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可满足(SAT)问题是指:是否存在一组布尔变元赋值,使得合取范式公式中每个子句至少有一个文字为真.多文字可满足SAT问题是指:是否存在一组布尔变元赋值,使得CNF公式中每个子句至少有两个文字为真.显然,此问题仍然是一个NP难问题.为了研究解决多文字可满足SAT问题的算法,引入随机实例产生模型,设计求解多文字可满足SAT问题的置信传播算法.最后,用实例模型产生了大量数据进行实验验证,结果表明:该算法求解多文字可满足SAT问题的性能优于其他启发式算法.  相似文献   

信念传播算法是基于因子图模型的消息传递算法,通过图中的边,将消息从一个结点传递给另一个结点,以高概率地确定部分变量的取值,这种方法被实验证明在求解可满足性问题时非常有效.然而,目前还未对其有效性从理论角度给予解释.通过对信念传播算法的收敛性分析,试图从理论上解释算法的有效性.在信息传播算法的信息迭代方程中,参数的取值范...  相似文献   

Max-SAT问题是SAT问题的优化版本,目标是在给定的子句集中找到一组变元赋值,使得满足子句数最多,该问题是典型的NP-hard问题。随着大数据和人工智能的深度发展,过去原有的算法已不再适用,设计新的求解算法或对已有的求解算法进行优化是目前研究的热点。针对警示传播算法求解随机Max-3-SAT问题的局限性,提出了一种基于变元权值计算的警示传播算法,结合随机游走算法,给出一种新型算法WWP+WalkSAT,通过改进求解的局限性,更好地得到一组有效的初始解,从而提高算法的局部搜索能力。利用2016年Max-SAT国际竞赛部分基准实例,将WWP+WalkSAT算法与八种局部搜索算法进行精度方面的对比实验。实验结果表明,WWP+WalkSAT算法有较好的性能。  相似文献   

信息传播算法来自统计物理,被广泛应用于人工智能各个领域,特别是求解组合优化问题时,具有良好的有效性。通过对信息传播算法的相关文献进行分析,综述了信息传播算法以及其相关应用的发展史,根据信息传播算法的发展,介绍了求解可满足性问题的信息传播算法相关概念,主要涉及到警示传播算法、置信传播算法和调查传播算法,描述了三种算法发展中出现的收敛性、有效性研究,分别综述了各个算法在相关领域的应用情况,并总结了信息传播算法的研究路径和应用方向。  相似文献   

王芙  周育人  叶立 《计算机科学》2012,39(4):227-231
布尔可满足性问题(Boolean Satisfiability Problem,SAT)是逻辑学的一个基本问题,也是NP-hard问题。调查传播算法(Survey Propagation,SP)是求解SAT的一种非常高效的算法,但SP在难解区域极易不收敛,或者出现错误赋值。将SP算法与蚁群算法结合,把SP算法得到的消息值应用到蚁群算法中来求解3-SAT问题,使用这些消息值引导蚁群算法求解,并在算法中加入高效的局部搜索。新算法对于SP算法不收敛的一些实例也能很快找到解。  相似文献   

信息传播算法在求解随机kSAT问题时有惊人的效果,难解区域变窄.对于这种现象,至今缺少系统的理论解释.警示传播(warning propagation,简称WP)算法是一种基础的信息传播算法,为有效分析WP算法在随机kCNF公式上的收敛性,给出了随机kCNF公式因子图上圈存在的相变点.在随机kCNF公式产生模型G(n,k,p)中,取k=3,p=d/n2,因子图中圈存在的相变点为p=1/8n2.当d<1/8时,因子图中开始出现圈,且每个连通分支至多有一个圈,因子图中含圈的连通分支的数目以及圈的长度均与n无关.因此,因子图是由森林和一些含有唯一圈的连通分支构成.证明了WP算法在这些实例集上高概率收敛,并且给出了算法的迭代步数为O(logn+s),其中,s为连通分支的大小.  相似文献   

