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Under SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture), composite service is formed by aggregating multiple component services together in a given workflow. One key criterion of this research topic is QoS composition. Most work on service composition mainly focuses on the algorithms about how to compose services according to assumed QoS, without considering where the required QoS comes from and the selection of user preferred composition algorithm among those with different computational cost and di?erent selection resu...  相似文献   

Web services run in a highly dynamic environment, as a result, the QoS of which will change relatively frequently. In order to make the composite service adapt to such dynamic property of Web services, we propose a self-healing approach for web service composition. Such an approach is an integration of backing up in selection and reselecting in execution. In order to make the composite service heal itself as quickly as possible and minimize the number of reselections, a way of performance prediction is proposed in this paper. On this basis, the self-healing approach is presented including framework, the triggering algorithm of the reselection and the reliability model of the service. Experiments show that the proposed solutions have better performance in supporting the self-healing Web service composition. This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 60773218.  相似文献   

QoS supported MAC mechanism is a key issue for supporting QoS in wireless ad hoc networks. A new backoff algorithm, named RWBO+BEB, was proposed previ- ously to decrease the packet collision probability significantly. In this paper, it is explored how to make RWBO+BEB support service differentiation in wireless ad hoc networks, and a novel proportional service differentiation algorithm, named p-RWBO, is proposed to allocate the wireless bandwidth according to the band- width ratio of each station. In p-RWBO, station n's walking probability (Pw,n) is selected according to its allocated bandwidth ratio. An analytical model is proposed to analyze how to choose Pw, n according to the bandwidth ratios of station n. The simulation results indicate that p-RWBO can differentiate services in terms of both bandwidth and delay.  相似文献   

动态Web服务合成中的服务选择算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了提高服务合成效率并更好的适应动态变化的应用环境,提出了基于流程修改的服务合成方案,使得复合服务的执行与服务发现过程并行化。提出了基于QoS属性的服务选择算法,该算法能够实现服务执行时选择服务,在考虑综合QoS信息及时间因素的基础上,通过不断更新用户需求来进行服务选择,提高了服务合成效率。实验结果表明,该选择算法可以获得满足用户需求且最优的服务,很好的保证了服务的可靠执行。  相似文献   

Services composition technology provides a promising way to create new services in services-oriented architecture. However, some challenges are hindering the application of services composition. One of the major challenges encountered by composite services developer is how to effectively select a set of services across different autonomous regions (e.g., organization or business) to instantiate a composite service which can satisfy user’s QoS constraints. To solve QoS-aware Web service composition problem, this paper proposes a global optimization selection (GOS) approach based on prediction mechanism for QoS values of local services. The GOS includes two parts. First, the local preprocessing service selection algorithm can be used to increase composite services performance in run-time by predicting the change of service quality parameters. Second, GOS aims at enhancing the run-time performance of global selection by reducing QoS aggregation operations. The simulation results show that the GOS has excellent selection and lower execution cost than existing approaches.  相似文献   

Mobile device is an important interactive platform. Due to the limitation of computation, memory, display area and energy, how to realize the efficient and real-time interaction of 3D models based on mobile devices is an important research topic. Considering features of mobile devices, this paper adopts remote rendering mode and point models, and then, proposes a transmission and rendering approach that could interact in real time. First, improved simplification algorithm based on MLS and display resolution of mobile devices is proposed. Then, a hierarchy selection of point models and a QoS transmission control strategy are given based on interest area of operator, interest degree of object in the virtual environment and rendering error. They can save the energy consumption. Finally, the rendering and interaction of point models are completed on mobile devices. The experiments show that our method is efficient. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60873159), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (Grant No. NCET-07-0039), the National High-Tech Research & Development Progrom of China (Grant No. 2006AA01Z333)  相似文献   

