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程序的正确性验证一直以来都是计算机科学中的一个挑战性问题,抽象解释理论为程序静态分析提供了一个通用框架,可以在编译时自动地推导程序的动态性质。基于抽象解释的数值程序分析可以自动推导程序中数值变量间的不变式关系,这对于编译优化、程序错误检查至关重要。本文建立并实现了一个面向C和Fortran程序并支持过程间分析的数值程序分析框架和工具,C或Fortran源程序经过预处理后转化为具有统一格式的中间表示形式,然后基于该中间表示抽取与源程序语义等价的语义等式,最后在该语义等式上进行不动点迭代计算从而得到程序不变式。在此基础上,本文还对数组等复杂语法结构进行了建模和抽象。实验结果表明,该工具具有较高的可扩展性、精度,并能够处理大部分因数组的使用而带来的程序分析上的问题。  相似文献   

本文设计并实现了一套面向RISC-V的汇编程序语义等价性自动化测试系统.在面向RISC-V开发软件时,尤其是基于扩展指令(例如向量指令)编写高效的程序时,很难避免以手写汇编的方式编写代码.例如,为标准的C函数库编写相应的向量版函数.与编译器自动生成的代码不同,手写的汇编代码虽然可以最大限度地提高程序的效率,但因绕过了编译时对程序的约束(如类型检查、寄存器分配等)而对开发者提出了更高的要求.能否对新版本与标准版本的汇编程序进行快速地、自动化的语义等价性测试,将大大影响代码的正确性和软件开发和调试的效率.已有面向RISC-V的测试框架缺乏对语义等价性测试的支持,也未考虑程序执行带来的副作用.本研究基于模拟器的动态测试环境,设计并实现了一套面向RISC-V的汇编程序语义等价性自动化测试系统.系统通过跟踪机器状态,捕获程序执行的副作用,并结合用户定义的测试目标生成测试报告.实验表明,本系统相比已有的测试系统,能够有效地对RISC-V汇编程序的语义等价性进行测试.  相似文献   

Abstraction-carrying Code (ACC) certifies a general temporal property for a mobile program using an abstract interpretation of the mobile program. A client receiving the code and the certificate will first validate the abstraction and then run a model checker to verify the temporal property.In this paper, we report our experience in designing the ACC Evaluation Prototype Toolkit (ACCEPT) and the application of ACCEPT to simple concurrent programs and Linux device drivers. The toolkit is distinguished by an abstraction preserving compilation scheme that generates a Boolean program for an intermediate program compiled from the source program. Some common compiler optimizations are still possible. We report several applications of ACCEPT, including the reachability properties of industrial strength C programs. Preliminary results show that the size of a typical certificate is significantly smaller than the size of the intermediate program. Compared with traditional proof-based certification method, using ACC verification a client spends more time to verify the desired property. Our experience shows this penalty is often tolerable in practice.  相似文献   

A certifying compiler takes a source language program and produces object code, as well as a certificate that can be used to verify that the object code satisfies desirable properties, such as type safety and memory safety. Certifying compilation helps to increase both compiler robustness and program safety. Compiler robustness is improved since some compiler errors can be caught by checking the object code against the certificate immediately after compilation. Program safety is improved because the object code and certificate alone are sufficient to establish safety: even if the object code and certificate are produced on an unknown machine by an unknown compiler and sent over an untrusted network, safe execution is guaranteed as long as the code and certificate pass the verifier.Existing work in certifying compilation has addressed statically generated code. In this paper, we extend this to code generated at run time. Our goal is to combine certifying compilation with run-time code generation to produce programs that are both fast and verifiably safe. To achieve this goal, we present two new languages with explicit run-time code generation constructs: Cyclone, a type safe dialect of C, and TAL/T, a type safe assembly language. We have designed and implemented a system that translates a safe C program into Cyclone, which is then compiled to TAL/T, and finally assembled into executable object code. This paper focuses on our overall approach and the front end of our system; details about TAL/T will appear in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

Approaches to runtime checking have to track the execution of a software system and therefore have to deal with generating and processing execution events. Often these techniques are applied at the code level – either by inserting new source code prior to the compilation or by modifying the target code, e.g. Java byte code, before running the program.The jassda [4,3] framework and tool enable runtime checking of Java programs against a CSP-like specification. For generating events it uses the Java Debug Interface (JDI) and thus no modifications to the code are necessary. Another advantage is that events are generated on demand, i.e. dynamically at runtime it is determined which events to generate for the current debug run without modifying the program itself. This paper shows how this event generation is done by the jassda framework.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new way of certifying assembly programs. Unlike previous program logics, we extract the control-flow information from the code and generate an intermediate trail between the specification and the real code. Trails are auxiliary specifications and treated as modules in the certification process. We define a simple modular program logic called trail-based certified assembly programming (TCAP) to certify and link different parts of a program using the corresponding trails. Because the control flow information in trails is explicit, the rules are easier to design. We show that our logic is powerful enough to prove partial correctness of assembly programs with features including stack-based abstractions and self-modifying code.We also provide a semantics for TCAP and prove that the logic is sound with respect to the semantics.  相似文献   

