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开源软件中结构复杂度的度量方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对大型开源软件的复杂性,提出一种基于随机图和结构熵的开源软件结构复杂度的度量方法。将开源软件中的软件包抽象成点,将软件包之间的依赖关系抽象成有向边,建立随机图,并引入结构熵的概念。结合随机图的特性和结构熵度量开源软件的耦合度和内聚度。利用该方法进行实例分析,结果表明,随着开源软件按版本发展,软件耦合度和内聚度不断增长。  相似文献   

梁冠宇  武延军  吴敬征  赵琛 《软件学报》2020,31(10):3056-3073
软件可靠性是软件工程领域中的研究热点之一,故障率分析是软件可靠性的典型研究方法.然而,软件构建模式已从单体模式演进到以开源软件为代表的规模化协作模式,操作系统作为代表性产物之一,所含开源软件之间通过组合关系和依赖关系,形成了一个包含上万节点的供应关系网络.典型方法缺乏对供应关系的考量,无法准确识别和评估因此而引入的软件可靠性问题.把供应链概念体系拓展到开源软件领域,提出一种基于知识的面向开源协作模式下软件供应可靠性的管理方法:面向开源软件生态进行本体设计,构建开源软件知识图谱,实现知识的提取、存储和管理,以知识为驱动,结合传统的供应链管理方法,提出一组面向开源软件供应链的可靠性管理方法,构成一套开源软件供应链管理系统.实验以Linux操作系统发行版的构建为例,展示了开源软件供应链对操作系统可靠性的支撑能力.结果表明,开源软件供应链将有助于理清和评估大型复杂系统软件的可靠性风险.  相似文献   

当前,开源已经成为软件开发的重要模式之一。由于开源开发模式具有代码来源多样、依赖关系复杂等特点,使得开源软件面临代码漏洞风险、供应链攻击风险、知识产权风险、可持续维护风险等供应链安全问题,且问题呈现出快速增长态势。本文基于对开源软件供应链中的安全风险分析,提出从开源软件安全漏洞检测、软件成分分析、许可证冲突检测、开源生态可持续治理四个方面进行安全治理的方法,指出构建安全软件供应链面临依赖关系复杂、结构脆弱等挑战,对软件成分分析、供应链构建等未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

研究银河麒麟操作系统的软件包构建系统,针对该系统存在的负载不均、可用性差等不足,实现基于总体可用系统资源的负载均衡调度算法,优化系统的调度策略。实验结果证明,该算法可明显提高构建系统的资源利用率,加强系统性能,增强系统的可用性和高效性,并生成操作系统发行版本。  相似文献   

白云  喻莉  谢长生 《计算机科学》2013,40(Z11):8-12
基于在Linux各发行版本中广泛支持的Bash脚本语言,设计并实现了一个轻量级构建系统,用以管理构建过程中的各种复杂性要素,从而在多个不同硬件平台上实现嵌入式Linux图形界面操作系统的深度定制。通过该系统的独特设计和简洁实现,全新的轻量级构建系统具有对环境依赖度小、深度定制更为便捷、持续开发更为灵活高效等特点。  相似文献   

随着软件版本的快速迭代,软件代码的规模迅速扩大,软件设计与质量问题已引起了IT领域的广泛关注。利用复杂网络理论研究软件系统的整体性质已经成为解决这些问题的一种重要方法。将软件源码依赖关系表征为网络,借助复杂网络方法,可以更深入地了解代码宏观层面的结构组成并掌握整体演化趋势,有助于开发者优化整体架构,使软件更稳定、性能更好。Tomcat是一种开源的主流Java EE应用服务器,已经在工业界得到了广泛的应用。基于复杂网络方法,通过研究Tomcat的21个历史版本,发现这些版本的类依赖关系网络满足小世界网络性质和无标度网络性质;同时深度分析了其中9个版本的演化过程,发现Tomcat具有优先连接倾向,因而能一直保持软件的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

