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将空间散乱数据点划分为三角形网格,在每个给定数据点处构造C^1连续的分片二次多项式曲面片,每个三角形上的曲面片由各个顶点处的C^1连续的分片二次曲面片加权平均确定,整体的C^1曲面由各三角形上的曲面片拼合而成.该方法所构造的曲面函数结构简单、易于计算,具有数据点建议的形状.最后通过实例同其他方法所构造的插值曲面形状进行比较.  相似文献   

一个构造插值曲面方法中存在的错误   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言对N个任意分布的空间数据点{(x_i,y_i,z_i)}_(i=1)~N,文章[1]中提出了一个构造二元 插值曲面的方法。做法是把给定数据点在XY平 面上划分成三角形网格,在每个数据点p_i=(x_i, y_i,z_i)处构造一个对z_i插值的曲面片f_i(x,y)。 每个三角形上的曲面片由三个顶点处的曲面片加 权平均产生,整体的曲面由所有三角形上的曲面 片拼合而成。方法的具体做法如下:  相似文献   

提出一种用分片代数曲面构造三角曲面片的方法,利用具有公共边的2个三角形区域的4个顶点的函数值以及公共边2个端点的外法向量来构造一个二次曲面V(g)和一个截面V(h),其交V(g,h)即为2个三角曲面片的公共边界曲线.对每个已确定了边界条件的三角片内部进一步划分成3部分,每部分各自定义一个三次代数曲面.这3个三次代数曲面不仅在其交线处光滑拼接,而且分别沿三角形的边界与V(g)光滑拼接,从而构成一个具有GC1连续性的分片代数曲面.对于只属于一个三角片的边界留有一个自由度,可对曲面形状加以控制.  相似文献   

方美娥  汪国昭 《计算机学报》2012,35(8):1782-1790
该文首先采用代数曲线样条逼近的方法参数化混合边界,然后用三次样条曲面混合任意两个隐式代数曲面,实现样条曲面和基曲面之间光滑过渡.进一步,文中采用GB样条混合两张代数曲面,当混合边界为Lissajous曲线、二次曲线、三角函数曲线、双曲函数曲线、悬链线或螺旋线等特殊曲线时,可实现混合曲面精确插值边界曲线.而对于多个隐式代数曲面混合,又首次提出了G1连续的切分结合S曲面片补洞的方法,且每张曲面片的形状都可通过形状参数直观地进行调整.  相似文献   

在经典四点细分法的基础上,通过在曲线细分过程中引入三个参数,给出一种改进的细分曲线构造的算法,利用生成多项式等方法对细分法的一致收敛性、Ck连续性进行了分析。并把该方法扩展到曲面上,进而提出了曲面三参数binary细分法。在给定初始控制数据的条件下,可以通过对形状参数的适当选择来实现对细分极限曲面形状的调控。数值实验表明该算法较容易控制曲面形状,可方便地应用于工程实际,解决曲线、曲面位置调整和控制问题。  相似文献   

本文利用Delaunay三角剖分和 Voronoi图的性质,实现了一种对散乱点重构闭合曲面的方法。该方法在搜索策略上进行了改进:首先对输入点进行三角剖分,产生相互独立的四面体,构建一个凸包;然后利用Delaunay三角剖分产生Voronoi图;最后根据Voronoi图的性质,选择包含在形体内部的四面体,提取出边界三角形,完成散乱点边界重构。计算复杂度和Delaunay四面体数量成正比,在自动形状重构时形状边界提取过程的计算复杂度为O(n),算法适用于各种涉及图形重构的工程应用。  相似文献   

