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面向网格服务的标准件库系统集成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于开放网格服务体系结构提出了面向服务的标准件库系统集成的体系结构.将标准件库系统中与数据库、CAD系统交互的功能组件封装在网格服务容器中,并与后台数据库一起部署成为网格服务节点,现有的标准件库系统只需提供服务的行为接口即可方便地集成到网格环境中.开发部署了一类标准件库网格服务节点,验证了该体系结构和实现技术的有效性.  相似文献   

随着网格计算技术的快速发展,其应用领域在不断扩大,然而,跨网络分布式数据的联合查询往往成为性能的瓶颈,因此文中从提高分布式数据的联合查询的效率出发,以网格计算这一新型web体系结构为技术平台,研究基于网格服务的查询优化目标、查询优化对象和查询优化策略。文中采用了应用非常广泛的启发式搜索算法来缩小策略空间这一优化策略,并在该策略的基础上提出了一种基于网格服务的2-way半连接查询优化算法,最后在网格计算环境下对该算法与一般的全连接算法做了实验对比,证明基于网格服务的2-way半连接查询优化算法可大大缩短查询响应时间。  相似文献   

网格环境下空间元数据目录服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对网络环境中分布式空间元数据库整合问题,提出了采用网格技术来实现空间元数据集成的方法。利用网格中间件将已有的分布式空间元数据库节点构建成网格分节点,在管理中心节点上部署目录服务和管理模块,实现了分布式元数据存储、分布式元数据查询、统一的目录服务、元数据管理等功能,有效地整合了网络中分散的空间元数据,为用户提供无缝的一体化目录服务。测试结果表明,该方法简单易行、系统可扩展性强。  相似文献   

基于数据网格面向服务的查询算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向服务的框架(SOA)为用户的服务提供了一个标准的平台,实现服务的提供、发现、配置和集成,以帮助用户查询和处理信息.数据网格是面向服务的架构,为用户进行分布式远程数据查询服务提供了保障.对网格环境下Hidden Web数据库的研究与开发逐渐成为人们关注的焦点问题.要回答用户的查询,数据集成系统需要解决网格上的需求语义分析和关键字查询、建立数据查询模型.将数据库抽象为无向图,节点对应数据库中的元组,边对应“主-外码”的关系.查询的结果是与元组连接的答案树,它与查询的关键字相匹配.针对以上这些问题提出了一个新的查询算法,将改进的动态规划算法用于查询模型,保证Top-1答案树最优,Top-K答案树近似最优;给出了实验测试和评估结果.  相似文献   

随着网格从科学计算转到企业级应用,要求数据库提供多种服务支持以实现更强更丰富的资源共享和应用。网格上的数据库只能通过网格服务进行访问,而数据库中的数据也只能通过网格服务接口来存取。因此如何在网格环境下直接对分布在各地的数据库进行高效的检索就是迫切要解决的问题。本文首先提出了一个网格环境下数据检索的体系结构,然后针对该结构下的数值型数据的Top-k查询问题给出了GrangM算法,它有效解决了来自不同数据源查询结果的合并问题。对该算法的模拟实现表明,它可以快速、高效地合并网格中多结点检索出的结果,减少连接中间结果的大小,降低发送查询请求的通信量。  相似文献   

网格环境下的数据库管理技术越来越受到人们的关注。该文主要介绍了网格环境下的一种分布式查询处理器OGSA-DQP,详细介绍了OGSA-DQP的体系结构及其查询流程,并讨论了OGSA-DQP的编程接口,最后通过其编程接口实现了一个简单的查询应用。  相似文献   

胡乃静 《计算机应用》2007,27(6):1378-1381
网格数据库中主要采用基于有向无环图(DAG)的查询计划建模方式,该方法由于不考虑子查询与节点的数据关系,因而对子查询在节点的优化调度方面支持不足。对查询计划提出了基于Petri网的形式化描述模型NSN,通过扩展子查询与节点以及子查询之间的数据关联关系的描述,对子查询的优化调度提供更大的支持;进一步给出了从DAG模型到NSN模型的转换规则和转换算法,实现了查询计划从DAG到NSN模型的转换,最后通过实验验证了NSN模型对子查询在节点中的分派调度的优越性。  相似文献   

