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基于比例公平的多用户MIMO-OFDM系统自适应资源分配算法*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对传统多用户MIMO-OFDM系统中自适应资源分配算法计算复杂度较高、实时性不强、无法保证用户间公平性等问题,提出了一种低复杂度的自适应子载波、比特及功率分配算法。在子载波分配上,该算法能够在兼顾比例速率约束的前提下使系统发射功率达到最小化;在比特及功率分配上,该算法将非线性优化问题转换为线性优化问题,在保证系统性能的同时显著降低计算量。仿真结果表明,该算法具有良好的性能,能够有效降低计算量,并使系统容量在用户间分配得更加公平和合理。  相似文献   

针对多用户OFDMA系统资源分配中已有算法对系统容量和公平性兼顾较差的情况,提出了一种满足比例公平性的系统容量最大化资源分配算法。首先选择合适的公平度门限范围,在子载波分配中,先将各个子载波分配给信道增益最大的用户,再在公平度门限约束下重新分配最大速率用户的信道增益最小的子载波,可以实现子载波利用率和公平度的折中。然后采用注水线法分配功率来调整用户间的比例公平性,最终找到使系统容量最大的公平度门限。仿真结果表明,该算法在保证了用户间比例公平性为1的同时提高了系统容量。  相似文献   

徐爽  赵晓晖  袁浩 《计算机工程与应用》2012,48(31):120-124,204
根据认知无线电的特点和正交频分复用(OFDM)的传输特性,提出了一种针对认知OFDM无线电系统的自适应资源分配算法。在传统的子载波分配过程中,具有优先权的用户将优先选择载波,但信道增益最大的载波并不一定会被其使用,这将导致载波利用效率下降。针对这一问题,该算法在载波分配过程中,通过公平度门限来决定载波分配的优先级,从而实现容量和公平度的折中。同时,在子载波和功率分配中使次用户对主用户的干扰功率限制在主用户可容忍的干扰极限内,保证了每个用户的通信要求。仿真结果表明,该算法在满足公平性的同时还提升了系统的容量。  相似文献   

黄玉清  李城鑫  李强 《计算机应用》2012,32(5):1211-1216
针对跨层多用户多输入多输出-正交频分复用(MIMO-OFDM)系统,以系统最大吞吐量为目标,给出一种基于部分信道状态信息的跨层资源分配算法。该优化问题设计的目标函数包括功率限制、传输速率、子载波占用、不同业务的服务质量需求与数据链路层的队列状态信息等约束条件。在数据链路层存在有限缓存条件下,通过均值反馈模型描述信道状态信息的反馈过程,推导出相应的跨层资源分配准则。仿真结果表明,所提算法与现有方案相比,满足了不同业务用户的QoS要求,并获得了好的吞吐率,降低了丢包率。  相似文献   

非正交多址接入技术(Non-orthogonal multiple access, NOMA)提高了通信系统的频谱效率且可支持大量用户接入,因此受到广泛关注。以能量效率(简称能效)最大化为目标的多用户NOMA系统下行链路的资源分配问题,是一个难以求解的非凸问题,为此,将问题分解成用户分组和功率分配2个子问题。首先采用一种基于贪婪算法的用户分组方式降低了穷举法的计算复杂度;其次根据确定的分组方式,得到各个子信道上复用用户的功率分配系数表达式。为了进一步提高系统的能效,研究了子信道间非等功率分配方案,将子信道功率分配问题规划成非线性非凸的比率和问题,并利用Dinkelbach类算法得到次优解。仿真结果显示,文中采用的方案可以达到更好的系统容量和能效。  相似文献   

为了消除或降低多用户MIMO系统下行链路存在的共信道干扰( CCI),提出一种结合功率分配的基于最大化信漏噪比( SLNR)的预编码算法。首先,根据SLNR算法求出最优预编码矩阵,再结合最优功率分配算法,借助拉格朗日乘数法,优化分配每个用户的发送功率,从而提高系统和容量以及降低误码率( BER)性能。为了简化计算复杂度,还提出了SLNR算法结合次优化功率分配算法。仿真表明,所提出的算法比块对角化( BD)算法和最小均方误差准则( MMSE)算法在系统和容量以及误码率性能上都有所改善。  相似文献   

王楠  卫国 《计算机仿真》2008,25(5):125-128
OFDMA中多维无线资源的分配是无线通信的重要研究课题之一.通过分部分配的方法,OFDMA系统中的多维无线资源分配算法能够有效降低无线资源分配的时间复杂度,实现资源的快速分配.在此基础上,基于流平衡的资源分配算法综合考虑了用户加权业务速率以及全体用户的归一化子载波容量,能够对多维无线资源联合进行分配.仿真表明,与传统的无线资源分配算法M-LWDF相比,流平衡分部分配算法能更好地适用于多维无线资源系统,在相同的时间复杂度下能够拥有更大的频谱利用率,达到良好的系统性能.  相似文献   

