfer functions and, therefore, avoids using expensive shading techniques. 3) We demonstrate how two-field visualization techniques can be used to enhance the visual information describing a vector field. The volume LIC textures are rendered using texture-based rendering techniques, which allows interactive exploration of a vector field.  相似文献   

Unsteady Flow Visualization by Animating Evenly-Spaced Streamlines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years the work on vector field visualization has been concentrated on LIC-based methods. In this paper we propose an alternative solution for the visualization of unsteady flow fields. Our approach is based on the computation of temporal series of correlated images. While other methods are based on pathlines and try to correlate successive images at the pixel level, our approach consists in correlating instantaneous visualizations of the vector field at the streamline level. For each frame a feed forward algorithm computes a set of evenly-spaced streamlines as a function of the streamlines generated for the previous frame. This is achieved by establishing a correspondence between streamlines at successive time steps. A cyclical texture is mapped onto every streamline and textures of corresponding streamlines at different time steps are correlated together so that, during the animation, they move along the streamlines, giving the illusion that the flow is moving in the direction defined by the streamline. Our method gives full control on the image density so that we are able to produce smooth animations of arbitrary density, covering the field of representations from sparse, that is classical streamline-based images, to dense, that is texture-like images.  相似文献   

Traditionally, texture coordinates have been generated based solely on the model's geometry, often even before a model's textures have been created. With the arrival of new technologies, such as 3D paint programs, weaknesses of a static optimization pre-process are becoming apparent. These weaknesses arise from constructing a parameterization based solely on the model's geometry, ignoring the fact that detail is not uniformly spaced throughout the texture space. In fact, certain regions of the texture are more important than other regions. In this paper we introduce the notion of the "importance map" and describe how importance values are derived from both intrinsic properties of the texture and user-guided highlights. Furthermore, we describe how importance maps are used to drive the texture coordinate optimization. Finally, we show how this optimization process can be integrated into a 3D painting environment, enabling periodic optimization at any stage of texture design.  相似文献   

Many interesting real‐world textures are inhomogeneous and/or anisotropic. An inhomogeneous texture is one where various visual properties exhibit significant changes across the texture's spatial domain. Examples include perceptible changes in surface color, lighting, local texture pattern and/or its apparent scale, and weathering effects, which may vary abruptly, or in a continuous fashion. An anisotropic texture is one where the local patterns exhibit a preferred orientation, which also may vary across the spatial domain. While many example‐based texture synthesis methods can be highly effective when synthesizing uniform (stationary) isotropic textures, synthesizing highly non‐uniform textures, or ones with spatially varying orientation, is a considerably more challenging task, which so far has remained underexplored. In this paper, we propose a new method for automatic analysis and controlled synthesis of such textures. Given an input texture exemplar, our method generates a source guidance map comprising: (i) a scalar progression channel that attempts to capture the low frequency spatial changes in color, lighting, and local pattern combined, and (ii) a direction field that captures the local dominant orientation of the texture. Having augmented the texture exemplar with this guidance map, users can exercise better control over the synthesized result by providing easily specified target guidance maps, which are used to constrain the synthesis process.  相似文献   

We propose a new technique for visual exploration of streamlines in 3D vector fields. We construct a map from the space of all streamlines to points in IR(n) based on the preservation of the Hausdorff metric in streamline space. The image of a vector field under this map is a set of 2-manifolds in IR(n) with characteristic geometry and topology. Then standard clustering methods applied to the point sets in IR(n) yield a segmentation of the original vector field. Our approach provides a global analysis of 3D vector fields which incorporates the topological segmentation but yields additional information. In addition to a pure segmentation, the established map provides a natural "parametrization” visualized by the manifolds. We test our approach on a number of synthetic and real-world data sets.  相似文献   

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