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针对大型电机转子表面温度的非接触光纤测温方法和网络化传感器的基本特点,研究了大型电机转子表面温度的网络系统测量;提出了采用CAN总线作为TII接口协议完成STIM和NCAP的长距离连接方法,实现了大型电机转子表面温度的远程在线监测与控制,其测量精度达到0.2%。  相似文献   

由于水轮发电机磁极数多、转子转速快,辨识每个磁极,并对其表面温度进行无损检测是一个难题。通过分析转子磁极的数学模型,提出了使用接近开关进行磁极辨识、使用红外传感器进行表面温度检测的方法,并推导出红外温度传感器的参数和检测系统的采样率要求。使用该方法选择了传感器,并设计了基于ARM的嵌入式检测系统。通过在电厂试运行表明:该方法可准确检测每个磁极表面温度。  相似文献   

大型发电机组中转子的温度是发电机运行的重要监视参数.研究了基于励磁电流的发电机转子温度间接测量算法,分析了相关因素及其物理方程.结合工厂试验数据,给出了发电机转子温度间接测量算法流程.利用DCS系统二层处理单元(PU)进行二次程序开发,实现循环迭代的复杂算法,通过人机界面监测显示转子的温度.实践证明,该算法在某核电新建工程中实现了基于DCS的发电机转子温度在线连续监测功能,应用效果良好.  相似文献   

大型发电机转子绕组冷却水品质对保证发电机组的安全经济运行非常重要。pH值和电导率是控制发电机内冷水水质的两个重要指标。文中根据大型发电机转子冷却水控制系统的实际运行经验,构造出相应的模糊控制规则,并通过模糊运算,得到控制器的控制参数,实现了对发电机转子冷却水系统的模糊控制。在此基础上,设计了基于PLC的模糊控制程序和上位机监控程序。  相似文献   

本文讨论了一种具有良好线性的互感式位移传感器输出电势与各参量间的关系,分析了使用该传感器测高速旋转的汽轮发电机转子的轴向位移等应用时的工作特性和汽轮发电机转子轴的径向晃动对测量精度的影响,文章并对该传感器的可靠性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

无刷励磁电机的转子电流、电压等不能直接测量 ,整流器的故障也无法直接监测。本文设计了一种以单片机为核心的发电机励磁系统故障监测装置 ,可以自动监测发电机转子电流和整流器的故障  相似文献   

汽轮发电机安装中转子扬度的测量非常关键,而现有的检测方法其精度和稳定度都有所欠缺.通过分析精度要求和传感器特性,进行了基于电解质微倾角传感器的高精度转子扬度测量仪的设计.从传感器的选择、特性分析、仪器结构、硬软件设计等方面进行了说明,试验数据表明该仪器可满足大型机电设备的安装调试需要.  相似文献   

本文主要讨论增量式和绝对式旋转光电编码器如何在风电控制系统中准确测量变桨电机转子旋转速度和位置。以及双馈发电机转子转速的精确测量,实现对桨叶角度控制和双馈发电机的伺服控制。  相似文献   

大型发电机和大型电动机,在运行的过程中,由于电磁力的作用,使定子线圈作周期性振动。其振动幅值严重影响着定子线圈的绝缘性能和发电机的使用寿命。为此对定子线圈振动规律的研究工作,得到了国内外电机工作者的十分重视。在国外科学技术比较发达的国家均制定了国家或企业标准。而我国由于不具备测量手段,到目前为止此项技术标准尚未建立。 本测振动仪表有效的解决了大型发电机定子线圈振动位移的测量问题。经长期应用,性能稳定,工作可靠,使用方便、满足了定子线圈振动测量的各项技术要求。目前已为我国大型发电机定子线圈的振动工作积累了可靠的技术数据。  相似文献   

