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安全可视化是一个比较新的术语,它的理念是常见的可视化技术为那些不支持安全相关的数据应用案例而设计.大量的研究工作已经发表在这一领域,但很少是研究正在兴起的可视化规律.提供了网络安全可视化的综合评估,并提供5种使用实例形式的分类法,包括几乎所有最近在这个领域的工作.概述了可视化技术和数据源,并提供一个信息表来展示.从这些系统的分析中,研究的注意事项和相关问题涉及到网络安全可视化,为未来研究和视觉系统开发人员提供指导方针和方向.  相似文献   

音乐可视化及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机技术的发展,音乐的形象化出现了新的手段,这就是音乐可视化技术.作为听觉艺术与视觉艺术的结合体,音乐可视化已经得到了广泛关注.文章介绍了音乐可视化的概念与研究内容,从可视化音乐模型、可视化视觉模型、可视化系统、可视化的交互性四个层次着重分析和评述了目前国内外音乐可视化技术的研究进展,并分析了当前亟待解决的问题,展望了其未来的发展趋势.音乐可视化作为一种新型的可视化技术,仍存在许多问题需要解决,其研究具有很强的理论意义和实用价值.  相似文献   

可视化技术及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
可视化技术是计算机科学和技术的结晶,是一个新兴的研究领域,本文简单介绍了可视化技术的发展背景,阐述了程序可视化,数据可视化,操作环境可视化等研究内容及其应用。  相似文献   

矢量场可视化的研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矢量场广泛存在于自然界并在科学计算和工程分析中扮演着重要的角色,试图为矢量场可视化研究领域提供一个清晰的概貌。阐述了矢量场可视化的基本流程,矢量场可视化的研究现状以及迄今为止的一些研究成果,并讨论了矢量场可视化的发展趋势及应重视的研究方向。  相似文献   

可视化数据挖掘技术是可视化技术和数据挖掘技术的有机结合,是数据挖掘技术发展的必然,它涉及到计算机图形学、图像处理、计算机辅助设计、计算机视觉及人机交互技术等多个领域:数据挖掘的可视化已由单纯的模型可视化发展到数据可视化与数据挖掘过程和结果的可视化;本文着重讨论了可视化数据挖掘的分类和相关技术,最后提出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

数值模拟是宇宙学中重要的研究方法,可以帮助科学家了解宇宙演化过程和验证理论模型.可视化是分析模拟数据最有效的手段之一,通过对模拟数据的可视化和交互式探索可以极大提高科学家的分析效率.随着超级计算机的发展和宇宙学理论的不断完善,数值模拟的规模越来越大并且精度越来越高,这对可视化产生了多种分析需求和数据处理挑战.本文概述了宇宙数值模拟中可视化的主要方法,并且通过多个研究案例展示了可视化方法在宇宙模拟数据分析中的作用.最后,本文总结了当前研究的热点和面临的挑战.  相似文献   

本文阐述了信息可视化的起源和体现,探究了信息可视化的实质和研究构架,并探讨了信息可视化的实现工具,旨在对信息可视进行一个多视角的研究和分析.  相似文献   

随着互联网、物联网、云计算等信息技术的迅猛发展,大量非结构化信息不断涌现,对数据可视化与可视化分析的需求不断增加,同时可视化开发成本不断提高。数据可视化模型的研究对于可视化开发必不可少。基于此背景,根据数据信息的分类研究提出一种通用、模块化的数据可视化模型,将可视化流程分为可视化结构映射、可视化空间布局、可视化视图映射三个主要模块,并基于数据可视化模型利用开源的Echarts图表工具包和D3函数库形成可视化工具DVL.js(Data Visualization Layout)。该工具可应用于Web平台,包含丰富的图形展示方式如柱状图、折线图、时序图、饼图、雷达图、层次树、力导向图、标签云等,这些展示方式都提供了完备的数据与交互接口,能应对不同场合的可视化需求。  相似文献   

面向敏捷制造柔性决策的可视化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向敏捷制造柔性决策的可视化实现对提高面向敏捷制造柔性决策的效率和效益具有重要的意义.在简述可视化技术发展的基础上,研究了面向敏捷制造柔性决策的基本的和基于Web的可视化方法.最后,对面向敏捷制造柔性决策的可视化界面进行了研究.  相似文献   

说明了软件可视化在可视化技术领域的地位和它的内涵 ,讨论了软件可视化系统的构成要素 ,概述了软件可视化系统的实现策略。  相似文献   

Information visualisation often requires good navigation aids on large trees, which represent the underlying abstract information. Using trees for information visualisation requires novel user interface techniques, visual clues, and navigational aids. This paper describes a visual clue: using the so-called Strahler numbers, a map is provided that indicates which parts of the tree are interesting. A second idea is that of "folding" away subtrees that are too "different" in some sense, thereby reducing the visual complexity of the tree. Examples are given demonstrating these techniques, and what the further challenges in this area are.  相似文献   

We present a virtual reality application called VR-VIBE which is intended to support the co-operative browsing and filtering of large document stores. VR-VIBE extends a visualisation approach proposed in a previous two dimensional system called VIBE into three dimensions, allowing more information to be visualised at one time and supporting more powerful styles of interaction, The essence of VR-VIBE is that multiple users can explore the results of applying several simultaneous queries to a corpus of documents. By arranging the queries into a spatial framework, the system shows the relative attraction of each document to each query by its spatial position and also shows the absolute relevance of each document to all of the queries. Users may then navigate the space, select individual documents, control the display according to a dynamic relevance threshold and dynamically drag the queries to new positions to see the effect on the document space. Co-operative browsing is supported by directly embodying users and providing them with the ability to interact over live audio connections and to attach brief textual annotations to individual documents. Finally, we conclude with some initial observations gleaned from our experience of constructing VR-VIBE and using it in the laboratory setting.  相似文献   