曲面缝合是曲面造型过程中常用到的处理技术,即把由多张裁剪曲面表示的模型转换成一个“不漏水”的模型。曲面缝合主要采用先离散后缝合的方法,但离散精度难以控制.提出一种多张裁剪曲面缝合算法,根据被缝合曲面的几何信息建立与其相缝合的邻接曲面信息,利用邻接曲面信息寻找其邻接边界;然后由邻接边界计算边界曲线的匹配参数,建立曲面的拓扑信息;最后根据曲面之间的拓扑信息对曲面进行缝合处理.通过实例对文中算法进行验证,结果显示该算法缝合效果良好。  相似文献   

在使用面绘制算法重构三维实体模型时,由于原始数据稀疏,需要通过一定的方法对填充在相邻轮廓线间的三角形或多边形进行拟和,以达到光滑的效果。本文先按照最小内角最大准则进行Delaunay三角剖分,当可选三角形的最小内角相等时再运用最短路径法在相邻轮廓线间构造三角形,然后再在三角格网上构造Bezier三角曲面,不仅使构造出来的格网具有较好形状,又提高了表面的光滑程度和重构的精度。  相似文献   

提出了三角网格上代数曲面重构的一种方法。构造三个与任意两条边界GC1光滑拼接,与另一条边界GC0拼接的四次代数曲面,将这三个四次代数曲面分别与相应截面相乘并作线性组合,即可得到与三条边界光滑拼接的一个具有组合形式的五次代数曲面。所构造代数曲面具有二次精度、较好局部性、计算复杂度低、较大灵活性等优点。  相似文献   

利用三目视觉获得复杂曲面的边界曲线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂零件表面几何模型的构造是逆向工程的研究重点,根据零件表面数据提取零件表面的边界是构造零件几何模型的关键步骤.提出了基于三目视觉方法提取和构造复杂曲面边界的技术.将一台摄像机固定在三坐标测量机(CMM)横梁上,通过沿X,Y方向移动CMM从而获得物体在空间三个不同位置的图像;从一幅图像中提取反映物体边界的特征点,通过与其他两幅图像匹配得到这些特征点的空间坐标,最后以这些特征点构造出物体边界的B样条曲线。  相似文献   

为了得到光顺的多项式插值曲面,首先把空间散乱数据点划分为三角形网格,在每个给定数据点处构造C^1连续的分片二次多项式曲面片,针对各数据点的邻接点个数不同,分别利用弯折能量和拉伸能量建立目标函数,极小化目标函数确定插值曲面的未知量,在保持原有的形状特征的同时构造光顺的分片插值曲面,最后用实例说明了文中方法的有效性.  相似文献   

The estimation of surface curvature is essential for a variety of applications in computer graphics because of its invariance with respect to rigid transformations. In this article, we describe a curvature estimation method for meshes by converting each planar triangular facet into a curved patch using the vertex positions and the normals of three vertices of each triangle. Our method interpolates three end points and the corresponding normal vectors of each triangle to construct a curved patch. Then, we compute the per triangle curvature of the neighboring triangles of a mesh point of interest. Similar to estimating per vertex normal from the adjacent per triangle normal, we compute the per vertex curvature by taking a weighted average of per triangle curvature. Through some examples, we demonstrate that our method is efficient and its accuracy is comparable to that of the existing methods.  相似文献   

类螺旋特征测点数据的闭曲面建模方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂曲面及海量点云测量数据的曲面建模已成为通用CAD/CAM软件的重要功能;然而,对于复杂的闭曲面建模方法,仍然存在许多技术上的难题,至今尚未能很好的解决,比如,基于海量的测量数据,如何进行闭曲面特征点识别,如何进行区域分割与处理,这一切都使得闭曲面建模过程中很难采用已经成熟的自由曲面建模技术和方法.通过研究异步仿形测量原理以及测量数据类型,针对鞋楦测量形成的空间螺旋线数据特征,提出一种闭曲面建模方法.该方法包括如下步骤:首先对测量点数据处理;并以特征螺旋线数据为基础对曲面进行三角分割;最后,以三角Bezier曲面为基础进行曲面构造,并将各曲面进行拼接、裁剪,形成完整的曲面.采用该方法对鞋楦测量数据的建模实例说明,能够有效地对具有空间螺旋线数据特征的闭曲面进行数据处理、曲面重构,提高了产品建模效率.  相似文献   