为了得到高效可扩展的可满足性问题求解方法,融合目前解决可满足性问题(SAT)的诸多最新策略:快速DPLL、启发式极性决策算法等,提出了一种基于多Agent(Multi-Agent)的可满足性问题(SAT)验证方法.该方法给出了基于多Agent的可满足性问题求解系统的总体结构、工作流程和消息协议,详细分析了有关Agent的结构原理,在JADF(Java Agent development framework)基础上设计出智能仿真模型,通过实例研究表明该方法比传统的一般性求解方法精度高、速度快,且有较好的扩展性和可移植性.  相似文献   

该文为可满足性问题的高效近似求解提出了改进的模拟退火算法。数值实验表明,对于该文随机产生的测试问题例,改进的模拟退火算法完全胜过局部搜索算法、模拟退火算法以及目前国际上流行的WSAT算法。  相似文献   

提出了一种启发式调查传播算法,并基于该算法设计了一种QBF(quantified Boolean formulae)求解器——HSPQBF(heuristic survey propagation algorithm for solving QBF)系统.它将Survey Propagation信息传递方法应用到QBF求解问题中.利用Survey Propagation作为启发式引导DPLL(Davis,Putnam,Logemann and Loveland)算法,选择合适的变量进行分支,从而可以减小搜索空间,并减少算法回退的次数.在分支处理过程中,HSPQBF系统结合了单元传播、冲突学习和满足蕴涵学习等一些优秀的QBF求解技术,从而能够提高QBF问题的求解效率.实验结果表明,HSPQBF无论在随机问题上还是在QBF标准测试问题上都有很好的表现,验证了调查传播技术在QBF问题求解中的实际价值.  相似文献   

一种基于变量熵求解约束满足问题的置信传播算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在置信传播(belief propagation,BP)算法中,提出一种基于变量熵来挑选变量从而固定变量赋值的策略,用于求解一类具有增长定义域的随机约束满足问题.RB模型是一个具有增长定义域的随机约束满足问题的典型代表,已经严格证明它不仅存在精确的可满足性相变现象,而且可以生成难解实例.在RB模型上选取两组不同的参数进行数值实验.结果表明:在接近可满足性相变点时,BP引导的消去算法仍然可以非常有效地找到随机实例的解;不断增加问题的规模,算法的运行时间呈指数级增长;并且当控制参数(约束紧度)增加时,变量的平均自由度逐渐降低.  相似文献   

Survey Propagation:一种求解SAT的高效算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李韶华  张健 《计算机科学》2005,32(1):132-137
Survey propagation是一种新生的SAT(CSP)算法。它基于统计物理的spin glass模型,针对具体问题进行纵览(survey),从而极大地降低求解的复杂度。但sp算法在某些时候不收敛,或引导向错误的解。对此,G.Parisi提出一种复杂回溯(backtrack)算法,而作者在sp中加入简单回溯,也使一部分此类问题得到解决。  相似文献   

王晓峰  许道云 《软件学报》2016,27(12):3003-3013
信息传播算法求解可满足问题时有惊人的效果,难解区域变窄.然而,因子图带有环的实例,信息传播算法不总有效,常表现为不收敛.对于这种现象,至今缺少系统的理论解释.警示传播(warning propagation,简称WP)算法是一种基础的信息传播算法,对WP算法的收敛性研究是其他信息传播算法收敛性研究的重要基础.在WP算法中,将警示信息的取值从{0,1}松弛为[0,1],利用压缩函数的性质,给出了WP算法收敛的一个充分条件.选取了两组不同规模的随机3-SAT实例进行实验模拟,结果表明:当子句与变元的比值α<1.8时,该判定条件有效.  相似文献   

