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基于对KIWI数据格式的索引数据和地图数据的统计分析,总结出其组织和存储的规律。针对嵌入式设备的应用特点,提出了一种基于内存池的数据组织方法,并给出了相关类的结构定义和核心方法的实现过程。最后对几种常用的换页算法进行了对比分析和实验验证,结果表明内存池方法显著地提高了数据加载与解析的效率。  相似文献   

很多Web应用系统需要数据显示、添加、更新和删除功能,早期的实现是前端用HTML/CSS表格展示,后端用程序语言直接操作后台数据表,这种实现方案是比较简单直接,但是实现效率不高,美观程度和用户友好性也不好.为了解决这个问题,很多前端框架应运而生,jQueryEasyUI就是其中一种,通过把数据封装为JSON格式实现了开发效率和用户友好性的前端框架.讨论了数据封装为JSON格式时对数据表的添加、更新、删除和显示的前端和后端的具体实现.  相似文献   

通过对多数据源WebGIS的特点以及Multi—Agent技术的分析,基于对原有多数据源WebGIS体系进行改进的目的,应用面向Agent的程序设计方法(AOP)提出了基于Multi—Agent的多数据源WebGIS系统框架。这对解决多格式数据直接访问,格式无关、位置无关数据集成,多源数据复合分析等不同格式数据资源的综合利用问题,实现多源异构空间数据有效的无缝集成,进一步实现真正意义上的WebGIS,具有一定理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

缪建明  张全  吴晨 《计算机工程》2006,32(16):77-79
语句语义表示格式(语句格式)体现了语句各组成成分之间的组合关系,可给计算机提供指导性的知识。该文在HNC理论框架指导下,对目前普遍采用的语句格式提出了一种全面改进的方案,给出了新的语句格式编码,通过实例阐述了带来的变化。测试数据表明,新语句格式具有很强的通用性和非常好的表示能力,更有利于计算机的处理。  相似文献   

我们的生活中几乎所有的事物都或多或少的具有时态特征,时态数据的处理已经成为当前重要的研究热点之一。时态信息处理在电子商务、数据挖掘、信息提取、电力系统、医疗系统、时空和多媒体信息技术以及网络应用等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。另一方面,为了提高互联网的智能程度,语义网的不断发展。资源描述框架(RDF)作为语义网实现的基础,因此大量时态RDF格式的数据涌入网络。截止到目前为止,并没有针对时态RDF数据的有效存储方案。在原有时态RDF模型的基础之上, 分析了传统RDF存储方式在时态RDF数据存储上的可行性并提出了一种新的存储方案。  相似文献   

基于.NET的通用数据访问框架研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出一种采用XML格式配置DBMS信息的通用数据访问构造块框架,并对其重构。实现了基于.NET的通用数据访问构造块。  相似文献   

Struts框架控制器及其进化的模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Struts框架为Web应用提供了预备的软件架构和相关的软件包,它的实现源代码使用设计模式以满足框架本身的复用性要求。简要介绍了Struts框架如何实现MVC模式,通过分析Struts框架控制器源码所使用的经典设计模式和J2EE模式阐明了Struts框架的工作原理及设计思想。针对该框架只能支持HTML格式终端数据的问题,讨论了如何使用具体设计模式将其控制器进化为以XML格式数据为应用处理核心来屏蔽各种客户终端。  相似文献   

基于XML的分布式系统集成方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严超  谈金泉  张舒怡 《计算机工程》2003,29(21):114-115,119
利用XML技术特性,提出集成分布式系统的没计方案。该方案按照通用的XML文档格式来访问这些系统服务、集成系统服务,并保证这些系统内部数据的安全及可靠。  相似文献   

LTE系统跨层HARQ重传技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对LTE系统两层重传方案进行了深入的调研、仿真和分析,在此基础上提出基于RLC子层的跨层HARQ优化方案,并从系统框架、传输格式、资源分配和HARQ流程四个方面进行了阐述.该方案充分利用HARQ与ARQ之间的共享信息,使得不同QoS需求的数据可以独立的进行发送,不仅改善了系统吞吐率和业务时延,提高了物理资源的使用效率,而且更好地保障了多业务的QoS.  相似文献   