加权比例公平群智能跨层资源分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对多用户OFDM系统,提出两种适用于混合业务的加权比例公平跨层资源分配方案。该方案假设系统用户拥有多个队列,每个队列分别承载不同类型的业务。在MAC层,所提的两种方案都实施加权比例公平调度。该调度先为用户队列中不同分组授予不同的权重,再通过该权重值计算用户权重,并对每个用户的分组进行排序,最后根据系统中各用户待传数据量之比设置用户间速率成比例约束条件。在物理层,这两种方案不仅都将用户间速率成比例约束条件下系统权重容量和的最大化作为优化目标,而且都在该目标下将群智能算法引入其资源分配。但有所不同的是,方案1将人工鱼群算法引入其子载波分配,用新推导的功率分配方式进行功率分配;方案2将云自适应粒子群算法引入其子载波分配,用人口迁移算法进行功率分配。在此基础上,两种方案都依据由加权比例公平调度提供的各用户分组排序结果传送分组。数值仿真与性能分析显示,这两种方案能在满足用户业务流时延需求和保证用户公平性的基础上,有效提高系统总速率。  相似文献   

中继OFDMA系统容量公平资源分配算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对OFMDA解码-转发中继系统的资源分配问题,提出了一种以系统总功率和用户间的数据速率比例公平为约束条件,以最大化系统总速率为目标的资源分配算法。该资源分配问题为非线性最优化问题,联合求解所有变量复杂度很高,通过次优化的方法降低计算复杂度。算法包括:子载波分配和功率分配。子载波分配是以功率平均分配为前提,对基站-中继站和中继站-用户链路的子载波按照信道条件进行配对,并根据比例公平约束将配对的子载波分配给相应的用户。功率分配是对每个用户利用Lagrange方法调整每个子载波的功率,进一步提高系统的数据速率。算法仿真分析表明,该算法既能同时满足多用户不同数据速率的要求,又能提高系统的数据速率。  相似文献   

研究了一种针对多用户MIMO-OFDM系统的资源分配算法. 该算法是在保证用户公平性的前提下,基于发射功率最小化对系统进行子载波和比特分配. 首先按照用户信道增益状况由最差到最好的顺序进行子载波的初次分配,之后再比较其功率大小找到最终适合用户的子载波,最后利用贪婪注水法对子载波进行比特分配. 仿真结果表明,算法降低了系统的发射功率,并提高了系统的性能.  相似文献   

为了抑制多用户多输入多输出(Multi-user multiple input multiple output,MU-MIMO)系统中的用户间干扰,提出一种新的算法。在本用户消除对其他用户的干扰的前提下选择波束赋形矢量,如果所有用户都采取这种措施,各个用户受到其他用户的干扰将降低至最低,从而提高整个系统的性能。仿真结果表明,随着用户数增加,采用本文中的算法较传统的信漏噪比(Signal-to-leakage-and-noise ratio,SLNR)算法可以降低系统误码率(Bit error rate,BER)。  相似文献   

通过考虑功率分配中OFDMA系统的吞吐量与用户间公平性能的平衡问题,在公平约束条件下,提出一种改进型功率分配贪婪算法.该算法根据用户请求进行子载波的预分配,可以有效地实现每个用户具体的比特分配和功率分配.仿真结果表明,该算法的吞吐量逼近于迭代注水功率分配算法,可以在OFDMA系统的吞吐量与用户间的公平性能之间寻求到一个理想的平衡点.  相似文献   

张红 《微型机与应用》2013,32(17):49-52
研究了信道质量和子载波调制方式、联合最优编码率和最佳调制方式与信道容量、频谱利用率的关系.提出一个使系统得到较高的频谱效率和信道容量的自适应编码调制算法。其中,系统的有效数据传输效率是根据信号干扰噪声比进行评估的。论证了MIMO—OFDM系统自适应编码调制算法,分析它的信道容量以及频谱效率,并进行仿真实验,给出算法的性能结果。  相似文献   

In this paper, we devise data allocation algorithms that can utilize the knowledge of user moving patterns for proper allocation of shared data in a mobile computing system. By employing the data allocation algorithms devised, the occurrences of costly remote accesses can be minimized and the performance of a mobile computing system is thus improved. The data allocation algorithms for shared data, which are able to achieve local optimization and global optimization, are developed. Local optimization refers to the optimization that the likelihood of local data access by an individual mobile user is maximized whereas global optimization refers to the optimization that the likelihood of local data access by all mobile users is maximized. Specifically, by exploring the features of local optimization and global optimization, we devise algorithm SD-local and algorithm SD-global to achieve local optimization and global optimization, respectively. In general, the mobile users are divided into two types, namely, frequently moving users and infrequently moving users. A measurement, called closeness measure which corresponds to the amount of the intersection between the set of frequently moving user patterns and that of infrequently moving user patterns, is derived to assess the quality of solutions provided by SD-local and SD-global. Performance of these data allocation algorithms is comparatively analyzed. From the analysis of SD-local and SD-global, it is shown that SD-local favors infrequently moving users whereas SD-global is good for frequently moving users. The simulation results show that the knowledge obtained from the user moving patterns is very important in devising effective data allocation algorithms which can lead to prominent performance improvement in a mobile computing system.  相似文献   

