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为了快速准确地进行设计阶段的人机产品创新,开发了E/HOQ/TRIZ 集成模型并 描述了具体步骤,提出了基于人体工程学(E)的人机用户需求三维分类的需求获取方式;通过质 量屋(HOQ)确立人机设计关键问题与关键人机设计区域;利用发明问题解决理论(TRIZ)分析人 机设计关键问题中的冲突类型,借助TRIZ 发明原理消除冲突。E/HOQ/TRIZ 集成模型有效弥补 了单一设计理论与方法的局限性,并发挥三种理论与方法的优势,实现人机产品创新设计。通 过人机洗浴设施创新设计,论证了所提出E/HOQ/TRIZ 集成模型与方法的可行性。  相似文献   

袁力  陈阳  赵勇 《计算机科学》2013,40(Z11):255-258,266
专利是创新的结果,更是再创造的知识源泉,对专利技术知识依据创新需求的分类可有效帮助设计者进行创新设计。依据TRIZ理论对产品专利进行自动分类,以辅助利用专利蕴含的技术冲突进行产品创新设计。TRIZ原始的发明原理过于抽象以及有些原理之间有重叠,文中对40个原始的发明原理进行重组,形成20个新的类别。专利自动分类是一类典型的多标签分类问题,文中从Pro_Techniques和CREAX两个软件中收集了针对发明原理进行具体解释的专利数据,并依据此数据集对问题转换和自适应算法两类多标签分类算法进行对比分析。采用海明损失、测度等评估特性评估了上述算法的性能和质量。结果表明,在使用TRIZ专利数据集时,问题转换方法分类性能要明显优于自适应算法。  相似文献   

王军  孙帅 《图学学报》2021,42(5):866-872
针对营地手推车现有折叠方式效率较低、产品笨重等问题,综合利用多种折叠方式以解决现有 问题。首先对现有营地手推车的折叠结构进行分析,确定待解决问题,其次依据基元理论创建问题模型,利用 TRIZ 理论查询并确定解决相应问题的发明原理,再进行拓展分析和可拓变换,得到解决方案,最终借助优度 评价选择最优方案。通过营地手推车的实例设计,实现对其折叠时间、折叠流程以及轻量化的目标问题优化, 证明可拓分析与 TRIZ 中发明问题解决原理相结合能够提高解决效率,为以后产品创新和筛选方案提供参考。  相似文献   

用于系统化创新的发明问题解决理论TRIZ包含了许多发明问题解决工具,如矛盾矩阵、创新原理、技术系统进化法则、发明问题标准解法以及发明问题解决算法ARIZ等。按照TRIZ对发明问题的五级分类,一般较为简单的一到三级发明问题运用创新原理或者发明问题标准解法就可以解决,而那些复杂的非标准发明问题,如四、五级的问题,往往需要应用发明问题解决算法 ARIZ 做系统的分析和求解。ARIZ(Algorithm for Inventive-Problem Solving)——发明问题解决算法,是 TRIZ 理论中一个主要的分析问题、解决问题的方法,其目标是为了解决问题的…  相似文献   

本文重点对遥控器的外观形态进行深入分析。利用TRIZ创新设计理论及矛盾冲突原理,总结遥控器使用中的不便及误操作等问题,根据TRIZ理论中的部分创新原理进行全新的创新及人性化设计。  相似文献   

本文重点对对讲机的外观形态进行深入分析。利用TRIZ创新设计理论及矛盾冲突原理,总结对讲机使用中的不便及误操作等问题,根据TRIZ理论中的部分创新原理进行全新的创新及人性化设计。  相似文献   

针对警用无人机执行任务的能力需求,提出了基于灰关联分析的质量功能展开 (GQFD)和发明问题解决理论(TRIZ)相结合的警用无人机创新设计集成方法,即通过 GQFD 将警 用无人机的任务需求转化为具体使用的性能需求以及对应的关键技术及其重要度,从而由关键 技术重要度明确改进的设计目标;应用 TRIZ 理论分析设计目标中的关键问题冲突类型,利用 标准工程参数和发明原理消解对应的冲突得到具体设计实施方案。实践表明,该集成方法可以 在调研缺少信息、小样本分析情况下减少设计中人为因素干扰,弥补单一创新设计理论的不足, 具有可以快速准确找到设计方向并得出可行设计方案的突出优点。通过城市管理环境中警用无 人机的创新设计方案实施,论证了 GQFD-TRIZ 集成方法的可行性。  相似文献   