基于HLA仿真中的数据记录中间件的分析与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析、比较了基于HLA仿真中的数据记录方法、格式、内容及存储方式,设计并实现了RTI接口数据记录中间件,提出了二进制文件和数据库相结合的仿真数据存储方案,满足了不同类型仿真的性能需求,并支持仿真数据的进一步分析的开采。  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks, various schemes have been proposed to efficiently store and process sensed data. Among them, the data-centric storage (DCS) scheme is one of the most well-known. The DCS scheme distributes data regions and stores the data in the sensor that is responsible for the region. The DCS based scheme was proposed to reduce the communication cost for transmitting data and to efficiently process exact queries and range queries. Recently, a KDDCS scheme was proposed to overcome storage hot-spots by dynamically readjusting the distributed data regions to sensors based on the K-D tree. However, the existing DCS based schemes including KDDCS suffer from query hot-spots that are formed when query regions are not uniformly distributed. As a result, it reduces the lifetime of the sensor network.In this paper, we propose a new DCS based scheme, called Time-Parameterized Data-Centric Storage (TPDCS), that avoids the problems of storage hot-spots and query hot-spots. To decentralize the skewed data and queries, the data regions are assigned by a time dimension as well as data dimensions in our proposed scheme. Therefore, TPDCS extends the lifetime of sensor networks. It is shown through various experiments that our scheme outperforms the existing schemes.  相似文献   

Reversible image data hiding technology means the cover image can be totally recovered after the embedded secret data is extracted. In this paper, we propose a reversible image data hiding scheme based on vector quantization (VQ) compressed images. The secret bits are embedded into the VQ index table by modifying the index value according to the difference of neighboring indices. The data hiding capacity and the size of the final codestream (embedded result) are a trade-off, and it can be decided by users. In other words, the proposed scheme has flexible hiding capacity ability. To estimate the performance, the proposed scheme was compared with the scheme proposed by Wang and Lu (2009). The results of the comparison showed that our proposed scheme is superior to the scheme proposed by Wang and Lu in both data hiding capacity and bit rate.  相似文献   

Support Vector Machine (SVM) is an efficient machine learning technique applicable to various classification problems due to its robustness. However, its time complexity grows dramatically as the number of training data increases, which makes SVM impractical for large-scale datasets. In this paper, a novel Parallel Hyperplane (PH) scheme is introduced which efficiently omits redundant training data with SVM. In the proposed scheme the PHs are recursively formed while the clusters of data points outside the PHs are removed at each repetition. Computer simulation reveals that the proposed scheme greatly reduces the training time compared to the existing clustering-based reduction scheme and SMO scheme, while allowing the accuracy of classification as high as no data reduction scheme.  相似文献   

双容错数据布局算法DP—RAID扩展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于单容错编码的数据布局已经不能满足存储系统对可靠性越来越高的要求。对基于多容错编码的数据布局的研究受到了广泛的关注,并且出现了一些多容错的布局算法,如多维Parity,DH1,DH2等。但这些布局算法普遍存在冗余度较差、计算负载大等缺点。DP-RAID是一种基于水平方向和对角方向双重奇偶校验的双容错数据布局算法。该布局计算负载小,实现简单,但该布局要求校验条纹长度为素数。本文对DP-RAID进行扩展,使其能够应用于校验条纹长度为素数减一的环境。与其他双容错布局算法比较表明,该布局算法在保证同样可靠性的情况下,性能有了明显的提高。  相似文献   

Attribute-based encryption is a promising solution to the access control based data sharing in the cloud. In this scheme, access policies are being sent in plaintext form which discloses the user privacy and data privacy. Once the ciphertext has been shared among the set of authorized users they would be able to decrypt the ciphertext. Whenever the authorized users are acting as malicious users, they may alter the data and further encrypt and outsource the modified data. It may adversely affect the data owner. In the existing attribute-based encryption scheme, data owner’s authenticity cannot be verified. In order to resolve these problems, we are proposing a novel idea to anonymize the access policy and a signature scheme to verify the authenticity of data as well as that of the data owner. Anonymized access policy never discloses the privacy. The signature scheme is able to detect the insider attack on attribute-based encryption scheme. The proposed system is secure against indistinguishable chosen-ciphertext attack. It is a provably secure and existentially unforgeable access control based data sharing method in the public cloud.  相似文献   