网格数据库是数据库技术和网格技术相结合后新的研究领域,网格的动态变化特性对数据库查询优化技术提出了适应性的要求。本文提出了基于Petri网描述的子查询计划模型TNSN,通过扩展子查询及其节点的数据关联关系的描述,建立了子查询进行适应性优化调度的查询计划模型;进一步提出了考虑变化的参数在内的耗费估算模型,并在TNSN和耗费模型的基础上提出了适应性优化算法,保证了查询处理过程中可以根据网格参数的变化情况对查询进行适应性调整,最后给出了实验验证。  相似文献   

基于OGSA的分布式查询处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了在以服务为中心的网格环境中分布式查询的原理及其实现机制,介绍了传统的数据库技术在网格环境中部署和使用的方法,提出了分布式查询引擎需要处理的问题及目前的解决方案。  相似文献   

一种新的网格环境模型——TGrid Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析了现有网格环境不足的基础上,提出一种新的网格环境模型——基于树形结构的网格体系与环境TGrid,支持高性能计算,面向主题的资源共享和新一代的需求建模。它以树结构来组织网格节点和集成各种资源,实现了自底向上、多级、面向需求的资源抽象和多种资源融合。而且树型结构符合自然层次组织关系,容易实现网格系统的层次化管理,有利于减轻中心节点的负载和实现大规模应用的负载平衡,提高资源查找效率。同时,TGrid以虚拟资源的形式实现网格资源的共享,利用分布式JVM(TJVM)虚拟网格节点上CPU和主存资源,利用多数据库中间件(TDOD)实现数据库级资源集成和共享,利用Globus网格服务(GService)实现其他软件和数据资源共享。该树型网格为日益增长的网格应用的需求提供了新的解决方案。  相似文献   

OGSA-DQP是一种用于网格环境、基于服务的分布式查询处理系统,实现了运行在不同平台的分布式数据密集型应用的高级数据访问与集成服务方法,为用户提供一致的虚拟关系数据视图和分布式数据查询支持。文章描述了其体系结构、分析了其查询和优化机制,并在不同条件下测试了查询性能,为寻找系统查询性能瓶颈、提高系统查询响应时间提供依据。  相似文献   

石柯 《计算机工程》2008,34(8):66-68
为了集成网格环境中的数据库资源,促进网格应用支持现有数据库的访问,提出一种基于服务的数据库访问和集成系统(GridDBAdmin)。GridDBAdmin为用户提供了虚拟的全局逻辑数据库视图,支持用户使用现有的SQL语言同时访问多个数据库。系统由元数据服务和网格虚拟数据库服务构成。其中元数据服务负责发现含有用户所需数据的数据库,网格虚拟数据库服务提供全局逻辑视图,通过分布式查询机制将用户的SQL请求分解到具体的数据库中并进行结果合并。对基于Globus和OGSA-DAI工具包开发的原型系统进行了测试,得到了较好的结果。  相似文献   

Currently relational databases are widely used, while object-oriented databases are emerging as a new generation of database technology. This paper presents a methodology to provide effective sharing of information in object-oriented databases and relational databases. The object-oriented data model is selected as a common data model to build an integrated view of the diverse databases. An object-oriented query language is used as a standard query language. A method is developed to transform a relational data definition to an equivalent object-oriented data definition and to integrate local data definitions. Two distributed query processing methods are derived. One is for general queries and the other for a special class of restricted queries. Using the methods developed, it is possible to access distributed object-oriented databases and relational databases such that the locations and the structural differences of the databases are transparent to users.  相似文献   

刘政怡  谢荣传 《微机发展》2004,14(12):111-113,116
从XML数据安全性考虑,在已经使用XQuery作为查询语言的前提下,为增强XQuery对XML文档查询能力,创造了类似关系数据库视图的XQuery视图机制,使得不同用户对XML文档具有不同的查看能力,保证查询安全可靠。XQuery视图由查询来定义其内容,分为实视图和虚视图两种。虚视图根据需要计算视图定义的查询,而实视图不管以后是否需要,只要一创建就计算其视图定义,类似关系数据库视图,实视图和虚视图对于数据查询都是必要的。  相似文献   