The traditional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) is unable to satisfy the needs of large number of smart devices. To increase the transmission rate in the limited spectrum resource, implementation of both non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and successive interference cancelation (SIC) is essential. In this paper, an optimal resource allocation algorithm in NOMA is proposed to maximize the total system rate in a multi-sector multi-subcarrier relay-assisted communication network. Since the original problem is a non-convex problem with mixed integer programming which is non-deterministic polynomial-time (NP)-hard, a three-step solution is proposed to solve the primal problem. Firstly, we determine the optimal power allocation of the outer users by using the approach of monotonic discrimination, and then the optimal user pairing is determined. Secondly, the successive convex approximation (SCA) method is introduced to transform the non-convex problem involving central users into convex one, and the Lagrangian dual method is used to determine the optimal solution. Finally, the standard Hungarian algorithm is utilized to determine the optimal subcarrier matching. The simulation results show that resource allocation algorithm is able to meet the user performance requirements with NOMA, and the total system rate is improved compared to the existing algorithms.   相似文献   

针对在多用户MIMO系统中天线与用户联合选择算法复杂度高的问题,依据SLNR预编码算法特点,提出了一种基于SLNR预编码的天线与用户联合选择算法。分析了天线与用户选择顺序对基于SLNR预编码算法的多用户MIMO系统性能影响,给出了先天线后用户的次最优选择策略。所提算法首先为每个用户选取最优的单天线,再利用贪婪思想进行用户选择。仿真结果表明,所提算法与穷举算法相比和容量性能在020 dB的信噪比范围内损失均保持在1.6 dB左右;而误比特性能与穷举法相比在10-3有2 dB左右损失,但是所提算法复杂度与穷举法相比下降明显。  相似文献   

In this paper, the resource allocation problem for user pairing (UP) in downlink non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) systems is investigated. NOMA allows the use of one subcarrier for more than one user at the same time, thus increases the total capacity of the wireless communication system. However, users pairing is a challenging task in the NOMA systems, because a good channel quality subcarrier should be selected and allocated for the user to enhance the performance of NOMA systems. The proposed UP algorithm aims to enhance the sum rate of the paired users per subcarrier and consequently enhance the total sum rate of downlink NOMA systems. Moreover, the proposed UP algorithm target to improve the fairness of the users. The proposed UP algorithm is based on a simple search for the subcarrier with the minimum average channel gains to be assigned its paired users and then excluding it from the next searching process. The proposed scheme ensures the higher channel gain for users by giving the priority to the subcarrier with the minimum average channel gains during the user pairing process. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed UP algorithm can not only enhance the total sum rate compared with the random UP and conventional UP but also can enhance the fairness of the users. Moreover, it is clearly seen that the proposed UP algorithm provides the lowest outage probability.  相似文献   

This paper concerns resource allocation in distributed message passing systems, i.e., the scheduling of accesses to exclusive system resources shared among concurrent processes. An efficient modular resource allocation algorithm is presented that uses any arbitrary resource allocation algorithm as a subroutine. It improves the performance of the subroutine by letting each process wait only for its currently conflicting processes, and therefore, allows more concurrency. For appropriate choices of the subroutine, we obtain resource allocation algorithms with the minimum worst case response times. Simulation studies were conducted which also indicate that on average, the obtained algorithms perform faster and require a smaller number of messages than other previously known algorithms, especially when resource contention among processes is high and the average time that a process remains in the critical region is large. Received: May 1997 / Accepted: May 1998  相似文献   

针对多用户MIMO-OFDM系统,立足业务体验方,给出了一种最大化用户QoE的资源分配算法。通过设计QoE效用函数,将用户QoE与系统QoS参数关联起来,在发送功率和目标误码率的约束条件下,以最大化用户平均QoE为目标,通过QoE效用函数获取用户当前时刻QoE增量,据此确定用户时频资源分配优先级,进而进行注水功率分配。仿真结果表明,该算法能够充分利用系统资源,有效提高用户平均QoE。  相似文献   

Yang  Jian  Xiang  Zhen  Mou  Lisha  Liu  Shumu 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(47-48):35353-35367

The virtualized resource allocation (mapping) algorithm is the core issue of network virtualization technology. Universal and excellent resource allocation algorithms not only provide efficient and reliable network resources sharing for systems and users, but also simplify the complexity of resource scheduling and management, improve the utilization of basic resources, balance network load and optimize network performance. Based on the application of wireless sensor network, this paper proposes a wireless sensor network architecture based on cloud computing. The WSN hardware resources are mapped into resources in cloud computing through virtualization technology, and the resource allocation strategy of the network architecture is proposed. The experiment evaluates the performance of the resource allocation strategy. The proposed heuristic algorithm is a distributed algorithm. The complexity of centralized algorithms is high, distributed algorithms can handle problems in parallel, and reduce the time required to get a good solution with limited traffic.


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