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一种软件体系结构设计决策的建模工具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体系结构设计在整个软件生命周期中起到关键作用,而设计知识的蒸发会导致系统演化花费代价高、涉众之间交流出现障碍、体系结构制品的复用受到限制等问题,为此需要在软件体系结构层次对设计决策进行显式化的建模.基于一种以决策为中心的体系结构设计方法,实现了一个软件体系结构设计决策的建模工具.该工具帮助架构师对体系结构设计中的问题、方案、决策、理由等核心概念进行建模,完成从需求到体系结构的设计过程,并实现了自动化的候选体系结构方案的合成和部分设计理由的捕捉.该工具还提供了体系结构设计模型与设计决策之间的相互追踪性,以及帮助实现体系结构设计过程中设计决策知识的复用.  相似文献   

提出虚拟企业产品设计过程融合的思想以及面向虚拟企业的设计过程融合与设计活动集成体系结构,该体系结构在任务分解与资源匹配、过程融合、设计任务执行以及对象与版本管理四个层次上捕捉设计过程中内在的动态特性。基于设计过程动态建模描述虚拟企业环境下过程融合设计流模型,支持虚拟企业环境下敏捷设计流管理,统一组织和管理设计过程、活动及其资源,实现虚拟企业环境下产品设计过程分析、优化与动态重构。  相似文献   

为了更好地引导和启发设计者的思考,提出设计决策脉络概念.设计决策脉络是舍去设计试错过程并呈现设计主体思维因果关系发展路径的设计理性知识模型抽象表达.基于细粒度设计理性知识模型,提出设计决策脉络挖掘方法.该方法基于商空间理论对设计理性知识模型进行约简,构建分层递阶设计决策脉络模型,以支持设计者从不同粒度水平分析设计问题;通过改进的流形排序算法实现模型的语义约简,删除与设计主题相关度较低的知识片段以获取核心设计思考过程.最后通过构建原型系统,验证了文中方法是有效的.  相似文献   

以实现油田开发战略规划网络化、信息化以及管理科学化为目标,提出了利用数据仓库技术建立计算机支持的油田开发战略规划决策智能系统,阐述了系统的结构设计、数据仓库系统的体系结构及实现方法.运用数据仓库技术和网络通信技术,针对整个油田开发规划工作的各个环节,研究和开发了以强大的油田开发规划数据仓库为支撑,可满足不同层次和部门的油田开发管理及技术人员决策需求的智能支持系统,以实现科学化决策.  相似文献   

合同战斗计算机辅助决策系统的体系结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统体系结构是计算机辅助决策系统设计中需要首先解决的问题之一,对系统的开发具有重要的指导意义.针对合同战斗领域的需求特点,以计算机辅助决策的概念为基础,运用系统分析方法,首先从整体结构上确定了辅助决策系统是作战指挥信息系统中的重要组成部分,分析了各部分之间的关系和具有的功能.在此基础上确定了合同战斗计算机辅助决策系统的总体结构,给出了直接支持指挥人员决策活动的情况分析子系统、方案评估子系统和计划推演子系统的基本结构.  相似文献   

在复杂、开放、不确定的环境中,决策者都面临着对行动方案进行论证与选择的难题.基于辩论的决策支持技术是近年来出现的不同于传统辅助决策理论的新方法,它使用论据辅助决策制定和解释决策的理由.首先总结分析了当前基于价值辩论框架的决策支持模型存在的不足与缺陷,提出了论据分类的思想,然后根据该思想设计了ArguDecision辩论...  相似文献   

在复杂、开放、不确定的环境中,决策者都面临着对行动方案进行论证与选择的难题.基于辩论的决策支持技术是近年来出现的不同于传统辅助决策理论的新方法,它使用论据辅助决策制定和解释决策的理由.首先总结分析了当前基于价值辩论框架的决策支持模型存在的不足与缺陷,提出了论据分类的思想,然后根据该思想设计了Ar-guDecision辩...  相似文献   

讨论了产品协同设计对智能决策支持的需求,给出一个基于智能决策支持的协同设计系统体系结构模型,并重点分析了协同设计任务模型的分类与重构机制,提出了一个采用贪心法和相似匹配算法相结合的任务重构机制来求解模型的方法。  相似文献   

群决策监督模糊模式识别模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从模糊模式识别概念出发,以群决策成员的经验、偏好为监督,建立一种全体决策成员对所有方案集的全体级别加权广义欧氏权距离平方和最小为目标函数的非线性规划模型.利用该模型可以在确定目标指标和决策人权重的同时确定决策方案相对优属度.为群决策支持系统研究提供了一种新的途径.  相似文献   

基于阈值的案例决策方法及其在创新设计中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王清赵勇  饶从军 《控制与决策》2010,25(10):1562-1566
通过分析案例决策(CBDT)的经验理性,提出了可用于创新设计的案例决策方法,首先分析偏好反转的内在机理,指出CBDT中的案例对决策结果存在的潜在影响;然后提出一种判别无关案例和启发性案例的方法以及基于阈值的案例决策方法;最后通过摩托车发动机的产品创新设计的心用案例,说明了所提出方法的决策步骤.该方法与案例推理(CBR)方法相比,对于创新设计具有更好的实用价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

