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水下滑翔机是一种依靠水动力和净浮力驱动的新型水下机器人. 本文分析了滑翔机在垂直面滑翔时, 浮力变化和内置可动质量块位置变化对滑翔机运动状态的影响.针对滑翔机在潜浮切换时, 由于机翼受力不对称产生的无升力现象而导致的切换过程不稳定的问题, 采用两点边值的优化控制方法, 规划了内置质量块的位量, 以消除滑翔机在潜浮切换过程中各个时刻产生的不对称无升力现象.最后给出了滑翔机实际机械系统可接受的最优控制 方案. 仿真表明了这种优化方法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于模糊混合控制策略,本文提出了一种用于非线性欠驱动自治水下机器人的鲁棒路径跟踪控制方法.利用Sugeno型模糊推理系统,将PD滑模控制器与非奇异终端滑模控制器光滑连接,构造了模糊混合控制器.它能充分融合这两类控制器的优势,无论系统远离平衡点还是在其附近,都能取得快速收敛的效果.如果,借助于非时间参考量,将该混合控制器用于自治水下机器人路径跟踪控制,将有利于提高它在不确定环境中的跟踪能力.最后,通过仿真计算结果验证了该控制策略的有效性.  相似文献   

水下滑翔机是一种依靠重心和自身净浮力变化驱动航行的新型水下机器人。为满足其长时间大尺度海洋调查的要求,设计了一种无线电和铱星卫星通信相结合的通信系统,并根据通信系统在海洋环境下通信链路不稳定的特点,设计了一种改进Xmodem通信协议,以保证水下滑翔机在海洋调查过程中通信的有效性和可靠性。通过海上实验表明:该通信系统和改进Xmodem协议可以满足水下滑翔机上传实验数据的应用需求。  相似文献   

王波  孙玉山  曹建  张国成 《控制工程》2011,18(3):439-443
水下机器人空间运动具有耦合性和非线性等特点,具有良好品质的运动控制器是水下机器人完成各种作业的前提.针对某舵桨联合操纵小型自主式水下机器人运动控制问题进行了研究.对速度,深度和艏向控制系统进行了介绍,根据控制需求,建立了水下机器人动力学模型,对执行机构进行了描述,设计了水下机器人滑模控制方案,采用变速趋近项代替一般指数...  相似文献   

能耗最优的水下滑翔机采样路径规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱心科  俞建成  王晓辉 《机器人》2011,33(3):360-365
研究了以能耗为优化准则的水下滑翔机海洋环境参数采样路径规划方法.首先,根据水下滑翔机的运动特点,建立了水下滑翔机采样作业过程的能耗模型;其次,基于能耗模型提出了一种能耗最小的滑翔运动参数优化方法,该方法避免了求解复杂的混合整数非线性规划问题;之后,在能耗最优的滑翔运动参数优化基础上,提出了一种基于两步链式Lin-Ker...  相似文献   

朱大奇  杜青 《系统仿真技术》2013,9(3):193-198,212
研究了自治水下机器人(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,AUV)三维环境中编队控制问题,应用领航一跟随式队形控制方法,仅利用领航者的位置信息及期望编队队形得到虚拟机器人的航行轨迹及速度信息,作为跟随者的航行参考量,应用反步及滑模控制方法为跟随者设计自适应控制律,使其轨迹收敛于虚拟机器人的轨迹,从而与领航者保持期望位姿关系。随后,在具体AUV动力学模型上,利用MATLAB/SIMULINK平台进行了编队控制的仿真研究,实现了预期的控制效果,验证了算法的有效性及实用性。  相似文献   

韩银锋 《测控技术》2017,36(1):76-79
针对液压驱动四足机器人伺服系统非线性和不确定性严重的问题,提出了一种快速响应、鲁棒性好、控制精度高的模糊滑模控制器,并进行了仿真研究.首先,建立了液压驱动伺服机器人的液压动力机构非线性数学模型,利用Lyapunov方法设计了滑模控制器;其次,构造了一个模糊边界层宽度调节器,削弱滑模控制的抖振;最后,分析了参考力、液压参数、供油压力及负载刚度变化对系统输出的影响.仿真结果表明,该控制器对液压伺服力系统非线性和参数变化具有较好的控制效果.该方法用于四足液压驱动伺服机器人的控制是可行的、有效的.  相似文献   

