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Version management is a key part of software configuration management. A big variety of version models has been realized in both commercial systems and research prototypes. These version models differ with respect to the objects put under version control (files, directories, entities, objects), the organization of versions (version graphs versus multidimensional version spaces), the granularity of versioning (whole software products versus individual components), emphasis on states versus emphasis on changes (state-versus change-based versioning), rules for version selection, etc. We present a uniform version model-and its support architecture-for software configuration management. Unlike other unification approaches, such as UML for object-oriented modeling, we do not assemble all the concepts having been introduced in previous systems. Instead, we define a base model that is built on a small number of concepts. Specific version models may be expressed in terms of this base model. Our approach to uniform version management is distinguished by its underlying layered architecture. Unlike the main stream of software configuration management systems, our instrumentable version engine is completely orthogonal to the data model used for representing software objects and their relationships. In addition, we introduce version rules at the bottom of the layered architecture and employ them as a uniform mechanism for expressing different version models. This contrasts to the main stream solution, where a specific version model-usually version graphs-is deeply built into the system and version rules are dependent on this model  相似文献   

软件架构是设计实现大规模软件的基础,并且追踪和控制软件架构的演化是十分必要的。但是许多传统的软件配置管理工具将软件仅看做一个文件集合,而不是一个架构,这造成软件设计领域(架构层)与软件配置管理领域(文件层)的脱节。提出了软件架构配置管理模型,它可以对软件架构进行版本控制和配置管理。  相似文献   

Architectures for software use rich abstractions and idioms to describe system components, the nature of interactions among the components, and the patterns that guide the composition of components into systems. These abstractions are higher level than the elements usually supported by programming languages and tools. They capture packaging and interaction issues as well as computational functionality. Well-established (if informal) patterns guide the architectural design of systems. We sketch a model for defining architectures and present an implementation of the basic level of that model. Our purpose is to support the abstractions used in practice by software designers. The implementation provides a testbed for experiments with a variety of system construction mechanisms. It distinguishes among different types of components and different ways these components can interact. It supports abstract interactions such as data flow and scheduling on the same footing as simple procedure call. It can express and check appropriate compatibility restrictions and configuration constraints. It accepts existing code as components, incurring no runtime overhead after initialization. It allows easy incorporation of specifications and associated analysis tools developed elsewhere. The implementation provides a base for extending the notation and validating the model  相似文献   

A model for representing and analyzing the design of a distributed software system is presented. The model is based on a modified form of Petri net, and enables one to represent both the structure and the behavior of a distributed software system at a desired level of design. Behavioral properties of the design representation can be verified by translating the modified Petri net into an equivalent ordinary Petri net and then analyzing that resulting Petri net. The model emphasizes the unified representation of control and data flows, partially ordered software components, hierarchical component structure, abstract data types, data objects, local control, and distributed system state. At any design level, the distributed software system is viewed as a collection of software components. Software components are externally described in terms of their input and output control states, abstract data types, data objects, and a set of control and data transfer specifications. They are interconnected through the shared control states and through the shared data objects. A system component can be viewed internally as a collection of subcomponents, local control states, local abstract data types, and local data objects.  相似文献   

This paper presents a modeling approach for the development of software for electronic control units in the automotive domain. The approach supports the development of two related architecture models in the overall development process: the logical architecture provides a graphical, quite abstract representation of a typically large set of automotive functions. On this abstraction level no design decisions are taken. The technical architecture provides a software and a hardware representation in separated views: the software architecture describes the software realization of functions as software components, whereas the hardware architecture models hardware ntities, on which the software components are deployed. Logical as well as technical architectures only model structural information, but no behavioural information. A tight integration of both architecture levels—on the conceptual and on the tool level—with related development phases such as requirements engineering, behaviour modeling, code generation as well as version and configuration management resulting in a seamless overall development process is presented. This architecture modeling approach has been developed within a safety-relevant project at BMW Group. Positive as well as negative experiences with the application of this approach are described.  相似文献   

复杂对象版本的数学模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复合组合对象的版本管理机制是工程数据库系统的重要组成部分。本文以支持工程设计方案的修改,选择及配置为主要目的,对COHOR复杂对象进行了版本扩展,提出了复杂对象版本的数学模型,并从语义角度讨论了DATFEA版本管理系统的版本模型和基本操作等问题。  相似文献   

One of the most significant failures of the IT profession is the absence of systems to gather, support, and supply information for managing software items. Most IT professionals, if they consider software management, think in terms of version or configuration control license and patch management. Version control systems (VCSs) and software configuration management (SCM) systems aim to manage versions of individual software objects with support for linking into sets for release purposes. This has nothing to do with addressing the issues of controlling large amounts of geographically disbursed software, executing on different kinds of systems, maintained by hundreds to thousands of programmers. Software systems are the only major organizational asset with no real support for managing them based on information technology. An appropriate IT inventory management facility is the cornerstone of an integrated set of technologies, called the "paradigm of change" designed to address constantly changing technologies and business processes.  相似文献   

基于IEC61131-3的通用工业组态软件系统设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业组态软件主要用于工业现场的数据采集与过程控制,是企业实现信息化与自动化融合不可缺少的工具。针对当前市场上商业工业组态软件的不足,提出了一种符合IEC61131-3国际标准的通用工业组态软件的系统设计架构。从系统整体设计、编程环境、核心数据管理、开放式设备互联、动态组态及运行支持等方面对基于IEC61131-3的通用工业组态系统进行了深入探讨。介绍的通用工业组态系统设计方案具有符合国际标准、适应性强、开放性好、易于扩展等特点,对工业组态软件的开发提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

