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梁猛  史晓霜 《计算机工程》2020,46(5):259-266
数码相机拍摄容易受到颜色滤波阵列(CFA)采样频率的规则性图案干扰,导致输出图像带有莫尔条纹。为解决该问题,提出一种基于二阶Newton插值近似的数码图像莫尔条纹消除算法。利用小波变换提取G分量在水平和垂直方向的高频信息,通过对高频信息做频域变换模拟CFA混叠过程,进而对图像中莫尔区域及其潜在区域进行检测。针对莫尔条纹区域,利用二阶Newton插值获取G分量各方向的估计值,并对所得估计值加权平均取得丢失的G分量,再采用色差空间模型插值恢复R和B分量,最终得到消除莫尔条纹且包含完整RGB信息的图像。实验结果表明,该算法在不影响图像色彩质量的同时能有效去除莫尔条纹,且相比双线性插值、Hibbard等算法恢复图像的峰值信噪比更高、主观视觉效果更好。  相似文献   

介绍了基于GPRS的列车止轮器在线监测系统,并对系统结构、工作原理、硬件构成及软件设计进行了比较详尽的论述。该系统实时在线监测列车止轮器的水平位移、水平倾角与表面垂直压力大小及变化趋势等信息,将监测到的信息通过GPRS及Internet网络平台传送至远程监控中心,得出列车止轮器实际工作状态,进一步对列车停靠状态做出判断对存在异常隐患的列车止轮器实施报警预案,自动生成排查检修工作表,从而实现其远程在线运行参数的监控与异常诊断与维护。实践证明该系统运行稳定、可靠。  相似文献   

In Western languages, text is traditionally presented in horizontal lines. However, reading of vertically arranged text might be more efficient because of the elimination of horizontal eye movements. We investigated the effect of vertical arrangement upon reading text presented on a computer screen. Even though vertically aligned text was read at a slower rate than horizontally aligned text, the difference was smaller than in previous studies. Analysis of eye-movement data revealed that there were no differences in fixation numbers and numbers of regressions between vertical formats and the standard-text format. But fixation durations were shorter for the standard-text format than for the vertical formats. Taken together, the results indicate that reading vertically presented text from a display device may be nearly as efficient as reading normal horizontal text. Therefore, the fact that text is normally vertically arranged in small-screen devices is not a usability problem.  相似文献   

程序Chopping对于程序理解、分析、调试、测试等具有重要的意义。已有的Chopping方法主要基于相互连接的系统依赖图(SDG),对于大程序这种SDG描述通常非常复杂,易导致程序Chopping结果不准确。针对这一问题,基于带标签的Java程序描述方法,提出一种Java程序Chopping方法。该方法利用这种描述附带的程序依赖信息,分析参数依赖关系,并在此基础上给出Chopping算法。此程序Chopping方法能把Java程序方法间的程序Chopping问题转换到Java程序方法内进行分析,程序依赖图具有结点少、可重用、可并发构造等优点。最后通过实例和实验给出程序Chopping方法的实施过程及有效性。  相似文献   

In Western languages, text is traditionally presented in horizontal lines. However, reading of vertically arranged text might be more efficient because of the elimination of horizontal eye movements. We investigated the effect of vertical arrangement upon reading text presented on a computer screen. Even though vertically aligned text was read at a slower rate than horizontally aligned text, the difference was smaller than in previous studies. Analysis of eye-movement data revealed that there were no differences in fixation numbers and numbers of regressions between vertical formats and the standard-text format. But fixation durations were shorter for the standard-text format than for the vertical formats. Taken together, the results indicate that reading vertically presented text from a display device may be nearly as efficient as reading normal horizontal text. Therefore, the fact that text is normally vertically arranged in small-screen devices is not a usability problem.  相似文献   

从有限自动机中生成简短、可读性强的正则表达式是计算机理论研究中的一个重大课题.在经典的正则表达式生成算法中,状态序列是影响正则表达式质量的关键因素.为了能够快速高效地找到较优的状态序列,本文以食肉植物算法的理论为核心,并结合其他启发式算法的思想进行设计与优化,提出了一种基于食肉植物算法的状态序列搜索方法.通过实验将此方法与已有的一些使用启发式规则的搜索算法进行了对比,实验结果表明,基于食肉植物算法的状态序列搜索方法优于其他启发式算法,生成的正则表达式长度比起其他启发式算法明显缩短,如跟DM算法相比,长度的缩短幅度可以随着自动机阶数的增加达到20%以上,跟随机序列算法相比,可以把长度缩短多个数量级.  相似文献   

We consider two formalisms for representing regular languages: constant height pushdown automata and straight line programs for regular expressions. We constructively prove that their sizes are polynomially related. Comparing them with the sizes of finite state automata and regular expressions, we obtain optimal exponential and double exponential gaps, i.e., a more concise representation of regular languages.  相似文献   

一组提高存储效率的深度包检测算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于强  霍红卫 《软件学报》2011,22(1):149-163
随着深度包检测规则数目的剧烈增长,为了适应网络处理的需求,必须对表示正则表达式的DFA(deterministic finite automata,确定的有限自动机)进行高效的存储.一方面,对DFA的状态点数目进行压缩,提出了一种复合的FSM(有限自动机)的构造方法,通过对正则表达转化成DFA的状态点数目复杂度的分析,将不同复杂度的正则表达式采用不同的方式构建DFA,使得所有平方级和指数级复杂度的状态点数目降低到了线性级.另一方面,对DFA的状态转移数目进行压缩,给出了一种高效的压缩算法,即WD2FA(weighted delayed input DFA,带权延迟DFA)算法,对于任意复杂度的正则表达式都可以将状态转移数目压缩为原来的5%左右,相对于D2FA(delayed input DFA,延迟的DFA)有更好的压缩能力,并且使得D2FA是WD2FA在权值为0情况下的特例.实验结果表明,有限自动机的状态点数目能够控制在线性级,并且在状态点压缩的基础上将状态转移数目压缩为原来的7%.  相似文献   

Subsurface two-phase flow in porous media often takes place in reservoirs with a high ratio between the associated lateral and vertical extent and the lateral and vertical flow time scales. This allows for a two-scale approach with effective quantities for two-dimensional horizontal flow equations obtained from reconstructed hydrostatic vertical pressure and saturation distributions. Here, we derive explicit expressions for the two dimensional constitutive relationships for a play-type hysteretic Brooks–Corey capillary pressure function with a pore-size distribution index of 2 and quadratic relative permeabilities. We obtain an explicit hysteretic parametrization for the upscaled capillary pressure function and the upscaled relative permeabilities. The size of the hysteresis loop depends on the ratio between buoyancy and the entry pressure, i.e. it scales with the reservoir height and the ratio between drainage and imbibition capillary pressure. We find that the scaling for the relative permeability is non-monotonic and hysteresis vanishes for both small and large reservoirs.  相似文献   

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