目前的防盗系统主要通过判断行李与用户之间的距离,来确定行李箱是否安全,缺少行李运动状态,造成判断精度较差,适用范围较小。针对以上问题,设计了一种基于Arduino的智能防盗系统。Arduino通过各种各样的传感器来感知环境,与各种硬件搭配可以实现对系统的智能控制。通过Arduino101板载惯性测量单元以及超声波传感器来收集行李箱的运动姿态数据,使用Madgwick滤波算法和AHRS姿态算法对感知数据进行处理,得到行李箱的实时运动姿态。根据姿态分析和超声波测距联合判断行李箱是否丢失,并提醒用户。该系统解决了原方案不能准确判断行李箱运动状态的问题,实现了行李箱精确检测、智能防盗,即当行李箱非正常移动时可及时触发蜂鸣器并发出警报声,通过短信模块发送报警短信到用户手机,有效规避财务损失。  相似文献   

以GDX2剔除装置创新设计为例,描述了利用TRIZ理论解决产品创新设计问题的一般过程。介绍了TRIZ理论的概念和体系结构。利用TRIZ理论指导GDX2剔除装置的创新设计过程,从用途、原理要求等方面着手,说明了如何将实际问题抽象为工程技术参数、如何划分优化参数与恶化参数以及二者之间的矛盾;重点阐述了矛盾矩阵和40条创新原则在设计过程中的具体应用方法,最后得出一种解决方案,杜绝了误剔现象。  相似文献   

本文利用TRIZ针对解决发明创造问题中的理想解原理,结合工业设计的特点,对工业设计中的理想解进行了界定,并得出一套应用理想解指导工业设计创新实施的方法。  相似文献   

针对现有踝足矫形器(AFO)适配性差、用户满意度较低的问题,提出了一种面向关键用户需求 的 AFO 定制设计流程与方法。通过用户访谈、问卷调查获取原始用户需求,将因子分析与层次分析法结合, 确立关键用户需求权重;再利用 TRIZ 理论解决关键需求冲突,得出产品创新方向;借助 3D 扫描技术与逆向 工程软件,获取精确的小腿加足数字化模型,根据小腿加足骨骼与生理曲面的特点,利用三维建模构建 AFO 基础模型;在 Ansys Workbench 中对其进行拓扑优化生成 AFO 轻量化设计方案;最终通过模糊综合评价与偏 差分析,确定设计方案适配性良好,验证了定制设计流程与方法的可行性。  相似文献   

We propose a cooperative multi-agent platform to support the invention process based on the patent document analysis. It helps industrial knowledge managers to retrieve and analyze existing patent documents and extract structure information from patents with the aid of ontology and natural language processing techniques. It allows the invention process to be carried out through the cooperation and coordination among software agents delegated by the various domain experts in the complex industrial R&D environment. Furthermore, it integrates the patent document analysis with the inventive problem solving method known as TRIZ method that can suggest invention directions based on the heuristics or principles to resolve the contradictions among design objectives and engineering parameters. We chose the patent invention for chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) as our case study. However, the platform and techniques could be extended to most cooperative invention domains.  相似文献   


Process design artifacts have been increasingly used to guide the modeling of business processes. To support users in designing and understanding process models, different process artifacts have been combined in several ways leading to the emergence of the so-called “hybrid process artifacts”. While many hybrid artifacts have been proposed in the literature, little is known about how they can actually support users in practice. To address this gap, this work investigates the way users engage with hybrid process artifacts during comprehension tasks. In particular, we focus on a hybrid representation of DCR Graphs (DCR-HR) combining a process model, textual annotations and an interactive simulation. Following a qualitative approach, we conduct a multi-granular analysis exploiting process mining, eye-tracking techniques, and verbal data analysis to scrutinize the reading patterns and the strategies adopted by users when being confronted with DCR-HR. The findings of the coarse-grained analysis provide important insights about the behavior of domain experts and IT specialists and show how user’s background and task type change the use of hybrid process artifacts. As for the fine-grained analysis, user’s behavior was classified into goal-directed and exploratory and different strategies of using the interactive simulation were identified. In addition, a progressive switch from an exploratory behavior to a goal-directed behavior was observed. These insights pave the way for an improved development of hybrid process artifacts and delineate several directions for future work.


