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Matrix factorization(MF)methods have superior recommendation performance and are flexible to incorporate other side information,but it is hard for humans to interpret the derived latent factors.Recently,the item-item cooccurrence information is exploited to learn item embeddings and enhance the recommendation performance.However,the item-item co-occurrence information,constructed from the sparse and long-tail distributed user-item interaction matrix,is over-estimated for rare items,which could lead to bias in learned item embeddings.In this paper,we seek to evaluate and improve the interpretability of item embeddings by leveraging a dense item-tag relevance matrix.Specifically,we design two metrics to quantitatively evaluate the interpretability of item embeddings from different viewpoints:interpretability of individual dimensions of item embeddings and semantic coherence of local neighborhoods in the latent space.We also propose a tag-informed item embedding(TIE)model that jointly factorizes the user-item interaction matrix,the item-item co-occurrence matrix and the item-tag relevance matrix with shared item embeddings so that different forms of information can co-operate with each other to learn better item embeddings.Experiments on the MovieLens20M dataset demonstrate that compared with other state-of-the-art MF methods,TIE achieves better top-N recommendations,and the relative improvement is larger when the user-item interaction matrix becomes sparser.By leveraging the itemtag relevance information,individual dimensions of item embeddings are more interpretable and local neighborhoods in the latent space are more semantically coherent;the bias in learned item embeddings are also mitigated to some extent.  相似文献   

In this paper,the absolute stability of Lurie control system with probabilistic time-varying delay is studied. By using a new extended Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional,an improved stability criterion based on LMIs is presented and its solvability heavily depends on the sizes of both the delay range and its derivatives,which has wider application fields than those present results.The efficiency and reduced conservatism of the presented results can be demonstrated by two numerical examples with giving some comparing results.  相似文献   

Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is a useful technique to learn a parts-based representation by decomposing the original data matrix into a basis set and coefficients with non-negative constraints. However, as an unsupervised method, the original NMF cannot utilize the discriminative class information. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised class-driven NMF method to associate a class label with each basis vector by introducing an inhomogeneous representation cost constraint. This constraint forces the learned basis vectors to represent better for their own classes but worse for the others. Therefore, data samples in the same class will have similar representations, and consequently the discriminability in new representations could be boosted. Some experiments carried out on several standard databases validate the effectiveness of our method in comparison with the state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

Software security is becoming an important concern as software applications are increasingly depending on the Internet, an untrustworthy computing environment. Vulnerabilities due to design errors, inconsistencies, incompleteness, and missing constraints in software design can be wrongly exploited by security attacks. Software functionality and security, however, are often handled separately in the development process. Software is designed with the mindset of its functionalities and cost, where the focus is mainly on the operational behavior. Security concerns, on the other hand, are often described in an imprecise way and open to subjective interpretations. This paper presents a threat driven approach that improves on the quality of software through the realization of a more secure model. The approach introduces systematic transformation rules and integration steps for integrating attack tree representations into statechart-based functional models. Through the focus on the behavior of an attack from the perspective of the system behavior, software engineers can clearly define and understand security concerns as software is designed. Security analysis and threat identification are then applied to the integrated model in order to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities at the design level.  相似文献   

Discovering community structures is a fundamental problem concerning how to understand the topology and the functions of complex network. In this paper, we propose how to apply dictionary learning algorithm to community structure detection. We present a new dictionary learning algorithm and systematically compare it with other state-of-the-art models/algorithms. The results show that the proposed algorithm is highly effectively at finding the community structures in both synthetic datasets, including three types of data structures, and real world networks coming from different areas.  相似文献   

Recently,many online Karaoke(KTV)platforms have been released,where music lovers sing songs on these platforms.In the meantime,the system automatically evaluates user proficiency according to their singing behavior.Recommending approximate songs to users can initialize singers5 participation and improve users,loyalty to these platforms.However,this is not an easy task due to the unique characteristics of these platforms.First,since users may be not achieving high scores evaluated by the system on their favorite songs,how to balance user preferences with user proficiency on singing for song recommendation is still open.Second,the sparsity of the user-song interaction behavior may greatly impact the recommendation task.To solve the above two challenges,in this paper,we propose an informationfused song recommendation model by considering the unique characteristics of the singing data.Specifically,we first devise a pseudo-rating matrix by combing users’singing behavior and the system evaluations,thus users'preferences and proficiency are leveraged.Then we mitigate the data sparsity problem by fusing users*and songs'rich information in the matrix factorization process of the pseudo-rating matrix.Finally,extensive experimental results on a real-world dataset show the effectiveness of our proposed model.  相似文献   