Twenty of the programs (solvers) submitted to the SAT 2002 Contest had no disqualifying errors. These solvers were run on 2023 satisfiability problems of varying hardnesses. Each solver was judged by which problems it could solve within the allowed time limit. Twelve solvers were best on some problem – they could solve it and the others could not. Only two solvers could not beat each remaining solver on some problems (where the problems could vary depending on which solver it was trying to beat). Thus, there is evidence that 18 solvers were extremely good. It is interesting to analyze the contest results in a way that groups together solvers with similar strengths and weaknesses. This paper uses the parsimony algorithm to produce a classification of the twenty solvers. The paper also has a second classification, almost the same as the first, for the twenty solvers, updated versions of two solvers, and a fictitious state of the art solver. The contest problems came in three groups, Industrial, Hand Made, and Random. The Random group of problems was about three times as large as the other two together. The classification identifies four groups of solvers (plus a miscellaneous group): weak solvers, incomplete solvers which are very good at some satisfiable Random problems, complete solvers which are very good at most Random problems, and complete solvers which are very good at Industrial and Hand Made problems.  相似文献   

Twenty of the programs (solvers) submitted to the SAT 2002 Contest had no disqualifying errors. These solvers were run on 2023 satisfiability problems of varying hardnesses. Each solver was judged by which problems it could solve within the allowed time limit. Twelve solvers were best on some problem — they could solve it and the others could not. Only two solvers could not beat each remaining solver on some problems (where the problems could vary depending on which solver it was trying to beat). Thus, there is evidence that 18 solvers were extremely good. It is interesting to analyze the contest results in a way that groups together solvers with similar strengths and weaknesses. This paper uses the parsimony algorithm to produce a classification of the twenty solvers. The paper also has a second classification, almost the same as the first, for the twenty solvers, updated versions of two solvers, and a fictitious state of the art solver. The contest problems came in three groups, Industrial, Hand Made, and Random. The Random group of problems was about three times as large as the other two together. The classification identifies four groups of solvers (plus a miscellaneous group): weak solvers, incomplete solvers which are very good at some satisfiable Random problems, complete solvers which are very good at most Random problems, and complete solvers which are very good at Industrial and Hand Made problems.  相似文献   

结合DPLL完全算法能够证明可满足性(SAT)问题的不可满足性和局部搜索算法快速的优点,提出利用近似解加速求解SAT问题的启发式完全算法.首先利用局部搜索算法快速地得到一个近似解,并将该近似解作为完全算法的初始输入,用于其中分支变量的相位决策.该算法引导完全算法优先搜索近似解所在的子空间,加速解决器找到可满足解的过程,为SAT问题的求解提供了一种新的有效途径.实验结果表明,该算法有效地提高了决策的精度和SAT解决器的效率,对很多实例非常有效.  相似文献   

单变量边缘分布算法(UMDA)是一种新的进化算法,是求解复杂问题的一种有效算法.根据SAT问题的特点,本文提出了一种求解SAT问题的改进单变量边缘分布算法(HeUMDASAT),该算法结合SAT问题本身固有的结构信息与当前群体的优秀解所提供的全局信息,构造了一个新的启发算子,并将此算子结合到单变量边缘分布算法中.此算子不同于随机搜索算子,由其产生的个体可以使得算法跳出局部最优并探索新的潜在区域,并且加快算法的收敛速度.用SATLIB库中的标准SAT问题对HeUMDASAT算法进行测试,实验结果表明该算法在求解速度和成功率方面都有明显的改善.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show how Guided Local Search (GLS) can be applied to the SAT problem and show how the resulting algorithm can be naturally extended to solve the weighted MAX-SAT problem. GLS is a general, penalty-based meta-heuristic, which sits on top of local search algorithms to help guide them out of local minima. GLS has been shown to be successful in solving a number of practical real-life problems, such as the traveling salesman problem, BT"s workforce scheduling problem, the radio link frequency assignment problem, and the vehicle routing problem. We present empirical results of applying GLS to instances of the SAT problem from the DIMACS archive and also a small set of weighted MAX-SAT problem instances and compare them with the results of other local search algorithms for the SAT problem.  相似文献   

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