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本文总结了我院在单片机C语言教学中的探索,包括在教学中精选了"变量定义、函数定义、混合编程"为C语言主要内容,以"变量定义、专用指针定义、C51汇编函数格式"为重点展开教学,并且紧密结合单片机概念和应用,编写了相关的习题和实验题目。实践表明,讲授C语言明显提高了学生的编程能力和教学效果。  相似文献   

C语言教学方法探究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
"C语言程序设计"是高等学校计算机语言课程的重点课程之一,其教学效果直接影响学生在计算机方面的应用。本文就C语言的教学方法进行了探讨,并提出了几种可供借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

针对目前高校C语言程序设计课程教学的现状及存在的问题,结合课程组在国家级精品课程"C/C++语言程序设计"建设过程中的经验和收获,提出"以应用为前提,学生为主体,知识为主线,培养学生的实践动手能力为着力点"的教学理念,阐述如何构建一套教材体系完善、教学资源丰富、教学手段先进、教学评价合理、考核方式差异化的教学体系。  相似文献   

日前。在青岛刚刚落幕的"SINOCES2007"展会上,记者意外地捕获到了一款已在坊间盛传多日的传奇液晶电视新品——东芝睿智C3000C。说到传奇和耳闻,主要是由于在日经新闻近期对日本市场上所有40英寸左右规格的液晶电  相似文献   

B2C电商何去何从?未来不会是过去B2C的简单延续,而可能是向C2B跳跃、逆转。B2C电商领域,版图之争愈演愈烈,天猫、京东、苏宁捉对厮杀,掀起"史上最强的电商价格战"。这种现象反映的是中国电子商务当前被"价格战"型模式主导这一现实。这种现象背后,受到某种商务力学的支配。中国电子商务最基本的力学关系,是小马与大车之间  相似文献   

向艳 《计算机教育》2010,(3):112-114
本文针对"C程序设计"课程教学中存在的问题,探讨"C程序设计"课程的教学体系和模式,强调以培养学生分析问题能力、解决问题能力和创新能力在"C程序设计"教学中的重要性。  相似文献   

该文主要阐述了作者在高等职业技术院校讲解"C语言"课程的心得,并总结几点教学经验,以促进学生更好地掌握"C语言"。  相似文献   

开学了,我的新本本拿回寝室,接上网络,安装了最新的H3C认证客户端(一个能控制用户上网的软件)后,突然上不了网,表现出来的症状就是H3C认证客户端找不到网卡。这会不会和该软件与Vista系统的兼容性有关呢?首先,我想到下载H3C认证客户端的旧版本——H3C 8021X Client CH V220-0248。右击安装文件并选择"属性",在"兼容性"标签卡下将"用兼容模式运行这个程序"和"以管理员身份运行该程序"选中,"确  相似文献   

针对当前高职院校教学实际和改革要求,通过"教、学、做"合一,在C语言程序设计教学中设立"3W1H"项目课程,结合企业应用单片机、射频识别技术进行科技项目产品开发和软件编程的过程,帮助学生真正认识和掌握C语言程序设计的原理、方法和工具,同时阐述如何运用"工学结合、项目导向、任务驱动"做好C语言程序设计教学改革。  相似文献   

本文讨论了C++课程的设置方法与定位,从"通识教育"、高职生学习风格特点、C/C++的普及化等不同视角,分析了台湾地区高职教材《C/C++程序设计》的三个编写特色:基础性、范例性和通俗化。  相似文献   


卢晓雷 《个人电脑》2004,10(8):30-31
激光打印和LED打印是当今数码打印领域的两大核心技术.二者的不同之处在于光扫描成像过程。目前.普通激光打印技术的光扫描成像过程是将全部数据信号串行传送给一个光发射装置,然后发射出的光线经旋转的多棱镜反射后再成像于感光鼓上。类似于激光打印技术,LED技术的光扫描成像方式则是采用了密集LED阵列为光发射器,数据电信号经LED转化为光信号.并照射到感  相似文献   