提出了一种利用径向基函数神经网络(RBFNN)预测大扰动后发电机转子转角值的方法,来实时判断系统暂态稳定状态,并对相干发电机组的辨识进行了研究。在故障后将相量测量单元(PMU)同步采样的前六个周期的发电机的转子角度和电压等数据作为神经网络的输入,以预测系统未来的状态。该方法还可以实时判断发电机的同步状态。在测试系统上对该方法以不同运行条件进行了评估,实验结果证明所提出的径向基函数神经网络对扰动后的转子转角值具有良好的预测性能,适合于实时应用。  相似文献   

针对传统四旋翼无人机控制系统受到外界干扰,无法及时躲避障碍物而导致控制精准度低的问题,提出了基于深度学习的四旋翼无人机控制系统设计。根据四旋翼无人机控制系统总体结构,加入超声波测距模块。依据系统硬件框图,采用TMS320F28335型号主控芯片,实现关键态势智能分析。以串级 PID 控制器的控制对象为无人机姿态角度,控制电机转速。根据DSP发出不同占空比的PWM信号,改变无人机飞行姿态,依据执行机构驱动原理,保证无人机飞行时的平衡状态。使用红外遥控系统,应用编/解码操控集成电路芯片,采用TS0P1738型号红外线接收器,适合于红外线遥控数据传输。构建深度学习目标控制模型,利用处突阵法与三角形相似原理,计算像素尺寸,获取障碍物距无人机当前位置距离,避免受到外界障碍物干扰。自适应扩展Kalman滤波器技术对无人机自动控制系统有效减小测量误差,准确地对机动目标进行追踪。由系统调试结果可知,该系统控制的俯仰角、航向角、横滚角与实际值一致,对处理突发性群体事件具有重要意义。  相似文献   

针对异步电机矢量控制需要实现定、转子电路解耦的一个关键问题是准确地观测转子磁链.提出了一种以异步电机在两相同步旋转坐标系下的定子电流和转子磁链为状态变量的基于滑模变结构思想的转子磁链观测器,对滑模变结构输入控制信号的设计使得滑模运动速度与轨迹和滑模面的距离相关联,并利用李亚普诺夫理论证明了算法的收敛性.通过仿真表明,该方法具有较高的转子磁链观测准确度,对转子电阻的变化具有很强的鲁棒性,能够改善异步电机矢量控制调速系统的动静态性能.  相似文献   

在四旋翼飞行器基础上,增加了一个位于几何中心位置的主升力旋翼,并使用平衡舵面平衡该旋翼产生的扭矩.建立五旋翼飞行器的三维模型;推导出五旋翼飞行器的数学模型,并制成原理样机.通过飞行测试验证了机型的可行性以及数学模型的准确性.将五旋翼的中间升力电机用汽油发动机替代,即为混合动力多旋翼飞行器.研究为混合动力多旋翼飞行器开发积累了经验和数据.  相似文献   

针对航空发动机的典型螺栓连接结构,以高温合金螺栓连接为对象,提出了考虑螺栓端头支撑面不平行接触下的连接刚度演化机理及其对转子模态的影响规律.将螺栓与被连接件各结合面的几何误差表征为螺栓端头的不平行接触,建立了拧紧过程和轴向加载过程仿真模型.通过改变支撑面的不平行度模拟几何偏差的影响,分析了不平行度从0°到2°时的连接结构力学性能,揭示了非理想接触下螺栓预紧力的变化规律以及应力分布规律,建立了考虑连接结构不平行度的转子模态仿真模型,揭示了连接刚度不均匀分布下的转子模态变化规律,为转子连接结构的设计及服役性能的评估提供参考.  相似文献   

Reducing the number of joints in robotic arms can save both space and number of actuators. Incubation of spherical joint carrying inserted permanent magnets on its surface by a semi-spherical stator implanted with electromagnets can provide such advantages. The developed forces between the permanent magnets arranged on the rotor surface (rotor poles) and the activated electromagnets inside the stator can produce the required torque for joint motion. Such arrangements are called spherical stepper motors (SSM). This work presents a modeling and configuration design for such joints. An intelligent scheme is developed for activating the appropriate pairs of electromagnetic stator poles to achieve the targeted motion. In addition, an algorithm is built for obtaining numbers, positions and an effective arrangement of rotor and stator poles. Reaching acceptable arrangements can produce wider motion range in different directions. Dimensionless charts for electromagnetic forces are created using the FEM. These charts are used in investigating a single step motion using a simple fuzzy scheme.  相似文献   

