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提出了一种利用全极化真实孔径雷达测量方位方向和距离方向海浪斜率的新方法,该方法不同于极化方向角估计海浪方位向斜率方法,利用两种线极化图像信息将有关弱极化项剔除(流体动力学调制),获得仅包含倾斜项和极化调制项的雷达成像公式。利用机载SAR取代真实孔径雷达进行海浪反演,获得了与浮标致的结果。另外,在速度聚束模式情况下,推导了双极化合成孔径雷达图像谱同海浪谱的非线性变换关系。  相似文献   

海浪是重要的海洋环境参数, 它对港口建设、海上航行、油气田开发等具有重要的意义。合成孔径雷达(Syn thet ic Apertu re Radar, SAR ) 是目前大范围测量海浪的主要工具, 用它来估计海浪主波系统的波长和传播方向比较好, 但要定量的提供海浪的振幅以及SAR 图像强度与实际海面的关系是相当困难的, 而且由SAR 图像获取海浪方向谱也比较复杂。沿航迹干涉合成孔径雷达(Along-Track Interferometric Synthet ic Aperture Radar,ATI-SAR ) 是在平台飞行方向上安置两根天线的双天线合成孔径雷达。相对于合成孔径雷达, 真实孔径雷达调制传递函数对沿航迹干涉合成孔径雷达相位图像的影响很小, 因此沿航迹干涉合成孔径雷达更适合测量海浪。详细介绍了沿航迹干涉合成孔径雷达海浪遥感的成像机制, 为进一步反演海浪方向谱奠定了基础, 最后针对目前研究存在的问题以及今后有待研究的方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

双峰海浪谱的SAR图像交叉谱仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由6参数双峰频谱和cos-2s型分布函数得到了双峰海浪方向谱的波数谱形式,并利用海浪谱到合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)图像交叉谱的非线性转换关系,对双峰海浪谱的SAR图像交叉谱进行了仿真,分析了不同海浪参数和SAR平台参数对SAR图像交叉谱的影响,并与SAR图像谱进行了比较。  相似文献   

利用Longuet-Higgins线性海浪模型和JONSWAP海浪谱来表示海浪方向谱。在Bragg波散射模型的假设下,推导了海浪谱与SAR图像谱之间的映射变换,它适用于线性海浪的成像范围。采用Monte Carlo方法,可产生具有随机性的海浪方向谱。对于时不变的海面来讲,该方法具有计算效率适中的特点。仿真结果表明,海浪谱与SAR图像谱之间存在着谱的畸变、谱的分裂和方位向谱的移位等特点。  相似文献   

针对L波段合成孔径雷达图像尚无波浪反演算法的问题,提出了利用高级陆地观测卫星(ALOS)搭载的相控阵列L波段合成孔径雷达(PALSAR)在日本近海的图像发展的算法,反演得到了涌浪参数(包括波长和波向)。研究假设L波段SAR对涌浪的成像机制为线性的,通过图像处理得到了高质量的PALSAR图像谱,从此谱可计算得到谱峰值波长和波传播方向。此图像谱所固有的180°方向模糊,可利用涌浪只向近岸传播的特点解决。通过对反演和日本"全国港湾海洋波浪情报网"(NOWPHAS)现场观测的波参数的比较,波长的偏差是-10.5m,均方差是18.3m,相关系数是0.94;波向的偏差是-1.3°,均方差是15.5°,相关系数是0.94。上述数据表明,反演方法中将L波段PALSAR对涌浪的成像机制假设为线性是可行的。  相似文献   

研究了X波段雷达数据反演算法,为了验证反演算法的准确性,利用Longuet-Higgins海浪模型,通过选用适当的海浪谱和方向函数,仿真了三维随机海浪数据,利用反演模型得到的数据和仿真的海浪数据进行拟合,结果表明反演算法能够有效地实现海浪相关信息的提取;为了进一步检验算法的实用性,将反演算法得到的参数和实际的波浪浮标数据进行了对比,结果表明反演算法有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

