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基于小波变换和数据融合技术的图像降噪方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种基于小波变换和数据融合技术的图像降噪的方法.此方法对同一原始图像信号不同噪声的多源图像分别进行小波分解,在图像分解的高频域内,对小波系数进行阈值处理后,再进行数据融合处理,根据“多数原则”选择重要小波系数.在低频域内,新的逼近系数则通过对多幅图像的逼近系数直接进行加权平均得到.然后利用重要小波系数和逼近系数进行小波反变换,即可得到融合后的图像.实验结果表明:此方法既可以有效地降低噪声,又可以较好地保持图像细节.  相似文献   

二元树复小波变换及其在图象方向滤波中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
复小波变换虽然具有良好的方向选择性和平移不变性 ,但不具备完全重构性条件 ,而二元树复小波变换(DTCWT)正好解决了这一难题 .在分析二元树复小波分解后的 12个高频子带方向性的基础上 ,利用其良好的方向选择性提出了一种对线形纹理图象进行增强滤波的方法 .该方法借助于小波变换域的方向解析性 ,在各子带中保留图象中各局部主方向的信息而滤除其他方向的噪声 .利用该方法进行滤波还可以避免对信号和噪声频率特性和统计特性进行估计 ,从而大大减小了滤波的复杂程度 .以指纹图象为例的实验结果表明 ,该方法效果较好 ,便于实现 ,尤其适用于噪声特性复杂的纹理图象的滤波 .  相似文献   

提出了一种新的基于小波变换的三维EM(Expectation Maximum)图像复原算法,并将该算法用于显微光学切片的图像复原中。该算法分别在傅里叶域和小波域内交替进行,在傅里叶域进行解卷积,在小波域进行去噪。实验表明,通过对参数的合理选取,可很好地对三维图像进行复原。同时和已有的调整EM图像复原算法相比,迭代的次数少,效率明显提高。  相似文献   

一种基于小波变换的红外图像去噪方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一种基于小波变换的红外图像去噪方法。该方法针对红外图像的噪声分布特性,对红外图像中的乘性噪声进行对数变换,使乘性噪声变为加性噪声,并对变换后红外图像的小波变换系数进行阈值处理实现图像去噪。实验结果表明:此方法比传统的小波变换方法对噪声有更好的抑制作用。  相似文献   

刘金华 《计算机应用》2014,34(6):1758-1761
为了克服传统各项异性扩散模型在图像滤波时出现的阶梯效应和边缘模糊问题,利用复小波变换较好的完美重构性和方向选择性等特点,结合图像的梯度和复小波变换模特征,设计了一种复小波域自适应图像扩散滤波模型,提出了一种基于指数变量的自适应扩散图像滤波算法。通过计算机仿真验证了所提算法的滤波性能,结果表明该算法在低信噪比条件下可有效地滤除图像噪声,并且能较好地保持图像的边缘、纹理等细节信息。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的基于仿生小波变换的语音增强方法。该方法通过对仿生小波变换系数进行阈值处理,从而达到语音增强的目的。实验结果表明:该方法在四种实际噪声环境下均优于一些经典方法如:谱减法、维纳滤波和基于离散小波变换的阈值去噪方法,具有更好的语音增强效果。  相似文献   

一种基于小波变换图像去噪的方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了一种基于图像软阈值小波变换的高斯白噪声消除法。该算法根据含噪声图的特点,把信号分成信号象素与可能噪声象素两类,对于可能是噪声的象素,采用图像的小波软阈值去噪方法进行滤波,而对信号象素不产生影响,且能保留更多的图像细节。文中也给出了标准中值滤波,自适应维纳滤波算法和小波软阈值去噪的算法进行比较实验,结果表明用小波软阈值去噪的算法处理高度污染高斯白噪声的图像能力明显强于标准中值滤波,稍微优于自适应维纳滤波算法,且能够比较好保留图像的细节部分。  相似文献   

Texture image retrieval using new rotated complex wavelet filters.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A new set of two-dimensional (2-D) rotated complex wavelet filters (RCWFs) are designed with complex wavelet filter coefficients, which gives texture information strongly oriented in six different directions (45 degrees apart from complex wavelet transform). The 2-D RCWFs are nonseparable and oriented, which improves characterization of oriented textures. Most texture image retrieval systems are still incapable of providing retrieval result with high retrieval accuracy and less computational complexity. To address this problem, we propose a novel approach for texture image retrieval by using a set of dual-tree rotated complex wavelet filter (DT-RCWF) and dual-tree-complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) jointly, which obtains texture features in 12 different directions. The information provided by DT-RCWF complements the information generated by DT-CWT. Features are obtained by computing the energy and standard deviation on each subband of the decomposed image. To check the retrieval performance, texture database D1 of 1856 textures from Brodatz album and database D2 of 640 texture images from VisTex image database is created. Experimental results indicates that the proposed method improves retrieval rate from 69.61% to 77.75% on database D1, and from 64.83% to 82.81% on database D2, in comparing with traditional discrete wavelet transform based approach. The proposed method also retains comparable levels of computational complexity.  相似文献   

In this paper a method for detection of image forgery in lossy compressed digital images known as error level analysis (ELA) is presented and it’s noisy components are filtered with automatic wavelet soft-thresholding. With ELA, a lossy compressed image is recompressed at a known error rate and the absolute differences between these images, known as error levels, are computed. This method might be weakened if the image noise generated by the compression scheme is too intense, creating the necessity of noise filtering. Wavelet thresholding is a proven denoising technique which is capable of removing an image’s noise avoiding altering other components, like high frequencies regions, by thresholding the wavelet transform coefficients, thus not causing blurring. Despite its effectiveness, the choice of the threshold is a known issue. However there are some approaches to select it automatically. In this paper, a lowpass filter is implemented through wavelet thresholding, attenuating error level noises. An efficient method to automatically determine the threshold level is used, showing good results in threshold selection for the presented problems. This automatic threshold level can be fine tuned by a parameter k. Standard test images have been doctored to simulate image tampering, error levels for these images are computed and wavelet thresholding is performed to attenuate noise. Results are presented, confirming the method’s efficiency at noise filtering while preserving necessary error levels. The main contribution of this paper is the investigation of Daubechies wavelets with semi-automatic soft-thresholding in order to highlight forgeries in images. These results can be further extended by expert systems to classify and identify forgeries.  相似文献   

After dimensionality reduction of a hyperspectral datacube using principal component analysis (PCA), the dimension-reduced channels often contain a significant amount of noise. To overcome this problem, this letter proposes a method that can fulfil both denoising and dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral data using wavelet packets, neighbour wavelet shrinking and PCA. A 2D forward wavelet packet transform is performed in the spatial domain on each of the band images of a hyperspectral datacube, the wavelet packet coefficients are then shrunk by employing a neighbourhood wavelet thresholding scheme, and an inverse 2D wavelet packet transform is performed on the thresholded coefficients to create the denoised datacube. PCA is applied on the denoised datacube in the spectral domain to obtain the dimension-reduced datacube. Experiments conducted in this letter confirm the feasibility of the proposed method for denoising and dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral data.  相似文献   

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