This paper presents a system identification method to derive accurate mathematical models for an unmanned circulation control aerial vehicle (UC$^{2}$AV) that account for the effects of circulation control (CC) on the vehicle dynamics. The X-plane flight simulator and the CIFER system identification software are utilized to first derive simulation models to verify and validate the proposed system identification methodology. This is followed by flight tests to derive mathematical models and stability derivatives for the aircraft with CC-on and CC-off. Flight tests indicate a nose down pitching moment effect induced by CC, which in turn alter the UAV trim values and dynamics. Analysis of the two sets of mathematical models reveal that CC changes the longitudinal trim values and improves the lateral maneuverability of the UAV. Verification experiments indicate an acceptable match between the derived models and UAV dynamics by calculating root mean square (RMS) error values and by quantifying the model predictive ability through calculating the Theil inequality coefficient (TIC).  相似文献   

Photo-consistency estimation is an important part for many image-based modeling techniques.This paper presents a novel radiance-based color calibration method to reduce the uncertainty of photo-consistency estimation across multiple cameras.The idea behind our method is to convert colors into a uniform radiometric color space in which multiple image data are corrected.Experimental results demonstrate that our method can achieve comparable color calibration effect without adjusting camera parameters and is more robust than other existing method.Additionally,we obtain an auto-determined threshold for photo-consistency check,which will lead to a better performance than existing photo-consistency based reconstruction algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper considers the optimal model reduction problem of matrix second-order linear systems in the sense of Hilbert-Schmidt-Hankel norm, with the reduced order systems preserving the structure of the original systems. The expressions of the error function and its gradient are derived. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the presented model reduction technique.  相似文献   

为用户推荐好友是在线社交网络的重要个性化服务。好友推荐可以帮助用户发现他们感兴趣的好友,减轻信息过载的现象。然而,目前现有的推荐方法仅考虑用户链接或内容信息,推荐精度不高,不足以提供高质量的服务。在本文中,考虑了用户之间的链接和内容信息,提出了一种结合非负矩阵因式分解的主题社区好友推荐算法(T-NMF)。该算法给出了主题社区和综合相似度计算方法,产生好友推荐列表。实验表明,该算法可以更好的反映用户的偏好,并且具有比传统方法更好的推荐性能。  相似文献   

王东  陈志  岳文静  高翔  王峰 《计算机应用》2015,35(9):2574-2578
针对现有的基于用户显式反馈信息的推荐系统推荐准确率不高的问题,提出了一种基于显式与隐式反馈信息的概率矩阵分解推荐方法。该方法综合考虑了显示反馈信息和隐式反馈信息,在对用户信任关系矩阵和商品评分矩阵进行概率分解的同时加入了用户评分记录的隐式反馈信息,优化训练模型参数,为用户提供精确的预测评分。实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地获得用户偏好,产生大量的准确度高的推荐。  相似文献   

近年来,随着媒介技术的快速发展,人们成组活动的现象逐渐增多,群组推荐系统也逐渐受到关注。现有的群组推荐系统往往将不同的成员视为同质对象,忽视了成员专业背景和项目固有属性之间的关系,无法真正地解决融合过程中的偏好冲突问题。为此,提出一种基于非负矩阵分解的群组推荐算法,通过非负矩阵分解将群组评分信息分解为用户矩阵和项目矩阵,针对2个矩阵分别利用隶属度和专业度权值计算得到项目隶属度矩阵和成员专业度矩阵,并由此获得各成员在不同项目上的贡献度来构建群组偏好模型。实验结果表明,所提算法在不同群组规模和组内相似度的情况下依然具有较高的推荐准确度。  相似文献   