Automatic reconstruction of B-spline surfaces with constrained boundaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study is to present an automatic surface reconstruction method that can take practical restrictions on scanned points into consideration and efficiently and reliably output a group of G1 surfaces. The proposed method is mainly composed of three phases: quadrangle frame generation, point and curve networks planning, and surface patches reconstruction. In the first phase, the original triangle mesh is reduced and converted into a quadrangle mesh, the edges of which serve as the frame of the surfaces. In the second phase, the boundary data of the surfaces are prepared. These include a network of serial points, frame curves and surface normals which are also expressed as curves. In the final phase, surface initialization, harmonization mapping and surface warping are presented to yield the desired surfaces. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it can relax the pre-processing of a scanned triangle mesh, and hence, increase the efficiency and quality of the surface reconstruction. Several examples of various types of air bags are presented to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

~~Constructing triangular patch by basic approximation operator plus additional interpolation operator1. Barahill, R. E., Birkhoff, G., Gordon, W. J., Smooth interpolation in triangles, J. Approx. Theory, 1973, 8: 114-128. 2. Gregory, J. A., Smooth interpolation without twist constraints, in Computer Aided Geometric Design (eds. Barn-hill, R. E., Riesenfeld, R. R), New York: Academic Press, 1974, 71-88. 3. Charrot, P., Gregory, J. A., A pentagonal surface patch for comput…  相似文献   

The rate of approach (ROA) of a moving observer toward a scene point, as estimated at a given instant, is proportional to the component of the observer's instantaneous velocity in the direction of the point. In this paper we analyze the applicability of Green's theorem to ROA estimation. We derive a formula which relates three quantities: the average value of the ROA for a surface patch in the scene; a surface integral that depends on the surface slant of the patch; and the contour integral of the normal motion field around the image of the boundary of the patch. We analyze how much larger the ROA on the surface patch can be than the value of the contour integral, for given assumptions about the variability of the distance to points on the surface patch. We illustrate our analysis quantitatively using synthetic data, and we also validate it qualitatively on real image sequences.  相似文献   

We consider special rational triangular Bézier surfaces of degree two on the sphere in standard form and show that these surfaces are parameterized by chord length. More precisely, it is shown that the ratios of the three distances of a point to the patch vertices and the ratios of the distances of the parameter point to the three vertices of the (suitably chosen) domain triangle are identical. This observation extends an observation of Farin (2006) about rational quadratic curves representing circles to the case of surfaces. In addition, we discuss the relation to tripolar coordinates.  相似文献   

The structuring of surface meshes is a labor intensive task in reverse engineering. For example, in CAD, scanned triangle meshes must be divided into characteristic/uniform patches to enable conversion into high-level spline surfaces. Typical industrial techniques, like rolling ball blends, are very labor intensive.We provide a novel, robust and quick algorithm for the automatic generation of a patch layout based on a topology consistent feature graph. The graph separates the surface along feature lines into functional and geometric building blocks. Our algorithm then thickens the edges of the feature graph and forms new regions with low varying curvature. Further, these new regions-so-called fillets and node patches-will have highly smooth boundary curves, making the algorithm an ideal preprocessor for a subsequent spline fitting algorithm.  相似文献   

离散点云原始形状及边界曲线提取算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大规模离散点云包含多种类型的扫描缺陷:噪声、异常数据、孔洞及不规则的各向异性采样,大部分现有的算法不能够很好地处理这些缺陷,这对点云拓扑关系的恢复及特征提取带来了困难.针对此问题,提出了一种健壮有效的点云重构算法,首先,计算每个数据点的局部属性;然后利用局部属性探测点云中包含的原始形状;最后利用统计优化方法对原始形状中...  相似文献   

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