在数字化技术应用于水利水电工程的大背景下,为在某升船机塔柱结构某升船机数字化升级项目中实现智慧化模拟,完善可视化和数据交互能力,研发一个结构仿真可视化平台。平台采用WebGL技术,在网页端对有限元网格模型进行重绘;提供云图及变形动画渲染功能用于展示前、后处理数据;研究有限元数据处理、模型面片和云图渲染优化技术,用于高效渲染。平台在某升船机数字化项目中得到了良好应用,可视化功能可用于常用结构分析,并基于平台接口开发监测对比功能,提高运行管理单位对结构安全的分析水平。相关技术可用于其他水利水电工程结构的仿真可视化平台当中。  相似文献   

The volume of freely available accounting information is rapidly becoming overwhelming. To be useful, information needs to be delivered to users in a suitable, relevant, and understandable form. Interactive data visualisation (IDV) can help address this need for useful information by organising accounting information, especially financial reports, into forms with these qualities. Given both their prevalence and their likelihood of being future users of IDV, the purpose of this research is to examine the appropriateness of IDV for non-professional investors’ use when they access accounting information. This research uses a 2 × 2 experimental approach involving 404 participants representing non-professional investors from diverse demographic backgrounds. This research suggests that IDV mitigates non-professional investors’ restricted investment capabilities by presenting information that is more salient, thus reducing non-professional investors’ cognitive effort. This combination allows such investors to better perform both simple and multipart investment tasks. By integrating three information systems’ fit perspectives (i.e. task technology, information quality, and cognitive), this research explains IDV’s suitability and fit within the accounting domain. We also discuss how the findings can inform practice and span interdisciplinary research into data and information visualisation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new brand of portals that elevates the concepts of information portals to a new level of interaction and navigation means. The graphical information portal is built upon the concept of smart maps for information visualization and exploration. Smart maps serve as navigational hub by indicating the existence of information carrying relevance for a specific location, by relating distributed multimedia information to a location on a map of interest, and by categorizing information for easier orientation in subjects. Main advantage of a map-based information portal lies in the intuitive information presentation, navigation, search and retrieval. Representative usage scenarios include facility management, information kiosks, and environmental information systems. Groupware functions for collaborative visualization and interactive editing on maps are added on top in order to migrate the concept of graphical information portals to further domains, such as concurrent engineering, risk management, and the like. An implementation of a geographical information portal has been designed and implemented in project GeoNet 4D, focussing on facility management for portuary zones.  相似文献   

Large-scale issues with a spatial and temporal context such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the war against Ukraine, and climate change have given visual storytelling with data a lot of attention in online journalism, confirming its high effectiveness and relevance for conveying stories. Thus, new ways have emerged that expand the space of visual storytelling techniques. However, interactive visual data stories with a spatio-temporal context have not been extensively studied yet. Particularly quantitative information about the used layout and media, the visual storytelling techniques, and the visual encoding of space-time is relevant to get a deeper understanding of how such stories are commonly built to convey complex information in a comprehensible way. Covering these three aspects, we propose a design space derived by merging and adjusting existing approaches, which we used to categorize 130 collected web-based visual data stories with a spatio-temporal context from between 2018 and 2022. An analyzis of the collected data reveals the power of large-scale issues to shape the landscape of storytelling techniques and a trend towards a simplified consumability of stories. Taken together, our findings can serve story authors as inspiration regarding which storytelling techniques to include in their own spatio-temporal data stories.  相似文献   

文章以北京市东城区社会服务管理平台为代表的重要政务信息系统的发展以及面临的安全风险入手,阐述了全区信息化发展与信息安全保障的关系,介绍了东城区信息办在推进全区信息安全运维工作的实践,介绍了全区加强信息安全保障工作的思路和做法。  相似文献   

针对油田企业在信息化建设中出现的新的"信息孤岛"和"数据丰富而知识缺乏及信息表述不直观"的现状,引入了系统整合和可视化技术,设计了基于可视化技术的油田企业信息整合的框架和方案,从而为油田企业决策人员对生产经营分析与预测提供科学而直观的决策信息,进而对长庆油田信息整合可视化系统进行了初探。  相似文献   

空间信息多维可视化技术综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
可视化技术的出现为分析和处理海量信息提供了新的手段 .将空间信息多维可视化的实现方法分为基于 2变量的多信息可视化、基于多变量的多维信息可视化和基于动画的多维信息可视化三类 ,并详细讨论了这三类方法的各种实现算法  相似文献   

There are many challenges to visualizing information including choosing between 2D and 3D interfaces, navigation and interaction methods, and selecting an appropriate level of detail. Visualizing information retrieval (IR) search results, including Web search engine results, poses additional challenges, notably the determination of appropriate relative locations for terms and document in a visual display. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and related techniques offer approaches to visualizing relations among terms and documents. In this work, information space is presented as a framework for discussing relations among terms and documents, and a technique related to LSI is utilized to generate information spaces from IR search results. This paper provides an overview of more than three decades of work on information visualization, identifying several trends and some relatively unexplored areas. An experimental evaluation of a prototype interface for visualizing IR results is described. Results indicate that the 3D navigation interface for IR search results was usable, but that subjects had difficulty with some aspects. Further study and development of 2D and 3D methods for interacting with retrieval search results is suggested.  相似文献   

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