一个基于属性文法的分布式软件构架描述语言   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  

Codesign of embedded systems: status and trends   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ever increasing embedded system design complexity combined with a very tight time-to-market window has revolutionized the embedded-system design process. The concurrent design of hardware and software has displaced traditional sequential design. Further, hardware and software design now begins before the system architecture (or even the specification) is finalised. System architects, customers, and marketing departments develop requirement definitions and system specifications together. System architects define a system architecture consisting of cooperating system functions that form the basis of concurrent hardware and software design. Interface design requires the participation of both hardware and software developers. The next step integrates and tests hardware and software-this phase consists of many individual steps. Reusing components taken from previous designs or acquired from outside the design group is a main design goal to improve productivity and reduce design risk. It is argued that new methodologies and AD tools support an integrated hardware software codesign process  相似文献   

This paper describes an Electronic Commerce Goods Search System (ECGSS) that has functions that increase the precision of search results through training of the search system and uses affiliated business transaction processes. The software component architecture for ECGSS also allows the effective deployment of the system on every local business site, in view of the evolving trend in information technology toward easier configuration and re-usability. A general information gathering system with the infrastructure to accept every Internet communication protocol and access control is described. In this affiliated business transaction model, we classify Internet sites into two groups: a cooperative sites group, and a non-cooperative sites group. While designing the components, we optimized their specifications with respect to the whole architecture analysis, dependencies, and interface types using a component-based software development process. Experiments on the effectiveness of the user training function for the search system and the response time for simple queries for each communication protocol are presented. Comparisons of commercial search solutions and architectural standards of several organizations are also given.  相似文献   

娄锋  孙涌 《微机发展》2007,17(1):91-93
研究了支持依赖注入的IoC容器的设计问题。其目的是减小容器中组件或对象间的耦合度,应用程序中的组件在运行时不再主动调用其协作组件或协作对象,而是由容器在程序运行期间动态地将应用程序所需的组件或对象注入到应用程序中。与当前存在的IoC容器相比,它能够实现更多的组件注册方式,组件的管理方式也更灵活,基于IoC容器进行的开发可以明显减小对象间及对象和服务间的耦合度,便于组件的重用,缩短程序开发的周期,构建清晰、简洁的解决方案。  相似文献   

分析了基于构件的软件开发过程中构件演化对配置管理的新挑战,探讨了配置管理的对象,提出一种管理构件之间的关系方法以跟踪构件演化活动,从而配置管理能很好地支持构件的演化。  相似文献   

运载火箭总体方案论证过程中,由于涉及专业多、专业间迭代交互频繁、设计方案多变等特点,容易造成多专业协同设计时版本与技术状态的不统一,需要研究针对运载火箭产品的通用建模方法,并开发相应的软件系统;基于统一数据源的协同设计理念,结合运载火箭总体设计与数据模型特点,通过定义基础信息模型、概念模型、参数模型、外部定义模型4种数据模型,提出了针对运载火箭产品的通用主模型构建方法;将此通用建模方法软件化,搭建了基于主模型的协同设计软件系统整体架构;此架构包含主模型管理系统、主模型建模工具及应用客户端三部分,实现了多专业协同设计过程中数据与版本的统一管理、技术状态一致性分析、谱系追踪、数据展示与应用等功能;该主模型建模工具与客户端软件系统的实现,为运载火箭的总体协同设计提供了工具支撑。  相似文献   

软件配置管理活动贯穿于整个软件生命周期,为软件开发提供了一套可视化、可跟踪、可控制的管理办法和活动原则。将软件配置管理技术应用于经销商管理系统的项目中,包括角色分配、配置项计划、基线计划、配置库设计等具体的活动规划,并且有效地实施了版本控制、变更管理、发布管理等具体的活动。不仅提高了产品的质量,增强了对整个项目的控制,而且也规范了团队成员的管理。  相似文献   

Contextual refinement is a compositional approach to compositional verification of concurrent objects.There has been much work designing program logics to prove the contextual refinement between the object implementation and its abstract specification.However,these program logics for contextual refinement verification cannot support objects with resource ownership transfer,which is a common pattern in many concurrent objects,such as the memory management module in OS kernels,which transfers the allocated memory block between the object and clients.In this paper,we propose a new approach to give abstract and implementation independent specifications to concurrent objects with ownership transfer.We also design a program logic to verify contextual refinement of concurrent objects w.r.t.their abstract specifications.We have successfully applied our logic to verifying an implementation of the memory management module,where the implementation is an appropriately simplified version of the original version from a real-world preemptive OS kernel.  相似文献   

为进一步提升智能管理单元研发测试的质量和效率,提出了就地化保护智能管理单元自动测试系统的构建方案。给出了智能管理单元自动测试系统的总体设计思路。设计了自动测试系统的硬件框架;采用模块化、层次化的软件体系架构,增强了测试系统的扩展性和可维护性;详细介绍了自动测试系统的功能实现流程和测试操作流程。根据测试项目全自动生成测试用例,构建智能管理单元运行仿真环境、完成故障模拟,采用多线程等计算机技术,高效、可靠地实现了对智能管理单元的全自动闭环测试。该自动测试系统的主要创新点在于全自动生成用例、规范测试流程及模拟电力系统故障。实际应用表明,该设计能够显著提高测试质量和测试效率,其层次化的软件架构设计及规范化的流程设计对其他自动化控制系统的研制也有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种针对单机版本的组态软件对网络数据获取支持不理想的一种解决办法,采用第三方数据库软件SQL2000支持网络的功能,通过ADO方法将分布在生产车间里的数据上传至数据库服务器中,通过组态软件VBA读取数据库数据,将生产数据和管理信息并入集控系统,完善了单机版组态软件的数据共享功能.  相似文献   

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