ContextIn recent years, architectural design decisions are becoming more and more common for documenting software architectures. Rather than describing the structure of software systems, architectural decisions capture the design rationale and – often reusable – architectural knowledge. Many approaches and tools have been proposed in the literature to support architectural decision making and documentation (for instance, based on models, ontologies, or templates). In this context, the capturing, organization, and effective reuse of architectural knowledge has gained a lot of attention.ObjectiveHowever, there is little empirical evidence about the supportive effect of reusable architectural knowledge on the effectiveness and efficiency of architectural decision making.MethodTo investigate these aspects, we conducted two separate controlled experiments with software architecture students in which we tested the supportive effect of reusable decision models in decision making and documentation.ResultsOur results show that the use of reusable decision models can significantly increase both the efficiency and the effectiveness of novice architects.ConclusionWe can report, that our findings are in line with similar studies and support the claims regarding reusable architectural design decisions in principle.  相似文献   

张纯  张敬周 《计算机工程》2010,36(13):62-64
目前的架构设计决策隐含于最终架构制品中,导致了涉众交流困难、演化代价高、难以复用等问题。针对上述问题,通过分析架构设计决策的属性及决策制定过程,提出一种描述设计决策与其他外部元素之间关系的元模型,在此基础上设计一个结合编码化和人际化的管理策略的架构设计决策管理工具,实现对设计决策的显式编档、管理和复用。  相似文献   

Software architecture documentation helps people in understanding the software architecture of a system. In practice, software architectures are often documented after the fact, i.e. they are maintained or created after most of the design decisions have been made and implemented. To keep the architecture documentation up-to-date an architect needs to recover and describe these decisions.This paper presents ADDRA, an approach an architect can use for recovering architectural design decisions after the fact. ADDRA uses architectural deltas to provide the architect with clues about these design decisions. This allows the architect to systematically recover and document relevant architectural design decisions. The recovered architectural design decisions improve the documentation of the architecture, which increases traceability, communication, and general understanding of a system.  相似文献   

Support for capturing architectural knowledge has been identified as an important research challenge. As the basis for an approach to recovering design decisions and capturing their rationale, we performed an expert survey in practice to gain insights into the different kinds, influence factors, and sources for design decisions and also into how they are currently captured in practice. The survey was conducted with 25 software architects, software team leads, and senior developers from 22 different companies in 10 different countries with more than 13 years of experience in software development on average. The survey confirms earlier work by other authors on design decision classification and influence factors, and also identifies additional kinds of decisions and influence factors not mentioned in previous work. In addition, we gained insight into the practice of capturing, the relative importance of different decisions and influence factors, and into potential sources for recovering decisions.  相似文献   

We are interested in information management for decision support applications, especially those that monitor distributed, heterogeneous databases to assess time-critical decisions. Users of such applications can easily be overwhelmed with data that may change rapidly, may conflict, and may be redundant. Developers are faced with a dilemma: either filter out most information and risk excluding critical items, or gather possibly irrelevant or redundant information, and overwhelm the decision maker. This paper describes a solution to this dilemma called decision-centric information monitoring (DCIM). First, we observe that decision support systems should monitor only information that can potentially change some decision. We present an architecture for DCIM that meets the requirements implied by this observation. We describe techniques for identifying the highest value information to monitor and techniques for monitoring that information despite autonomy, distribution, and heterogeneity of data sources. Finally, we present lessons learned from building LOOKOUT, which is to our knowledge the first implementation of a top-to-bottom system performing decision-centric information monitoring.  相似文献   

Social robotics poses tough challenges to software designers who are required to take care of difficult architectural drivers like acceptability, trust of robots as well as to guarantee that robots establish a personalized interaction with their users. Moreover, in this context recurrent software design issues such as ensuring interoperability, improving reusability and customizability of software components also arise. Designing and implementing social robotic software architectures is a time-intensive activity requiring multi-disciplinary expertise: this makes it difficult to rapidly develop, customize, and personalize robotic solutions. These challenges may be mitigated at design time by choosing certain architectural styles, implementing specific architectural patterns and using particular technologies. Leveraging on our experience in the MARIO project, in this paper we propose a series of principles that social robots may benefit from. These principles lay also the foundations for the design of a reference software architecture for social robots. The goal of this work is twofold: (i) Establishing a reference architecture whose components are unambiguously characterized by an ontology thus allowing to easily reuse them in order to implement and personalize social robots; (ii) Introducing a series of standardized software components for social robots architecture (mostly relying on ontologies and semantic technologies) to enhance interoperability, to improve explainability, and to favor rapid prototyping.  相似文献   

Architectural design decisions (ADDs) have been used in recent years for capturing design rationale and documenting architectural knowledge (AK). However, various architectural design views still provide the most common means for describing and communicating architectural design. The evolution of software systems requires that both ADDs and architectural design views are documented and maintained, which is a tedious and time-consuming task in the long run. Also, in lack of a systematic and automated support for bridging between ADDs and architectural design views, decisions and designs tend to become inconsistent over time. In our proposal, we introduce a reusable AK transformation language for supporting the automated transformation of reusable AK knowledge to component-and-connector models, the architectural design view used most commonly today. In addition, reusable consistency checking rules verify the consistency between decisions and designs. We evaluate our approach in an industrial case study and show that it offers high reusability, provides automation, and can, in principle, deal with large numbers of recurring decisions.  相似文献   

A decision view provides a useful complement to the traditional sets of architectural views and viewpoints. It gives an explanatory perspective that illuminates the reasoning process itself and not solely its results. The decision view documents aspects of the architecture that are hard to reverse-engineer from the software itself and that are often left tacit. The decision view and the decisions that it captures embody high-level architectural knowledge that can be transferred to other practitioners and merged when systems are merged, and they offer useful support for maintaining large, long-lived software-intensive systems. This article leads readers through a succession of epiphanies: from design to architecture, then architecture representation to architecture design methods, and finally to architectural design decisions.  相似文献   

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