赵文涛  俞建成  张艾群 《机器人》2018,40(2):206-215
为了实现以水下滑翔机为平台,组队进行海洋中尺度涡旋的采样观测任务,提出了一种水下滑翔机队形协同控制方法.该控制方法可以使滑翔机能够完成以涡旋中心为圆心的预定圆形轨迹的循迹采样,同时在采样过程中能够使滑翔机保持任意预定的相对位置关系.首先,利用极坐标系对滑翔机的队形参数进行建模;然后根据队形参数提出对应的能量方程;最后通过最小化能量方程的导函数,制订相应的水下滑翔机航向控制律.通过建立仿真系统并对不同的轨迹参数进行仿真,在涡旋中心恒速运动和变速运动的情况下,载体均实现了对涡旋区域内不同半径圆形轨迹的跟踪采样观测任务,证明了该方法能够满足圆形预定轨迹上滑翔机队形保持的要求,为进行海洋中尺度涡旋区域组队观测采样提供了一种有效的队形控制方法.  相似文献   

水下机器人(ROV)的运动具有非线性、多耦合和时变等特点,需要一类数学模型要求低、自适应能力强的非线性控制方法;因此以自主研制的新型的面向海洋工程水下结构检测与清污机器人(MC-ROV)为研究对象,通过水池试验,研究并建立了纵向和艏向动力学模型;最后设计了一种新颖的结合PID控制的约束输入输出的直接广义预测控制算法,对MC-ROV纵向、艏向运动展开研究;仿真结果表明,该算法具有计算量小、震荡低、自适应强等优点,具有良好的控制效果.  相似文献   

针对水下机器人常规反步跟踪控制的速度跳变问题,提出了基于生物启发模型的反步滑模混合控制方法.应用生物启发模型的平滑、有界输出特性,产生渐变的参考跟踪速度,克服了速度跳变问题,也满足了推进器推力约束.同时自适应滑模控制算法产生跟踪控制律,对于水下干扰及模型不确定影响具有鲁棒性,能够实现水下机器人稳定、准确的轨迹跟踪控制.所提方法的稳定性通过Lyapunov理论进行了证明,并将该方法对FALCON开架水下机器人进行水平面离散轨迹跟踪控制的仿真研究,实验结果表明了提出控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   

水下滑翔器是一种长续航新型水下机器人,利用其高效的驱动方式能够航行数月,因而相比其他无人水下自主航行器,滑翔器控制系统的可靠性显得尤为关键。根据水下滑翔器长续航的工作需求,结合其分布式控制系统的架构形式,设计了一种主从互转式应急控制技术。通过CPU互监控以及建立公共存储区等手段,实现了控制器异常情况下的非复位式热切换,保证了滑翔器重要动作部件的正常运行。试验结果表明,利用主从互转式控制方式,可以极大的减小了控制系统中主CPU宕机对滑翔器自主运行的影响,增加水下滑翔器的安全性能。  相似文献   

研究了二阶积分器描述的多机器人主—从行星式编队控制问题,提出了将多机器人编队分解为每个机器人对各自具有时变速度的虚拟机器人的跟踪控制,使得每个机器人相对于虚拟机器人的位置与速度跟踪误差收敛为零且彼此不相碰撞,此时编队系统收敛到理想队形.在统一的算法框架下,分别实现了跟随者以领航者为中心的公转运动编队(revolution formation,RF)模式和跟随者与领航者保持期望距离、期望速度的编队(desiredformation,DF)模式.公转运动编队(RF)模式适用于异构多机器人系统的环境探索任务;保持期望距离、期望速度的编队(DF)模式适用于自主水下机器人(AUV)、无人机(UAV)等合作与协调任务.应用李亚普诺夫稳定性理论对控制算法的稳定性进行了分析,并通过计算机仿真验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Recent advances in sensing and intelligent control technologies open a whole new dimension in underwater autonomy. However, before truly-capable, autonomous underwater robots can be created for subsea intervention and exploration, many research issues must be first investigated and developed experimentally on testbed platforms.OTTER is an underwater robot designed to be used as a testbed for autonomous technologies. Both OTTER's hardware and software systems are configured to support simultaneous development and testing of different concepts for underwater robotic by independent researchers. A general control-software framework enables common access to all subsystems and avoids the duplication of basic robotic functionality jointly required by all projects. Additionally, the new autonomous technologies enabled by the results of individual research are mutually compatible and can be easily integrated into a single robotic system. Examples of new technologies demonstrated on the OTTER underwater robot include control from a real-time vision-sensing system, coordinated arm/vehicle control, and control from 3D graphical user interfaces.  相似文献   