Fundamentally, semantic grid database is about bringing globally distributed databases together in order to coordinate resource sharing and problem solving in which information is given well-defined meaning, and DartGrid II is the implemented database gird system whose goal is to provide a semantic solution for integrating database resources on the Web. Although many algorithms have been proposed for optimizing query-processing in order to minimize costs and/or response time, associated with obtaining the answer to query in a distributed database system, database grid query optimization problem is fundamentally different from traditional distributed query optimization. These differences are shown to be the consequences of autonomy and heterogeneity of database nodes in database grid. Therefore, more challenges have arisen for query optimization in database grid than traditional distributed database. Following this observation, the design of a query optimizer in DartGrid II is presented, and a heuristic, dynamic and parallel query optimization approach to processing query in database grid is proposed. A set of semantic tools supporting relational database integration and semantic-based information browsing has also been implemented to realize the above vision.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a federated query processing approach to evaluate queries on an Object-Oriented (OO) federated database. This approach has been designed and implemented in the OO-Myriad project, which is an OO extension to the Myriad FDBS researchmyriad:94. Since data integration is performed as part of federated query processing, we have proposed outerjoin, outer-difference and generalized attribute derivation operations together with the traditional relational operations, to be used for integration purposes. To define an OO federated database as a virtual view on multiple OO export databases, we adopt a database mapping strategy that systematically derives each of the class extents, deep class extents and relationships of the federated database using an operator tree consisting of the integration operations. By augmenting federated database queries with this algebraic mapping information, query execution plans can be generated. Based on the original Myriad query processing framework, we have realized the proposed OO federated query processing approach in the OO-Myriad prototype.  相似文献   

Providing integrated access to multiple, distributed, heterogeneous databases and other information sources has become one of the leading issues in database research and the industry. One of the most effective approaches is to extract and integrate information of interest from each source in advance and store them in a centralized repository (known as a data warehouse). When a query is posed, it is evaluated directly at the warehouse without accessing the original information sources. One of the techniques that this approach uses to improve the efficiency of query processing is materialized view(s). Essentially, materialized views are used for data warehouses, and various methods for relational databases have been developed. In this paper, we first discuss an object deputy approach to realize materialized object views for data warehouses which can also incorporate object-oriented databases. A framework has been developed using Smalltalk to prepare data for data warehousing, in which an object deputy model and database connecting tools have been implemented. The object deputy model can provide an easy-to-use way to resolve inconsistency and conflicts while preparing data for data warehousing, as evidenced by our empirical study.  相似文献   

Concurrency control, distribution design, and query processing are some of the important issues in the design of distributed databases. In this paper, we have studied these issues with respect to a relational database on a local computer system connected by a multiaccess broadcast bus. A broadcast bus allows information to be distributed efficiently, and hence simplifies the solutions to some of these issues. A transaction model that integrates the control strategies in concurrency control and query processing is proposed. In concurrency control, the lock, unlock, and update of data are achieved by a few broadcasts. A dynamic strategy is used in query processing, as less data are transferred when compared to a static strategy. The status information needed in dynamic query processing can be conveniently obtained by broadcasting. Lastly, some NP-hard file placement problems are found to be solvable in polynomial time when updates are broadcast.  相似文献   

An efficient means of accessing indexed hierarchical databases using a relational query language is presented. The purpose is to achieve an effective sharing of heterogeneous distributed databases. Translation of hierarchical data to an equivalent relational data definition, translation of a relational query language statement to an equivalent program that can be processed by a hierarchical database management system, and automatic selection of secondary indexes of hierarchical databases are investigated. A major portion of the result has been implemented, and the performance of the implemented system is analyzed. The performance of the system is satisfactory for a wide range of test data and test queries. It is shown that the utilization of the secondary index significantly enhances the efficiency in accessing hierarchical databases  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to query decomposition in a multidatabase environment. The unique aspect of this approach is that it is based on performing transformations over an object algebra that can be used as the basis for a global query language. In the paper, we first present our multidatabase environment and semantic framework, where a global conceptual schema based on the Object Data Management Group standard encompasses the information from heterogeneous data sources that include relational databases as well as object-oriented databases and flat file sources. The meta-data about the global schema is enhanced with information about virtual classes as well as virtual relationships and inheritance hierarchies that exist between multiple sources. The AQUA object algebra is used as the formal foundation for manipulation of the query expression over the multidatabase. AQUA is enhanced with distribution operators for dealing with data distribution issues. During query decomposition we perform an extensive analysis of traversals for path expressions that involve virtual relationships and hierarchies for access to several heterogeneous sources. The distribution operators defined in algebraic terms enhance the global algebra expression with semantic information about the structure, distribution, and localization of the data sources relevant to the solution of the query. By using an object algebra as the basis for query processing, we are able to define algebraic transformations and exploit rewriting techniques during the decomposition phase. Our use of an object algebra also provides a formal and uniform representation for dealing with an object-oriented approach to multidatabase query processing. As part of our query processing discussion, we include an overview of a global object identification approach for relating semantically equivalent objects from diverse data sources, illustrating how knowledge about global object identity is used in the decomposition and assembly processes.  相似文献   

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