Program synthesis is a process of producing an executable program from a specification. Algorithmic synthesis produces the program automatically, without an intervention from an expert. While classical compilation falls under the definition of algorithmic program synthesis, with the source program being the specification, the synthesis literature is typically concerned with producing programs that cannot be (easily) obtained with the deterministic transformations of a compiler. To this end, synthesis algorithms often perform a search, either in a space of candidate programs or in a space of transformations that might be composed to transform the specification into a desired program. In this introduction to the special journal issue, we survey the history of algorithmic program synthesis and introduce the contributed articles. We divide the field into reactive synthesis, which is concerned with automata-theoretic techniques for controllers that handle an infinite stream of requests, and functional synthesis, which produces programs consuming finite input. Contributed articles are divided analogously. We also provide pointers to synthesis work outside these categories and list many applications of synthesis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a generic method of automatic parallelization for sparse matrix computation. This method is based on both a refinement of the data-dependence test proposed by Bernstein and an inspector–executor scheme which is specialized to each input program of the compiler. This analysis mixes compilation process and run-time process.The sparsity of underlying data-structure determines a specific parallelism which increases the degree of parallelism of an algorithm. Such a source of parallelism had already been applied to many numerical algorithms such as the usual Cholesky factorization or LU-decomposition algorithms considered as the gold standards of parallelization based on sparsity. The standard automatic parallelization method cannot tackle such source of parallelism because it is based on the value of cells arrays and not merely on the memory addressing function.Addressing the automatization of this parallelism requires to develop a mixed compile-time and runtime approach integrated in a inspector–executor process. The compilation step provides a dedicated inspector devoted to the analyzed program. The inspector computes the dependence graph at runtime which allows a dynamic parallelization of the execution.As expressed just before, the generic scheme developed in this paper follows the design principles which have been applied, but at each time in an ad hoc way, to many sparse parallelization of numerical algorithms such as Cholesky algorithm. As far as we know, no general formal framework has been proposed to automate such a method of sparse parallelization. In this paper, we propose a generic framework of sparse parallelization (i.e. numerical program independent) which can be applied to any numerical programs satisfying the usual syntactic constraints of parallelization.  相似文献   

张晔  陆余良 《计算机科学》2017,44(Z11):348-352
符号约束描述了程序中的变量关系,被广泛运用于模型检测、符号执行等程序的静态分析方法中。将符号约束应用于可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)程序的正确性验证,能够发现程序中的逻辑错误。人工计算符号约束不仅冗杂枯燥,而且错误率高。针对语句表形式的PLC程序,提出一种基于符号约束的正确性验证方法,通过分析PLC源代码的控制流及数据流,构造程序的控制流图并将其转换为静态单赋值形式的三地址码,最后使用迭代计算的方法求出每个变量的符号约束。  相似文献   

One approach to model checking program source code is to view a model checker as a target machine. In this setting, program source code is translated to a model checker’s input language using a process that shares much in common with program compilation. For example, well-defined intermediate program representations are used to stage the translation through a series of analyses and optimizing transformations and target-specific details are isolated in code generation modules.In this paper, we present the Bandera Intermediate Representation (BIR)—a guarded-assignment transformation system language that has been designed to support the translation of Java programs to a variety of model checkers. BIR includes constructs, such as inheritance, dynamic creation of data, and locking primitives, that are designed to model the semantics of Java primitives. BIR also includes several non-deterministic choice constructs that support abstraction in modeling and specification of properties of dynamic heap structures.We have developed a BIR-based tool infrastructure that has been applied to develop customized analysis frameworks for several different input languages using different model checking tools. We present BIR’s type system and operational semantics in sufficient detail to support similar applications by other researchers. This semantics details several state space reductions and state space search variations. We describe the translation of Java to BIR and how BIR is translated to the input languages of several model checkers.  相似文献   

S. Baskiyar 《Computing》2002,69(4):273-289
Dynamic type checking and method binding slows pure object-oriented programs such as those written in Smalltalk. Dynamic method lookup is needed to support method overriding and type-method conformance. We have developed a platform independent technique that implements method overriding efficiently for pure object-oriented languages. The technique involves binding non-overridden method calls at compile time. The overridden method calls are also resolved (and bound) statically using simple inferences. Overridden method bindings are corrected dynamically using an Overridden Method Dictionary. Using simulations, we demonstrate that this technique offers 35% –70% reduction in the average method lookup delay over the Berkeley Smalltalk implementation. This technique has very low compile time overhead, memory overhead, does not need specialized hardware and allows shared code pages in concurrent programs. For programs which may be re-used, it is proper to have a follow-up compilation to generate efficient code after the program development is complete. Received November 7, 2001; revised March 27, 2002 Published online: October 24, 2002  相似文献   