基于有限时间系统同步的自治水下航行器回收控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴泽伟  吴晓锋 《自动化学报》2013,39(12):2164-2169
基于主-从系统状态同步的思想,提出了母艇在平面运动中回收自治水下航行器(Autonomous underwater vehicle,AUV)的一种控制方法. 在给出母艇和自治水下航行器的动力学模型基础上,建立了自治水下航行器(从系统)接收母艇(主系统)的状态信息并控制自身接近母艇的主从控制方案,使母艇自主回收水下航行器的问题转化为两者的运动状态同步问题. 利用有限时间稳定性理论,设计了一种在常值海流扰动影响下,自治水下航行器能够在有限时间内被母艇回收的滑模控制器,理论证明和仿真实例证实了该控制器的有效性.  相似文献   

He  Yanlin  Zhu  Lianqing  Sun  Guangkai  Dong  Mingli 《Microsystem Technologies》2019,25(4):1297-1309

Considering the complex and variability of the operating environment of underwater spherical robot, usually it is difficult to solve the control problem when the robot changes its motion state or it is subject to waves and ocean currents, in those cases wherein robots are subject to continuous parametric changes or external disturbances, online gains tuning is a desirable choice. In this paper, with the goal of supporting some autonomous tasks of our small-scaled spherical robot, such as ecological observations and intelligent surveillance, a neural network-based auto-tuning control system was designed and implemented, which has a great advantage of processing online for the robot due to their nonlinear dynamics. The neural network plays the role of automatically estimating the suitable set of control gains that achieves the stability of the system. Simulation results are presented for the underwater swimming, in terms of the motion performance, stability, and velocity of the robot. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method was demonstrated by showing that the underwater horizontal and desired triangular trajectory motion were stable, and the design presented in this paper is able to meet future demands of underwater robots in biological monitoring and multi-robot cooperation.


针对浅滩环境和水下狭窄空间的科研考察、资源勘探等任务,提出一种“腿-多矢量喷水”复合驱动的小型两栖仿龟机器人。通过研究“腿-多矢量喷水”复合式驱动系统的运动机理,设计仿生爬行步态和旋转步态。根据“腿-多矢量喷水”复合驱动机构的变结构特性,提出“H”、“工”和“X”等多模式运动。通过机器人水中运动学建模,建立基于实时动态推力矢量分配优化机制的水中3维自主运动控制方法。最后搭建机器人原型机,陆地上的多地形运动实验验证了机器人在非结构化浅滩环境中的适应能力强,水中运动控制实验验证了两栖机器人多模式运动控制的灵活性和可行性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method to eliminate the chattering of state feedback sliding mode control (SMC) law for the mobile control of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) which is nonlinear and suffers from unknown disturbances system. SMC is a well-known nonlinear system control algorithm for its anti-disturbances capability, while the chattering on switch surface is one stiff question. To dissipate the well-known chattering of SMC, the switching manifold is proposed by presetting a Hurwitz matrix which is deducted from the state feedback matrix. Meanwhile, the best switching surface is achieved by use of eigenvalues of the Hurwitz matrix. The state feedback control parameters are not only applied to control the states of AUV but also connected with coefficients of switching surface. The convergence of the proposed control law is verified by Lyapunov function and the robust character is validated by the Matlab platform of one AUV model.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(11):1529-1556
The problem of trajectory tracking control of an underactuated autonomous underwater robot (AUR) in a three-dimensional (3-D) space is investigated in this paper. The control of an underactuated robot is different from fully actuated robots in many aspects. In particular, these robot systems do not satisfy Brockett's necessary condition for feedback stabilization and no continuous time-invariant state feedback control law exists that makes a specified equilibrium of the closed-loop system asymptotically stable. The uncertainty of hydrodynamic parameters, along with the coupled, nonlinear dynamics of the underwater robot, also makes the navigation and tracking control a difficult task. The proposed hybrid control law is developed by combining sliding mode control (SMC) and classical proportional–integral–derivative (PID) control methods to reduce the tracking errors arising out of disturbances, as well as variations in vehicle parameters like buoyancy. Here, a trajectory planner computes the body-fixed linear and angular velocities, as well as vehicle orientations corresponding to a given 3-D inertial trajectory, which yields a feasible 6-d.o.f. trajectory. This trajectory is used to compute the control signals for the three available controllable inputs by the hybrid controller. A supervisory controller is used to switch between the SMC and PID control as per a predefined switching law. The switching function parameters are optimized using Taguchi design techniques. The effectiveness and performance of the proposed controller is investigated by comparing numerically with classical SMC and traditional linear control systems in the presence of disturbances. Numerical simulations using the full set of nonlinear equations of motion show that the controller does quite well in dealing with the plant nonlinearity and parameter uncertainties for trajectory tracking. The proposed controller response shows less tracking error without the usually present control chattering. Some practical features of this control law are also discussed.  相似文献   

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