构建最小Linux安全操作系统是安全领域中一个关键性的问题。本文分析了Linux操作系统裁剪的基本原理,并将REMUS操作系统安全增强模型集成到内核中,从而构建了最小Linux安全操作系统,为定制Linux系统及以此为平台的应用开发提供了一个有价值的参考。  相似文献   

据统计.目前Linux的发行版本至少有386种之多。这个数据反应出有大量的开发小组都志在推出自己的Linux发行版。他们为这个开源的操作系统,添加了各式各样的开源软件,都在竭力将其妆点为功能齐全的操作系统。但在Linux世界里.除了大名鼎鼎的Red Hat,Suse和Debian.其它大多数都名不见经传。  相似文献   

大型自由和开源软件进化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑巍 《计算机工程与设计》2008,29(11):2821-2823
大型自由和开源软件的各种版本源代码和相关开发信息是软件工程研究者研究开源软件项目的重要数据源.归纳开源软件项目的数据源及数据收集方法,给出Linux、FreeBSD操作系统内核的软件进化的分析方法和相关分析结果.重点分析了系统和主要子系统的复杂性进化趋势及推动进化主要原因,提出了快速测算大型开源软件复杂性的方法.得出系统目前以超线性方式进化,而进化的主要推动力是适应系统硬件资源的进化.  相似文献   

4月中旬,Microsoft公司将用于其Windows NT4. 0工作站和基于服务器操作系统的服务软件包第四版的一个β版本交付给了有限用户进行测试。该服务软件包增加的最新增强功能包括2000年日期问题修复、软件更新以及一些新的工具。Microsoft公司通常在一定的时间后通过发布服务软件包来更新其已安装的软件。据Microsoft公司的官  相似文献   

实现SOPC的嵌入式软硬件协同设计平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对基于FPGA的SOPC软硬件协同设计方法进行了研究,在此基础上,详细设计了系统硬件平台,并对硬件平台的硬件系统进行了定制.本平台满足了从硬件系统定制,到操作系统配置均可以按照设计需求进行定制的特点.  相似文献   

基于TLA的SaaS业务流程定制及验证机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
SaaS模式已成为当前流行的软件服务形式.为满足不同租户个性化的业务服务需求,SaaS模式必须提供灵活的定制机制.为此,提出了一个支持租户业务流程定制行为建模及验证的框架.该框架以层次定制行为约束图作为定制指导,通过TLA(Temporal Logic of Actions)对各层的原子定制活动建模,并以此为基础构建租户的全局定制行为,然后基于应用的业务规则约束设计算法验证全局定制行为的正确性;为有效提高租户的定制效率,基于对多租户已有正确定制结果的统计分析,设计定制推荐算法,合理减少验证次数.仿真实验结果证实了该机制的高效性及可靠性.  相似文献   

Communication services that provide enhanced Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees related to dependability and real time are important for many applications in distributed systems. This paper presents real-time dependable (RTD) channels, a communication-oriented abstraction that can be configured to meet the QoS requirements of a variety of distributed applications. This customization ability is based on using CactusRT, a system that supports the construction of middleware services out of software modules called micro-protocols. Each micro-protocol implements a different semantic property or property variant and interacts with other micro-protocols using an event-driven model supported by the CactusRT runtime system. In addition to RTD channels CactusRT and its implementation are described. This prototype executes on a cluster of Pentium PCs running the OpenGroup/RI MK 7.3 Mach real-time operating system and CORDS, a system for building network protocols based on the x-kernel  相似文献   