In service oriented scenarios, applications are created by composing atomic services and exposing the resulting added value logic as a service. When several alternative service providers are available for composition, quality of service (QoS) properties such as execution time, cost, or availability are taken into account to make the choice, leading to the creation of QoS-aware composite web services. Finding the set of service providers that result in the best QoS is a NP-hard optimization problem. This paper presents QoS-Gasp, a metaheuristic algorithm for performing QoS-aware web service composition at runtime. QoS-Gasp is an hybrid approach that combines GRASP with Path Relinking. For the evaluation of our approach we compared it with related metaheuristic algorithms found in the literature. Experiments show that when results must be available in seconds, QoS-Gasp improves the results of previous proposals up to 40%. Beside this, QoS-Gasp found better solutions than any of the compared techniques in a 92% of the runs when results must be available in 100 ms; i.e., it provides compositions with a better QoS, implying cost savings, increased availability and reduced execution times for the end-user.  相似文献   

作为Web服务的非功能性属性,Qo S在服务选择与服务组合中扮演着重要角色。由于一些Qo S属性值会随着用户情景属性的变化而动态变化,因此在做服务选择或服务组合之前先对Web服务的Qo S做预测是非常必要的。该文提出运用数据挖掘技术挖掘服务组合执行日志,研究服务Qo S和用户情景间的关联关系,根据得到的关联规则对不同用户做个性化服务预测。实验结果表明我们的方法非常有研究价值。  相似文献   

In the next few decades, it is expected that web services will proliferate, many web services will offer the same services, and the clients will demand more value added and informative services rather than those offered by single, isolated web services. As the result, the problem of synthesizing web services of high quality will be raised as a prominent issue. The clients will face the trouble of choosing or creating composition plans, among numerous possible plans, that satisfy their quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. Typical QoS properties associated with a web service are the execution cost and time, availability, successful execution rate, reputation, and usage frequency. In engineering perspective, generating the composition plan that fulfills a client’s QoS requirement is a time-consuming optimization problem. To resolve the problem in a timely manner, we propose a constraint satisfaction based web service composition algorithm that combines tabu search and simulated annealing meta-heuristics. As an implementation framework of the algorithm, we suggest a QoS-oriented web service composition planning architecture. The architecture maintains expert made composition schemas in a service category and assists the client as pure user to choose the one he/she wants to use. The main modules of the architecture are composition broker and execution plan optimizer. With the aid of the UDDI server, the composition broker discovers candidate outsourced web services for each atomic process of the selected schema and gathers QoS information on the web services. After that, the execution plan optimizer runs the web service composition algorithm in order to generate a QoS-oriented composition plan. The performance of the algorithm was tested in a simulated environment.  相似文献   

基于组合服务执行信息的服务选取方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
组合服务选取问题是服务计算领域的一个研究热点问题,已往的选取方法大多基于难以准确获取的服务QoS信息,且算法思路复杂.文中提出了一种基于组合服务执行信息的服务选取方法.该方法分为3个阶段:数据生成阶段、数据挖掘阶段和服务选取阶段,分别进行组合服务执行信息的记载和相关数据集的生成、路径分支关联规则和服务执行顺序序列模式的挖掘以及基于挖掘产生的知识模式进行服务选取.文中首先给出一种可以方便记载日志的服务组合系统架构;然后提出一种基于时间加权的算法模型,以有效地进行路径分支关联规则和顺序序列模式的挖掘;最后对文中的组合服务选取方法进行描述.实验结果表明:文中方法在选取出的组合服务健壮性方面要优于基于QoS的方法.  相似文献   

随着服务计算、云计算技术的迅速发展,具有相同或相似功能但服务质量(QoS)不同的可用服务已大规模部署在互联网上。如何从这些海量Web服务中为服务组合选择令人满意的服务成了一个重要的研究问题,其选择方法是影响组合服务的QoS 和服务组合性能高低的关键因素。为了解决该问题,研究者们已开发了许多服务选择方法以帮助用户选择合适的服务。针对近五年基于QoS的Web服务选择方法的新进展进行了综述。归纳了包括运用Skyline计算、协同过滤、优化算法、多属性决策支持理论和混合方法等一些典型的服务选择方法,讨论了各方法的优势和局限性,并根据当前研究现状,探讨了该领域的发展趋势和未来研究方向和挑战。  相似文献   