针对传统PageRank算法存在的平分链接权重和忽略用户兴趣等问题,提出一种基于学习自动机和用户兴趣的页面排序算法LUPR。在所提方法中,给每个网页分配学习自动机,其功能是确定网页之间超链接的权重。通过对用户行为进一步分析,以用户的浏览行为衡量用户对网页的兴趣度,从而获得兴趣度因子。该算法根据网页间的超链接和用户对网页的兴趣度衡量网页权重计算每个网页的排名。最后的仿真实验表明,较传统的PageRank算法和WPR算法,改进后的LUPR算法在一定程度上提高了信息检索的准确度和用户满意度。  相似文献   

TRIZ创新法则已经被广泛应用到多个领域的创造发明问题解决中,其非常适合解决技术矛盾或冲突问题。本文将其创新法则与头脑风暴法相结合,应用到城市引导系统的属性冲突的问题解决中,并通过太原市城市引导系统部分子系统的设计应用,验证了该法则的可行性。同时对其他非工程设计领域的发明创造有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper introduces six aspects of the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ), from conceptual basics to a framework for interdisciplinary research, and explains some of the specific terminology, such as inventive principles, standard solutions, substance‐field‐systems or contradictions. The conceptual approach of TRIZ comprises the way from a concrete problem over an abstract problem to an abstract solution and from there to a concrete solution. This is supported by a toolkit, which helps the problem‐solver analysing and solving problems in different perspectives. The ‘power supply for notebook computers’ example demonstrates a problem‐solving process with TRIZ using contradiction thinking, the contradiction matrix and the inventive principles as tools. The TRIZ tools may be combined within a comprehensive process model such as ARIS or WOIS, which are briefly discussed. A framework for further research suggests five fields: the tools and their combination as the core, inspiration by new knowledge domains, adaptation to new fields of usage, psycho‐ and sociological contingency and integration with other creativity tools. The paper concludes with an overview of cornerstones in the history of TRIZ and suggests some introductory books and informative websites.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a user study conducted in the context of the TELplus project to gain insights about user needs and preferences for the digital library services offered by The European Library Web portal. The user requirements collection for the Web portal was designed by adopting a comprehensive survey approach. This combined explicit user feedback with implicit usage data so as to provide a more in-depth analysis of user experience with the portal. The analysis conducted shed light on likely motivations for both participant usage and reluctance to use the services provided, leading to more informed decisions on how to refine, improve, and present Web portal services to their future users. The lessons learnt from this case study also contributed to the development of an integrated methodological framework which provided insights for the future design and evaluation of digital library Web portals and services.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary approach integrating method of identification of customer satisfaction needs (CSNs), the House of Quality (HoQ) chart of quality function deployment (QFD), theory of innovation problem solving (TRIZ) and fuzzy group decision-making theory for ergonomic product innovative design and evaluation in the early design stages was proposed. An integrated model and the approach procedures consists of four steps. In step 1, identification of CSNs is based on a data source triangulation approach, questionnaire survey, 5-point liner numeric rating scale, factor analysis, and Cronbach’s coefficient alpha statistic are utilized to guarantee that the CSNs are complete and reliable. In step 2, a correlation matrix is built to identify the critical ergonomic design areas and the key problems are established by analysis of the negative relationships obtained from interrelationship half-matrix at the roof of the HoQ. In step 3, to solve the problems, TRIZ main tools and contradiction analysis are utilized. Several innovative alternatives are generated by combining appropriate Inventive Principles of TRIZ, the critical ergonomic design areas and the ergonomic design principles. In step 4, a general and easy fuzzy group decision-making method for evaluating of the best design alternatives is presented. A case study of the integrated kitchen stove innovative design and evaluation is conducted to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

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