一种面向产品线的特征依赖建模方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
罗代忠  赵文耘 《计算机应用》2008,28(9):2349-2352
特征依赖建模是描述特征间相互约束的模型,是软件产品线开发中的一项关键活动。引入了特征局部依赖和全局依赖关系,在对特征依赖关系分析的基础上,提出了一种特征依赖建模方法,该方法不仅支持分解、泛化等特征局部依赖描述,还支持配置依赖、运行依赖和影响依赖等全局依赖建模。通过一个空调控制系统的产品线特征依赖建模实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) packages developed by ERP vendors are designed not only to standardize the existing business processes of the implementing organization, but also to bring in some of the best practices of the industry. There are many past studies on the assessment of the efficiency of standard ERP projects; however, to date no research has been conducted to assess the efficiency of ERP packages from the point of view of customization. Assessing the efficiency of customized ERP packages is vital for benchmarking best customization practices. In this study we examine the efficiency of customized ERP packages using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). We also examine the relationship between the degree of customization of ERP packages and their efficiency. Data was collected from an IT vendor who had deployed ERP package in 12 educational institutions. The results suggest that customization adversely affects the efficiency of ERP packages. We also discuss the implications of the results for research and practice.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of operating system failures on an IBM 3081 running VM/SP. We find three broad categories of software failures: error handling (ERH), program control or logic (CTL), and hardware related (HS); it is found that more than 25 percent of software failures occur in the hardware/software interface. Measurements show that results on software reliability cannot be considered representative unless the system workload is taken into account. For example, it is shown that the risk of a software failure increases in a nonlinear fashion with the amount of interactive processing, as measured by parameters such as the paging rate and the amount of overhead (operating system CPU time). The overall CPU execution rate, although measured to be close to 100 percent most of the time, is not found to correlate strongly with the occurrence of failures. The paper discusses possible reasons for the observed workload failure dependency based on detailed investigations of the failure data.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been significant advances in modeling technology for object-oriented building products. However, the building models are still lacking of providing construction-specific spatial information required for construction planning. Consequently, construction planners visually analyze building product models and derive geometric characteristics such as bounded spaces and exterior perimeter to develop detailed construction plans. Such a process presents fragmented information flows, from building product information to construction planning, that rely on subjective decisions of construction planners. In order to overcome these drawbacks, this research proposes a geometric reasoning system that analyzes geometric information in building designs, derives the construction-specific spatial information, and uses the information to assist in construction planning. The scope of presented work includes detecting work packages formed by faces during construction, such as large work faces and bounded spaces, and using information in the work packages directly to support planning of selected indoor construction activities. The main features of the proposed system named Construction Spatial Information Reasoner (CSIR) include a set of relationship acquisition algorithms, building component relationship data structure, and interpretation of the relationship to support detailed construction activity planning. The relationship acquisition algorithms identify adjacency between building components that is stored in the relational data structure. Then, acquired adjacency relationships are transformed into a set of graphs that represent work packages. To implement the proposed approach, CSIR utilized a commercially-available Building Information Modeling (BIM) platform and the algorithms were imbedded to the BIM platform. For validation, CSIR was tested on a real commercial building. For interior ceiling grid installation activities, CSIR successfully detected existing work packages and analyzed the spatial characteristics impacting construction productivity. The major contribution of the presented research would be to enable a realistic analysis of building geometric condition that is not possible in current BIM and a seamless information flow from building product information to construction process plans. These can potentially reduce current manual and error-prone construction planning processes. Limitations and future research suggestions are also presented.  相似文献   

针对现有裙装个性化定制中消费者直接参与程度不足和缺乏专业设计指导的问题,提出了一种融合普通消费者、专业设计师和生产厂的应用模式和系统架构,可作为三者进行有关裙装设计和定制领域的信息交互、商务洽谈和交易服务的应用系统。该模式采用基于深度学习的方法对消费者的个性化需求进行分析,给出消费者的个性化需求推荐方案,同时消费者通过个性化定制实现参与裙装设计和定制。在该模式基础上,设计了裙装个性化定制系统,该系统能够实现裙装个性化推荐、裙装个性化定制以及裙装专业设计,有效解决了裙装个性化定制问题。  相似文献   

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