The execution of composite Web services with WS-BPEL relies on externally autonomous Web services. This implies the need to constantly monitor the running behavior of the involved parties. Moreover, monitoring the execution of composite Web services for particular patterns is critical to enhance the reliability of the processes. In this paper, we propose an aspect-oriented framework as a solution to provide monitoring and recovery support for composite Web services. In particular, this framework includes 1) a stateful aspect based template, where history-based pointcut specifies patterns of interest cannot be violated within a range, while advice specifies the associated recovery action; 2) a tool support for runtime monitoring and recovery based on aspect-oriented execution environment. Our experiments indicate that the proposed monitoring approach incurs minimal overhead and is efficient. This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 60673112, 90718033, the National Basic Research 973 Program of China under Grant No. 2009CB320704, and the High-Tech Research and Development 863 Program of China under Grand Nos. 2006AA01Z19B, 2007AA010301.  相似文献   

The success of the Internet is largely ascribable to the packet-switching scheme, which, however, also presents major challenges. Having identified three missing links in the current Internet architecture based on our long-term experiences of designing and operating large-scale backbones, we put forward a new, but incrementally deployable, network scheme—address switching. The address switching has both the advantages of packet switching and circuit switching; it supplies the missing links in the current Internet architecture and can reform the Internet traffic. Our analysis, protocol design and experiments indicate that the address switching can greatly improve the quality of service (QoS), security and routing scalability of today’s Internet. So it can provide flexible, high-performance and “per-service” networking for the scientific research communities. Moreover, it can provide a fairer and more sustainable business model for the commodity Internet. Supported by the China Next Generation Internet Project (Grant No. CNGI-04-13-2T), and the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 041710001)  相似文献   

Web服务是云计算中资源调用的有效方式。单一Web服务功能往往有限,只能完成特定任务。服务组合则可以将多种Web服务形成有效的调用序列,实现更为强大的功能。服务发布量以及服务请求量的迅速激增带来了新的安全问题。首先,现有的服务组合方案均以服务质量(QoS)为依据进行Web服务选择,但服务质量通常由服务发布者提供,存在服务发布者发布虚假QoS值诱骗用户的欺诈现象;其次,传统的服务组合方案只生成一条最优路径,当恶意请求持续访问时,会造成某服务节点瘫痪,甚至整个服务组合系统失效。因此,针对服务质量恶意欺诈的问题,文章提出一种可信的QoS计算模型,根据Web服务发布者的信用综合评估服务质量;针对单一最优路径无法满足大量请求的问题,文章提出一种路径发现和负载均衡的多路径方法。仿真结果表明,文章提出的方法不仅能提高服务组合的成功率,满足用户的需求,而且能找到更多的服务组合方案执行。  相似文献   

为每个服务节点选择一个服务实例,形成在满足全局QoS限制的条件下,具有综合QoS最优的执行计划是服务选择的关键问题.本文分析了优化目标,提出了基于自适应变异遗传算法(self-Adaptive Mutation Genetic Algorithm,AMGA)求解服务选择的组合优化问题.在算法中,适应度函数设计采用对执行计划聚合QoS属性值与约束条件的偏差量作为惩罚约束,变异算子设计采用对服务实例的优良程度自适应的变异概率,提高了基因改良的效率,并引入指数衰减函数保证了算法的收敛性.实验结果表明,基于AMGA算法的服务选择策略比现有基于其它遗传算法的策略能够获得更优的解.  相似文献   