高志远  王秋玉 《测控技术》2011,30(7):115-118
基于机载X波段合成孔径雷达设计了一套低空机载海浪监测系统.首先在对海浪微波散射和机栽合成孔径雷达成像原理进行分析的基础上,设计出海浪监测系统的总体架构;其次研究合成孔径雷达的成像算法,通过建立仿真模型,反演出海浪谱,最后测量出海浪浪高、海浪波长等主要信息,提供给飞行员用来判断飞机是否具备在海面上降落的安全条件.同时,对...  相似文献   

在分析特征值分解结果,全部散射机制组合和极化特征谱性质的基础上,提出基于3个特征谱参数的假彩色合成方法,可以更加有效直观地反映地物散射特征,再对散射熵、散射角、反熵和4个极化特征谱参数进行特征选择分析,给出最佳的多维特征向量选择方案,从而实现传统遥感图像分类器如同ISODATA算法对极化SAR图像的分类。实验选择了一景Radarsat\|2标准全极化SAR数据,包含典型的城市、植被和水体三大类地物,实验结果表明:极化特征谱假彩色合成充分反映了各地物散射特征,特征谱和散射角组成了最佳特征向量,非监督分类结果表明:该方法克服了城市与植被在H\|Alpha平面上分布界限模糊的问题,分类精度高于H\|Alpha平面非监督分类,与Wishart-H-Alpha-A分类方法相当。  相似文献   

提出利用多视处理子视图交叉谱虚部反演海浪信息的方法。子视图中心频率差分别为400Hz,600Hz和800Hz。所用四幅SAR图像均由JERS-1不同时间采集的。地点为东京附近海域,并有对应的测量所得海浪信息,包括波向、波高和周期。反演结果表明,中心频率差为400Hz的处理方法所得结果精度最高,对应的波向和周期信息都与实测数据相差无几。  相似文献   

水下运动物体可以在海面产生波浪,这种波浪与海洋表面波相互作用改变了海浪谱的高低频分布而形成波浪尾迹。将这样的波-波相互作用处理为对背景海浪谱的扰动,利用海面微波散射的二尺度模型,分析波浪尾迹对雷达散射系数的影响,并给出相应的数值计算模型;对水下不同运动状态物体的波浪用汇源分布法计算出波面函数,将它们分别与一些特定海况的海浪波面函数叠加,并对之进行微波后向散射测量仿真计算,给出波浪尾迹的SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar、合成孔径雷达)探测图像;再利用二维谱分析技术对模拟SAR图像进行处理,提取波浪尾迹信息。初步结果表明,SAR探测下运动物体是可行的。

海洋锋区剪切流、辐聚流与海洋表面波之间存在相互作用,将这种相互作用处理为对海浪谱的扰动,来分析其对海浪谱密度和谱梯度的影响;根据两尺度模型,分析了海面小尺度波(厘米级)和大尺度波(海浪)与雷达后向散射系数的关系,从而说明了海洋锋的SAR成像原理。在海面SAR图像中,海洋锋的尺度比海浪的尺度大2~3个数量级,可以通过二维空间谱分析,将海浪信息的主要部分滤除,再利用数字图像处理技术提取海洋锋的特征信息,由此形成了一套用海面SAR图像提取海洋锋特征参数的信息处理方法。  相似文献   