N. H. Gehani 《Software》1992,22(10):827-848
C does not have exception handling facilities. Errors are handled by examining the value returned by each function and signals (conditions reported to the program) are handled by using library functions. These approaches lead to ad hoc error-handling techniques and can make programs hard to understand. Exceptional C, a superset of C, provides exception handling facilities. Exceptional C integrates the two techniques used by C programmers (i.e., status values and signals) to handle errors into one unified exception handling mechanism. In this paper, I review exception handling models, specify the criteria used for designing the exception handling facilities in Exceptional C, and then describe these facilities. I also illustrate the use of the exception handling facilities with examples.  相似文献   

As software systems become increasingly massive, the advantages of automated transformation tools are clearly evident. These tools allow the machine to both reason about and manipulate high-level source code. They enable off-loading of mundane and laborious programming tasks from human developer to machine, thereby reducing cost and development time frames.Although there has been much work in software transformation, there still exist many hurdles in realizing this technology in a commercial domain. From our own experience, there are two significant problems that must be addressed before transformation technology can be usefully applied in a commercial setting. These are: (1) Avoiding disruption of the style (i.e., layout and commenting) of source code and the introduction of any undesired modifications that can occur as a side effect of the transformation process. (2) Correct automated handling of C preprocessing and the presentation of a semantically correct view of the program during transformation. Many existing automated transformation tools require source to be manually modified so that preprocessing constructs can be parsed. The real semantic of the program remains obscured resulting in the need for complicated analysis during transformation. Many systems also resort to pretty printing to generate transformed programs, which inherently disrupts coding style. In this paper we describe our own C/C++ transformation system, Proteus, that addresses both these issues. It has been tested on millions of lines of commercial C/C++ code and has been shown to meet the stringent criteria laid out by Lucent’s own software developers.  相似文献   

As software systems become increasingly massive, the advantages of automated transformation tools are clearly evident. These tools allow the machine to both reason about and manipulate high-level source code. They enable off-loading of mundane and laborious programming tasks from human developer to machine, thereby reducing cost and development timeframes.Although there has been much academic work in software transformation, there still exists many hurdles in realising this technology in a commercial domain. From our own experience, there are two significant problems that must be addressed before transformation technology can be usefully applied in a commercial setting. These are: 1.) avoiding disruption of style (i.e. layout and commenting) and the introduction of any undesired modifications which occur as a side effect of the transformation process. 2.) correct handling of C preprocessing and the presentation of a semantically correct view of the program during transformation. Many existing automated transformation tools inherently disrupt style through the use of pretty printing and the need to perform preprocessing before any transformation. Some also require source to be modified so that it conforms to a subset of the grammar. In this paper we describe our own C/C++ transformation system, Proteus, that is able to meet the stringent criteria laid out by Lucent's own software developers.  相似文献   

预处理在C/C 中发挥着重要作用,然而这些预处理功能存在着一些缺陷,例如在头文件包含进来时,无法改变头文件中的内容;代码的重用性不高;大量重复代码等等。本文提出用一种高级配置语言XVCL(XML-basedVariantConfigura-tionLanguage)代替原来的预处理机制,来克服以上提出的问题。文件被组织为树形结构,并定义了利于提高重用性的变量作用域机制。文章通过一个实例来验证本文提出的方法的有效性。  相似文献   

伴随着互联网的发展,电子商务逐渐进入我们的经济生活中。作为网络经济的产物,电子商务企业与传统企业在竞争优势上存在巨大差异。面对着日益激烈的竞争,电子商务企业如何保持核心竞争力优势对企业的生存尤为重要。本文聚焦于C2C领域,并以淘宝网为例,尝试从企业核心竞争力的角度诠释电子商务企业与传统企业竞争优势的差异和竞争力培养的着力点。  相似文献   

通常的C/C 预处理器是一个宏处理器,在编译前自动地把源文件转换为编译器可识别的形式。传统的预处理方法基于文本行替换,没有考虑到具体的上下文环境。这种预处理机制在文件包含、宏作用域、头文件关系上存在着一些缺陷,会影响工程项目代码重用,降低程序的可维护性、可扩展性等。通过从分析c预处理器缺陷出发,并利用FOG[1]及其语言可以得到一种基于元变量和元函数的语法替换机制的解决方案。  相似文献   

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