一种基于嵌入式USB-Host的大容量数据存储方案及应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为解决在分布式数据采集系统中如何实现大量数据传输存储的问题,文章讨论了一种方案——嵌入式USB—Host大容量数据存储方案,对比传统的串口数据传输,提高了传输速度,且脱离了PC机的限制。具体阐述了该方案的硬件组成和软件实现,有较高的参考价值。该方案已经纳入分布式可控震源数据采集系统的构建方案,并通过了模块功能测试,验证了该方案的可行性与优越性。  相似文献   

Best-effort data control and admission control are vital to guarantee quality of service for real-time (voice and video) transmissions in the IEEE 802.11e wireless LANs. In this paper, we propose and study a global data parameter control scheme integrated with a measurement-based admission control scheme for the IEEE 802.11e enhanced distributed channel access. In the proposed global data control scheme, the access point dynamically controls best-effort data parameters of stations globally based on traffic condition. Such a global/centralized data parameter control mechanism provides the best fairness for data transmissions among stations. In the proposed centrally-assisted distributed admission control scheme for voice and video transmissions, stations listen to available budgets from the access point to make decisions on acceptance or rejection of a voice or video stream. Such a scheme provides good differentiation among different access categories and provides good fairness among real-time streams within the same access category. The proposed mechanisms are evaluated via extensive simulations. Studies show that, with the proposed global data control scheme and the admission control scheme, quality of service can be greatly improved while maintaining a good utilization.  相似文献   

基于VB,设计了棉麻纤维纱线晶变改性成套装备传感器信号数据处理方案.方案主要由数据标定、数据滤波、数据补偿、数据应用及储存四部分组成.介绍了传感器相关参数,给出了传感器物理值计算公式.通过数据滤波,降低了数据采集过程中随机干扰对数据造成的随机误差.通过数据补偿,采集值更加接近传感器液晶屏数显值.对处理后数据应用的同时将数据导入到SQL数据库保存.经现场运行,该方案稳定可靠,满足了设计要求.  相似文献   

An auditing scheme is a good way to prove owner’s data outsourced to the cloud are kept intact, and a scheme capable of giving public verifiability service is a good option that some researchers have managed to build for the last few years. However, in a public auditing scheme everybody does verification of data and a possibility of leaking some secrete information to the public verifiers is an issue that data owners are unhappywith this scenario. For example, the data owner does not want anybody else to know he has the data stored in the cloud server. Motivated by the issue of privacy associated with public auditing system, we proposed a designated verifier auditing (DVA) scheme based on Steinfeld et al.’s universal designated verifier (DV) signature scheme. Our DVA scheme authorizes a third party auditor with private verification capability. It provides private verification because the scheme involves private key of the verifier. Moreover, we present the batch auditing scheme to improve auditing efficiency. Through rigorous security analysis we showed that our scheme is provably secure in the random oraclemodel assuming that the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) problem is hard over the group of bilinear maps.  相似文献   

针对雾辅助智能电网数据收集过程中存在的隐私泄露问题, 本文提出一种新的支持容错的隐私保护数据聚合方案. 首先, 结合BGN同态加密算法和Shamir秘密共享方案确保电量数据的隐私性. 同时, 基于椭圆曲线离散对数困难问题构造高效的签名认证方法保证数据的完整性. 特别地, 方案具有两种容错措施, 当部分智能电表数据无法正常发送或部分云服务器遭受攻击而无法工作时, 方案仍然能够进行聚合统计. 安全分析证明了方案满足智能电网的安全需求; 性能实验表明, 与已有方案相比, 本文方案计算和通信性能更优.  相似文献   

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