海洋表面矿物油膜、生物油膜等在SAR图像上都呈现为暗色特征,使得单极化SAR图像对矿物油膜和生物油膜的区分存在困难。分析了矿物油膜和生物油膜后向散射系数的极化比,提出一种基于交叉极化比的多极化SAR图像矿物油膜和生物油膜的区分方法,并用SIR\|C多极化数据验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Methods have been investigated which use fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image data to measure ocean slopes and wave spectra. Independent techniques have been developed to measure wave slopes in the SAR azimuth and range directions. The azimuth slope technique, in particular, is a more direct measurement than conventional, intensity based, backscatter cross-section measurements.In the azimuth direction, wave-induced perturbations of the polarimetric orientation angle are used to sense the wave slopes. In the range direction, a new technique involving the alpha parameter from the Cloude-Pottier H-A-? (Entropy, Anisotropy, and (averaged) Alpha) polarimetric scattering decomposition theorem is used to measure slopes. Both measurement types are sensitive to ocean wave slopes and are directional. Taken together, they form a means of using polarimetric SAR (POLSAR) image data to make complete measurements of either ocean wave slopes, or directional wave spectra.These measurements must still contend with fundamental nonlinearities in the SAR image processing (i.e., azimuth direction “velocity bunching”) that are due to wave velocity and acceleration effects.NASA/JPL/AIRSAR L-, and P-band data from California coastal waters were used in the studies. Wave parameters measured using the new methods are compared with those developed using both conventional SAR intensity based methods, and with in situ NOAA National Data Center buoy measurement products.  相似文献   

To counter the problem of acquiring and processing huge amounts of data for synthetic aperture radar(SAR)using traditional sampling techniques,a method for sparse SAR imaging with an optimized azimuthal aperture is presented.The equivalence of an azimuthal match filter and synthetic array beamforming is shown so that optimization of the azimuthal sparse aperture can be converted to optimization of synthetic array beamforming.The azimuthal sparse aperture,which is composed of a middle aperture and symmetrical bilateral apertures,can be obtained by optimization algorithms(density weighting and simulated annealing algorithms,respectively).Furthermore,sparse imaging of spectrum analysis SAR based on the optimized sparse aperture is achieved by padding zeros at null samplings and using a non-uniform Taylor window.Compared with traditional sampling,this method has the advantages of reducing the amount of sampling and alleviating the computational burden with acceptable image quality.Unlike periodic sparse sampling,the proposed method exhibits no image ghosts.The results obtained from airborne measurements demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.  相似文献   

直升机机载合成孔径雷达(Synthetic aperture radar,SAR)信号受到主旋翼遮挡和直升机振动的调制,给合成孔径成像造成很大影响。本文采用时频分析方法对调制产生的原因和特征进行分析和研究,提出利用去斜后的方位相位误差作补偿,再进行相位梯度自聚焦(Phase gradient autofocus,PGA)处理,实现调制雷达回波的高质量SAR成像。实测数据表明,本方法较好地解决了回波调制情况下的成像问题,对直升机平台SAR成像具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

The role of synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-image-based flood area mapping is proved beyond the doubts. It is also well known that different wavelength, polarization SAR reacts in varying ways over the same land-use/land-cover region. In line to this, this article mainly brings out the significance of comparing and analysing different wavelength, polarization SAR data of the same inundated region against the land-use classes of the study area. The C-band ENVISAT advanced synthetic aperture radar data of vertically transmitted horizontally received (VH), vertically transmitted vertically received (VV) polarizations data, and L-band ALOS-1 PALSAR data of horizontally transmitted horizontally received (HH) polarization data has been obtained as both these satellites captured the same flood event of Andhra Pradesh state of India. Initially, the SAR images are classified with the help of digital elevation model of the disaster region which supports in mapping the fully submerged, partially submerged and non-flooded pixels of disaster region. The fully submerged regions includes the natural waterbodies, adjacent flood plain regions which are completely submerged, as well as not accessible, whereas the partially submerged regions are spatially discontinuous and scattered regions which are inundated due to recent disaster but accessible. In this study, much emphasis has been given in comparing and analysing the fully submerged, partially submerged, and non-flooded regions of classified SAR images against each land use of the disaster region by which the response of individual land-use units of the disaster region at different wavelength, polarization has been brought out. From this comparative assessment, it has been observed that the areal extent of fully submerged regions is considerably more in L-band HH image than in the C-band polarization images. It is also been noticed that C-band VH polarization image is able to map and quantify considerable part of the land-use classes as partially submerged regions than the L-band HH polarization image. In addition to this, the proposed technique is able to rectify in classifying mangrove regions as non-flooded regions due to the land-use/land-cover-based approach.  相似文献   

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