王思臣  涂辉  张以文 《计算机应用》2018,38(10):2753-2758
针对不确定服务质量(QoS)感知的云服务组合优化问题的求解,提出一种不定长时间序列(ULST)模型和锦标赛策略的改进遗传算法(T-GA)。首先,基于用户对服务不同时间段的访问规律,将服务质量的长期变化构建为不定长时间序列模型,该模型能够准确地描述一段时间内用户对服务的真实QoS访问记录。其次,提出一种基于不确定QoS模型的改进遗传算法,该算法采用锦标赛选择策略代替基本遗传算法中的轮盘赌选择策略。最后,在真实数据上进行了大量实验,所提的不定长时间序列模型能够有效地解决不确定QoS感知云服务组合问题,而锦标赛策略的改进遗传算法在寻优结果和稳定性方面均优于基于精英选择策略的遗传算法(E-GA)算法,且运行速度提高近1倍,是可行、高效且稳定的算法。  相似文献   

Recent advancements in cloud computing (CC) technologies signified that several distinct web services are presently developed and exist at the cloud data centre. Currently, web service composition gains maximum attention among researchers due to its significance in real-time applications. Quality of Service (QoS) aware service composition concerned regarding the election of candidate services with the maximization of the whole QoS. But these models have failed to handle the uncertainties of QoS. The resulting QoS of composite service identified by the clients become unstable and subject to risks of failing composition by end-users. On the other hand, trip planning is an essential technique in supporting digital map services. It aims to determine a set of location based services (LBS) which cover all client intended activities quantified in the query. But the available web service composition solutions do not consider the complicated spatio-temporal features. For resolving this issue, this study develops a new hybridization of the firefly optimization algorithm with fuzzy logic based web service composition model (F3L-WSCM) in a cloud environment for location awareness. The presented F3L-WSCM model involves a discovery module which enables the client to provide a query related to trip planning such as flight booking, hotels, car rentals, etc. At the next stage, the firefly algorithm is applied to generate composition plans to minimize the number of composition plans. Followed by, the fuzzy subtractive clustering (FSC) will select the best composition plan from the available composite plans. Besides, the presented F3L-WSCM model involves four input QoS parameters namely service cost, service availability, service response time, and user rating. An extensive experimental analysis takes place on CloudSim tool and exhibit the superior performance of the presented F3L-WSCM model in terms of accuracy, execution time, and efficiency.  相似文献   

Web services are new forms of Internet software that can be universally deployed and invoked using standard protocols. Services from different providers can be integrated into a composite service regardless of their locations, platforms, and/or execution speeds to implement complex business processes and transactions. In this paper, we study the end-to-end QoS issues of composite services by utilizing a QoS broker that is responsible for selecting and coordinating the individual service component. We design the service selection algorithms used by QoS brokers to construct the optimal composite service. The objective of the algorithms is to maximize the user-defined utility function value while meeting the end-to-end delay constraint. We propose two solution approaches to the service selection problem: the combinatorial approach, by modeling the problem as the Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem (MCKP), and the graph approach, by modeling the problem as the constrained shortest path problem in the graph theory. We study efficient solutions for each approach.This research was supported in part by NSF CCR-9901697.  相似文献   

谷南南  姚佩阳  焦志强 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(11):3302-3306,3311
大规模服务组合是一种通过将不同领域的大量服务按照一定的流程组合起来以满足用户需求的策略。然而,在当今的服务数量巨大并且种类颇多,外加用户需求日益复杂的情况下,快速生成一个满足用户要求的最佳QoS的复合服务是一项值得研究的问题。对此提出了以MapReduce模型为基础的引导变异进化算法(MR-GMEA),该算法能够更好地适用于当前大规模服务组合的主观与客观需求并且可以缩短执行时间,此外其中引入的skyline算子在开始阶段剔除了大量冗余服务从而提高了效率。最后通过仿真验证,证明了该方法的可行性与优越性。  相似文献   

This paper presents the definition of multi-dimensional scalability of the Internet architecture, and puts forward a mathematical method to evaluate Internet scalability based on a variety of constraints. Then, the method is employed to study the Internet scalability problem in performance, scale and service scalability. Based on the examples, theoretical analysis and experimental simulation are conducted to address the scalability issue. The results show that the proposed definition and evaluation method of multi-dimensional Internet scalability can effectively evaluate the scalability of the Internet in every aspect, thus providing rational suggestions and methods for evaluation of the next generation Internet architecture.  相似文献   

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