深度矩阵分解采用深层非线性映射,从而突破了矩阵分解中双线性关系影响推荐系统性能的瓶颈,但它没有考虑用户对未评分项目的偏好,且对于稀疏性较高的大规模数据其推荐性能不具有优势,为此提出一种融合矩阵补全与深度矩阵分解的推荐算法.首先通过矩阵补全模型将原始评分矩阵中的未知元素进行填补,然后依据补全后的矩阵,利用深度学习模型分别构建用户和项目潜在向量.最后,在MovieLens和SUSHI数据集上进行测试,实验结果表明,与深度矩阵分解相比,所提算法显著地提高了推荐系统的性能.  相似文献   

传统的基于内容的推荐算法往往具有较低的准确性,而协同过滤推荐算法中普遍存在数据稀缺性和项目冷启动问题。为解决上述问题,提出了一种融合内容与协同矩阵分解技术的混合推荐算法。该算法实现了在共同的低维空间中分解内容和协同矩阵,同时保留数据的局部结构。在参数优化方面利用一种基于乘法更新规则的迭代方法,以此提高学习能力。实验结果表明,该算法优于其他具有代表性的项目冷启动推荐算法,有效缓解了数据稀疏性,提高了推荐准确性。  相似文献   

针对传统协同过滤算法普遍存在的稀疏性和冷启动问题,提出一种基于信任和矩阵分解的协同过滤推荐算法。提出一种基于用户评分值的隐式信任计算方法,该方法综合考虑用户的相似性和交互经验,运用信任传播方法使不存在直接信任的用户获得间接信任;通过动态因子将显式信任和隐式信任融入到SVD++算法当中。FilmTrust数据集下的实验表明,与其他矩阵分解推荐算法相比,该方法具有更好的预测效果,在冷启动用户的评分预测上也有很好的表现。  相似文献   

Recommender systems play an important role in quickly identifying and recommending most acceptable products to the users. The latent user factors and item characteristics determine the degree of user satisfaction on an item. While many of the methods in the literature have assumed that these factors are linear, there are some other methods that treat these factors as nonlinear; but they do it in a more implicit way. In this paper, we have investigated the effect of true nature (i.e., nonlinearity) of the user factors and item characteristics, and their complex layered relationship on rating prediction. We propose a new deep feedforward network that learns both the factors and their complex relationship concurrently. The aim of our study was to automate the construction of user profiles and item characteristics without using any demographic information and then use these constructed features to predict the degree of acceptability of an item to a user. We constructed the user and item factors by using separate learner weights at the lower layers, and modeled their complex relationship in the upper layers. The construction of the user profiles and the item characteristics, solely based on rating triples (i.e., user id, item id, rating), overcomes the requirement of explicit demographic information be given to the system. We have tested our model on three real world datasets: Jester, Movielens, and Yahoo music. Our model produces better rating predictions than some of the state-of-the-art methods which use demographic information. The root mean squared error incurred by our model on these datasets are 4.0873, 0.8110, and 0.9408 respectively. The errors are smaller than current best existing models’ errors in these datasets. The results show that our system can be integrated to any web store where development of hand engineered features for recommending products is less feasible due to huge traffics and also that there is a lack of demographic information about the users and the items.  相似文献   

为了解决推荐系统的冷启动和数据稀疏性问题,研究人员利用用户之间的信任关系,提出了多种基于信任的协同推荐算法,这些方法提高了推荐覆盖率,然而推荐精确度却有所降低。因此,本文综合考虑用户之间的信任关系和用户的潜在特征,提出了基于信任和概率矩阵分解的协同推荐算法,首先通过融入用户的相似性、影响力、专业性等知识,计算用户之间不对称的信任关系;然后结合概率矩阵分解模型进行评分预测;最后在数据集上进行实验测试评估,实验表明该算法可以有效提高推荐结果的精确度。  相似文献   

将标签融入矩阵分解方法是当前推荐系统研究的热点。提出了一种基于标签自适应选择的矩阵分解推荐算法。首先,提出了标签 评分稀疏系数,较好地平衡了推荐过程中潜在特征与标签的使用问题。其次,利用标签的次数来计算标签向量,体现了标签的不同频率对不同物品的影响。最后,给出了算法的总体描述。实验结果表明,算法具有较高的推荐精度和较快的收敛速度。  相似文献   

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