 In this paper, a new process to fabricate an electromagnetic stepping micromotor using surface sacrificial layer technology (SSLT) is illustrated, and the SEM photo of the stepping micromotor is showed. The torque of the stepping micromotor with maximum torque of 60 μNm is directly calculated by using electromagnetics laws and the law of conservation of energy. The stator and the shaft and the rotor of the micromotor with the material of nickel are first all fabricated by normal LIGA process at the same time. The sacrificial layer structure with the material of AZ resist is made on the surface of the rotor by using SSLT. The stator and the shaft are fixed together with copper substrate instead of the old Ti substrate by electroplating. After removing the Ti substrate, PMMA resist and the sacrificial layer structure, the rotor is separated from the stator and new copper substrate, and can rotate on the new substrate driven by magnetic force. The four coils with 300 turns each are wound on iron bars by hand using microscope and stepping motor. The bars are assembled by hand into the stator holes from rear of new copper substrate to form a magnetic circuit with the stator and the rotor. A power supply with four consecutive pulses provides the current for the coils wound on the iron bars and produces the magnetic force to drive the rotor to run with the speed of 60 rpm.  相似文献   

针对风力机系统在最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)阶段易受风速等不确定因素的影响,为了进一步提高风力机的风能捕获效率,本文在滑模控制的基础上提出了一种互补滑模控制方法.首先,建立了含有干扰项的风力机系统的线性化模型,采用广义滑模面与互补滑模面相结合的方法设计了互补滑模控制器,并在理论上证明了此控制方法能够有效保证风力机转速跟踪误差的收敛性,且能提高转速跟踪精度.其次,采用风力机专业仿真软件FAST对美国可再生能源实验室(NREL)的600 kW风力机进行了仿真实验,结果表明本文所提出的控制方法不但能提高风力机的风能捕获效率,而且能有效减小转速跟踪误差.最后,将本文所提方法与现有常见的几种控制方法相比较发现:风力机系统在互补滑模控制策略下,具有更高的风能捕获效率和更小的转速跟踪误差.  相似文献   

This work concerns the alleviation of friction in a novel design of multistator electrostatic wobble motor. The output torque and the kinematic accuracy of this device are limited by the sliding friction between the rotor and the top surface of the bearing. A solution for an axial bearing has been developed using an advanced LIGA technique to integrate polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cylinders into nickel micro structures. A new version of the micromotor has been fabricated, utilizing an axial electrostatic field to hold the rotor against an engineered sliding surface. The integrated bearing stabilizes the rotor and potentially permits operation in liquid environments by sealing the stator electrodes  相似文献   

The accurate prediction of high-pressure rotor system assembly precision before assembly is the premise of improving aeroengine assembly quality and performance. The existing assembly precision prediction models (APPM) only consider the manufacturing error factors of parts, but rarely involve the deformation of parts under load, so there is a certain gap between the prediction results and the actual situation. This article studies the construction method of APPM considering the manufacturing error and deformation factors of parts. Firstly, the fitting algorithm is used to obtain the fitting deformation surface(FDS) of each mating surface under load, which provides the basis for constructing assembly error model considering manufacturing error and deformation of parts; secondly, according to the relative position relationship between the FDS and the datum plane, the error model of each mating surface of the assembly is effectively constructed by the small displacement torsor theory; thirdly, according to the different errors of each fitting end face, a prediction model of assembly precision for two rough surfaces is constructed by homogeneous coordinate transformation method; finally, a high-pressure compressor rotor system is used as an example to verify the effectiveness of the precision prediction model. The results show that the prediction results based on the proposed model are closer to the actual conditions. This paper provides an effective prediction model for high-pressure rotor system assembly precision, and has important application value for improving the assembly quality and performance of aeroengine.  相似文献   

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