Summary Semantic decomposition results in a hierarchy of partitions which are small enough to be easily understood, and large enough to be meaningful to a program tester. Each partition results in the elimination of at least one local variable from consideration during error analysis, which further simplifies the testing process. Semantic decomposition reduces the complexity of the testing process, enhances the understandability of the program for the tester, and thus abstracts a program to a higher level. The decomposition yields a plan for hierarchical testing which, if followed conscientiously, should result in faster and more thorough testing for large or poorly structured programs. By reorganizing poorly structured programs into the modules indicated by semantic decomposition, an improved source level representation of the programs may be obtained.  相似文献   

Partial Redundancy Elimination (PRE) is a general scheme for suppressing partial redundancies which encompasses traditional optimizations like loop invariant code motion and redundant code elimination. In this paper, we address the problem of performing this optimization interprocedurally. We present an Interprocedural Partial Redundancy Elimination (IPRE) scheme based upon a new, concise, full program representation. Our method is applicable to arbitrary recursive programs. We use interprocedural partial redundancy elimination for placement of communication and communication preprocessing statements while compiling for distributed memory parallel machines. We have implemented our scheme as an extension to the Fortran D compilation system. We present experimental results from two codes compiled using our system to demonstrate the useful of IPRE in distributed memory compilation  相似文献   

This paper reports on a compiler for translation of constraint specifications into procedural parallel programs. A constraint program in our system consists of a set of constraints and an input set containing a subset of the variables appearing in the constraints. The compiler described in this paper successfully compiles a substantially larger class of constraint specifications to efficient programs than did its predecessors. In particular the compiler has been extended to generate processor and memory efficient programs for cyclic constraints which can be resolved by computational relaxation methods. The paper first details the basic compilation process for noncyclic constraints. It then describes the additional steps in the compilation process which enable resolution of cyclic constraints to iterative computational processes and illustrates the process using derivation of a parallel program for solution of the Laplace equation as the example.  相似文献   

A Pascal syntax directed screen editor, designed to run under PNX on an ICL Perq workstation is presented. The editor (Eliot) offers a structured approach to text editing and provides complete Pascal syntax checking. The exceptional graphic capabilities of the Perq are used to good effect in providing an efficient user interface by way of a hierarchy of pop-up menus. Using this interface, skeletal programs may be entered down to the assignment statement, or procedure call level without recourse to the keyboard, selections being made from menus using a graphics tablet and puck. Eliot encourages block structured programs with nested blocks by the use of a tree structured menu, representing the program structure. This allows for efficient movement around the program, again using the tablet and puck. Syntax checking is performed continually with errors reported and highlighted immediately for correction at will. For further error checking a variable scan option can be invoked which lists details of variable names which are not declared, or declared more than once, or declared and not used at all.  相似文献   

In recent years, formal verification technology has received more and more attention, and it plays an important role in ensuring the safety and correctness of systems in safety-critical areas. As a branch of formal verification with a high degree of automation, model checking has a very broad development prospect. This study analyzes and proposes a new model checking technique, which can effectively check transition systems, including bug-finding and safety proof. Different from existing model checking algorithms, the proposed method, Unsatisfiable Core (UC)-based Approximate Incremental Reachability (UAIR), mainly utilizes the UC to solve a series of candidate safety invariants until the final invariant is generated, so as to realize safety proof and bug-finding. In symbolic model checking based on the SAT solver, this study uses the UC obtained by the satisfiability solver to construct the candidate safety invariant, and if the transition system itself is safe, the obtained initial invariant is only an approximation of the safety invariant. Then, while checking the safety, the study incrementally improves the candidate safety invariant until it finds a true invariant that proves the system is safe; if the system is unsafe, the method can finally find a counterexample to prove the system is unsafe. The brand new method exploits UCs for safety model checking and achieves good results. It is known that there is no absolute best method in the field of model checking. Although the proposed method cannot surpass the current mature methods such as IC3 and complement Approximate Reachability (CAR), in terms of the number of solvable benchmarks, the method in this paper can solve three cases that other mature methods are unable to solve. It is believed that the method can be a valuable addition to the model checking toolset.  相似文献   

We present a technique for the compilation of bottom-up and mixed logic derivations into PROLOG-programs. It is obtained as an extension of a program transformation technique called Compiling Control. We illustrate its applications in three different domains: solving numerical problems, integrity checking in deductive databases and theorem proving. The aim is to obtain efficient PROLOG programs for problems in which a non-top-down control is most appropriate.Work partly supported by ESPRIT BRA COMPULOG (project 3012).Supported by the Belgian I.W.O.N.L.-I.R.S.I.A. under contract number 5203. Author for correspondence.Supported by the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research.  相似文献   

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